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Judge inches toward subpoenas in Clinton email server case


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The inching continues. So does the itching. The headscratching to make something of nothing.

The judge inches toward subpoenas. Not indictments, subpoenas. Not a prosecutor, subpoenas. Not a grand jury, subpoenas. Inch, inch, inch. Inchings.

Justice is slow which in this instance suits the right perfectly. The wheels turn slowly, which is grand for the right and its mass of highly financed media.

Inch by inch to election day Nov 8th. Then in absolutely desperate leaps and bounds between election day and inauguration day January 20th 2017.

As inches become miles. Many miles. So much mileage.

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From today:


March 01, 2016, 06:16 pm
FBI director: I am closely involved with Clinton email investigation
By Harper Neidig
Francis Rivera
FBI Director James Comey told Congress on Tuesday that he is closely involved in the agency's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of State.
Comey was being questioned by the House Judiciary Committee in a hearing that was intended to address the battle over Apple's encryption practices. But Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) switched gears during the questioning to press Comey on the progress into the email investigation.
“A few weeks back, the FBI’s general counsel James Baker acknowledged the the FBI is, quote, working on matters related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, end quote," Chabot said to Comey.
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One thing we can always count on. When a Clinton falls under suspicion, it is never the fault of the Clinton, but rather of the one that is suspicious.

She is currently undergoing four separate federal investigations.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General is investigating her illegal use of classified documents. Her campaign has called the IG biased against her.

The State Department IG is investigating her for several things. Her campaign has called the IG biased against her.

The Benghazi Select Committee ia investigating her for her actions concerning Benghazi. Her response?

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Finally the FBI is investigating her for possible criminal violations. She has, wisely, kept both her mouth and her campaign silent so far.

From today's news.


Clinton chief attacks State Dept. watchdog
By Amie Parnes
03/01/16 06:00 AM EST
John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, says there are “serious questions” about the integrity of the State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG).
The OIG is locked in an increasingly contentious fight with Clinton’s campaign on a host of issues, including her use of a private email account during her time as secretary of State.
It has also reportedly subpoenaed the Clinton Foundation for documents related to charity projects and is investigating close Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s work as a “special government consultant” while she worked at State.
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One does certainly hope the FBI director is involved and well informed in all of the Bureau's work load and its progress. One expects the AG is also.

However the highly financed mass of rightwhinge media and some other media and die hards are not. The Treyghazi committee and Ken Starr with his blank check on the taxpayer were equally unable or corrupt.

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Does it seem like the sky is falling around her ears?


DOJ grants immunity to ex-Clinton staffer who set up email server
By Evan Perez, CNN Justice Reporter
Updated 0253 GMT (1053 HKT) March 3, 2016
Washington (CNN)
Bryan Pagliano, a former Clinton staffer who help set up her private email server, has accepted an immunity offer from the FBI and the Justice Department to provide an interview to investigators, a U.S. law enforcement official told CNN Wednesday.
The FBI has been asking for Pagliano's cooperation for months as dozens of investigators pored over thousands of Clinton emails in a secure room on the fourth floor of FBI headquarters.
The probe shifted into a new phase recently as investigators completed the review of the emails, working with intelligence agencies and the State Department to determine whether they were classified.
Edited by chuckd
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One can hear the right wing humming.

The Treyghazi committee passed on granting immunity to Mr. Pagliano who'd invoked the 5th Amendment before the congressional inquisition last fall and declined to produce documents to the Republican controlled body. As noted additionally in the link below, once the congress maximus grants immunity, prosecution by the executive branch is effectively precluded.

So here's a fact or two about the decision by Pagliano to accept immunity by the DoJ....

With respect to Pagliano, however, this would hardly seem to be a serious issue. Unlike Lerner, he is not a senior or central figure in the investigation. The chances of his facing any kind of criminal jeopardy for setting up a private e-mail server (which by definition had to have occurred before any classified e-mails were sent through that server) would seem extremely remote. (emphasis added)


Congress has also ignored committee chairman R Sen Charles Grassley of Iowa trying to create a separate "independent" inquiry concerning the emails. Can't get it together on that one either.


The rightwing superpatriot IG's and intelligence bureaucracies are stonewalling a FOIA filing to reveal their contact with Republican senators, Charles Grassley of Iowa first and foremost. The top assistant to the DepState IG is a former Grassley Republican staffer in the Senate.

Correct The Record today demanded that the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the State Department complete a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request CTR sent over four weeks ago for the emails of Deputy Inspector General Emilia DiSanto. CTR also echoed calls for DiSanto to recuse herself from matters related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after it was reported in The Hill that a whistleblower from within the OIG said the office had become increasingly partisan and had an “anti-Clinton” bias. Specifically, it was revealed that Deputy Inspector General DiSanto was working with an “active partisan mandate to undermine both the State Department…and Secretary Clinton.”

“Yesterday’s new allegations of bias have cast serious doubt on the impartiality of the OIG, who is responsible for independently overseeing the State Department,” said Brad Woodhouse President of Correct The Record.

“In light of these troubling revelations, the OIG should immediately adhere to our FOIA request and release all of Emilia DiSanto’s emails. Additionally, DiSanto should recuse herself from handling any matters related to Hillary Clinton.”

DiSanto is a former aide to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and has previously been accused of leaking information and documents about Clinton aide Huma Abedin.


There is also this most recently....

John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, says there are “serious questions” about the integrity of the State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG).

A source within the OIG contacted The Hill claiming that the office has grown increasingly partisan, accusing it of having an “anti-Clinton” bias.

Told by The Hill about the remarks, Podesta described the source as a “whistleblower” whose comments called into question the integrity of the OIG investigations.

“This person’s account is highly troubling, and is cause to ask serious questions about the independence of this office,” Podesta said of the source.


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Read any of the international press media about Super Tuesday and about Trump?

Haha, you should, what a load of political correct bull. From China to Bolivia.

Problem is both democrats and republicans have butter on the head. You might expect alot of wrong from the democrats as they are not trying to break lethal Hilly down.

Look what the republican party now wants to do (longer time presumably). Openly being against Trump!! Yes, of course, The elite is in both parties and beware my friends.

many say Trump is going to ruin America and damage the international order. Hahaha, what international order; disorder I believe and democracy everywhere on it's return. Again, what a load of bull. Look at what has happened sofar. Everything has to be destroyed first to finally being able to realise the New World Order.

Go to bed y'all, sleep well, there is nothing to worry about. That's what the government said to their Dutch citizens and shortly after were smashed by Hitler's blitzkrieg.

Cheers, I'll have another one.

Edited by hugocnx
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