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White House considers Nevada Gov. Sandoval for Supreme Court


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White House considers Nevada Gov. Sandoval for Supreme Court

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is considering Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval of Nevada as a possible nominee to the Supreme Court, two people familiar with the process said Wednesday.

The nomination of a Republican would be seen as an attempt by President Barack Obama to break the Senate GOP blockade of any of his choices. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has said his 54-member GOP caucus is opposed to holding confirmation hearings or vote on Obama's pick, insisting that the choice rests with the next president.

The officials declined to be named because they weren't authorized to speak publicly.

Mari St. Martin, Sandoval's communications director, said Wednesday that the governor hasn't been contacted by the White House.

"Neither Gov. Sandoval nor his staff has been contacted by or talked to the Obama administration regarding any potential vetting for the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court," she said.

Sandoval met with Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid on Monday in Washington while he was in town for a meeting of the National Governors Association.

At the governors' meeting over the weekend, Sandoval said he was honored his name was mentioned as a potential successor for the late Justice Antonin Scalia, but had heard nothing to think the Democratic president is considering him.

Before Sandoval, 52, became the state's first Hispanic governor, he was the state's first Hispanic federal judge. He supports abortion rights, a position that might assuage some Democrats nervous about the nomination of a Republican. But liberal groups swiftly came out against the idea.

"Nominating Sandoval to the Supreme Court would not only prevent grassroots organizations like Democracy for America from supporting the president in this nomination fight, it could lead us to actively encouraging Senate Democrats to oppose his appointment," said Democracy for America.

Limited to two terms, Sandoval's final term as governor expires in early 2019. He announced last year that he would not seek the seat of retiring Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., the Senate minority leader, in this November's election, a race in which Sandoval would have been a strong favorite.

"My heart is here. My heart is in my job," Sandoval said at the time.

Sandoval's consideration immediately reverberated in the Nevada Senate race, where candidates are vying to replace Reid, who is retiring. Democratic Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto urged her Republican competitors to call for hearings if Sandoval is the pick.

"Voting on nominees is part of the job of being a senator, and if politicians in Washington have a problem with that they should find a new line of work," she said.

In Washington, few GOP senators have shown any willingness to buck party leaders and consider an Obama nominee.

Before McConnell announced his party's position, Nevada Sen. Dean Heller, a Republican, said Nevadans should have a voice in approving a selection — which his aides said meant the next president, not Obama, should fill the vacancy. Heller's written statement concluded, "But should he decide to nominate someone to the Supreme Court, who knows, maybe it'll be a Nevadan."

McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said Wednesday that the leader's office is working with the White House to schedule a meeting with the president, but noted that his position wasn't likely to change much.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the president is also hoping to meet with Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley of Iowa.

Sandoval's consideration was first reported by The Washington Post.

Associated Press writers Alan Fram in Washington and Scott Sonner in Reno, Nevada contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-25

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If it's a trial balloon, it's good. It will force the intransigent Republican congressmen to think twice about their pledge to not cooperate at all with Obama. It's almost funny, when at a recent Rep debate, Jeb was asked if he would have a litmus test for nominating a Supreme Court justice. After denying he would, he then went and listed the litmus tests he would require.

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The makings of a brilliant strategy by the Democrats.

1. Nominate a moderate Republican, who supports some of their issues, like Abortion, but also reasonable gun control (backed by NRA) for Repubs.

2. Show the American voters the Dems are reasonable, flexible and accommodating.

3. If the Repubs reject, delay, obstruct, it exposes the unreasonable position and helps elect dems to the Senate in the fall.

4. If the Repubs accept, the dems lose nothing get a middle of the roader in the SC, but the far right gains little.

Edited by keemapoot
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The makings of a brilliant strategy by the Democrats.

1. Nominate a moderate Republican, who supports some of their issues, like Abortion, but also reasonable gun control (backed by NRA) for Repubs.

2. Show the American voters the Dems are reasonable, flexible and accommodating.

3. If the Repubs reject, delay, obstruct, it exposes the unreasonable position and helps elect dems to the Senate in the fall.

4. If the Repubs accept, the dems lose nothing get a middle of the roader in the SC, but the far right gains little.

It's a really stupid ploy by the Republicans if they follow through with the obstruction. Hillary's handing them this email scandal on a platter and they're giving the Dem's all kinds of ammo to change what the media will focus on. Really really dumb IMO.

Edited by lannarebirth
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The makings of a brilliant strategy by the Democrats.

1. Nominate a moderate Republican, who supports some of their issues, like Abortion, but also reasonable gun control (backed by NRA) for Repubs.

2. Show the American voters the Dems are reasonable, flexible and accommodating.

3. If the Repubs reject, delay, obstruct, it exposes the unreasonable position and helps elect dems to the Senate in the fall.

4. If the Repubs accept, the dems lose nothing get a middle of the roader in the SC, but the far right gains little.

It's a really stupid ploy by the Republicans if they follow through with the obstruction. Hillary's handing them this email scandal on a platter and they're giving the Dem's all kinds of ammo to change what the media will focus on. Really really dumb IMO.

I think this illustrates how the GOP is in such disarray. The Dems can marshal the brain-trust together on this issue, and it's showing, whereas the Repubs are so split, chasing Trump on the one hand and trying to salvage Rubio on the other. Textbook case of divide and conquer.

**for baseball lovers, anyone else seeing the grand design potential of a triple play?

1. Hilary wins the presidency.

2. Republicans obstruct SC nomination, and therefore lose control of Senate.

3. Dems get to nominate and confirm a lefty for SC in Clinton's administration.

Woo...getting interesting.

Edited by keemapoot
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Mitch McConnell is a two faced lying sack of feces.

It is 100% within this current presidents right to elect a new judge.

He has the better part of the year left in his term. And even if he didn't there is no 6 month rule written anywhere as they are alluding too.

The constitution is very clear on this but of course the constitution shouldn't get in the way of this hypocrite getting his way.

This John Oliver clip sums it up in a very funny way, check it out.


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Sandoval recently vetoed gun purchase background checks that had been approved by both houses of the Nevada legislature. He did the veto on the date of the sixth anniversary of the Newtown primary school massacre. If Barack Obama were still a senator and any potus nominated Gov Sandval for scotus a Sen Obama would vote against him.

So let's see who is the next name the White House floats to keep up its psyops against Mitch McConnell and the Republican party.

All of this from start to finish is a gift on a silver platter to HR Clinton, her campaign and her coming presidency.

Republican senators up for reelection in Blue states are now experiencing their political execution on two counts. The issue of a successor to Scalia and Trump as the highly likely nominee.

Trump as the nominee was enough alone to take down the already vulnerable five R senators up this year in the Blue states. Now with the Court vacancy issue the five R senators losing would leave the Republicans with 49 in the Senate in January 2017 and a return to minority status.

The R senators are all first termers which is always when a new senator is especially most vulnerable, in the first reelection try. They are, in order of vulnerability:

R Sen. Paul Kirk in IL who's already agreed to meet with whomever is nominated to the Court and who has during his term reversed himself to favor marriage equality, abortion and a bunch of other issues to prove he's a political whore. D Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth a veteran of the Iraq war is averaging a six point polling lead, which is outside the margin of variability.

R Sen. Ron Johnson in WI is averaging 13 points behind former D Senator Russ Feingold. Game over in Wisconsin in both races, senate and potus.

R Sen. Bob Portman of OH is running consistently behind the highly popular and respected former two-term D Governor Ted Strickand. Strickland has lead all the way to date by between 3-5 points.

R Sen Kelley Ayotte of NH is being challenged by popular D Gov. Maggie Hassen in a swing state in a presidential election year and when HR Clinton at the top of the ticket leads Trump in polling averages by 7%. Polling consistently shows the Ayotte-Hassen race in a tie, which in a year to elect potus gives the advantage to the D Gov Hassen. This one will be close.

The open Rubio senate seat in FL has since June shown whomever is the Democrat ahead of all possible Republican candidates. The FL party state primary elections to choose the respective candidate are August 30th (potus primary is March 15th). Cong Patrick Murphy is endorsed by the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee and its bucks but the witty and biting ultra-liberal Cong Alan Greyson is leading in the primary polling.

Some people consider R first-term Sen Patrick Toomey of PA vulnerable but I do not. Likewise for second term R Sen Richard Burr of NC who I don't see as being at all vulnerable. D's are well positioned to retain retiring Sen Harry Reid's seat in NV and aren't losing in the race of any D senator up for reelection.

R's have 24 senate seats to defend in 2016 while the D's have only 12. R's need to be grateful Trump can't pull down all 24 due to some solid Red states. It could however get worse for the R's than four or five senate loses only. If Toomey might lose, so would Burr and several others too. If.

Meanwhile the psyops continue against the Republican party and its mass of highly financed rightwing media and their rightwhinge followers.

Edited by Publicus
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Certainly an interesting candidate if nominated. Wonder how the GOP Congress can justify rejecting one of their own, much less not even allowing him a hearing.

Or, maybe a trial balloon.

They cannot justify it, nor is the white house bound to it. Take this bait and you will take the hook line and sinker.

Despise them all equally; they all deserve disdain.

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Mitch McConnell is a two faced lying sack of feces.

It is 100% within this current presidents right to elect a new judge.

He has the better part of the year left in his term. And even if he didn't there is no 6 month rule written anywhere as they are alluding too.

The constitution is very clear on this but of course the constitution shouldn't get in the way of this hypocrite getting his way.

This John Oliver clip sums it up in a very funny way, check it out.

Au contraire, mon ami. The President of the U.S. does not have any right to elect a new judge. As international citizens are reading it is important to state this correctly. It is the duty (right if you wish) of the President to nominate a person to be considered for affirmation by the U.S. Senate. The Senate then has a duty to vet and vote on that nominee.

In other respects, being from Kentucky...I agree with your assessment of Sen. McConnell.

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Sandoval recently vetoed gun purchase background checks that had been approved by both houses of the Nevada legislature. He did the veto on the date of the sixth anniversary of the Newtown primary school massacre. If Barack Obama were still a senator and any potus nominated Gov Sandval for scotus a Sen Obama would vote against him.

So let's see who is the next name the White House floats to keep up its psyops against Mitch McConnell and the Republican party.

All of this from start to finish is a gift on a silver platter to HR Clinton, her campaign and her coming presidency.

Republican senators up for reelection in Blue states are now experiencing their political execution on two counts. The issue of a successor to Scalia and Trump as the highly likely nominee.

Trump as the nominee was enough alone to take down the already vulnerable five R senators up this year in the Blue states. Now with the Court vacancy issue the five R senators losing would leave the Republicans with 49 in the Senate in January 2017 and a return to minority status.

The R senators are all first termers which is always when a new senator is especially most vulnerable, in the first reelection try. They are, in order of vulnerability:

R Sen. Paul Kirk in IL who's already agreed to meet with whomever is nominated to the Court and who has during his term reversed himself to favor marriage equality, abortion and a bunch of other issues to prove he's a political whore. D Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth a veteran of the Iraq war is averaging a six point polling lead, which is outside the margin of variability.

R Sen. Ron Johnson in WI is averaging 13 points behind former D Senator Russ Feingold. Game over in Wisconsin in both races, senate and potus.

R Sen. Bob Portman of OH is running consistently behind the highly popular and respected former two-term D Governor Ted Strickand. Strickland has lead all the way to date by between 3-5 points.

R Sen Kelley Ayotte of NH is being challenged by popular D Gov. Maggie Hassen in a swing state in a presidential election year and when HR Clinton at the top of the ticket leads Trump in polling averages by 7%. Polling consistently shows the Ayotte-Hassen race in a tie, which in a year to elect potus gives the advantage to the D Gov Hassen. This one will be close.

The open Rubio senate seat in FL has since June shown whomever is the Democrat ahead of all possible Republican candidates. The FL party state primary elections to choose the respective candidate are August 30th (potus primary is March 15th). Cong Patrick Murphy is endorsed by the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee and its bucks but the witty and biting ultra-liberal Cong Alan Greyson is leading in the primary polling.

Some people consider R first-term Sen Patrick Toomey of PA vulnerable but I do not. Likewise for second term R Sen Richard Burr of NC who I don't see as being at all vulnerable. D's are well positioned to retain retiring Sen Harry Reid's seat in NV and aren't losing in the race of any D senator up for reelection.

R's have 24 senate seats to defend in 2016 while the D's have only 12. R's need to be grateful Trump can't pull down all 24 due to some solid Red states. It could however get worse for the R's than four or five senate loses only. If Toomey might lose, so would Burr and several others too. If.

Meanwhile the psyops continue against the Republican party and its mass of highly financed rightwing media and their rightwhinge followers.

U should read a book called Dark Money written by Jane Mayer who is a writer for The New Yorker....little bit of a dry read but totally revealing about how the GOP is totally in control of the Koch Bros and similar ilk...the money involved is mind boggling...it is purported that their group hidden by different think tanks etc spent more money on the 2012 election than the actual GOP

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Sandoval recently vetoed gun purchase background checks that had been approved by both houses of the Nevada legislature. He did the veto on the date of the sixth anniversary of the Newtown primary school massacre. If Barack Obama were still a senator and any potus nominated Gov Sandval for scotus a Sen Obama would vote against him.

So let's see who is the next name the White House floats to keep up its psyops against Mitch McConnell and the Republican party.

All of this from start to finish is a gift on a silver platter to HR Clinton, her campaign and her coming presidency.

Republican senators up for reelection in Blue states are now experiencing their political execution on two counts. The issue of a successor to Scalia and Trump as the highly likely nominee.

Trump as the nominee was enough alone to take down the already vulnerable five R senators up this year in the Blue states. Now with the Court vacancy issue the five R senators losing would leave the Republicans with 49 in the Senate in January 2017 and a return to minority status.

The R senators are all first termers which is always when a new senator is especially most vulnerable, in the first reelection try. They are, in order of vulnerability:

R Sen. Paul Kirk in IL who's already agreed to meet with whomever is nominated to the Court and who has during his term reversed himself to favor marriage equality, abortion and a bunch of other issues to prove he's a political whore. D Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth a veteran of the Iraq war is averaging a six point polling lead, which is outside the margin of variability.

R Sen. Ron Johnson in WI is averaging 13 points behind former D Senator Russ Feingold. Game over in Wisconsin in both races, senate and potus.

R Sen. Bob Portman of OH is running consistently behind the highly popular and respected former two-term D Governor Ted Strickand. Strickland has lead all the way to date by between 3-5 points.

R Sen Kelley Ayotte of NH is being challenged by popular D Gov. Maggie Hassen in a swing state in a presidential election year and when HR Clinton at the top of the ticket leads Trump in polling averages by 7%. Polling consistently shows the Ayotte-Hassen race in a tie, which in a year to elect potus gives the advantage to the D Gov Hassen. This one will be close.

The open Rubio senate seat in FL has since June shown whomever is the Democrat ahead of all possible Republican candidates. The FL party state primary elections to choose the respective candidate are August 30th (potus primary is March 15th). Cong Patrick Murphy is endorsed by the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee and its bucks but the witty and biting ultra-liberal Cong Alan Greyson is leading in the primary polling.

Some people consider R first-term Sen Patrick Toomey of PA vulnerable but I do not. Likewise for second term R Sen Richard Burr of NC who I don't see as being at all vulnerable. D's are well positioned to retain retiring Sen Harry Reid's seat in NV and aren't losing in the race of any D senator up for reelection.

R's have 24 senate seats to defend in 2016 while the D's have only 12. R's need to be grateful Trump can't pull down all 24 due to some solid Red states. It could however get worse for the R's than four or five senate loses only. If Toomey might lose, so would Burr and several others too. If.

Meanwhile the psyops continue against the Republican party and its mass of highly financed rightwing media and their rightwhinge followers.

U should read a book called Dark Money written by Jane Mayer who is a writer for The New Yorker....little bit of a dry read but totally revealing about how the GOP is totally in control of the Koch Bros and similar ilk...the money involved is mind boggling...it is purported that their group hidden by different think tanks etc spent more money on the 2012 election than the actual GOP

The gang of 'em want desperately now to get behind Rubio.

Looks presently like they're going to grab hold of the results of the 11-state Super Tuesday voting to announce Rubio is the man because Cruz isn't living up to expectations, that Cruz is a letdown and that Cruz going forward is a bad bet blah blah blurp blurp.

It's all true about Cruz but Rubio still hasn't won anything.

The Rube's self-projected 3-2-1 caucus and primary finishes have transmogrified to 3-5-2-2 and coughing. Gulping water to clear the throat.

Nor does Rubio's edgy and stiff personality inspire confidence. No matter however. This election cycle he's their only choice. An empty suit with it pockets turned inside out is exactly what the party moneyboyz want up there in the rarified Republican green air. Rubio will start winning but only when the moneyboyz start to give him the wins by clearing the deck for him. The Rube certainly can't do it on his own the way for instance Bernie is doing so brilliantly.

Word's started to get around this week, put out by known wealthy New Yorkers in Manhattan and Long Island, Trump is not as wealthy as he's claimed. The moneyboyz up there know this is what can hurt the guy. That Donald Trump is really small potatoes. It's like when J.P. Morgan died many moons ago and the Upper East Side found out his estate was worth $80 million: "And we thought he was rich!!!"

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