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Deputy PM urges public to refrain from protesting against draft constitution


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Deputy PM urges public to refrain from protesting against draft constitution

BANGKOK, 23 February 2016 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister Tanasak Patimapragorn has said that the constitution drafting process is the responsibility of all, urging the public to refrain from protesting its provisions.

Gen Tanasak has invited everyone to submit their suggestions to the Constitution Drafting Commission instead of holding demonstrations. He said that if all sides adhere to the guidelines of the reform roadmap, then the country will be able to move forward.

In addition, the Deputy Prime Minister spoke regarding a planned rally of monks in front of Sanam Luang to pressure the government, saying that the country will not be able to progress if its people do not know their duties.

-- NNT 2016-02-23 footer_n.gif

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"Deputy Prime Minister Tanasak Patimapragorn has said that the constitution drafting process is the responsibility of all, urging the public to refrain from protesting its provisions"

But the Thai people are not even allowed to debate it, even in the media without the fear of being sent for re-education. Even before the proposed vote on this constitution, it is becoming a farce and whatever the outcome of the vote, I fear it will not be accepted by the Thai people and it is all going to end in tears.

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".. the country will not be able to progress if its people do not know their duties."

I.E, accept that you will be shafted by the good ol' boys in perpetuity, or else....

It's a shame we're not living in a free country or I could have linked to an article in The Economist called "Twentieth Time Lucky?", but as it deals with forbidden subjects I cannot. It really sums up the situation in Thailand nicely and it ends with the following sentence, which by now is pretty obvious:

".....no end of conspiracy theories posit what a scheming junta intends to do next. Yet the debacle surrounding the constitution may hint at something more worrying still: that Thailand’s self-chosen leaders have no real strategy at all."

Edited by MZurf
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if all sides adhere to the guidelines of the reform roadmap, then the country will be able to move forward.


if the Thai people adhere to the NCPO gudielines of the reform roadmap, then the military will be able to move forward.

The military understands the limits of Thais sovereignty - now it's time Thais understand as well. It becomes very unproductive for the military to constantly have to reset the rights and liberties of the Thai people.

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Has he just said trust us and do as we say ?

Nuh, I think it's closer to the old saying by Sledge Hammer:

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing". blink.png

Reminds me of how Sledge came to a disastrous end. His famous last words when it was suggested that he shouldn't try and disarm a nuclear bomb were the immortal "trust me, I know what I'm doing". Immediately followed by a nuclear explosion.

Yeah, that's a bit like Thailand politics at the moment. coffee1.gif

Edited by Gsxrnz
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This crowd never cease to amaze , veiled threats, always veiled threats of some kind or another, Thailand is so out of step with the real world that you really have to take these threats seriously , as this mob would if pushed disappear their dear old granny.......................................coffee1.gif

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Has he just said trust us and do as we say ?

Nuh, I think it's closer to the old saying by Sledge Hammer:

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing". blink.png

Reminds me of how Sledge came to a disastrous end. His famous last words when it was suggested that he shouldn't try and disarm a nuclear bomb were the immortal "trust me, I know what I'm doing". Immediately followed by a nuclear explosion.

Yeah, that's a bit like Thailand politics at the moment. coffee1.gif

I'm curious. Who is Sledge?

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