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'NO SMOKING, NO INDIA': Casual racism in Thailand


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Why don't you answer a simple question instead of riding your pc high horse?

Here it is again>

how would you like to have a your property rented to someone who cooks a pot of curry every day or has 15 people living there?

And in case you think this is a tale, I experienced the "tale" already, and so did several others I know.

Me (from my horse, not sure of the breed so can't say if it's a PC or not. Apologies for that)

I responded to some of your post and missed the puerile question.

You can lay down conditions regarding the number you allow in a property and standards of cleanliness. The condo building I live in lays down conditions about smoking and other odours from cooking. However they lay down flat conditions based on communal living.

They are not based upon racist generalisations.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I needed to keep an apt in Bkk. The unit next to mine had an Indian guy move in. Within 3 days six of them were living there. They would scream at each other at such levels it was impossible to sleep. I went over and they all aplogized and smiled and then right back at it. I went back, same thing. The next morning the manager chucked them out. Said his wife had let the guy move in when he was out. He said he would never allow them to move in.

The thing is they were screaming at each other and they were not mad. This is normal for many of them. The third time I told them if I came back one would go out the window. The fourth time when I knocked and rushed in and told one of them to pick whose going out the window they panicked. One guy told me his father was very rich. I went to pick him up first. I almost laughed when I looked at all the other guys cowered in total panic. Not one of them tried to help the guy about to go out the window.I wouldnt have done it. I just wanted to make a point.

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Why don't you answer a simple question instead of riding your pc high horse?

Here it is again>

how would you like to have a your property rented to someone who cooks a pot of curry every day or has 15 people living there?

And in case you think this is a tale, I experienced the "tale" already, and so did several others I know.

Me (from my horse, not sure of the breed so can't say if it's a PC or not. Apologies for that)

I responded to some of your post and missed the puerile question.

You can lay down conditions regarding the number you allow in a property and standards of cleanliness. The condo building I live in lays down conditions about smoking and other odours from cooking. However they lay down flat conditions based on communal living.

They are not based upon racist generalisations.

Ok thanks for the answer.

One more question please. If they don't adhere to those "laid down" conditions, which happens with a certain group of people more than with others, how do you get them removed from your property?

Think carefully before you answer, because court would be the wrong choice.

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The way I look at it, it's my Condo and I set the ground rules, .....

So, if that's what that owner's preference is, that's fine by me....

It is called discrimination and is illegal in most countries.

You cannot profile candidacy using race, gender or sexual orientation.

In Europe you ll end fined or even in jail for such comment written down.

Following the reasons we could also say : no women, no kids, no gay, no HIV positive...

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Why don't you answer a simple question instead of riding your pc high horse?

Here it is again>

how would you like to have a your property rented to someone who cooks a pot of curry every day or has 15 people living there?

And in case you think this is a tale, I experienced the "tale" already, and so did several others I know.

Me (from my horse, not sure of the breed so can't say if it's a PC or not. Apologies for that)

I responded to some of your post and missed the puerile question.

You can lay down conditions regarding the number you allow in a property and standards of cleanliness. The condo building I live in lays down conditions about smoking and other odours from cooking. However they lay down flat conditions based on communal living.

They are not based upon racist generalisations.

Ok thanks for the answer.

One more question please. If they don't adhere to those "laid down" conditions, which happens with a certain group of people more than with others, how do you get them removed from your property?

Think carefully before you answer, because court would be the wrong choice.

which happens with a certain group of people more than with others

You mean : morons?

I read plenty of their stuff on TV

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The condo owner is probably turning down Indians as tenants due to the potential problem of lingering smells from cooking curries, similar to the lingering smell of smokers.

No intention of any racism.

And yet...

Food smell is racism now?

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The condo owner is probably turning down Indians as tenants due to the potential problem of lingering smells from cooking curries, similar to the lingering smell of smokers.

No intention of any racism.

Having lived and worked in India and also with many Indian acquaintances, friends and colleagues in the UK and Middle East, I can understand this.

Indians can have a somewhat arrogant nature especially when paying for something. The attitude will be " we've paid rent so we can treat it how we want". It's a strange attitude to Westerners, but Indians will almost go out of there way to treat it badly just to prove that point. They will not take the slightest care.

Hotels can also often have issues with how Indians leave rooms and also that they suddenly find the room occupied by several extra "guests".

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The way I look at it, it's my Condo and I set the ground rules, .....

So, if that's what that owner's preference is, that's fine by me....

It is called discrimination and is illegal in most countries.

You cannot profile candidacy using race, gender or sexual orientation.

In Europe you ll end fined or even in jail for such comment written down.

Following the reasons we could also say : no women, no kids, no gay, no HIV positive...

You could not advertise with stated discrimination (not sure about children) but you as a landlord are not obliged to accept any tenancy application.

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The condo owner is probably turning down Indians as tenants due to the potential problem of lingering smells from cooking curries, similar to the lingering smell of smokers.

No intention of any racism.

And yet...

Food smell is racism now?

Nope. But racist generalisations of a nation is.

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What about all of the Japanese only condos in Bkk? There are Japanese only clubs as well.

I hate when people try to paste a racist label on just one group such as they are doing to the Thais in this report.

Yes, the Thais are racist. But they are not near as racist as some people, such as the Japanese. I don't see too many Thai only venues around the country.

The fact is, it is human nature to fear what is different (for good or for bad), unfortunately this leads to racism in EVERY culture on Earth.

Racism and hatred is not just a Thai or white issue. The Blacks hate the whites and the Koreans in the US for example but it is just not PC to say it.

It is just much easier to say the white man is prejudice or racist against the blacks. There are probably far more predominantly black areas in the US where it would be dangerous for a white man to walk, then there are predominantly white areas where it would be dangerous for a black man to walk. But if a white man is attacked in a predominantly black area and is killed it is not called a hate crime, just another crime. The reverse would not be the same.

Until racism, and the hatred fuelled by it is recognized as a global, human issue and not just an emotion or culture felt or practices by only specific groups against another innocent group, then the real issue will never be addressed.

EVERY race of people on the planet are racist or prejudice against others.

"Only white people are racists and that also dictates that no one can be racist against a white person"

That sums it pretty much up how a lot people in the world think... and i can't use the correct words for people like that as i would then be banned.

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I can understand why some Thai's may get put off by the fact that some Indian people do not like to use deodorant. But, that is about it. The vast majority of Indians possess intelligence and creativity and business acumen that most Thais can only dream about having. They are so superior on so many levels, it is almost unfathomable. Indians have been winning Nobel Peace prizes for almost as long as that institution has been in existence, perhaps starting with the brilliant poet Rabindranath Tagore, back in 1913. Then C.V. Raman in 1930 for his cutting edge Physics discoveries. The Amartya Sen in 1998 for his study of economics, and then Kailash Satharthi for his promotion of peace initiatives and the rights of children to have an education. They you have a world class film industry, that creates more films each year than Hollywood. They have a world class tradition of literature, poetry, and culture. Indians have accomplished so much, in such a relatively short period of time, in the fields of Math, Science, Medicine, Technology, etc. The Indian nation has contributed so many brilliant scientists, and doctors to the world at large. How many of those brilliant minds who are improving the world come from Thailand? How many? India was one of the richest countries in the world until the Dutch, and then the British started plundering the country for four centuries, reducing it to one of the poorest countries in the world. That was not of their own making. Their educational system was one of the best in the world, before the British systematically dismantled it over the course of a century, in an effort to dumb down the population. The fact that they have not only been able to recover, but to become one of the world's largest economies, and intellectually productive nations, says alot. There is no yardstick by which the Thai people can even begin to compare themselves to the Indian people, who are vastly superior on so many levels. The same could be said about the Chinese people, especially when it comes to what they have accomplished in terms of productivity and education. Both the Chinese and the Indian educational standards are so much higher, and both nations realize the value of education and put alot of resources into improving it, unlike the Thais, who have failed dismally, when it comes to education their people. Also, both nations overseas, her tutors to make sure their children are outstanding, when it comes to being a student. How many Thais take education that seriously? The Indian nation and it's people have accomplished so much more, and been able to contribute to the world on a level the Thai people could not even consider, nor dream about. This tremendous lack of accomplishment on the world stage, should make any Thai person quite full of humility. But, due to blind nationalism, they can be quite the opposite. Arrogance is not always a bad thing, when it is backed up with substance. But, arrogance when it is not based on anything except political dribble, hyperbole, and false nationalism, is meaningless and an impediment to personal growth. Any Thai landlord should consider themselves honored to have an Indian tenant. Maybe, they could even learn something from them.

The level of ignorance that would lead to a statement like this, about not renting to Indians just boggles the mind. The small mindedness that some Thai people have is staggering. Talk about not knowing your place in the grand scheme of things. In many countries behavior like this would be rewarded with sanctions. Here, it is normal. Even the government commits these kinds of racist, nationalistic acts regularly. Shame on them for being so small minded.

The Thais have alot of lovely qualities. But, their racism and bigotry, and closed mindedness when it comes to the outside world is positively a detriment to Thai society, on so many levels. It really holds them back, as a nation. Surely, there must be a percentage of the population that does not buy into the nonsense. But, far too many do. It is unjustifiable on every level.

And what does Nobel prizes have anything to do with a condo smelling like shit after they move out?

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I needed to keep an apt in Bkk. The unit next to mine had an Indian guy move in. Within 3 days six of them were living there. They would scream at each other at such levels it was impossible to sleep. I went over and they all aplogized and smiled and then right back at it. I went back, same thing. The next morning the manager chucked them out. Said his wife had let the guy move in when he was out. He said he would never allow them to move in.

The thing is they were screaming at each other and they were not mad. This is normal for many of them. The third time I told them if I came back one would go out the window. The fourth time when I knocked and rushed in and told one of them to pick whose going out the window they panicked. One guy told me his father was very rich. I went to pick him up first. I almost laughed when I looked at all the other guys cowered in total panic. Not one of them tried to help the guy about to go out the window.I wouldnt have done it. I just wanted to make a point.

Same experience in the UAE. A UAE friend rented one property to an Indian guy. He sub-let (illegally) to another Indian who moved several mates in (illegally). She didn't know until she was inundated with complaints from the neighbors about noise, including loud music and the dirty state of the property with rubbish left in the garden etc .

She took it to court. The sub tenants were expelled and the tenant was fined, ordered to hand over the rental he received from the illegal sub-let and then deported. The Judge argued that the profit from the sub-let, whilst illegal, should go to the property owner now so the law breaker should not benefit; and to compensate her for any necessary repairs and cleaning.

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The way I look at it, it's my Condo and I set the ground rules, .....

So, if that's what that owner's preference is, that's fine by me....

It is called discrimination and is illegal in most countries.

You cannot profile candidacy using race, gender or sexual orientation.

In Europe you ll end fined or even in jail for such comment written down.

Following the reasons we could also say : no women, no kids, no gay, no HIV positive...

And people are smarter in Europe so they do it like this...

Put out apartment for rent and ignore everyone with "a name that's not to their liking" (could be Muhammed, Gurpa, Stefan, John, Somchai or anything else) and/or accent when they call about it. And voila... they get around the BS law.

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The condo owner is probably turning down Indians as tenants due to the potential problem of lingering smells from cooking curries, similar to the lingering smell of smokers.

No intention of any racism.

And yet...

Food smell is racism now?

Nope. But racist generalisations of a nation is.

So is it racism to say that Finland have top tier students and Thailand have bottom tier students (both are true but the amount is not defined)? Is it racism to say that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world all the while Zimbabwe probably is the worst? Is it racist to say that swedish cousine does not smell nearly as much as somali cousine? Is it racist to say that carribean sprinters beat european sprinters almost all the time? Is it racist to say that Thailand is a corrupt asian country compared to Japan?

Now, i could make a list like this that's billions long but you should get my point...

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Food smell is racism now?

Nope. But racist generalisations of a nation is.

So is it racism to say that Finland have top tier students and Thailand have bottom tier students (both are true but the amount is not defined)? Is it racism to say that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world all the while Zimbabwe probably is the worst? Is it racist to say that swedish cousine does not smell nearly as much as somali cousine? Is it racist to say that carribean sprinters beat european sprinters almost all the time? Is it racist to say that Thailand is a corrupt asian country compared to Japan?

Now, i could make a list like this that's billions long but you should get my point...

All I get is you do not have a clue about the difference between racism and completely unrelated statistics.

Then again who said racists bothered or were even able to think beyond the boundaries of their prejudice?

No one.

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Nope. But racist generalisations of a nation is.

So is it racism to say that Finland have top tier students and Thailand have bottom tier students (both are true but the amount is not defined)? Is it racism to say that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world all the while Zimbabwe probably is the worst? Is it racist to say that swedish cousine does not smell nearly as much as somali cousine? Is it racist to say that carribean sprinters beat european sprinters almost all the time? Is it racist to say that Thailand is a corrupt asian country compared to Japan?

Now, i could make a list like this that's billions long but you should get my point...

All I get is you do not have a clue about the difference between racism and completely unrelated statistics.

Then again who said racists bothered or were even able to think beyond the boundaries of their prejudice?

No one.

Then why are you going on with your SJW crusade saying that it's racism to say that indians have a highly likely chance of leaving the apartment with a smell, from the cousine, that wont easily go away.

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Nope. But racist generalisations of a nation is.

So is it racism to say that Finland have top tier students and Thailand have bottom tier students (both are true but the amount is not defined)? Is it racism to say that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world all the while Zimbabwe probably is the worst? Is it racist to say that swedish cousine does not smell nearly as much as somali cousine? Is it racist to say that carribean sprinters beat european sprinters almost all the time? Is it racist to say that Thailand is a corrupt asian country compared to Japan?

Now, i could make a list like this that's billions long but you should get my point...

All I get is you do not have a clue about the difference between racism and completely unrelated statistics.

Then again who said racists bothered or were even able to think beyond the boundaries of their prejudice?

No one.

Then why are you going on with your SJW crusade saying that it's racism to say that indians have a highly likely chance of leaving the apartment with a smell, from the cousine, that wont easily go away.

Deary, deary, deary me, do I really have to explain this.

To say cuisine leaves a smell is correct. All, I repeat ALL for the hard of thinking, cuisine can leave an odour if a room is not ventilated properly.

To say one nations cuisine does this and all people of that nation leave an odour is racist.

Clear enough for you.

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What a bigoted rant. "I'm not racist". Indeed!

What do you think it constitutes when one makes a blanket assertion based solely on Nationality?

I have been in Indian homes (in the US, Cardiologists, lawyers, high tech Executives, world class musician, Sorry I have never been to India).

Some smelled of curry , some did not. Why do you think that is?

I have also been in some " White British" homes that smelled awful from smoke, beef, rancid butter left unrefrigerated as well as stinky cheese, ashtrays oveflowing with cigar butts and coffee spilled on worktops. What do you think is going to to happen when you get cooking a certain type of food inside enclosed space with poor ventilation? Condo living is one thing but I have seen beautiful Thai homes in Moo Baan's where the kitchen is a lean-to attached to the house. Better not to have cooking odours. Rich people in the PI/Guam also sometimes have beautiful high spec Western kitchens that are only used for Madame's Baking. The maids do the real cooking at the "Cocina" outside. No smoke and grease flying around or fishy smells.

By the way not Thailand related but I was once looking for an apartment near LAX. This Estate Agent woman in El Segundo told me the town was safe because the El Segundo PD "immediately stop any "Coons" they see driving around".

I was gobsmacked.

It's not making a blanket assertion.

It's erring on the side of caution.

Why take the risk?

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Nope. But racist generalisations of a nation is.

So is it racism to say that Finland have top tier students and Thailand have bottom tier students (both are true but the amount is not defined)? Is it racism to say that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world all the while Zimbabwe probably is the worst? Is it racist to say that swedish cousine does not smell nearly as much as somali cousine? Is it racist to say that carribean sprinters beat european sprinters almost all the time? Is it racist to say that Thailand is a corrupt asian country compared to Japan?

Now, i could make a list like this that's billions long but you should get my point...

All I get is you do not have a clue about the difference between racism and completely unrelated statistics.

Then again who said racists bothered or were even able to think beyond the boundaries of their prejudice?

No one.

Then why are you going on with your SJW crusade saying that it's racism to say that indians have a highly likely chance of leaving the apartment with a smell, from the cousine, that wont easily go away.

Deary, deary, deary me, do I really have to explain this.

To say cuisine leaves a smell is correct. All, I repeat ALL for the hard of thinking, cuisine can leave an odour if a room is not ventilated properly.

To say one nations cuisine does this and all people of that nation leave an odour is racist.

Clear enough for you.

No one, not even the add said ALL this or that, it just said "no India" which means no indians. It's very simple, as most if not all indians eat cousine with a very strong flavour and smell it's a very high chance of getting a tennant from India that will leave the apartment smelling like shit for months after they move out... so instead of wasting everyones time it's easier to write "no India".

Or would you stop whining and going on with your SJW crusade if it said "no indians who eat or cook indian food"?

And you just confirmed that you think that complaining about smelly food is racist.

Edited by Asheron
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Then why are you going on with your SJW crusade saying that it's racism to say that indians have a highly likely chance of leaving the apartment with a smell, from the cousine, that wont easily go away.

Deary, deary, deary me, do I really have to explain this.

To say cuisine leaves a smell is correct. All, I repeat ALL for the hard of thinking, cuisine can leave an odour if a room is not ventilated properly.

To say one nations cuisine does this and all people of that nation leave an odour is racist.

Clear enough for you.

No one, not even the add said ALL this or that, it just said "no India" which means no indians. It's very simple, as most if not all indians eat cousine with a very strong flavour and smell it's a very high chance of getting a tennant from India that will leave the apartment smelling like shit for months after they move out... so instead of wasting everyones time it's easier to write "no India".

Or would you stop whining and going on with your SJW crusade if it said "no indians who eat or cook indian food"?

And you just confirmed that you think that complaining about smelly food is racist.


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Then why are you going on with your SJW crusade saying that it's racism to say that indians have a highly likely chance of leaving the apartment with a smell, from the cousine, that wont easily go away.

Deary, deary, deary me, do I really have to explain this.

To say cuisine leaves a smell is correct. All, I repeat ALL for the hard of thinking, cuisine can leave an odour if a room is not ventilated properly.

To say one nations cuisine does this and all people of that nation leave an odour is racist.

Clear enough for you.

No one, not even the add said ALL this or that, it just said "no India" which means no indians. It's very simple, as most if not all indians eat cousine with a very strong flavour and smell it's a very high chance of getting a tennant from India that will leave the apartment smelling like shit for months after they move out... so instead of wasting everyones time it's easier to write "no India".

Or would you stop whining and going on with your SJW crusade if it said "no indians who eat or cook indian food"?

And you just confirmed that you think that complaining about smelly food is racist.


Yes, from your fingers.

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