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South Korean man held by police dies after jumping from Bangkok condo


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Immigration and police dont seem to be following what was said about Passports , This is one main reason i left Thailand it is becoming very clear they have adopted a western approach i have only searched in Bangkok but 5 times in one week has turned me off the country , great bloody holiday

What eared where you searched?

Area, sorry for the typo.

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Immigration and police dont seem to be following what was said about Passports , This is one main reason i left Thailand it is becoming very clear they have adopted a western approach i have only searched in Bangkok but 5 times in one week has turned me off the country , great bloody holiday

Did you try wearing your shirt.... might have helped .......blink.png

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@ bluespunk ..........try the link provided by .....kandi #28

Looked at it when came across it [it should carry a warning about the picture it shows].

Most of the posts on this thread to date, however, came before that post.

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one of my neighbors was stopped and searched by the police more than 30 times during his 6 months stay in Thailand, he holds a valid passport and visa, they were no obvious reason except that he was an African Canadian, he was so tired of it that he had to move to the Phills', I ve witnessed countless times the immigration van rounding up cambo and burmi illegals in Bangkok around the Pratum nam and china town area and also in Pattaya with the illegal Russians.

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Immigration and police dont seem to be following what was said about Passports , This is one main reason i left Thailand it is becoming very clear they have adopted a western approach i have only searched in Bangkok but 5 times in one week has turned me off the country , great bloody holiday

Searched 5 times in one week, could be a result of your appearance and attitude. In my 21yrs going all over Thailand, i have never once been searched or even approached by police. Anyways, good that you left Thailand. And to further reduce your stress levels, i suggest leaving this forum.

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Perhaps the South Korean was once a North Korean. Expired South Korean passport might not have been authentic or belonged to the deceased.

And Thailand has a history of returning North Koreans to North Korea.

Better Dead than Red?

And the plot, conceivably thickens. On the plausibility scale, not bad. Minimal gratuitous use of grey matter, warrants recognition. Especially here.

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one of my neighbors was stopped and searched by the police more than 30 times during his 6 months stay in Thailand, he holds a valid passport and visa, they were no obvious reason except that he was an African Canadian, he was so tired of it that he had to move to the Phills', I ve witnessed countless times the immigration van rounding up cambo and burmi illegals in Bangkok around the Pratum nam and china town area and also in Pattaya with the illegal Russians.

there was no obvious reason except that he was an African Canadian??

That is a pretty obvious reason......

The Thai's are trained from grade one school. The darker skin is more ugly and dangerous .....

So what do you expect....???

for them to say yes, we want a colorful multi cultural society?

and i would like to meet the pope.

Neither is going to happen!


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Sad to know. Police harassment ? Should know how to handle a stressed a person even though he is illegal immigrant. South Korea should sue Thai Police for this suicide.

Are you serious ?
I'm pretty sure he means like the cops in the USA handle distressed individuals, by prolonged periods of tasering

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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Immigration and police dont seem to be following what was said about Passports , This is one main reason i left Thailand it is becoming very clear they have adopted a western approach i have only searched in Bangkok but 5 times in one week has turned me off the country , great bloody holiday

5 times in one week. Shirtless, we're you shirtless?

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

propably only moneless 555

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Nine years here, never stopped, never had to show my passport to BIB.

For those who seem to think its not a hassle to carry your passport, in case your stopped... Well... Crazy is as crazy does.

I never carry my passport...,ever... Losing it (or having it stolen) is a huge problem, and to make it worse, if your Australian, the Aussi government fines you for loosing it... No matter how it's lost.

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They are very large Korean expat community living in Thailand, I was told by one Thai acquaintance that some of the crackdowns on Thai visas was due to their large presence in Thailand, unlike the Japanese the Koreans benefited for years from the 90 days visa exempt stamp which was cracked recently if arrived by land border there were even a dedicated visa run service for them, most of them are running business here obviously without work permit.

Edited by marcofunny
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Nine years here, never stopped, never had to show my passport to BIB.

For those who seem to think its not a hassle to carry your passport, in case your stopped... Well... Crazy is as crazy does.

I never carry my passport...,ever... Losing it (or having it stolen) is a huge problem, and to make it worse, if your Australian, the Aussi government fines you for loosing it... No matter how it's lost.

After all, it is their property. whistling.gif

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Immigration and police dont seem to be following what was said about Passports , This is one main reason i left Thailand it is becoming very clear they have adopted a western approach i have only searched in Bangkok but 5 times in one week has turned me off the country , great bloody holiday

It's actually illegal to go shirtless in Metro Bangkok, and I assume you were drunk as well? Lucky to be stopped only five times then. Bangkok can get by without you and your cohorts.

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Immigration and police dont seem to be following what was said about Passports , This is one main reason i left Thailand it is becoming very clear they have adopted a western approach i have only searched in Bangkok but 5 times in one week has turned me off the country , great bloody holiday

Are you saying that you were stopped and searched 5 times in one week ?

I have been going to Bangkok frequently for 15 years now and I have never been stopped and searched.

really? never been stopped and searched? how lucky you are, a ssume you take the toll way. or have a driver. You must be privileged. cause i been stopped many many times. even lost track how many times I piss tested. My mentality is.... if they treat me like an animal, I treat them like one too. Yet, as i piss in the middle of the street, they have never arrested me once.

As for the OP, THAIS are squeezing South Korean business and ALL south Koreans. MANY S Korean business are being shut down. fines could be made up on the spot and cost MILLIONS. I dont need to give you any... proof. If thailand would please stop supplying NORTH KOREA WITH PARTS TO MAKE... stuff. im sure ..some.. of the corrupt thai businessmen wouldnt be destroying thailand for sheer profits.

This dude was screwed over... by THAIS. next.

the answer is in the CCTV. but.. ... the police got that already.

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Do you realise, that right this second, right now somewhere around the world some guy is getting ready to kill himself. Isn't that great? Statistics show that every year a million people commit suicide. Thats 2800 a day. That's one every thirty seconds. There goes another guy! And I say guy because men are four times more likely than women to commit suicide, even though women attempt it more. So men are better at it. That's something else you gals oughta be working on. Well if you wanna be truly equal you're gonna have to start taking your lifes in greater numbers. whistling.gif

George Carlin. A legend who was never afraid to speak the truth
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Do you realise, that right this second, right now somewhere around the world some guy is getting ready to kill himself. Isn't that great? Statistics show that every year a million people commit suicide. Thats 2800 a day. That's one every thirty seconds. There goes another guy! And I say guy because men are four times more likely than women to commit suicide, even though women attempt it more. So men are better at it. That's something else you gals oughta be working on. Well if you wanna be truly equal you're gonna have to start taking your lifes in greater numbers. whistling.gif

Extremely poor taste. I just this morning had an Australian lady attempting to 'spread the word' and she'd confided she'd 'turned to Jesus' as she was suicidally depressed. She also told me Australia has the highest rate of suicides in the world. Should all Australians commit suicide too? Real class this forum coffee1.gif

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He died because of an expired passport? That is a bit draconian. Would anyone of us jump to our death because of expired passport? Unless, perhaps, under the influence of some alcohol or drug.

Maybe there is more to the story than what we are being told? whistling.gif

Condolences to his family and friends.

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Notably and as expected, nothing of value was found on him or in his condo.

Nothing odd about a foreigner jumping from a high place to avoid talking to police in Bangkok, with no other witnesses, happens every week! coffee1.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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Just as the Thai police target helmet less motorcycle riders rather than drivers of brand new Mercedes cars, they will target similar low hanging fruit on the streets. Business people in suits, even though they might be carrying briefcases full of stolen cash or drugs, will rarely be stopped and questioned, but if they see drunken or badly behaved foreigners in flip flops, dirty shorts and sleeveless wife beater vests, they will zero in on them, whether to genuinely establish their bona fides or simply as easy tea money targets.

It's human nature, con men all over the world exploit this when calling on old dears to rob them, they always wear a suit, in order to look respectable. Look smart guys, and you will be immune from interference!

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