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Is Thailand deepening ties with Russia at the expense of the US?


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I think some people in current power positions forget the past and are willing to throw away 50+ years of close relationship with the U.S. due to personal feelings and not being accepted. Short term gain but long term loss I think .... History does not always show this country making good decisions so it is nothing new.

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Is Thailand deepening ties with Russia at the expense of the US?

As an intelligent informed American expat with 10 years in Thailand my answer is I certainly hope so. Would one rather be tied to a sociopathic psychotic warmongering govt that sends storm trooper terrorists all over the world murdering innocent civilians and destroying whole countries looking for faux terrorist (ISIS is funded, trained, armed, staffed and deployed by US CIA NATO) in the name of "humanitarian genocide" or tied to a country and govt leader that despite having been surrounded by US missile bases and all the psychological and physical prodding they have received from the psychotic US govt has held their cool and not been goaded into a nuclear war ... Also a little off thread but some have commented about the coming US POTUS elections. The best POTUS for Thailand and the world would have been the intelligent honorable honest peace loving Ron Paul but the political criminal US duopoly of the demoRATS and rePUGlicans crushed him using money and their manipulative MSM tool. The best person still in the running for POTUS would be Bernie Sanders but neither he nor Trump will be allowed to become POTUS. Both would be better than the next POTUS to be Killery Billery. She's as evil as the day is long. If you think Obama Bush and other past POTUS were bad wait till you see what she has in store for the world. But she is the puppet pick of TPTB and no matter who the village idiot sheeple vote for she will be POTUS. If you think the US POTUS election is honest you have a lot to learn. Once Killery Billery has her fat a** in the oval office the USA will complete its dive into a police state oligarchy and then "they" will start crushing the world if POTUS Killery Billery doesn't start a world wide nuclear holocaust first ... it all depends what TPTB (her puppet masters) have in mind for the world ... better start practicing grabbing your ankles

Informed? 55555

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Funny stuff. Well it seems that Russia and China have

governmental ideology that is closer to the current

government in Thailand, so I guess it makes sense

on one level.......cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Yep, more dictature(s) than democracy.

Internet is more censured in thailand than in china (see iternet about censured countries). Thailand is No 1 !!! Must use TOR to access foreign news. Bravo No1 !!

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"...at the expense of the US?".

The expense is to the US negligible, considering the temporary nature of things. The debt, which is more of a concern, will be owed to the Chinese or Russians, depending on how big the bed and who gets in and out first.

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Is Thailand deepening ties with Russia at the expense of the US?

As an intelligent informed American expat with 10 years in Thailand my answer is I certainly hope so. Would one rather be tied to a sociopathic psychotic warmongering govt that sends storm trooper terrorists all over the world murdering innocent civilians and destroying whole countries looking for faux terrorist (ISIS is funded, trained, armed, staffed and deployed by US CIA NATO) in the name of "humanitarian genocide" or tied to a country and govt leader that despite having been surrounded by US missile bases and all the psychological and physical prodding they have received from the psychotic US govt has held their cool and not been goaded into a nuclear war ... Also a little off thread but some have commented about the coming US POTUS elections. The best POTUS for Thailand and the world would have been the intelligent honorable honest peace loving Ron Paul but the political criminal US duopoly of the demoRATS and rePUGlicans crushed him using money and their manipulative MSM tool. The best person still in the running for POTUS would be Bernie Sanders but neither he nor Trump will be allowed to become POTUS. Both would be better than the next POTUS to be Killery Billery. She's as evil as the day is long. If you think Obama Bush and other past POTUS were bad wait till you see what she has in store for the world. But she is the puppet pick of TPTB and no matter who the village idiot sheeple vote for she will be POTUS. If you think the US POTUS election is honest you have a lot to learn. Once Killery Billery has her fat a** in the oval office the USA will complete its dive into a police state oligarchy and then "they" will start crushing the world if POTUS Killery Billery doesn't start a world wide nuclear holocaust first ... it all depends what TPTB (her puppet masters) have in mind for the world ... better start practicing grabbing your ankles

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The Thai government, like me, might be concerned about the direction in which the US is heading. The thought of Donald Duck, sorry 'Trump' even being considered for President makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise. I believe he would be the world's greatest risk to peace, firing rockets and dropping bombs all over the place in the name of American 'democracy' and the American Way.

You are absolutely right, that is a real risk to the US and World peace for sure. I am in disbelief that although this fact is well publicized and there are countless views on this the American people are letting it happen.

Let's hope it will go away soon,

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I'm sure military and other ties with the Russians will strengthen under the Junta for the obvious reasons set out by several.

Oddly what is not mentioned are the very strong US ties among many senior members of the Thai military notably but not exclusively the Prem faction.This suggests that the Thais will take care in conformity with tradition to keep all options open.

Edited by jayboy
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Is Thailand deepening ties with Russia at the expense of the US?

As an intelligent informed American expat with 10 years in Thailand my answer is I certainly hope so. Would one rather be tied to a sociopathic psychotic warmongering govt that sends storm trooper terrorists all over the world murdering innocent civilians and destroying whole countries looking for faux terrorist (ISIS is funded, trained, armed, staffed and deployed by US CIA NATO) in the name of "humanitarian genocide" or tied to a country and govt leader that despite having been surrounded by US missile bases and all the psychological and physical prodding they have received from the psychotic US govt has held their cool and not been goaded into a nuclear war ... Also a little off thread but some have commented about the coming US POTUS elections. The best POTUS for Thailand and the world would have been the intelligent honorable honest peace loving Ron Paul but the political criminal US duopoly of the demoRATS and rePUGlicans crushed him using money and their manipulative MSM tool. The best person still in the running for POTUS would be Bernie Sanders but neither he nor Trump will be allowed to become POTUS. Both would be better than the next POTUS to be Killery Billery. She's as evil as the day is long. If you think Obama Bush and other past POTUS were bad wait till you see what she has in store for the world. But she is the puppet pick of TPTB and no matter who the village idiot sheeple vote for she will be POTUS. If you think the US POTUS election is honest you have a lot to learn. Once Killery Billery has her fat a** in the oval office the USA will complete its dive into a police state oligarchy and then "they" will start crushing the world if POTUS Killery Billery doesn't start a world wide nuclear holocaust first ... it all depends what TPTB (her puppet masters) have in mind for the world ... better start practicing grabbing your ankles

Goodness me!

An absolute classic post!

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While I do not like Russian politics nor Putin

I can understand Thailand's reaction as USA seems to be trying to reinstall the Shin gangs and calling them democratic

to be honest they did win all elections they did run in even against the HiSo that still runs the country.

doesnt mean they did a good job but thats not required from a democratic government ;-)

Edited by inaktive
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Anyone with any understanding of Thai history would recognize this as a continuation of the strategy that kept Thailand from being colonized in the 16th-20th centuries. Some might say that Thailand was deprived of the benefits of colonization, few though they may be: trains on time, a deep and organized system of laws, education, to name most...

Playing would be colonizers against one another for extraction of benefits, against disingenuous promises of concessions, and flitting like a butterfly between them is not much different from the current courting of China for its railroad-building ability, Russia for its trade possibilities, and the US for defense and markets. The danger is in flying too close to any of them, and getting snatched up.

If the government was stable, and supported by the populace, they might get away with it in these more modern times, but it is not, and IMHO, runs a major risk from China. There are no statesmen equal to the task so deftly handled by the early members of the Chakri Dynasty, in present-day Siam...

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