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The decomposing body on Australian man has been found in Cambodia

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EXCLUSIVE: The sordid room in a Cambodian guest house where the decomposing remains of young Australian teacher, 24, were found 'with drug paraphernalia'

  • The decomposing body on Australian man has been found in Cambodia
  • Jonathan Bond, 24, was a teacher at Western University in Phnom Penh
  • He was renting a room in a guesthouse the capital's southern district
  • The landlord's family notice a foul smell coming from the room
  • Police found a syringe lying near Mr Bond's naked body
  • A post mortem found he was dead five days from a drug overdose

By Candace Sutton

The decomposing body of a 24-year-old Australian man, Jonathan William Bond, has been found in the rented room of a guesthouse in the Cambodian capital.

Mr Bond began renting the room a month ago while working as a teacher at the nearby Western University campus in Phnom Penh.

Earlier in February, the owner of the guest house Sem Sok Khuch, 36, took his family on holiday to Cambodia's coastal resort town of Sihanoukville.

While they were away, Mr Khuch's sister, who lives in a room in the guesthouse, noticed a foul smell coming from the Australian's room.


Jonathan Bond, whose decomposing body was found with a syringe in the room he rented in Phnom Penh, Cambodia by the sister of the guesthouse's landlord after she went to investigate a foul smell


Mr Bond, 24, worked as a teacher at Western University in Phnom Penh and rented this room (above) a month ago, but when his landlord went on holiday the young Australia apparently overdosed on drugs

At first she thought it was dead animals, but on February 20 she entered the room to investigate.

Inside the room she found Mr Bond's body and she called police. Officers investigated the scene and found a syringe near the body, which they believed was used to inject drugs.

Scattered around the room are clothing, computer equipment and other belongings.

Following a post mortem investigation, forensic authorities said they believed Jonathan Bond had been dead for four to five days before he was discovered and that he possibly died from a drug-induced heart attack.

Mr Bond was described in reports by expatriate Australians living in Cambodia as a 'popular teacher'.

According to his Facebook page, Mr Bond moved to Phnom Penh in the middle of last year.


The Medicare and credit cards, along with Mr Bond's passport and foreigner employment card found in the rented room in Phnom Pneh where his decomposing body was found, dead from an apparent drug overdose


The passport of Jonathan Bond, found in the room he rented in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh where his decomposing body was found this week by the sister of guesthouse's landlord

In a post on his page on July 25, 2015, he wrote 'HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Due to some unforeseen changes in my overall life plan I have moved to Phnom Penh, Cambodia for at least the next year.

'I'm teaching at a uni and I'm about to move in to my very own apartment. As I result I will be using fb considerably more and may even post photos to prove this is not a elaborate hoax.

'If anyone is ever in the country or has friends that want insider tips just hit me up. I'd more then happy to show people the cheapest and/or best places to drunk (among other things of course).'

Mr Bond's last post on his Facebook page was on December 17, in which he uploaded a photograph of a street mural.

Cambodian reports said that Mr Bond's remains were being held at the Khmer Soviet friendship Hospital in Phnom Penh.


People have options in life...your wellbeing and happiness is ultimately determined by the decisions we make each and everyday...

Doing drugs is DUMB! Just do not do it...it is a slippery slope that may lead you to the same place this young man has gone...to his death and grave...

Life is real...life is good...life with all your faculty is wonderful...why destroy something so beautiful by dulling your senses?


That's what happens when you do drugs. !! blink.png

RIP .... young teacher.

..Allegedly..he may have been insulin dependant.

Takes 4-6 weeks to get a full toxicology report..a lot of these amphetamines/psychotropic drugs breakdown rapidly and may not be either detectable or may appear below the lethal/legal dose range..how do they know what drug he took yet?

So what do the reporters know about any of this...absolutely nothing...they just go ahead and sensationalize without any care or respect.

It is not for the reporter to make these unqualified and outlandish statements which immediately cast a slur on the deceased's character.

Sad too, to see all his private documents plastered all over this site until a Coronial enquiry has been finalized.

I wonder what his family think about this?

Keep your minds open.


If he was doing heroin they would find more than just a needle. There would also be his kit to prepare the heroin...probably would also find more heroin, but they don't mention this.


If he was doing heroin they would find more than just a needle. There would also be his kit to prepare the heroin...probably would also find more heroin, but they don't mention this.

Good point. And if he was insulin dependent, there should be evidence of insulin, as well.

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