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Christie endorses Trump for president; 'Wow,' Trump says


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Here is what I think is the only, albeit tiny, chance, for the republicans to stop Trump from defecating all over their party (and being nominated).

Cruz stays in and siphons off fundamentalist far right wing fanatics from Trump. Cruz has no chance, don't worry about that creepy WEIRDO.

Of course sleepy man Carson is just one big joke. He should stay in too.

Rubio loses in Florida, effectively dooming his dim chance.

Kasich goes on North and wins Ohio and Michigan.

Then Kasich and Rubio have a pow wow, Rubio drops out and agrees to be Kasich's running mate if Trump can be stopped. Kasich runs as the savior of the party, managing to never dirty himself with the idiotic schoolyard fighting, and Rubio stays on as the VP pick apparent to be the fighting monkey ... shouting TRUMP IS A CON MAN, TRUMP IS A FASCIST 24/7.

If all that happened, I think Trump can be stopped from the nomination.

Will it? Not bloody likely, but that's the only path I see.

Of course, personally, I have no problem with Trump being nominated and losing in the general. But I think that would be a disaster for the nation for Trump to actually be president. Kasich or Rubio would be less bad. If Trump is nominated, even though arguably that's who the democrats want to run against (rather than Rubio) yes he really COULD win.

I see no real path for Cruz or Carson so no comment on them as presidents. I know most have already written off Kasich and logically that makes sense, but I still see him as the ONLY slim chance of blocking Trump's nomination now. It's probably too late.

If the GOP establishment really wanted to save their party from Trump, we probably would have seen some sign of that by now. After polls open in 72 hours, there's a good chance that the CruBio duo will be all but mathematically eliminated. Trump would likely pick a politician as VP, but not an inside the Beltway one so Kasich might get that offer. Since Rubio might lose his Senate seat , Trump could give him a job at one of his Florida hotels laugh.png .

Apparently you are not following the American news

Even Romney is attacking Tfrump and is asking for his tax returns which Trump is not willing to release.

The Trump Dirt is now coming out

Trump university National Review column http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/432010/trump-university-scam

Trump employ foreign workers and rejecting Americanshttp://www.nationalreview.com/corner/431908/donald-trump-immigration-hypocrite-who-ignores-american-workers

Trump hire polish workers at Trump towers http://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/2016/02/26/polish-worker-speaks-out-following-trump-rubio-spar.html

Trump is a con artist and deserves to be exposed as such, This is not a game this is the leadership of the free world.

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Here is what I think is the only, albeit tiny, chance, for the republicans to stop Trump from defecating all over their party (and being nominated).

Cruz stays in and siphons off fundamentalist far right wing fanatics from Trump. Cruz has no chance, don't worry about that creepy WEIRDO.

Of course sleepy man Carson is just one big joke. He should stay in too.

Rubio loses in Florida, effectively dooming his dim chance.

Kasich goes on North and wins Ohio and Michigan.

Then Kasich and Rubio have a pow wow, Rubio drops out and agrees to be Kasich's running mate if Trump can be stopped. Kasich runs as the savior of the party, managing to never dirty himself with the idiotic schoolyard fighting, and Rubio stays on as the VP pick apparent to be the fighting monkey ... shouting TRUMP IS A CON MAN, TRUMP IS A FASCIST 24/7.

If all that happened, I think Trump can be stopped from the nomination.

Will it? Not bloody likely, but that's the only path I see.

Of course, personally, I have no problem with Trump being nominated and losing in the general. But I think that would be a disaster for the nation for Trump to actually be president. Kasich or Rubio would be less bad. If Trump is nominated, even though arguably that's who the democrats want to run against (rather than Rubio) yes he really COULD win.

I see no real path for Cruz or Carson so no comment on them as presidents. I know most have already written off Kasich and logically that makes sense, but I still see him as the ONLY slim chance of blocking Trump's nomination now. It's probably too late.

If the GOP establishment really wanted to save their party from Trump, we probably would have seen some sign of that by now. After polls open in 72 hours, there's a good chance that the CruBio duo will be all but mathematically eliminated. Trump would likely pick a politician as VP, but not an inside the Beltway one so Kasich might get that offer. Since Rubio might lose his Senate seat , Trump could give him a job at one of his Florida hotels laugh.png .

Apparently you are not following the American news

Even Romney is attacking Tfrump and is asking for his tax returns which Trump is not willing to release.

The Trump Dirt is now coming out

Trump university National Review column http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/432010/trump-university-scam

Trump employ foreign workers and rejecting Americanshttp://www.nationalreview.com/corner/431908/donald-trump-immigration-hypocrite-who-ignores-american-workers

Trump hire polish workers at Trump towers http://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/2016/02/26/polish-worker-speaks-out-following-trump-rubio-spar.html

Trump is a con artist and deserves to be exposed as such, This is not a game this is the leadership of the free world.

I agree, and have been posting the same for months. I posted this in July of 2015:

Trump has taken pot shots at Governor Perry, Governor Bush and Senator McCain in the last few days. Do you know who is laughing the hardest? Secretary Clinton. The GOP needs to get its house in order quickly or the 2016 presidential election is going to be over before it even starts.


My fear is that the info in the links you've posted is too little, too late. Reince Priebus should be fired the day after the election. I would say that it should be done today, but it would likely only make things worse

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Yes...I watch "American" news and they have reported everything you say pretty much ad-nauseum.

So..what's your point?

I would conciser Romney and National review part of the Republican establishment. And lately , especially after the last debate, are all coming out against Trump. .

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He will do to the country what in this ad he says he will do for Trump University;

Join Trump University and you will be Winning Winning Winning!!! you will be winning so much, you will get tired of Winning. laugh.png



"A lawsuit filed Saturday by New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman alleges that Donald Trump defrauded more than 5,000 people of $40 million, handed over for what was supposed to be the opportunity to learn Trump's real estate investment magic at his for-profit training program, Trump

Edited by sirineou
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Bit rich calling mr trump a conman when the others are equally dirty as well.

What others are, does not change what Trump is. and Christie for that matter, I have not forgotten about the George Washington Bridge incident, my Yard is on RT 17 in NJ and out jobs in NYC, my trucks were stuck there for Hrs , it cost us thousands. or how about the lives of those in ambulances stuck in the traffic trying to get to a hospital.

an other conman sociopath. They deserve each other.

I have no love lost for politicians, but I also will not jump from the frying pan in to the fire.

by the way I don.t consider Sanders a conman. Think what you will about the man's politics, what you see is what you get.

I never expected Trump to get the support he does, I knew the American populous was stupid but I under estimated the extend of the problem.

And Please dont complain about the Politicians, every election there are viable options, yet in the end we get Clinton, Bush, , we vote them in, we deserve what we get. We actually fight tooth and nail against our best interest and afterwards we complain .

Trump has your best interest in mind, give me a brake, he is a sociopaths conman, the only interest he has is his own.

PS: when I say you, I don't mean you LHolmsJrsmile.png

Edited by sirineou
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Yes...I watch "American" news and they have reported everything you say pretty much ad-nauseum.

So..what's your point?

I would conciser Romney and National review part of the Republican establishment. And lately , especially after the last debate, are all coming out against Trump. .

I don't think it's a mystery that the establishment GOP despises Trump but they are stuck with him......probably for the duration after next Tuesday. I saw the Romney interview and frankly, thought it made him look speculative, bitter & petty. The GOP shouldn't have placed all their bets on Jeb. Now they are stuck with Rubio as the lone "establishment" candidate and that lad would be destroyed by the Clinton machine and their adoring media. Hell, they probably would have been better off trying to seriously woo Bloomberg to run as a GOP candidate as he would likely have siphoned Dem votes.

If we are going to get 4 more years of Obama in the form of Hillary, we might as well make the next 8 months entertaining.

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I never expected Trump to get the support he does, I knew the American populous was stupid but I under estimated the extend of the problem.

Its human nature...when people dont see things your way, you call them stupid....if mr trump does that, he is evil....the people support him.....the people will decide.

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Yes...I watch "American" news and they have reported everything you say pretty much ad-nauseum.

So..what's your point?

I would conciser Romney and National review part of the Republican establishment. And lately , especially after the last debate, are all coming out against Trump. .

I don't think it's a mystery that the establishment GOP despises Trump but they are stuck with him......probably for the duration after next Tuesday. I saw the Romney interview and frankly, thought it made him look speculative, bitter & petty. The GOP shouldn't have placed all their bets on Jeb. Now they are stuck with Rubio as the lone "establishment" candidate and that lad would be destroyed by the Clinton machine and their adoring media. Hell, they probably would have been better off trying to seriously woo Bloomberg to run as a GOP candidate as he would likely have siphoned Dem votes.

If we are going to get 4 more years of Obama in the form of Hillary, we might as well make the next 8 months entertaining.

As a footnote though, Marco is trailing Trump by 20 points in Florida as of today. If that comes to pass, you can stick a fork in him cuz he's done thumbsup.gif . The GOP "Establishment" will have to swallow their pride

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Yes...I watch "American" news and they have reported everything you say pretty much ad-nauseum.

So..what's your point?

I would conciser Romney and National review part of the Republican establishment. And lately , especially after the last debate, are all coming out against Trump. .

I don't think it's a mystery that the establishment GOP despises Trump but they are stuck with him......probably for the duration after next Tuesday. I saw the Romney interview and frankly, thought it made him look speculative, bitter & petty. The GOP shouldn't have placed all their bets on Jeb. Now they are stuck with Rubio as the lone "establishment" candidate and that lad would be destroyed by the Clinton machine and their adoring media. Hell, they probably would have been better off trying to seriously woo Bloomberg to run as a GOP candidate as he would likely have siphoned Dem votes.

If we are going to get 4 more years of Obama in the form of Hillary, we might as well make the next 8 months entertaining.

I have enough entertainment in my life i dont need more.

I also despise HRC, I was a founding member of United we stand trying to stop NAFTA, what we said was going to happen Happened. Then a founding member of the Concord coalition with democrat Paul Tsongas and Warren Rudman, Trying to bring Republicans and Democrats together.

Now The Clintons are back again.

So the Choice is Trump? HRC? Rubio? Cruze?

How about Sanders? He is real, and honest. If you want entertainment over reality vote Trump, if you want much of the same, vote HRC or Rubio, If you want change vote Sanders.

We have the choice let's not complain what we get in the end.

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The very fact that Donald Trump could possibly become a Presidential Republican nominee shows just how sick and tired the American public are of the current politicians and political wrangling in America. Yes, Trump means change but it is not the real change that America needs. Trump is one of the wealthy who will protect the bankers, lawyers and other wealthy who have led to the decline of America. Trump is one of them He will find ways to throw out some more money to keep the middle class and the poor passive but he will never solve the real problems. He uses straw men to state his case such as illegal immigrants are holding America back and the Chinese and Russians are the bogeymen as well as terrorists lurking behind every door. He has no real plan for changing what really needs to be changed such as the concentration of wealth in the hands of 1% of the population; a tax system that favors the wealthy; and a military that consumes $630 Billion per year, the largest in the World.

The only real change would come if Americans voted in Bernie Sanders who actually has a plan that would put real money and jobs in the hands of the poor and middle class by taking it away from the wealthy. Then Americans could get healthcare that was affordable and get a University education without become an indentured servant of the Government. Indeed, some of what Sanders proposes would be a socialistic approach but what we have now is a Democracy based on capitalistic greed and that is not sustainable.


"a tax system that favors the wealthy" New statistics from 2014 taxes: Top 20% income earners pay 83.9% of federal income taxes. The 1% income percentile pay 45.7%, Bottom 20% pay nothing and in fact receive money. Hardly a system favoring the wealthy. As the article says, individual income taxes provide half the federal revenue whereas on average in developed nations income taxes account for 1/3 of the revenue with taxes such as value added taxes are used for revenue as well. If you take into consideration that all but a few states also have state income taxes the tax burden increases significantly. States like California (top rate 13 % for those making a million dollars) and New York are high tax rate states.

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Yes...I watch "American" news and they have reported everything you say pretty much ad-nauseum.

So..what's your point?

I would conciser Romney and National review part of the Republican establishment. And lately , especially after the last debate, are all coming out against Trump. .

I don't think it's a mystery that the establishment GOP despises Trump but they are stuck with him......probably for the duration after next Tuesday. I saw the Romney interview and frankly, thought it made him look speculative, bitter & petty. The GOP shouldn't have placed all their bets on Jeb. Now they are stuck with Rubio as the lone "establishment" candidate and that lad would be destroyed by the Clinton machine and their adoring media. Hell, they probably would have been better off trying to seriously woo Bloomberg to run as a GOP candidate as he would likely have siphoned Dem votes.

If we are going to get 4 more years of Obama in the form of Hillary, we might as well make the next 8 months entertaining.

I have enough entertainment in my life i dont need more.

I also despise HRC, I was a founding member of United we stand trying to stop NAFTA, what we said was going to happen Happened. Then a founding member of the Concord coalition with democrat Paul Tsongas and Warren Rudman, Trying to bring Republicans and Democrats together.

Now The Clintons are back again.

So the Choice is Trump? HRC? Rubio? Cruze?

How about Sanders? He is real, and honest. If you want entertainment over reality vote Trump, if you want much of the same, vote HRC or Rubio, If you want change vote Sanders.

We have the choice let's not complain what we get in the end.

If you don't want more, I would suggest keeping your TV off for the next 8 months.

Sanders does not have one iota of a chance. He has the entire DNC standing by to burn him down if he performs at all this Tuesday however, as a tribute to what I see as a reasonably honest man ( and exponentially honest by political standards), I will vote for Bernie in my states Dem primary on Tuesday.

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Mr Trump is a bidnessman.

Who wants to be president.

I say kick that loud mouthed demagogic conman to the curb. Still plenty of time to get the word out on how DANGEROUS he is.


Instead of invectives... please tell us how he is dangerous.

Edited by Asheron
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The very fact that Donald Trump could possibly become a Presidential Republican nominee shows just how sick and tired the American public are of the current politicians and political wrangling in America. Yes, Trump means change but it is not the real change that America needs. Trump is one of the wealthy who will protect the bankers, lawyers and other wealthy who have led to the decline of America. Trump is one of them He will find ways to throw out some more money to keep the middle class and the poor passive but he will never solve the real problems. He uses straw men to state his case such as illegal immigrants are holding America back and the Chinese and Russians are the bogeymen as well as terrorists lurking behind every door. He has no real plan for changing what really needs to be changed such as the concentration of wealth in the hands of 1% of the population; a tax system that favors the wealthy; and a military that consumes $630 Billion per year, the largest in the World.

The only real change would come if Americans voted in Bernie Sanders who actually has a plan that would put real money and jobs in the hands of the poor and middle class by taking it away from the wealthy. Then Americans could get healthcare that was affordable and get a University education without become an indentured servant of the Government. Indeed, some of what Sanders proposes would be a socialistic approach but what we have now is a Democracy based on capitalistic greed and that is not sustainable.

"Bankers, lawyer and other wealthy" are not what has led to the decline of America. It is the political class that has been co-opted by them and serve their interests first that has led to the decline of America. There's nothing wrong with capitalist greed, so long as you make your fair contribution back to that society that allowed you to prosper. Take care of campaign finance reform and a lot of America's other problems become less severe and the obstacles to overcoming those problems become less.

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I would conciser Romney and National review part of the Republican establishment. And lately , especially after the last debate, are all coming out against Trump. .

I don't think it's a mystery that the establishment GOP despises Trump but they are stuck with him......probably for the duration after next Tuesday. I saw the Romney interview and frankly, thought it made him look speculative, bitter & petty. The GOP shouldn't have placed all their bets on Jeb. Now they are stuck with Rubio as the lone "establishment" candidate and that lad would be destroyed by the Clinton machine and their adoring media. Hell, they probably would have been better off trying to seriously woo Bloomberg to run as a GOP candidate as he would likely have siphoned Dem votes.

If we are going to get 4 more years of Obama in the form of Hillary, we might as well make the next 8 months entertaining.

I have enough entertainment in my life i dont need more.

I also despise HRC, I was a founding member of United we stand trying to stop NAFTA, what we said was going to happen Happened. Then a founding member of the Concord coalition with democrat Paul Tsongas and Warren Rudman, Trying to bring Republicans and Democrats together.

Now The Clintons are back again.

So the Choice is Trump? HRC? Rubio? Cruze?

How about Sanders? He is real, and honest. If you want entertainment over reality vote Trump, if you want much of the same, vote HRC or Rubio, If you want change vote Sanders.

We have the choice let's not complain what we get in the end.

If you don't want more, I would suggest keeping your TV off for the next 8 months.

Sanders does not have one iota of a chance. He has the entire DNC standing by to burn him down if he performs at all this Tuesday however, as a tribute to what I see as a reasonably honest man ( and exponentially honest by political standards), I will vote for Bernie in my states Dem primary on Tuesday.

I am also voting for Sanders I dont care even if I am the only one, if people voted their conscience, what ever it is, instead of being manipulated by the media, we all would be in a much better position.

There is only one poll that counts, and it is in the voting booth

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Mr Trump is a bidnessman.

Who wants to be president.

I say kick that loud mouthed demagogic conman to the curb. Still plenty of time to get the word out on how DANGEROUS he is.


Instead of invectives... please tell us how he is dangerous.

"The Donalds" faux hair is Radioactive! - and that's just for starters Asheron

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So, from in August... “I just don’t think he’s suited to be president of the United States,” and “I don’t think his temperament is suited for that and I don’t think his experience is.”

To a full endorsement now.... yes WOW..... politics is in indeed a fickle bitch.....

What we're seeing from Christie is that he is a chronic and compulsive political campaigner.

Chris Christie is a political animal so political stumping and pronouncing his views only is always more interesting and for most politicians more fun than trying to govern. Much more fun which in a large measure helps explain what keeps 'em going for six or eight months on three hours of sleep each night while traveling all over the place and eating hot dogs.

Christie in his eighth year as governor of NJ leaves office the end of the year. He is as bored with being governor as Rubio is bored with the Senate. The fat man Christie blasts the baby boy Rube for not showing up on the job, yet Christie has been away from his job almost entirely since early last year.

Christie needs and wants to continue his campaigning addiction. As for attorney general, Christie is not over to the right enough for the job R presidents always give to the most rightwingers in the party. Nixon had the thug AG John Mitchell who got convicted and sent to prison for Watergate.

Reagan had the rightwing political hack Ed Meese. Bush had the religious crackpot John Ashcroft of Missouri and the anti-Muslim Alberto Gonzales. Sure a prezidente Trump is predictably nutsy but Christie just doesn't fit the R party suit for AG.

Most likely way a dictator prez Trump would appoint Christie is if they become very best buddies, as in really very best buddies which is something Trump does not have in politics. The nature of the position is that every Potus absolutely needs a most trusted friend in the matter of the laws. (Which is why every rightwhingenut in his racialism called Eric Holder racist; Obama too. President Obama was in fact entitled to have Eric Holder as AG and Holder did the same job his predecessors did.)

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Vote for TRUMP!!!

If you want a con man and psychopathic demagogue to be your prez. Sure thing!

A bit inflamatory there don't you think?

Trump is a better choice than that Felon or a Communist...thumbsup.gif

Pot meet kettle.

There's no "felon" in the contest on either side.

Neither is there a "Communist" in the contest.

The polling stations however and the Republican caucuses are swaming with rightwingers, rightwhingers and the very conservative nutters.

As much of a political animal as Christie is to now include the wildman Trump, neither seems to have played with the votes or voting processes or procedures to include the countings. Cruz is quite another matter to include the dirty tricks department.


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Vote for TRUMP!!!

If you want a con man and psychopathic demagogue to be your prez. Sure thing!

Trump is a better choice than that Felon or a Communist...thumbsup.gif

I'm just afraid that Jingthing might have a point, but I KNOW that you do!

Edited by Ulysses G.
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