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The New Addition

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I went to the Wednesday walking market in the small town near my home yesterday. I bought a few things and threw the bag into the back of the truck and drove home. When I got the bag out of the back of the truck, low and behold, there was a small black/brown puppy sitting looking at me. Couldn't be more than 1 - 1.5 months old. I tried to give him away yesterday afternoon, no takers, but will try again today.. Most of my 8 Thai mutts have either adopted him or are staying far away. He slept in a dog pen, a closet with a gate rather than a door, in the house last night and his name is Billy. I hope that I can find a good home for him as I already have 8 adopted Thai mutts. A novel way of getting rid of unwanted puppies, dump them in the back of somebody's truck while they are shopping!

I would have posted a picture but, of course, the camera batteries are dead. Pretty much how things have been going these past few weeks.

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