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Man 'strangles' girlfriend's cat after his phone calls were ignored


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OMG, in a country with so many Hello Kitty Fans.....I better not tell you what I did with my wife's cat....

PM me, I'll tell you what I did with about 10 of the feral beasts from my place, that cat got off lightly! (Some of the wild Thai cats are absolutely disgusting creatures, like their street dogs, they need to be culled) - However, I must say that the cat in the photo at least looked half decent and maybe didn't deserve what it got, however, it is still alive and has 8 more lives to get it through to Nirvana , probably needs some grief counselling, maybe the guy and the cat can sit down with a psychiatrist and work out their problems?

Nothing worse than Pussy problems, causes all sorts of trouble, just remember Mrs. Slocombes pussy back in the '80's

I'm really sorry to hear of your "Pussy Problems." Have you tried to clean it up using some good old mouthwash? laugh.png

But don't mix it up with Naam prick, please. smile.png

Edited by lostinisaan
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This pathetic excuse of a man is a powder keg waiting go off against a human being, and most likely a woman.

Far too many studies show direct links between the abuse of animals and future violence against people. Researchers have found that about 50% of women entering domestic violence shelters reported that their partners also abused or killed the family pet.

Sadly, we'll hear more from this man but it will be too late. But in the interim and at the very least, glad to see the three cats were removed from his possession.

That's interesting. I remember watching the Richard Kuklinkski HBO interviews and I recall him saying before he murdered someone for the 1st time he killed some stray cats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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