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SURVEY: Who do you believe would be the best president for the US?


SURVEY: Who do you believe would make the best US President?  

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Who would make the best POTUS?

Well, since Oliver North cannot qualify (although he would be great as was Ronald Maximus) we'll have to go with Trump.

My original man Ted has proven he's a bit devisive and Trump is surely the better pick than that Commie or the Felon...smile.png

Pardon me but it would seem that there is a commie and/or a felon running for Potus only if the view is from a lunar orbit.

Descending on the dark side.

If Trump is a fascist then surely Clinton is a felon and Sanders is a commie.

No. Only Trump is a fascist. The other two not true at this time.
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Who would make the best POTUS?

Well, since Oliver North cannot qualify (although he would be great as was Ronald Maximus) we'll have to go with Trump.

My original man Ted has proven he's a bit devisive and Trump is surely the better pick than that Commie or the Felon...smile.png

Pardon me but it would seem that there is a commie and/or a felon running for Potus only if the view is from a lunar orbit.

Descending on the dark side.

If Trump is a fascist then surely Clinton is a felon and Sanders is a commie.

No. Only Trump is a fascist. The other two not true at this time.

Yeah, in your leftist brain that might be true but then again... rational thinking has never been anything for leftist people.

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Just love this quote from Alexander Dugin:" Maybe, that redhead rude Yankee from the saloon will get back to the problems inside the country and will leave humanity alone, which is tired of American hegemony and its destructive policy of chaos, bloody rivers and color revolutions! "

Trump may behave like an idiot but he is a very shrewd guy (his IQ is estimated to be an extraordinary high 156). With his "racist" rhetoric he has virtually secured the republican nomination because that is what deep in their hearts these conservatives and religious zealots like to hear.

We will probably hear him tone down when he enters the presidential race against Clinton and we''ll see him focusing on his anti -establishment and anti US imperialism views -which if you think about it are not all that far removed from Bernie Sanders views. And don't be surprised if he even secures votes from the large "African" American community.The only way to make America great again is to fully focus on the problems it has at home.

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Just love this quote from Alexander Dugin:" Maybe, that redhead rude Yankee from the saloon will get back to the problems inside the country and will leave humanity alone, which is tired of American hegemony and its destructive policy of chaos, bloody rivers and color revolutions! "

Trump may behave like an idiot but he is a very shrewd guy (his IQ is estimated to be an extraordinary high 156). With his "racist" rhetoric he has virtually secured the republican nomination because that is what deep in their hearts these conservatives and religious zealots like to hear.

We will probably hear him tone down when he enters the presidential race against Clinton and we''ll see him focusing on his anti -establishment and anti US imperialism views -which if you think about it are not all that far removed from Bernie Sanders views. And don't be surprised if he even secures votes from the large "African" American community.The only way to make America great again is to fully focus on the problems it has at home.

I think Trump has the ability to and perhaps even the desire to tone down the rhetoric and appear "presidential". Unfortunately he's like Pavlov's dog. You throw a little red meat in front of him and he's going to bark. I think it would be very easy for some canny political operatives to bait him into saying some very damaging things. Who knows? This Romney thing today may just be the setup punch.

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Not sure If I am allowed to quote myself from another topic but it's still relevant to this thread:

"In my view cynicism is alive and well when you have the situation with Republicans trying to ban Trump. Politicians don't want anything to change, and Trump is an outsider. He just might upset their apple cart. They would rather hand victory to Hillary than have Trump, and their moral outrage such as Mit Romney exemplified is pure BS cover for it. Career politicians have no intention of reforming Washington from either side of the political divide because they are far too comfortable. They assume they can just raise taxes when the deficit explodes next year (by their own estimation) but they are too busy looking after their own self interests than of that of the people.

The Republicans could split and self destruct. Then what will happen to the economy when there is a collapse in confidence in government? And some think Trump will be a one-off? This could be the makings of a third party if the Republican establishment succeed in ousting Trump. Look out for a multitude of Trumps"

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Who would make the best POTUS?

Well, since Oliver North cannot qualify (although he would be great as was Ronald Maximus) we'll have to go with Trump.

My original man Ted has proven he's a bit devisive and Trump is surely the better pick than that Commie or the Felon...smile.png

Pardon me but it would seem that there is a commie and/or a felon running for Potus only if the view is from a lunar orbit.

Descending on the dark side.

If Trump is a fascist then surely Clinton is a felon and Sanders is a commie.

No. Only Trump is a fascist. The other two not true at this time.

Clinton might not be a felon YET, but everyone knows she violated the laws on national security numerous times. If there is justice in this country, she will be convicted like anyone else would be.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The problem for the Democrats is that quite a few people (even me if I could vote - and I am proud I can't...) will not vote for Clinton. Not surprising as she does not look or act like somebody symphatetic at all. So Trump might win because of it.

I believe the Democrats are doing a big mistake in not voting right now for the one they like but for the one they think can win against Trump!

On the other hand 4 years of Trump and after Bernie or some other nice Democrat seems to be better than 8 years of Clinton, no?

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Clinton might not be a felon YET, but everyone knows she violated the laws on national security numerous times. If there is justice in this country, she will be convicted like anyone else would be.

"Everyone" in the limited and lunatic circles you run in. As people who actually are familiar with the law know, her culpability depends on whether she used her server for information that either was already classified or that she should have known would be classified. She hasn't used her server for information that was already classified. So the questions remains should she have known that some of the information would be classified at some future date. As any knowledgeable person would tell you, the kind you're clearly not familiar with, it's very hard for a prosecutor to prove "should have known." They tend to shy away from such cases.

Maybe the legal opinionators you get your info from come from the same discount warehouse where George Bush dug up John Yoo?

Edited by stillbornagain
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I think Mr Trump will be next president of Usa.

That is so because it seem he has some sort of "great gameplan" which cannot be yet fully understood. So that is why any conventional strategies against him will fail.

I also think that all his idiotic comments are also somehow part of that gameplan.

Edited by thaitero
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Clinton might not be a felon YET, but everyone knows she violated the laws on national security numerous times. If there is justice in this country, she will be convicted like anyone else would be.

"Everyone" in the limited and lunatic circles you run in. As people who actually are familiar with the law know, her culpability depends on whether she used her server for information that either was already classified or that she should have known would be classified. She hasn't used her server for information that was already classified. So the questions remains should she have known that some of the information would be classified at some future date. As any knowledgeable person would tell you, the kind you're clearly not familiar with, it's very hard for a prosecutor to prove "should have known." They tend to shy away from such cases.

Maybe the legal opinionators you get your info from come from the same discount warehouse where George Bush dug up John Yoo?

Sorry but you are so dead wrong. There is a legal term "born classified". It doesn't have to be marked and Clinton has not only been trained but has been around long enough to know when something is "born classified" regardless of whether marked.

Clinton swore an oath regarding the handling of top secret info and yet went on to use a forbidden server and also give access to it to her top aid who is a Muslim.

All of these things are crimes and there are LOTS of them.


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After watching the last GOP debate, it seems that the big boys have had a serious talk with Trump. Mitt Romney coming out, against Trump was a show to the republicans that Trump is not their candidate. Trump will obey the power he has been put under.

Trump was not his, all yelling, himself. He is going to be off the race at some point. Or, he is going to be tamed by the folks who have actual power. In anyway Trumps showman days are over.

I have immensely enjoyed the GOP debates. Hilarious shows of ignorance. The best part has been Megyn Kelly, who has been visually very, very nice to watch. Not to forget that she is smart and uses her power in a good way.

What ever happens, the elections are going to be historic. The next president will be one of

- The first woman president

- The first hispanic president

- The first jewish president

- The first Canadian president

- The last US president

It's going to be interesting. Most likely there will be some other options, as these ones are not the ones which the US folks really wish to have.

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Clinton might not be a felon YET, but everyone knows she violated the laws on national security numerous times. If there is justice in this country, she will be convicted like anyone else would be.

"Everyone" in the limited and lunatic circles you run in. As people who actually are familiar with the law know, her culpability depends on whether she used her server for information that either was already classified or that she should have known would be classified. She hasn't used her server for information that was already classified. So the questions remains should she have known that some of the information would be classified at some future date. As any knowledgeable person would tell you, the kind you're clearly not familiar with, it's very hard for a prosecutor to prove "should have known." They tend to shy away from such cases.

Maybe the legal opinionators you get your info from come from the same discount warehouse where George Bush dug up John Yoo?

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was authorized by President Obama's Executive Order 13256 to have "Original Classification Authority". What this EO" did was give her the right to classify documents to the highest levels of government classification, Top Secret.

It also gave her the responsibility to recognize what should have been considered Top Secret or lower level classifications. She was required to take instruction provided by the State Department Security Department as to the classification procedures. It is reported she signed off as having taken the desired courses soon after joining the State Department.

"As any knowledgeable person would tell you, the kind you're clearly not familiar with", it would not be difficult at all for a prosecutor to prove she had the background, training and responsibility to know. She not only "should have known", she clearly did know.

Perhaps you should also consider looking for a different "opinionator".

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The powerful elite in DC are in "hail Mary" mode. They are throwing John McCain and Mitt Romney at Trump when those two are the last two big losers running for POTUS as Republicans. That's grasping at straws.

The Republican party has been unable to get anything right for decades. This has caused the backlash called Trump. When people get elected to DC they promptly forget their campaign promises and do what their big campaign donors tell them to do. It's rotten to the core on both sides and people know it.

Right now both parties in DC are trying unsuccessfully to deal with a neo-imperial Russia, a nasty China, an Iran, an insane North Korean ruler, and terrorist groups which are growing across the Middle East and Africa. Not only are they incapable of dealing with it, they've obviously made things worse. Now they ask us for more of the same by nominating Hillary who's a big part of what brought us here.

We are now supposed to trust "establishment" policies and current "expert" opinions that have brought us economic grief, a loss of jobs, trade, immigration, wars around the world - all are disasters.

We're told that Trump doesn't have this kind of experience. Well, I'd hope not since the "experienced" have about ruined us.

Build a wall. Shut down illegal immigration which is costing Americans jobs. Stop making China rich by exporting jobs, and especially since they are using the money to flex muscles in Asia. Bring jobs home. Let the Muslims kill each other but just not in America.

Once again, if the nation's security and economic experts are so smart, why are we in this mess? If having a WTO with China in it is such a good deal, why have we lost so much money and jobs to them? For decades we've been following the experts' failed advice.

Insanity is doing the same thing while hoping for a different result? Then if we elect insiders to DC we are insane.


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Senator Corker Slams Stop-Trump Effort With Blistering Rebuke

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) issued the following statement today regarding the 2016 presidential election:

“Here’s my message to the Republican Party leaders: Focus more on listening to the American people and less on trying to stifle their voice."

“What’s happening in the Republican primary is the result of two things: the fecklessness and ineptness of the Washington establishment in failing to address the big issues facing our country and years of anger with the overreach of the Obama administration. And to be candid, I think the American people should be angrier than they are.” (emphasis mine.)

Senator Corker has not endorsed a candidate in this election.

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Trump: "We are in a trade war now and America is getting its clock cleaned! Why wont politicians address this?"

WASHINGTON, March 4 (Reuters) - The U.S. trade deficit widened more than expected in January as a strong dollar and weak global demand helped to push exports to a more than 5-1/2-year low, suggesting trade will continue to weigh on economic growth in the first quarter.
The Commerce Department said on Friday the trade gap increased 2.2 percent to $45.7 billion. December's trade deficit was revised up to $44.7 billion from the previously reported $43.4 billion. Exports have declined for four straight months.
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Once again, if the nation's security and economic experts are so smart, why are we in this mess? If having a WTO with China in it is such a good deal, why have we lost so much money and jobs to them? For decades we've been following the experts' failed advice.

Insanity is doing the same thing while hoping for a different result? Then if we elect insiders to DC we are insane.


You are in this mess, because you keep on insisting that the republican party, who is mostly to serve the super rich, is the answer. Taxation of the rich and the big corporations, is one way to see what they are all about. That's money, which should be shared to the middle class, but is not.

You are in this mess, because your instinct, for what ever reason, is to believe, that GOP will protect the little people, while deep down you should know that it's not the answer.

You are in this mess because you put your faith in religion, not education and sciences, which make the fear of unknown disappear. You fail to help yourself out of the manipulation of few, who use your ignorance to gain power.

You are in this mess, because you have faith in the wrong people.

I know, democrats are pretty corrupted themselves. I personally don't trust Hillary as a person. However she still might be fairer to the real people, than any of the whoohaa persons, who are now representing GOP.

You could also put your faith to Bernie. He seems to be a person, who actually cares for the little people. You. If the middle class is happy, the country is often happy and thus productive. The US has forgotten the middle class, like many other countries has done as well.

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Clinton might not be a felon YET, but everyone knows she violated the laws on national security numerous times. If there is justice in this country, she will be convicted like anyone else would be.

"Everyone" in the limited and lunatic circles you run in. As people who actually are familiar with the law know, her culpability depends on whether she used her server for information that either was already classified or that she should have known would be classified. She hasn't used her server for information that was already classified. So the questions remains should she have known that some of the information would be classified at some future date. As any knowledgeable person would tell you, the kind you're clearly not familiar with, it's very hard for a prosecutor to prove "should have known." They tend to shy away from such cases.

Maybe the legal opinionators you get your info from come from the same discount warehouse where George Bush dug up John Yoo?

Yea. Sure. That is the ticket. She not only signed documents forbidding her from what she did, but also sent memos to her staff forbidding them from doing the same things. Those are the FACTS. You can spin all you want, but you are not convincing anyone that has actually studied the case.

Hillary may not be a felon YET, but she is undoubtedly a criminal.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Clinton might not be a felon YET, but everyone knows she violated the laws on national security numerous times. If there is justice in this country, she will be convicted like anyone else would be.

"Everyone" in the limited and lunatic circles you run in. As people who actually are familiar with the law know, her culpability depends on whether she used her server for information that either was already classified or that she should have known would be classified. She hasn't used her server for information that was already classified. So the questions remains should she have known that some of the information would be classified at some future date. As any knowledgeable person would tell you, the kind you're clearly not familiar with, it's very hard for a prosecutor to prove "should have known." They tend to shy away from such cases.

Maybe the legal opinionators you get your info from come from the same discount warehouse where George Bush dug up John Yoo?

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was authorized by President Obama's Executive Order 13256 to have "Original Classification Authority". What this EO" did was give her the right to classify documents to the highest levels of government classification, Top Secret.

It also gave her the responsibility to recognize what should have been considered Top Secret or lower level classifications. She was required to take instruction provided by the State Department Security Department as to the classification procedures. It is reported she signed off as having taken the desired courses soon after joining the State Department.

"As any knowledgeable person would tell you, the kind you're clearly not familiar with", it would not be difficult at all for a prosecutor to prove she had the background, training and responsibility to know. She not only "should have known", she clearly did know.

Perhaps you should also consider looking for a different "opinionator".

Can't believe the post does not include the catch-all and all purpose Form 213.

Slipping up in ol' age eh....

It's noted the post does not make any specific allegation. It is instead another reading of the Riot Act when there isn't any riot going on. Which is why everyone is walking past the reading. Those who stop are waiting for the walk/don't walk sign.

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Clinton might not be a felon YET, but everyone knows she violated the laws on national security numerous times. If there is justice in this country, she will be convicted like anyone else would be.

"Everyone" in the limited and lunatic circles you run in. As people who actually are familiar with the law know, her culpability depends on whether she used her server for information that either was already classified or that she should have known would be classified. She hasn't used her server for information that was already classified. So the questions remains should she have known that some of the information would be classified at some future date. As any knowledgeable person would tell you, the kind you're clearly not familiar with, it's very hard for a prosecutor to prove "should have known." They tend to shy away from such cases.

Maybe the legal opinionators you get your info from come from the same discount warehouse where George Bush dug up John Yoo?

Yea. Sure. That is the ticket. She not only signed documents forbidding her from what she did, but also sent memos to her staff forbidding them from doing the same things. Those are the FACTS. You can spin all you want, but you are not convincing anyone that has actually studied the case.

Hillary may not be a felon YET, but she is undoubtedly a criminal.

you are not convincing anyone that has actually studied the case.

What case...there aren't any charges, no prosecutor, no grand jury, no injured party, no docket number, no case number...no nuthin. Who anyway seems to think he's the only one to have "actually studied the case."

And using such great sources as Faux, Breitbart, Town Hall, Newsbusters, Freedom Outpost, Free Beacon, Free Republic, Let Freedom Ring, Liberty Sniper, Conservative Junction, Conservative America, America Resists, Daily Caller, Unspoken Majority and 100 more pages of 'em at Google.

The well funded mass of highly financed rightwing media.

It can be said the medium is indeed the message.

Edited by Publicus
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As Trump is winning this poll on TV, I guess it's safe to assume most of the TV members supporting Trump are posting from their super yachts berthed off Phuket?

Are you a big earner who’s not happy about dropping extra cash during a potential Clinton administration? A Tax Policy Center analysis of Republican favorite Donald Trump’s plan shows that the billionaire businessman’s proposal would lower taxes for the top 1% by more than $275,000, and by more than $1.3 million for the top 0.1% of earners....[Trump’s proposal could increase the national debt by nearly 80% of GDP by 2036, effectively undoing some or all of the positive benefits of the cuts, according to the analysis].

Conversely, Clinton's plan increases by $44/yr those who take home between $80k-140,000/yr., and whacks the 1%. So, obviously, the Trump supporters on here are extremely well off. wink.png


*source: non-partisan Tax Policy Center https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Policy_Center

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