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Dont drink on your flight over.. never drink at Suvarnhbhum, period.

Dont be a loudmouth, refuse to pay a bill, thinking you at 120kgs+, have got it all over these feeble bodied 75kg Asians (at 75kgx6=450kgs)

Dont think because your darling (with UNI degree and good job) tells you she doesnt want money..that you wont be skinned.

Dont think your 'good girl' who has her own money..will somehow cost you less in the longrun.

Never NEVER buy a house you cant own.

Dont big-note yourself up front..about your Thai knowledge and your awesome Thainess, to other farangs..UNTIL you've sussed out whether the other guy has been here 5-10 years longer than you


After breaking all the above rules...and asserting your "thainess", get jealous of the guy that your trying to teach, whom you later discover can speak Thai better than you ever will...to the extent where your jealousy wants to throw him out of a bus


^^ Maybe i should have stated..not so much as 'a beer', but getting borderline wasted.

People miss flights, get confused and are generally a pain

in the ring..for staff and other travellers.

if trouble ensues, alcohol doesnt help.

I could go on, suffice to say, being wasted on arrival at Swampy

is a whole new bag of risks


When coming here on holiday, before moving here, I always drank on the flight over. After working hard, for say 6 months, my holiday started the minute I left the workplace. However, I never drank on the flight home, as when I got in the taxi to take me to the airport, I realised my holiday was all but over until the next one.


Soi biker..

711 and family mart type places downstairs always good for

retail prices.

But if you cant stand to go dry on the occasion of flying then IMO

you have bigger issues.

I also say this about the loosers on visa run buses that

drink excess on the trip, being lost/late and generally causing hassles for others..poor form!


Soi biker..

711 and family mart type places downstairs always good for

retail prices.

But if you cant stand to go dry on the occasion of flying then IMO

you have bigger issues.

I also say this about the loosers on visa run buses that

drink excess on the trip, being lost/late and generally causing hassles for others..poor form!

Actually, I'd say if you can't enjoy a refreshing beer or two without going on to drink so much you become an irritant or liability to those around you, you have problems. Plenty of us can, though, so to tell us all not to as much as touch a drink at the airport or on the plane is a little bit over the top.


Actually I don't understand these posters that feel the need to give random advice, especially when it reads like your addressing a bunch of 10 year old kids on their first school trip.

Living here is hardly rocket science and i am sure most people can get by without the OP's pep talk.


Actually I don't understand these posters that feel the need to give random advice, especially when it reads like your addressing a bunch of 10 year old kids on their first school trip.

Living here is hardly rocket science and i am sure most people can get by without the OP's pep talk.


How about: never start a topic trying to teach people to suck eggs because you come across as a clueless newbie who makes silly generalizations based on their own shortcomings.

As SoiBiker pointed out, some of us actually can control ourselves if we choose to drink. The OP also damns all Thai women by telling us to "never" this or that about whatever kind of woman he has painted in his tiny mind.

Brings to mind the saying: the less they know the more they think they know.


Actually I don't understand these posters that feel the need to give random advice, especially when it reads like your addressing a bunch of 10 year old kids on their first school trip.

Living here is hardly rocket science and i am sure most people can get by without the OP's pep talk.


How about: never start a topic trying to teach people to suck eggs because you come across as a clueless newbie who makes silly generalizations based on their own shortcomings.

As SoiBiker pointed out, some of us actually can control ourselves if we choose to drink. The OP also damns all Thai women by telling us to "never" this or that about whatever kind of woman he has painted in his tiny mind.

Brings to mind the saying: the less they know the more they think they know.

You last few bring to my mind the exact example of the some of the behaviours

i mentioned. But carry on being the usual know-alls we all know and love


Actually I don't understand these posters that feel the need to give random advice, especially when it reads like your addressing a bunch of 10 year old kids on their first school trip.

Living here is hardly rocket science and i am sure most people can get by without the OP's pep talk.

I read this as bamukloy cataloguing a list of his own problems/experiences.

If that is the case, instead of a lecture, then there might be a couple of valid points in there for the not so traveled visitors.................wink.png


saai.gif The content and style of the OP and post #10 are depressingly familiar. What give this person the right to try to lecture everyone (yet again)? Unsolicited "advice" from someone who clearly suffers from the delusion that he is a Thailand expert and feels above everyone else.

BTW> You forgot to add the bit about not buying a business for the Thai gf.


Why confine these rules to Thailand? Getting smashed and shooting your mouth off will land you in trouble wherever you are.


Actually I don't understand these posters that feel the need to give random advice, especially when it reads like your addressing a bunch of 10 year old kids on their first school trip.

Living here is hardly rocket science and i am sure most people can get by without the OP's pep talk.


How about: never start a topic trying to teach people to suck eggs because you come across as a clueless newbie who makes silly generalizations based on their own shortcomings.

As SoiBiker pointed out, some of us actually can control ourselves if we choose to drink. The OP also damns all Thai women by telling us to "never" this or that about whatever kind of woman he has painted in his tiny mind.

Brings to mind the saying: the less they know the more they think they know.

You last few bring to my mind the exact example of the some of the behaviours

i mentioned. But carry on being the usual know-alls we all know and love

Hypocrite. I'm not the one who made the topic to give out silly advice, you are.

It's know-it-all, by the way.


I am sorry these things happened to you

Actually none of these things happen to me but in my daily life here i see and

hear it over and over.

I often have to pick up the pieces and hear the stories but yet

yet they do it again and again!

Just have to look at the replies you get on every thread where the

usual loosers pitch in the usual crap.

easy to see who are the bitter mob that have been taken


I am sorry these things happened to you

Actually none of these things happen to me but in my daily life here i see and

hear it over and over.

I often have to pick up the pieces and hear the stories but yet

yet they do it again and again!

Just have to look at the replies you get on every thread where the

usual loosers pitch in the usual crap.

easy to see who are the bitter mob that have been taken

They are so silly, after you pick up the pieces i would think they would change their life to be like you.I will surely follow your advice as i am a right thicko and needed the help..goodbye and thank you....


^^ Maybe i should have stated..not so much as 'a beer', but getting borderline wasted.

People miss flights, get confused and are generally a pain

in the ring..for staff and other travellers.

if trouble ensues, alcohol doesnt help.

I could go on, suffice to say, being wasted on arrival at Swampy

is a whole new bag of risks

you could go on, from where im sitting, you do go on.

pithy advice indeed


If it really were the case that he was being trolled by "loosers" surely he would have gained support from somewhere. Apparently the OP is the only person in the world who is not a loser and the rest of us are, so we can see why he is the one to educate us... or perhaps his OP and subsequent attitude belie the real truth of the matter.

Next he'll be delivering lectures on reflexive vs. reflective pedagogy.


Actually, the never drink on a flight advice is probably a good idea if you happen to come from Glasgow.

Judging by the number of air rage reports I read in the press originating from that lovely ex city of culture.


I am sorry these things happened to you

Actually none of these things happen to me but in my daily life here i see and

hear it over and over.

I often have to pick up the pieces and hear the stories but yet

yet they do it again and again!

Just have to look at the replies you get on every thread where the

usual loosers pitch in the usual crap.

easy to see who are the bitter mob that have been taken

We are fortunate indeed to have one such as you walk among us, dispensing wisdom, unsolicited advice and care.....not to mention the added value of your insults (one 'o' in losers, by the way). Have you considered publishing your stories and your fantastic advice, so that you can help a wider section of the world's less fortunate?

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