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Denied US Tourist Visa: Report

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whistling.gif Maybe not exactly pertaining to the original topic.

But just for history, i was married to a Vietnamese woman in 1971 in what was then Saigon.

i also adopted a Vietnamese orphan girl. Took over 3 years to get all the documents (lots of bribes paid).

In November 1974 I filed all the paperwork for their visas to the U.S.

In February 1975 i was told my wife's visa would be ready in April 1975.

I was working in the U.S. at the time.

My adopted daughter's visa was suppossed to be ready for pickup in Saigon in May 1975, my wife elected to stay in Saigon until my daughter's visa was ready in May.

Apparently both my wife and my 4 year old adopted daughter were killed outside the U.S. embessy in Saigon in April 1975.

The last time I ever saw either of them was when i filed all the paperwork in Saigon in November 1974.

As i said....just so you know.

This is NOT a troll or B---hit story.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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As expected (see previous post) my GF was denied is the same rude fashion as the OP's wife. Basically interviewer never looked at her, just asked where she was going. She said NY and the interviewer threw her passport at her with the refusal notice, said "Mai dai" and spun his chair around. She was so stunned she couldn't speak. She sent an email to the embassy visa service and inquired why the "failure to provide intent to return to Thailand" document was given to her when the interviewer refused to speak or look at any documents. The email was replied to saying the same thing as the notice. Anyway....my gf's sister decided to give it a go. She has an office job but no BF, no money, no kids, no reason to return to Thailand and only gave the reason for going to the US as "traveling with a friend" and.....wait for it......YES she was approved. The interviewer again only looked at his computer and only asked "Why are you going and with who". I am of the opinion now that the only thing the US embassy cares about is intent to marry a foreigner while in the US. If I could do it all again I would have left my info completely off the application. My GF will try again next year and give the reason as "traveling with her sister". We all know she will be denied again because the previous computer record lasts forever and she will then be labeled a liar and even her email requesting clarification was added to her record. Point of this post? If you have a GF (not married) and want to take her to the States, have her apply as single. If she is denied she always add you later but if she first applies as having a US BF she can't eliminate you from previous applications. Maybe I should just take my GF's sister with me when I go back. They are almost twins wink.png Good luck to those of you applying and keep posting as this info is sparse and dated.

Sorry your GF had the same unpleasant experience as mine. And I think you're onto something with the "apply as single" theory...

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