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Do you exercise?


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Came to Thailand 4 plus years ago at 67 and weighing 109 kilos at 1.7m and some muscular-skeletal problems. Changed to 95% Thai diet skipping as much of the fried food as possible, through my wife is a very good Lanna style cook.

Started loosing weight just on the diet, found a very deep tissue massage guy and spend 4 hours a week with him working on getting be back to working order. I bought a large elliptical machine and started using that and started swimming most every day and continued to loose weight. Started a weekly yoga class about 2-1/2 years ago, which was both the hardest and best thing I have done. Flexibility has never come naturally and I started from the bottom of that continuum.

While the yoga was helping to rebuild my strength, I had lost a lot of muscle mass and strength and while yoga will certainly build strength but there is a chicken and egg issue. So, I started a weight training program 3 months ago. So, now I have a weekly 90 yoga class in town and do 45 minutes at home most every evening. I go the gym every other day for an hour to 90-minute workout, mostly on a cable system.

My weight is down to 89 kilos and I feel like 50 again (the last time I had a good exercise program). Yes, I spend a lot of time doing all of this (10-15 hours a week), but longevity runs on both sides and if I am going to live to 90 plus, then it makes no sense not to do what is prudent to maintain the quality of like as high as I can. Energy is way up, and this is probably the most important thing; once you choose a program you like and push through the beginning, you find that (1) you really enjoy it, and (2) you begin to see and feel the benefits.

looks that the years that u ar egaining you spend in the gym....a cat bites her tail...but well doing ...exercise is great but half hour extrem intensiv should do...what is extrem intensity ? you should womit at least once in your 25 minutes of hell....a better way is banging your lady five times a day and if she refuses turn to her sister ...thats more pleasant and fills your years with quality ....better one quality year thaan five shit years full of exercises and diet

Thanks for the advice and opinion. Now you can go back to the bar and drink yourself to death.

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The problem I found was that most exercise things were just plain boring!

But shifting a pile of wood, or cutting down a load of trees by hand, digging something, or climbing up a hill was much more satisfying.

I fence foil and epee 2 or 3 times a week. Fun and exercise at the same time. Actually gets the brain involved as well.

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Hi, didn't take time to read other responses, but here's my 2 thb: exercise is really useful., I feel better, sleep better, and control weight better when I'm doing it.

I don't have a car or motosai, so I get natural exercise from doing errands on foot or cycle. I take motor transport when needed, of course.

I love to swim, esp. in Thailand heat, and also cycle long routes on some days.

For me, the key is not to force the issue, or I get resentful. If a miss a day, it's ok. Usually by the next day, I'm ready to get moving again.

Bottom line, I feel better and my weight stays steady without a lot of stressful careful eating (big overweight issues all of life here).

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Yes, do exercise! Looking back on my life, having exercised much, esp. during the last 20 years, is one of the smartest things I have done. And, it's reflected on my med tests and my doctors always say that it's made an important difference. I may not look young anymore, but I do look healthy and younger than my actual age.

As far as to what to do, just find what works for you personally. You have been given many options by the posts above. However, you should focus on the basics like cardiovascular, muscle tone, etc. You may also, if you haven't already, consider family history to help you focus on certain exercises, diet, etc.

One thing that has made a big difference has been walkmans, iPods, etc. Doing CV exercises is very boring for me, so I need a distraction for my mind whether it's podcasts or music or whatever. Upbeat music can sometimes get my head into some challenging workouts.

One thing that I have learned the hard way is that I cannot push the envelope when exercising like I used to as a kid. Things like tendons don't take as much stress as an older person may think. You can still push yourself, but not like it was when we were kids playing competitive sports. You just need more caution. Advice like that given on post #45 above can help you avoid injuries and things like costly MRIs.

Lastly, from what little I have gleaned from health news articles and other sources is that merely keeping active promotes longevity. I guess exercise tells your system that it is still relevant and needs to keep going.

Good luck!

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I swim at my condo. I try and swim at least 3-5 times a week, but I was lazy for several months and didn't swim at all. One lap is 500 meters and takes me about 15-20 minutes. After I get done swimming I usually do 50 curls or 50 push-ups. I used to like to weight train more, but the equipment here is too expensive and I don't have the room for it. I hate the gyms in Pattaya and would not set foot into those hot dirty places. I only use the gym at high end hotels while on vacation.

500 metres,thats a hell of a pool.
Yes it is. 250 meters long. Runs the full length of the 4 buildings at my condo complex.

I've never seen a pool that big at condo in US/EU let alone Thailand. Can you share name of condo? I have to see this on Google maps for myself.

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I swim at my condo. I try and swim at least 3-5 times a week, but I was lazy for several months and didn't swim at all. One lap is 500 meters and takes me about 15-20 minutes. After I get done swimming I usually do 50 curls or 50 push-ups. I used to like to weight train more, but the equipment here is too expensive and I don't have the room for it. I hate the gyms in Pattaya and would not set foot into those hot dirty places. I only use the gym at high end hotels while on vacation.

500 metres,thats a hell of a pool.
Yes it is. 250 meters long. Runs the full length of the 4 buildings at my condo complex.

I've never seen a pool that big at condo in US/EU let alone Thailand. Can you share name of condo? I have to see this on Google maps for myself.

Are you sure that's not the local klong you're thinking of? whistling.gif

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I swim at my condo. I try and swim at least 3-5 times a week, but I was lazy for several months and didn't swim at all. One lap is 500 meters and takes me about 15-20 minutes. After I get done swimming I usually do 50 curls or 50 push-ups. I used to like to weight train more, but the equipment here is too expensive and I don't have the room for it. I hate the gyms in Pattaya and would not set foot into those hot dirty places. I only use the gym at high end hotels while on vacation.

500 metres,thats a hell of a pool.
Yes it is. 250 meters long. Runs the full length of the 4 buildings at my condo complex.

I've never seen a pool that big at condo in US/EU let alone Thailand. Can you share name of condo? I have to see this on Google maps for myself.

You can PM me if you want. I am sure many will recognize the pool from the picture though. The pool is absolutely amazing. In the pic it only shows 3/4 of the total pool too.


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Totally unrelated but...

Why do builders put horizontal rails on balcony safety fences, and then put furniture out there? It is a deathtrap for kids, makes my skin crawl.

End of rant.

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Two and a half years ago a Tony's Gym opened a kilometer from my house. I was mentally kicking myself in the ass on the way home "What are the hell are you doing buying a lifetime membership in anything at age 75" never mind that it cost only 3,900 baht. Today I am 50 kilos lighter and my blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc are in the normal range. I can drink as much beer as I want and eat whatever I want and my weight stays around 100 kilos. I try to go to the gym for two hours every day with about half of that on the bike and the rest pushing and pulling weights. No direct lifting due to a bad back..I might not even be alive if I hadn't joined the gym. In addition, most of the gym regulars are friendly and most say hello and will chat sometimes. Quite a few decent looking birds to admire during their morning workouts doesn't hurt either. Eating and sleeping habits have changed. I eat a good breakfast and only eat again if I am hungry. I may have a sandwich at lunch and then not again until the next morning. Same with sleep. If I get sleepy I go to bed whatever the time. If I wake up and get up at 2 or 3 a.m. so what? Read quite a bit (just bought 80 used books) or watch TV news from the USA.

Old age doesn't mean you can't ward off some of the demons.

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A fast paced walk may be better for your knees in the long run but it certainly isn't better exercise than running

That's a kind of silly statement smile.png

If running ruins your knees how can it be better than paced walk?

Cause we're talking about exercise, running is clearly a better form of exercise than walking

I have ran since my teens and in my 40s now and my knees are fine. I walk all the time and you can't compare as forms of exercise

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Two and a half years ago a Tony's Gym opened a kilometer from my house. I was mentally kicking myself in the ass on the way home "What are the hell are you doing buying a lifetime membership in anything at age 75" never mind that it cost only 3,900 baht. Today I am 50 kilos lighter and my blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc are in the normal range. I can drink as much beer as I want and eat whatever I want and my weight stays around 100 kilos. I try to go to the gym for two hours every day with about half of that on the bike and the rest pushing and pulling weights. No direct lifting due to a bad back..I might not even be alive if I hadn't joined the gym. In addition, most of the gym regulars are friendly and most say hello and will chat sometimes. Quite a few decent looking birds to admire during their morning workouts doesn't hurt either. Eating and sleeping habits have changed. I eat a good breakfast and only eat again if I am hungry. I may have a sandwich at lunch and then not again until the next morning. Same with sleep. If I get sleepy I go to bed whatever the time. If I wake up and get up at 2 or 3 a.m. so what? Read quite a bit (just bought 80 used books) or watch TV news from the USA.

Old age doesn't mean you can't ward off some of the demons.

3,900 baht lifetime membership??? Seriously, that's a no brainer!

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Evidently that includes expending energy at the keyboard!

He used capitals, That must count for something.

I like cycling. It's low impact, God willing, and you can go places, and you see places you don't see in a car.

It gives you pride in your neighbourhood, and you get far more smiles cycling than driving, so I reckonit makes the world a happier place.


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Running, on average 40/50 km a week.

Running's for buses

You must have a piss-poor service where you live. Maybe you could save more money by running after taxis

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After an annual medical back in 2006 the doctor said you're perfectly fit, do you exercise? The answer was not since I gave up motor sport 24 years ago. His reply was if you want to stay as healthy as you are and extend your life then do some regular exercise. As a result I've been going to the gym 5 days a week for an hour instead of watching my wife do aerobics for an hour.

It's definitely made a difference that shows up on my yearly medical, for one thing my heart rate has slowed. After a long holiday though it takes about the same time to get back to where I was before. My wife also likes the results so that's a benefit too.

No interest in getting any fitter only maintaining the status quo.

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I would humbly suggest that "doing the dirty" with a short-timer - should not be the extent of a Farang's exercise regime in the LOS..


"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take up arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing, end them"

I think you are right to be humble about your suggestion. Having watched my neighbour tootle down to the shops on her bike, I can't see that being a sport for heroes, but she's no Bradley Wiggins. She knows eff-all about rugby league.

Anyway, digressions aside, it;'s not what you do, but the way that you do it


EDIT: Ah cannae see the comparison wi' miscegenation and regicide

I'm just saying, Imam, that whatever you do, if you do it vigorously, it's good exercise

Aye, well, Ah'm just sayin' thatsoundslikeLeseMajeste, and there's naecallfirthat...

Well, I'm sure you;re as aware as I am of the role of the Crown in a Constitutional Monarchy in limiting the excesses of demagogary, and I hope for the sake of the world at large that Mr Trump won't prove to the former colonial American electorate of the error of their Republican ways


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I swim. Years back, I was in Chicago one summer and there were people swimming in Lake Michigan. Life guards were along the shore. I went swimming with them. Afterwards, I said to one of the lifeguards that it's really nice that you have swimming here. He said: We don't always do this -- these are people training for the Chicago Triathlon this coming weekend. And I was swimming right along with them not knowing.

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Five years ago (age 69) I got up to 204 pounds and out of shape. Went on a diet and exercise routine and lost 16 pounds in six weeks. Have kept it off. I have put together a private gym in my sala for weight training and aerobic exercise on my elliptical trainer. Bicycle on the streets about average 25 kms a trip two three times a week. Very little alcohol, and sugar, lots of fruits and veggies, lean meats. In great shape for age 74 and feel great. But still suffer the age related aches and pains. Can't seem to get away from that! Now fluctuate around 186-187 pounds which seems to be my set point. Take a look at 'The Life Plan' by Dr Jeffery Life. Diet and exercise for the older guy. I have a bicycle buddy and we take one and two day trips on our bikes in the surrounding areas. Ko Yao Noi is our favorite bike trip.

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In the last few weeks, I have lost 3 kilos and now hover around 80kgs. If I took any notice of the BMI, I would be trying to shed another 3 - 5kgs, but I don't see that happening any time soon: I'd be a stick insect. If I can manage to feel a bit healthier, and cheat the grim reaper a bit longer, then I'll be happy: at 64, I'm not going to be super fit after a generally lazy life, but there's no harm in exercising sensibly. The cycling might have to go by the board if the air quality in CM deteriorates further: it was distinctly smoky this morning, catching in the throat - I can't see any point inhaling that crap as I cycle round. Now if they'd just get the moo ban pool finished, that would be a good alternative.

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I would humbly suggest that "doing the dirty" with a short-timer - should not be the extent of a Farang's exercise regime in the LOS..


You got all the basic exercise groups right there...

warming up….stretches, lifting, flexing, cardio, aerobics, push ups, pull ups….

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I would humbly suggest that "doing the dirty" with a short-timer - should not be the extent of a Farang's exercise regime in the LOS..


You got all the basic exercise groups right there...

warming up….stretches, lifting, flexing, cardio, aerobics, push ups, pull ups….

Not long enough though... Less then 5 seconds of any of the above doesn't really count.

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Cycle about 10 Ks, then go to the exercise park about five days a week.

Don't want to become an over muscled monkey man.

As long as I stay around 76 Ks, being 6 ft tall, that keeps me happy.

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