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Thai Cop Caught Red-Handed Filming Up Student's Skirt


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"The officer reportedly claimed that he acted out of fun..." What grown man gets fun out of taking pictures up a girls skirt....a perverted man thats for sure. This is setting yet another fine example of the kind of people that are employed in the Royal Thai Police....time to clean up your act. Fired him immediately

well, everything here is "fun" as we know. in fact most RTP'ers are true comedians 555!

(especially when they talk english to me) whistling.gif

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So the gentle playing of bridge by a group of old folks are worse in their eyes than this sick perverted policeman's action.......??????????????

Yes they are right.

We are farrang and we do not understand Thai person and Thai culture.


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On a fairly regular basis, just when I think the Thai

police cannot possibly sink any lower, a headline

like this comes along and proves me wrong once

again. And while this bizarre crime is the act of a

single policeman, it sure does not bode well for

the perception the organization as a whole.....

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Get this CCTV clip and show it to his family, relations and villagers for 3 months. Keep that Bt500 fine.


Suppose he has a wife and kids.....should they be haunted at the schoolyard or her in the supermarket and neighborhood.??

Remove him from the promotion list!

Removed from the promotion list. Is this the kind of guy you want on the force. He should be fired.

I am by no means out for blood. I do not think the crime is overly serious, just some kind of fetish

but he is unsuitable to be in law enforcement. Of course so are most in the police force. coffee1.gif

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Aside from money the most important thing for a Thai is face. A good deterrent would be to publicly show the loss of face. By giving them the "get-out" way allowing them to keep face means they will just continue. Maybe the stocks would be an alternative

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Get this CCTV clip and show it to his family, relations and villagers for 3 months. Keep that Bt500 fine.


Suppose he has a wife and kids.....should they be haunted at the schoolyard or her in the supermarket and neighborhood.??

Remove him from the promotion list!

Remove him from the police force permanently

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On the MThai website they reported today the officer involved had been transferred but not sacked yet.

He said he only did it after being dared to by friends on Facebook and Line and the photo had come out blurred so he hadn't uploaded it and had just deleted it.

The 7-11 in question was opposite Lampang Ratchapat Institute and they think the student was from there although I guess she's likely too embarrassed to come forward.

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Someone enlighten me why this went, guessing social media (referring to "online") and not directly to the police station instead? The way I'm reading the article, it would indicate that and no mentioning of "went to the police first, nothing has happened and went online afterwards to get it's due punishment".

It does, however, read that it isn't his first out of the line action and just adding a pathetic 500B fine on that seems too low to call it even.

Also, why didn't the student file a complain with the police? By the video footage she may not have been aware of it, but since she will have been shown the footage afterwards....why not? This just feeds right into the hands of those that can and will blow things out of proportion...I'm looking at you feminism and your obsession for the patriarchy.

What? The man invaded her privacy! It's like he bored a hole into her bathroom for the perve (not that Thai fathers, brothers or uncles don't do that anyway!)! A small point....an officer of the National Police was filmed breaking the law.......and he\s still in the job??? sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

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Another example of how the rich and powerful practice self protection. If this perpetrator were a local Thai citizen of no class or power or money or a foreigner they would have been in jail by now. Cronyism and corruption is still rife in Thai society! The "leadership" can preach (lie?) all they like to the world and their own people but they can never hide their corruption or complete disdain for their own underprivileged citizens. The establishment (whatever its colour or persuasion) will not let go of power. The leopard cannot change it's spots. While there is no will, there is no way. We can rant and rave and pontificate as much as we like but nothing will really change in this medieval society. Sad really, because there are so many wonderful "average" citizens who cannot or will not challenge the establishment. Mai pen rai is alive and well. sad.png

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I can't really say anything here before I have seen the original mobile video (the one the cop took) smile.png Give him some slack, will ya?

RTP are under some intense pressure after the new "government" came to power... No wonder, they try to find some relief in "screening" young students... biggrin.png

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Another example of how the rich and powerful practice self protection. If this perpetrator were a local Thai citizen of no class or power or money or a foreigner they would have been in jail by now. Cronyism and corruption is still rife in Thai society! The "leadership" can preach (lie?) all they like to the world and their own people but they can never hide their corruption or complete disdain for their own underprivileged citizens. The establishment (whatever its colour or persuasion) will not let go of power. The leopard cannot change it's spots. While there is no will, there is no way. We can rant and rave and pontificate as much as we like but nothing will really change in this medieval society. Sad really, because there are so many wonderful "average" citizens who cannot or will not challenge the establishment. Mai pen rai is alive and well. sad.png

Uuuuuhhhh, imagine the condemnation and public outcry on Thai social media if this were a "Farang"... All hell would break lose, crackdowns on foreigners owning mobile phones, tighter visa regulations, psychological "screening"... the works!!!

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Someone enlighten me why this went, guessing social media (referring to "online") and not directly to the police station instead? The way I'm reading the article, it would indicate that and no mentioning of "went to the police first, nothing has happened and went online afterwards to get it's due punishment".

It does, however, read that it isn't his first out of the line action and just adding a pathetic 500B fine on that seems too low to call it even.

Also, why didn't the student file a complain with the police? By the video footage she may not have been aware of it, but since she will have been shown the footage afterwards....why not? This just feeds right into the hands of those that can and will blow things out of proportion...I'm looking at you feminism and your obsession for the patriarchy.

What? The man invaded her privacy! It's like he bored a hole into her bathroom for the perve (not that Thai fathers, brothers or uncles don't do that anyway!)! A small point....an officer of the National Police was filmed breaking the law.......and he\s still in the job??? sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

I'm not defending him in any way and I'm fully aware of what he did was/is wrong, but I can't fathom why so many things get dragged through social media first and not the proper authorities so justice can do it's part. Lives are being ruined with social media call outs plenty already and many of them aren't even worth losing the job or even future over.

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Someone enlighten me why this went, guessing social media (referring to "online") and not directly to the police station instead? The way I'm reading the article, it would indicate that and no mentioning of "went to the police first, nothing has happened and went online afterwards to get it's due punishment".

It does, however, read that it isn't his first out of the line action and just adding a pathetic 500B fine on that seems too low to call it even.

Also, why didn't the student file a complain with the police? By the video footage she may not have been aware of it, but since she will have been shown the footage afterwards....why not? This just feeds right into the hands of those that can and will blow things out of proportion...I'm looking at you feminism and your obsession for the patriarchy.

What? The man invaded her privacy! It's like he bored a hole into her bathroom for the perve (not that Thai fathers, brothers or uncles don't do that anyway!)! A small point....an officer of the National Police was filmed breaking the law.......and he\s still in the job??? sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

I'm not defending him in any way and I'm fully aware of what he did was/is wrong, but I can't fathom why so many things get dragged through social media first and not the proper authorities so justice can do it's part. Lives are being ruined with social media call outs plenty already and many of them aren't even worth losing the job or even future over.

Perhaps because if it was left to the "proper authorities" absolutely nothing would be done. They exist only to serve themselves. Not a very well kept secret.

The phenomenon of social media bringing pressure to bear as in this case is very significant - the people have found a voice (perhaps melodramatic, but they have found a way of making their views plain). That's why some circles are so desperate to kill it off.

It's not all photos of last nights supper you know!

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Perhaps because if it was left to the "proper authorities" absolutely nothing would be done. They exist only to serve themselves. Not a very well kept secret.

Which in and by itself is "fine" but that route still needs to be taken first _before_ throwing it on social media, if it was in that order, I'd have nothing to object to getting a stink made out of it...provided absolutely nothing did happen going the proper route first.

Social Media is becoming more and more a place for intolerance toward mundane things and creates mobs to take down people.

I'm just waiting for some white person to go take a selfie with nature with them just being there and some moron getting offended by them doing just that. Said moron will make some perfectly stupid headline whining cultural appropriation whatever, get a mob behind it and said white person will be socially prosecuted for having done absolutely nothing wrong.

Yes, that is a really outlandish example, but we aren't _too_ far away from that level of retardation anymore and it needs to stop....like now.

That there are people that want Social Media shut down is sort of to my liking, not for the reasons of oppressing opinions, but to have this cancer of phone zombies etc die bah.gif

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Perhaps because if it was left to the "proper authorities" absolutely nothing would be done. They exist only to serve themselves. Not a very well kept secret.

Which in and by itself is "fine" but that route still needs to be taken first _before_ throwing it on social media, if it was in that order, I'd have nothing to object to getting a stink made out of it...provided absolutely nothing did happen going the proper route first.

Social Media is becoming more and more a place for intolerance toward mundane things and creates mobs to take down people.

I'm just waiting for some white person to go take a selfie with nature with them just being there and some moron getting offended by them doing just that. Said moron will make some perfectly stupid headline whining cultural appropriation whatever, get a mob behind it and said white person will be socially prosecuted for having done absolutely nothing wrong.

Yes, that is a really outlandish example, but we aren't _too_ far away from that level of retardation anymore and it needs to stop....like now.

That there are people that want Social Media shut down is sort of to my liking, not for the reasons of oppressing opinions, but to have this cancer of phone zombies etc die bah.gif

Social media is NOT the problem. Some users are the problem. As soon as you shut down one social media site another will appear. Same same as criminals - get rid of one and another will appear. This forum is a form of social media? Albeit with some controls unlike many social media sites. A saving grace? Probably. I venture to say that many young (and some "older") social media users have absolutely no idea of the power of social media for good and bad. It is a user problem, maybe education is a way of guidance for its use but it will never stop the abuse. Learn to live with it and learn to use social media (if you must use) DO NOT let social media use you.

I have a Facebook presence - no real detail about me and no friends on it. I use it because when making comments about an issue some media sites need you to log on with a Facebook presence (because they want to "market" to your friends). Hence my comment about using social media and do not let social media use you. Just my way of dealing with social media. HTH coffee1.gif

Edited grammar error.

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Someone enlighten me why this went, guessing social media (referring to "online") and not directly to the police station instead? The way I'm reading the article, it would indicate that and no mentioning of "went to the police first, nothing has happened and went online afterwards to get it's due punishment".

It does, however, read that it isn't his first out of the line action and just adding a pathetic 500B fine on that seems too low to call it even.

Also, why didn't the student file a complain with the police? By the video footage she may not have been aware of it, but since she will have been shown the footage afterwards....why not? This just feeds right into the hands of those that can and will blow things out of proportion...I'm looking at you feminism and your obsession for the patriarchy.

What? The man invaded her privacy! It's like he bored a hole into her bathroom for the perve (not that Thai fathers, brothers or uncles don't do that anyway!)! A small point....an officer of the National Police was filmed breaking the law.......and he\s still in the job??? sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

I'm not defending him in any way and I'm fully aware of what he did was/is wrong, but I can't fathom why so many things get dragged through social media first and not the proper authorities so justice can do it's part. Lives are being ruined with social media call outs plenty already and many of them aren't even worth losing the job or even future over.

Justice? What justice is that? TIT

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hes probably doing much worse at the station out of public view. orchestrated rapes, sexusl humiliation and other crimes against humanity rarely get reported by the victims.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seen this on the Jobs DB web site this morning:

Seems at least one convenience store is ready to take up the challenge themselves:

Loss Pervention / Security

Central Watson Co., Ltd., Klongtoey

Salary negotiable


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