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British man calls on police to fully investigate murder of Thai wife


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Id love to see a pic of the wife....if this guy married her 10 years ago, chances are he couldve met her in orchard towers singapore....which would make her a ...........

Really? Necessary post, after a person's spouse is murdered?

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Husband organized a hit. It's always always the husband

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In the old days it was always the butler who done it.

There were no mentions of a sexual assault or a robbery. I am no Sherlock and have no clues as to why this murder took place. Only delving into the couples private affairs may come up with some answers.

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My partner and I did some such operations also in the past. Lending money to people who would not otherwise get a bank overdraft is current practice. The clients are generally well-known and most often repay. The going rate for this is 3% monthly. I took 2%. Still a lot compared to normal Western Credit conditions, yes. But Loan Shark seems inaccurate, as this points to large amounts, mafia connections and unhealthy collection practices.

My wife and I loaned money to many poorThais in the village we lived. We did not charge any interest. We like to do good deeds and help people. Did you have a work permit and pay tax on your money loaning proceeds?

Never "loan" a Thai friend or relative money without collateral as they will not pay you back and you will lose the friend or end up in a fight with the family... Period.

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Id love to see a pic of the wife....if this guy married her 10 years ago, chances are he couldve met her in orchard towers singapore....which would make her a ...........

I just hope that the guy doesnt see what you posted .

Its unnecessary, unpleasant and uncalled for

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My partner and I did some such operations also in the past. Lending money to people who would not otherwise get a bank overdraft is current practice. The clients are generally well-known and most often repay. The going rate for this is 3% monthly. I took 2%. Still a lot compared to normal Western Credit conditions, yes. But Loan Shark seems inaccurate, as this points to large amounts, mafia connections and unhealthy collection practices.

Correct. You were not a Loan Shark, just a Usurer.

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There should be a caption competition. my tuppence worth

1st plod: "it say's here that it is definitely a case of suicide"

2nd plod (quietly smiling): "yes, i agree but my copy says ...unless that is you know of a few saen baht that we do not know of yet"

English guy (thinks): "bladdy typical"

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In Thairath they say the police were informed Jae-Tik was shot sometime before 04:00 am on the morning of the 27th while driving her car. She had left her rented house to go to the market in Trang town and had driven about 1 Km when she was shot by 2 men on a motorbike which had been following her. Her car careered into a tree and then into an electricity pole before coming to a stop and was a total right off.
She was shot twice, once behind the right ear and once in the right arm.
In the car was 100,000 Baht in cash and 10 Baht in weight of gold jewellery.
There was a passenger in the seat, 35 year old Miss Ngamta Chukaeo who escaped without injury. Police are saying it was a miracle she was totally uninjured and have taken her in for questioning. They also believe at least two people were involved in the killing with the gunman having some proficiency in the use of firearms since the car was travelling at 80Km/h when she was shot.
Bizarrely the two articles in Thairath say Jae-Tik was gay (a 'tawm') and having an affair, without disclosing where the info comes from. This is denied by her sister and husband.
Police finished by saying they had made significant progress in the case and were sure there would be arrests within 2 days.

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Not uncommon for people to have business dealings unmentioned outside the relationship.

I know a guy that had to re-buy his house due to the wife signing over the property due to unknown gambling problem.

I know a guy who had to re-buy his house, which was in the name of his wife's Thai husband, because she had gambled it away.

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My partner and I did some such operations also in the past. Lending money to people who would not otherwise get a bank overdraft is current practice. The clients are generally well-known and most often repay. The going rate for this is 3% monthly. I took 2%. Still a lot compared to normal Western Credit conditions, yes. But Loan Shark seems inaccurate, as this points to large amounts, mafia connections and unhealthy collection practices.

If you are a foreigner I wouldn't advertise that. I've never seen a work permit stating Loan Shark as the legal occupation.

Where does it suggest he needed a work permit?

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I wouldn't have anything to do with lending to money to Thais or farangs for that matter in Thailand.

It usually leads to problems.

I have had numerous requests to lend money and I always tell them to go to a bank If they want a loan.

I have given money to thai friends but only a few thousand baht here and there and that is it a gift with no strings attached.

As for the OP I think there was probably something going on he didn't know about it.

Thais are expert at hiding things even from those who are very close to them.

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Splashing money about in Thailand invariably leads to lots of problems. Putting a wife from poor background on a pedestal and also splashing money around also leads to lots of problems. Rip for the wife. One has to wonder what she was involved in?

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"Earlier, police had said that they believe some kind of conflict of interest was likely to be the motive for the woman’s murder."

well murder is usually a conflict of interests the sever kind....

"...insisting that Jae-Tik was not having an affair..."

the nature of an affair is that the hubby and close family dont know....

Yesterday, Mr. Neil Jeremy Whalley, 48, along with his wife’s sister met with officers at Trang police station to demand the persons responsible for his wife’s murder are brought to justice.

maybe this sentence say it all about the thai way to do things....means do noting about a murder case untill the victims family who have a falang along them turns up and demand that u do your job....tactic ...get some money out of the bastard only than u search for a pooor soul to take the blame...

best a burmese ....

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Not uncommon for people to have business dealings unmentioned outside the relationship.

I know a guy that had to re-buy his house due to the wife signing over the property due to unknown gambling problem.

well well u travel around in thailand a while.... meeting all kinds of people and situations and suddenly you see it and can not believe: a couple who does not quarrel constantly ...an older white foreigner coming from a land near yours hand in hand with an oriental beauty wwhich seems to be there to fulfill him all his wishes before he communicates them...a lady so beautifull she could win a beauty contest anywhere in the world hand in hand with a man whos best days has passed some time (if they ever was there ) ....u wonder what a lucky fellow happy ever after in a land cheap to live with a women like this.....and than after some time u meet her yourself ... the one .... your angel....and jumping into it with the happy couple in the back of your mind....thinking.. wow suddenly unexpected the goods opened heaven for me sending me such an experience....

ooopppssss soon u find out about low education..parents in issaan with sick waterbuffolows and kids that constantly fall sick...grandmas that die every three month..stupid demands....greed that the heaven is not enough...and alot of secrets .....and than u walk away still wonder and thinking if u was just unlucky and maybe next time yes next time it will be better sure...it must be ....?

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I wouldn't have anything to do with lending to money to Thais or farangs for that matter in Thailand.

It usually leads to problems.

I have had numerous requests to lend money and I always tell them to go to a bank If they want a loan.

I have given money to thai friends but only a few thousand baht here and there and that is it a gift with no strings attached.

As for the OP I think there was probably something going on he didn't know about it.

Thais are expert at hiding things even from those who are very close to them.

yup stay away from lending to Thais or borrowing (obviously) I have been asked, on occasion, to lend and have done so in small sums but in my mind I have always written it off. Funnily that has mostly been proved a 'wise move' as it is a shock if I ever get the sum back and I am rarely disappointed.

Anyway I don't profess any knowledge or theory over this poor lady's death but having large sums of money methinks shopping at Tesco was not on the list.

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Outside Tesco Lotus in the early hours with a significant amount of cash and gold?


Middle aged Thai women often like to wear gold. The woman was clearly wealthy and going shopping. The word "significant" could just be 5 baht of gold and 30,000 baht with the police, knowing the mafia perpetrators, trying to lay a smokescreen in case they really are forced to pretend a real investigation. It is awkward for them as a random robbery gone wrong that they can pin on a migrant worker does not pass the smell test.

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I am no barrack room lawyer,and i have to opinions on why this woman was killed or the circumstances.This will be shown later,if at all But i have to say,that i fear this man will not get the justice he is demanding.The police are investigating?It will be very difficult for them to find the person that killed this woman because,at the moment,it is looked at as a motiveless crime.And that type of murder,is the hardest to investigate.So any failure by the authorities to find the murderer will not be entirely the fault of the police.And we all know how long the attention span of the said authorities is when dealing with any serious crime where a ferang is the injured party.

I wish him luck and justice.


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Not uncommon for people to have business dealings unmentioned outside the relationship.

I know a guy that had to re-buy his house due to the wife signing over the property due to unknown gambling problem.

His house? A Thai guy?

Spot on! Some will miss the satire.

Ridiculous post that was. As if Thai guys don't own their own houses.

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Not uncommon for people to have business dealings unmentioned outside the relationship.

I know a guy that had to re-buy his house due to the wife signing over the property due to unknown gambling problem.

well well u travel around in thailand a while.... meeting all kinds of people and situations and suddenly you see it and can not believe: a couple who does not quarrel constantly ...an older white foreigner coming from a land near yours hand in hand with an oriental beauty wwhich seems to be there to fulfill him all his wishes before he communicates them...a lady so beautifull she could win a beauty contest anywhere in the world hand in hand with a man whos best days has passed some time (if they ever was there ) ....u wonder what a lucky fellow happy ever after in a land cheap to live with a women like this.....and than after some time u meet her yourself ... the one .... your angel....and jumping into it with the happy couple in the back of your mind....thinking.. wow suddenly unexpected the goods opened heaven for me sending me such an experience....

ooopppssss soon u find out about low education..parents in issaan with sick waterbuffolows and kids that constantly fall sick...grandmas that die every three month..stupid demands....greed that the heaven is not enough...and alot of secrets .....and than u walk away still wonder and thinking if u was just unlucky and maybe next time yes next time it will be better sure...it must be ....?

Oriental is racist, it would be best to use another term there.

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"However, Mr Whalley, a former banker based in Singapore, and his wife’s family dispute both the claims of the media and the police, insisting that Jae-Tik was not having an affair and that she was not loan shark, having only previously ever loaned money to friends and family"

When you lend money to friends they cease to be your friends.

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Let's see... (1) She was having an affair (2) There was a conflict of interest (3) She was a loan shark.

As per usual, the Thai police just randomly spew out "theories" until something sticks, or until the public loses interest -- whichever comes first. The notion of actually getting to the bottom of it never enters their head.

So sad for the husband who hopes, in vain, that the police might actually get interested or even solve something.

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