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self defense at home


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Buy a G700 tactical flashlight which has a strobe and use it to blind the intruder and a baseball bat to take knee caps out and disarm, then call the police.

The police might be a long wait so make sure there is plenty of beer in the fridge.

Who is the beer for?

The intruder? The cops or yourself? tongue.png

I like the idea of dogs that allow the intruder to enter the premises, but won't allow them to leave. My friend had a rottweiler that did that and it actually worked once. After that , he was told to put a big sign "Beware the dog" on the gate.

And why do you want the intruder to come inside.. why not just have the dog not let him enter.. you want to punish him or what ?

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Try a big dog or bunch of dogs... anytime, most of time, whenever, a farang will get the short stick of a self defensive issue..

Dogs make a bunch of noise and are a first level distracter...

Good luck.

Yeah, like a full blood pure black German Shepherd. I've had two. Scares the sh*t out of anybody. Not to mention they are very protective.
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Gun toting American here. 20 gage with number 3 buckshot. Strong enough to neutralize an indoor threat, but the buckshot will not travel through walls or to your Neighbours house. If it does get through a wall it's pretty harmless afterward. If you don't have Neighbours or other people in different rooms in your house, then toss some slugs or anti personel copper discs. I don't know the rules on shotguns in Thailand, but that is your safest bet for firearms. Then Practice Silat and Krav Maga.

Edited by Hiyaall
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I'm not ex-special forces or know how to use a bow and arrow like you...

I'll stick to the pit bulls, CCTV...and the Glock.

Thanks for your concern.

Special Forces do not inherently have a greater point of view then you do.

People who are uncertain, lack knowledge, or not capable should not use weapons.

I'll stick to a glock, cctv, and bang kaews, (and having the home not appear soft) also.


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I will disarm any intruder with my rapier wit. I'd like a cricket bat, go for a century on some ones head. Also a yank, and it is so tiresome to continually read US bashings.... far more likely to get in pointless brawl (and Thai passerbys often like to get a boot in) and/or shot in Thailand than USA.

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I was in the special forces in germany and that is the reason i never will have a gun in my house. as soon the trigger is pulled it's none of your business anymore and a bullet flies as made for purpose over kilometers.

honestly, some pair of shoes in front of the door works wonder when you are not at home. That is my main fear or paranoia as i would hate it when my house getting raided and i am not present.

What is kept in your house that makes you so paranoid? A hoard of Nazi gold maybe? Treasures missing from the Amber Room? The Holy Grail? The United States gold reserves?

Everyone has fears about being victims of crimes, but don`t you not think that you sound a little weird?

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Im of the opinion that some people are paranoid and probably american. Obsessed with weapons and killing intruders.

(sane Americans excluded)

Yes, the sane thing is to brew coffee for the intruder(s) while he/they rape and murder your family. Anything else is insane and racist.

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Im of the opinion that some people are paranoid and probably american. Obsessed with weapons and killing intruders.

(sane Americans excluded)

Yes, the sane thing is to brew coffee for the intruder(s) while he/they rape and murder your family. Anything else is insane and racist.

I don`t want to get into a rights and wrongs of carrying firearms debate, but the film Death wish comes into mind, a total paranoia where there are muggers on every street corner, hiding within the shadows with burglars and rapists queuing up to break into every home and I think many Americans really believe that. Using deadly weapons to help secure a home is not a solution to the problem, it can only escalate the threat of violence and end up in a bloody mess if not careful.

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Rather a silly OP. Suggesting a gun isn't as good as a bow and arrow.

Talking about size of turf and then mentioning it is good at 100 yds.

I expect 95% of the time just the sight of the gun would do the job for you.

If you have a Thai wife there will always be shoes on your step...... and as I have both bikes and truck one will always be parked there.

I think a panic button alarm and a baseball bat works for an unarmed burglar.....possibly some PIR detection too.

Biggest fear is being held at gunpoint and just told to hand it over and reveal PINs. Ensure your cards have withdrawal limits.

Edited by jacko45k
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I am in and out of thailand soo many years and times moving around at any day of the day or at night in bangkok any area no problem...never been threatened mostly be helped never been bullied only been smiled at....conclude : I feel save here ...MUCH more than in any europaen city incl my hometown....change attitude = change reality...mind matters all...

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Im of the opinion that some people are paranoid and probably american. Obsessed with weapons and killing intruders.

(sane Americans excluded)

Yes, the sane thing is to brew coffee for the intruder(s) while he/they rape and murder your family. Anything else is insane and racist.

Just look at gun deaths / rapes / murders in the Netherlands with good gun control and then look at the US the laughingstock of the civilized world (on gun control). Fact is legal guns get stolen, lost and such and end up at the wrong hands so having loads of guns available will always lead to more gun crime. There is an arms race going on in the US between criminals and normal people and that is what causing all those extra deaths. In countries with gun control you don't have this arms race and far less deaths.

Most intruders in the Netherlands actually just want to break in steal and get out.. they are not there to rape and murder anyone. Maybe its an American thing to want rape and murder when breaking in.. I don't know but in a normal world they just want to get in and out as fast as possible.

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Investing in spiked fences, steel gates, good locks and cameras is the first defense. If you drive through a neighborhood and see security measures like that in place (like in my neighborhood) you can believe they are there for a reason. My landlord has a camera system and has shown me several different instances of guys creeping around her various properties after 4 AM. 2 of them were scouting my bike on the single night I forgot to close the gate. I pay a little extra for my place but I am surrounded by masonry walls, barbed wire and spiked iron all tastefully hidden behind palm trees. I have one friend whose home was broken into 3 times (while he was sleeping) before he got dogs which solved his problem. I have another friend who lives near me and brags about his low rent, no security, no dogs. It's a matter of time before he gets a wake up call. And the next day I will get a call from him asking if there is availability in my compound. Think of security as a prevention not a reaction. This way I never have to reach for my compound bow like the OP Robin Hood.

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When a gunman realises there are no threats he does not have to shoot everyone. Statistics don't lie the US has the most guns and gun crimes the Netherlands and other European countries do not. Who do you think is right.

Legal guns end up in the hand of criminals.. if there are no legal guns then criminals will have less guns too. So you wont have simple burglars with guns. Its unheard of in my country to have a burglar with a gun. Im sure in the US its a common thing.

Logic.. something lost on gunfreaks.

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Understand that we all live in different settings. We have mild steel bar guards on windows. They won't deter a serious criminal but they stop theft by convenience. Solid doors. Couple of dogs. We're in small country village, most likely thief would be a local who knows our routine. As for weapons, as all Issan households there are probably 4 machetes laying around the kitchen. Take precautions before you become a victim. Easy to be carefree until you're a target. A crossbow seems a little odd. How about a bucket of rocks. Just joking...sort of.

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Do you people really live with so much fear and paranoia?

I wouldn't say it's paranoia to be prepared for a worst case scenario. It may be very unlikely that you have to defend yourself at home, but it really doesn't cost much to get some kind of protection, so why not?

I have been a driver for over 20 years and have never once been in an accident where I have needed my seat belt. I still fasten it every time I drive, doesn't make me paranoid.

Frankly, anyone who doesn't have some kind of weapon at home (golf club, baseball bat etc) is a fool.

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Try a big dog or bunch of dogs... anytime, most of time, whenever, a farang will get the short stick of a self defensive issue..

Dogs make a bunch of noise and are a first level distracter...

Good luck.

If it was legal I would rent you my dog. He is a big German Shepard and does not bark. People can come into the property but if he doesnt know them they will get to experience his teeth

And then you will be left paying all the hospital bills of the intruder

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I have 3 fire extinguishers (2x powder, 1x foam) and this is much more useful as all others. If you got a powder shot in your face you will be happy if you can breath again. But you are blind. 555

And it help for fire also!!! Extinguisher%20maintenance.png

I like that, good for drunks etc wandering into business premises for a female proprietor alone. Which substance is more disabling?

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People who are uncertain, lack knowledge, or not capable should not use weapons.

Guns exist to kill villains stronger or more numerous than one's self.

Unlike bows and arrows, nunchaku, and many other weapons, little training is needed. Basically, with a revolver, you just point and squeeze, you know.

A child can use them. Praise God!


Guns aren't just for tough guys anymore.

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