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Jatuporn gets six months for defaming Abhisit


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Does this mean that the army commander alone was the person who ordered his troops to fire on the protesters with live ammunition. If this is so, why has he not been charged with murder. Especially that of a young nurse who was tending to the wounded, a war crime in any other situation.

What about the one(s) who were behind(!) the red shirts and men in black who were shooting at the soldiers and other people then, clearly to provoke the army's reaction...? Husssh?

You fanboys go with the narrative every time. The PAD/army put out the MiB story therefore it must be true. It isn't really your fault, just very clever propoganda. It's the narrative; the gospel: no one thinks to question it. It's as true to the fanboys as tmw being Thursday.

Just stop and think though, even though you believe the narrative, was it right and proper to just blast away, indiscriminately at a crowd of civilians?

Someone ordered it. If not Marky, then who? Maybe they should be using their time trying to find that person rather than trying to even old scores.

Djee, Simps, when you have a bit of usable brain mass of your own(!?) left, please do some (possibly unbiased?) research by yourself(!) about 2009/2010, who started bombing, arsoning, throwing explosives, shooting-to-kill and other atrocities, before the soldiers (as the police was totally absent, or collaborating with the insurgents, for bad, though evident reasons you should know about too) became authorised(!) to shoot-to-kill, in response, only, still.

As for the MiB, when it is not evident to you, biased as you seem to be (then forget about the, whole(!), true(!) Seh Daeng story f.i.), and rejecting of course all the (impartial!) reports, pictures, videos about the MiB, and the thorough official published file made about the 2010 'events' (rejected as a whole by PTP/UDD because not in accordance with their propaganda fairy tales) then you just tell me who the guys were, and working for whom(!), in 2013, on top of Chalerm's ministry building, among riot police units, in buildings adjacent to rallies, on bridges, etc., klling, maiming, wounding, very, ...very, discriminately, considering, of course you must be convinced it could not have been heavily armed red shirt militia members perpetrating those despicable acts of ...

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Does this mean that the army commander alone was the person who ordered his troops to fire on the protesters with live ammunition. If this is so, why has he not been charged with murder. Especially that of a young nurse who was tending to the wounded, a war crime in any other situation.

What about the one(s) who were behind(!) the red shirts and men in black who were shooting at the soldiers and other people then, clearly to provoke the army's reaction...? Husssh?

Come on. Don't ruin his "But, but, but but Mark & Suthep" for him. He at least has to believe it.

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Guess we know who the "supreme court" works for....

you are right !

If it would be a court like we have in western countries,

he would get the 6 months Bangkok Hilton Obligatory !

and not suspended !

Or did you hear ever a farong got suspended his jail term, because it was his first jailterm ??

so every overstayer would not get in jail, because his first term !

No !

they put everyone behind bars !

But this crop goes free !

Hang him !!

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So when does his serious charges get court time? The case was suspended while his co-accused were MPs (party list, of course) but that impediment to justice was removed some time ago.

Edited by halloween
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Would love to see him in Prison with those huge shackles on his legs,

see if he would still be grinning then, but it looks like that will never

happen, does he not already have suspended sentences ?

regards Worgeordie

good to know that the court got a "Common Sense"

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Guess we know who the "supreme court" works for....

you are right !

If it would be a court like we have in western countries,

he would get the 6 months Bangkok Hilton Obligatory !

and not suspended !

Or did you hear ever a farong got suspended his jail term, because it was his first jailterm ??

so every overstayer would not get in jail, because his first term !

No !

they put everyone behind bars !

But this crop goes free !

Hang him !!

Or did you hear ever a farong got suspended his jail term, because it was his first jailterm ??

Yes, this happens in "our" countries...

And why to hang him? Award would be much better

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they are doing everything to stifle free speech and we get this? from a speech in 2010??? scraping the bottom of the barrel to muxle ALL Thais who are not 'on message'

Yes. Isnt it funny how all these TV Farangs talk like the Thais with their "hang em up" attitudes just because of a few words of embellishment? Its ironic if these people were back in their home countries and these crazy events happened they would be screaming the government is wrong and too far reaching.

Thai people have no clue how to govern a country evidenced with the military coups. They are too much influenced by emotions and not enough by facts. Hurt my feelings I hurt you. We see this everyday in the news. Its a culture problem that wont ever be fixed.

6 months for "defamation", 500 baht fine for a police officer who records pornographic video of a minor. That should tell you how (&^%$#@ the Thai system really is.

How in the world has Suthep gotten away with leading the protests and saying all the nasty things he said during the BKK shutdown? How about all the people that lost money, jobs etc during that event? Why hasnt "justice" been directed towards him?

How about the recent acquittal of him and Aby boy for the shutdown/protest years ago??

For the record, I seriously believe there are Thai people who masquerade as TV members.

As I said before children in a playground....

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'However his jail term was suspended on a two year probation instead as he never convicted to serve jail sentence before'.

Aha, now I get it! So, one can be found guilty and sentenced to prison terms several, many, times, and still get 'probation' (or 'suspension'?), as long as one has not one time (at least) been made to actually serve its time!

I wonder whether that's the concept behind the 'probation'/'suspension' concept, and would rather think this leniency(!) is aimed at 'first offenders' (a 'once in a life time' thing), and evidently not at recidivists/serial offenders...!

The more so that, when I read the word 'probation', I would expect some strict conditions being made part of it, the first, most evident, one being not to commit other offences, of any kind, during the probation time.

So, it seems this merry-go-round will go on for, f.i., loudmouth and troublemaker Jatuporn, till there will be a first judge/court brave(!) enough to have him serve time in jail for a first time... In the next courtcase already?

Just like in our western country's,...Justice is all about who you are, not what you did....!!!

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suspended terms ...

if the courts don't enforce justice - who will?

naive in the extreme

what's your answer - red shirt people's courts?

Red shirt peoples courts??? What could that be? They don't do that bit. The boss lays the charges & the minions perform the executions without question, adults or children. They skip straight past reading the evidence supporting the charges out loud bit , or the part where anyone hears what the defense has to say.

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they are doing everything to stifle free speech and we get this? from a speech in 2010??? scraping the bottom of the barrel to muxle ALL Thais who are not 'on message'

Yes amazing, that, isn't it. What do you suppose they will give him for asking for one million people to bring a litre of petrol each so they could burn Bangkok down? That was just one of many similar choice speeches from him at that time.. I am with you on being disappointed they bothered to follow this one through. There are so many much worse things he should be in front of the beak for but they keep delaying it. Why is that, do you think? Oh, and don't think for a moment of saying he didn't say it, because most of it is so easily found on You Tube

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