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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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Good to see at least one world leader backing Trump:

North Korea says Trump isn't screwy at all, a wise choice for president

North Korea has backed presumptive U.S. Republican nominee Donald Trump, with a propaganda website praising him as "a prescient presidential candidate" who can liberate Americans living under daily fear of nuclear attack by the North.

A column carried on Tuesday by DPRK Today, one of the reclusive and dynastic state's mouthpieces, described Trump as a "wise politician" and the right choice for U.S. voters in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election.

It described his most likely Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, as "thick-headed Hillary" over her proposal to apply the Iran model of wide sanctions to resolve the nuclear weapons issue on the Korean peninsula.


As all the Trump supporters proudly stated in another thread on Stephen Hawking's criticisms of Trump, anyone with common sense will back Trump, and all smart people lack common sense - even citing some school yard refrains from their childhood to prove this point.

So, yes, finally a leader with common sense is backing Trump. Let's just hope some other favorites of Trump - the 'poorly educated' world leaders will step forward and show support.


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Good to see at least one world leader backing Trump:

North Korea says Trump isn't screwy at all, a wise choice for president

North Korea has backed presumptive U.S. Republican nominee Donald Trump, with a propaganda website praising him as "a prescient presidential candidate" who can liberate Americans living under daily fear of nuclear attack by the North.

A column carried on Tuesday by DPRK Today, one of the reclusive and dynastic state's mouthpieces, described Trump as a "wise politician" and the right choice for U.S. voters in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election.

It described his most likely Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, as "thick-headed Hillary" over her proposal to apply the Iran model of wide sanctions to resolve the nuclear weapons issue on the Korean peninsula.


As all the Trump supporters proudly stated in another thread on Stephen Hawking's criticisms of Trump, anyone with common sense will back Trump, and all smart people lack common sense - even citing some school yard refrains from their childhood to prove this point.

So, yes, finally a leader with common sense is backing Trump. Let's just hope some other favorites of Trump - the 'poorly educated' world leaders will step forward and show support.


rofLMAO!!! Comment of the thread Keema!

Edited by NumbNut
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"common sense' is a code word used by right wing peeps. of course if you have this "common sense" you do not have to think or read anything. just use infographics.

The inverse implied is: Liberals will never have common sense. They think and read too much. So how can a "libtard" (another code word) know the difference between right and wrong like 'us people with boots on the ground'.

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I say: bring on Hillary or Trump. The faster we get one of those in office the quicker things will fall apart and we can get busy rebuilding America again.

Both sides of the voting public are mad as hell that no one has represented the American public for about 30 years now. Hillary and Trump are not going to change this. Their puppet masters and handlers will see to this. Hillary will continue to drag the USA down the path it has been on for 30 years. Trump will start running his mouth like a bully on the playground and the rich and powerful people of the world will step in and tape his mouth shut.

The US government does not respond to the wishes of the people. The US government responds to the wishes of the corporate state.

Bernie would only soften the blow.

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The anti-Obama right is exactly where the Soviet Chekist Vladimir Putin is and always was, i.e. youse guyz are so far right you have always been standing next to and shaking hands with the totalitarian left. It's called closing the circle.

Youse guyz Brics fell down too and it wuz Obama who dunnit and rather swiftly besides....

In a precious few years, the US has managed pretty well in fending off a major international challenge to its global hegemony posed in the form of a coalition of “emerging economies” known as BRICS, boldly contemplating reforming the western-dominated financial institutions, alternatives to US dollar, restructuring the world economy, and the like, like a sweet dream punctured by the ensuing counterpunch of a rude awakening.

How did the US manage these counterblows, so quickly and so effectively? By playing down and dirty of course, putting its colossal soft and hard power to work to unravel the BRICS daydream. First it was the Ukraine coup that targeted Russia’s vital access to Crimea, forcing Putin’s hands, followed by tough western sanctions, while demonizing him as the bad guy, followed by an outright oil conspiracy with the Saudis glutting the oil market and thus delivering a devastating blow to the oil-dependent Russian economy, then targeting Russia’s Mediterranean base in Syria by playing the radical jihadist card through local proxies, and finally managing a wholly unholy regime change in Brazil, by co-conspiring with the pro-American puppets in dethroning a popularly-elected president with the lamest excuses. As a result, Brazil today is for all practical purposes fully back in the US orbit, its BRICS dream thrown to dustbin of history.


All of this and more are beyond Trump's brain which is no better than the brain of his promoters, all of whom have missed the whole of it and who'd instead phuck up a wet dream.

Vote Hillary for more of the same thx.

While making personal attacks on Trump, you ignore the reasons people support him ie the mainstream of politics in the US is broken, and HRC ain't gonna change anything. Who else is there to support? Bernie would do, but the fix is in and he hasn't a hope of being the candidate, never did.

Donald Trump will shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution, putting its system of checks and balances into a tangle and distortion. Trump can do this and Trump will do this.

Retired top generals have already made public statements that the US military is not Trump's palace guard and that carpet bombing urban areas is a war crime.

Trump this week spent almost 30 minutes at a public rally denouncing a US Federal District Court Judge who is "Mexican."

Donald Trump is the original and uniquely American Mussolini.

This is not a campaign for Potus between those who want 'change' vs those who favor the 'establishment.' This is the campaign for Potus in which the right support the wild radical Trump and the libtards support Trump's opponents. The change the right wing extremists want means we'd all get Trump, the American Mussolini.

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The anti-Obama right is exactly where the Soviet Chekist Vladimir Putin is and always was, i.e. youse guyz are so far right you have always been standing next to and shaking hands with the totalitarian left. It's called closing the circle.

Youse guyz Brics fell down too and it wuz Obama who dunnit and rather swiftly besides....

In a precious few years, the US has managed pretty well in fending off a major international challenge to its global hegemony posed in the form of a coalition of “emerging economies” known as BRICS, boldly contemplating reforming the western-dominated financial institutions, alternatives to US dollar, restructuring the world economy, and the like, like a sweet dream punctured by the ensuing counterpunch of a rude awakening.

How did the US manage these counterblows, so quickly and so effectively? By playing down and dirty of course, putting its colossal soft and hard power to work to unravel the BRICS daydream. First it was the Ukraine coup that targeted Russia’s vital access to Crimea, forcing Putin’s hands, followed by tough western sanctions, while demonizing him as the bad guy, followed by an outright oil conspiracy with the Saudis glutting the oil market and thus delivering a devastating blow to the oil-dependent Russian economy, then targeting Russia’s Mediterranean base in Syria by playing the radical jihadist card through local proxies, and finally managing a wholly unholy regime change in Brazil, by co-conspiring with the pro-American puppets in dethroning a popularly-elected president with the lamest excuses. As a result, Brazil today is for all practical purposes fully back in the US orbit, its BRICS dream thrown to dustbin of history.


All of this and more are beyond Trump's brain which is no better than the brain of his promoters, all of whom have missed the whole of it and who'd instead phuck up a wet dream.

Vote Hillary for more of the same thx.

While making personal attacks on Trump, you ignore the reasons people support him ie the mainstream of politics in the US is broken, and HRC ain't gonna change anything. Who else is there to support? Bernie would do, but the fix is in and he hasn't a hope of being the candidate, never did.

Donald Trump will shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution, putting its system of checks and balances into a tangle and distortion. Trump can do this and Trump will do this.

Retired top generals have already made public statements that the US military is not Trump's palace guard and that carpet bombing urban areas is a war crime.

Trump this week spent almost 30 minutes at a public rally denouncing a US Federal District Court Judge who is "Mexican."

Donald Trump is the original and uniquely American Mussolini.

This is not a campaign for Potus between those who want 'change' vs those who favor the 'establishment.' This is the campaign for Potus in which the right support the wild radical Trump and the libtards support Trump's opponents. The change the right wing extremists want means we'd all get Trump, the American Mussolini.

If he is all that you described ...then surely there is something wrong the votes are still going his way ....this is really a case of the dumb getting dumber

Kim will be his new BFF

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Does anyone really think that the 'old guard' Republican party is going to accept Donald Trump as the nominee? I don't think so.

I think the old guard will use tried and true tactics and destroy him. Not sure what tactics that will be but I'd bet Karl Rove is chomping at the bit.

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'left wing authoritarian personality' ??? ....Maybe that's the bearded hippie at the commune who sticks a lit doobie in your face and says, "come on dude, take a toke. It's the noble herb man."

I don't know Hawking personally, I doubt anybody on this forum does.

My guess is Hawking, like most people that spend the majority of their lives in and around academia, doesn't have a lick of common sense.

Just my honest opinion relating to Hawking and many members of this forum...primarily those that self label as "elites".

You almost got a laugh from me. Why? because no matter who comes out against Trump, his sheeple fans will put that person down. Is there anyone other than Trump who Trump fans respect? That's a true sign of a cult, It happens for Fat Boy Kim fans, for Thaksin fans, for Scientologists, ....even for the Dhamakaya cult head in Thailand who is hiding from DSI because he has a hurt foot. Hmmmmm, Sounds familiar. Trump had a hurt foot which kept him from going to get checked by the military during the VN war. If you ask Trump today, which foot kept him reporting five separate times, he'll say he can't remember. But how is that possible? Trump has also said in recent interviews that he has an excellent memory. Which is it?

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'left wing authoritarian personality' ??? ....Maybe that's the bearded hippie at the commune who sticks a lit doobie in your face and says, "come on dude, take a toke. It's the noble herb man."

I don't know Hawking personally, I doubt anybody on this forum does.

My guess is Hawking, like most people that spend the majority of their lives in and around academia, doesn't have a lick of common sense.

Just my honest opinion relating to Hawking and many members of this forum...primarily those that self label as "elites".

You almost got a laugh from me. Why? because no matter who comes out against Trump, his sheeple fans will put that person down. Is there anyone other than Trump who Trump fans respect? That's a true sign of a cult, It happens for Fat Boy Kim fans, for Thaksin fans, for Scientologists, ....even for the Dhamakaya cult head in Thailand who is hiding from DSI because he has a hurt foot. Hmmmmm, Sounds familiar. Trump had a hurt foot which kept him from going to get checked by the military during the VN war. If you ask Trump today, which foot kept him reporting five separate times, he'll say he can't remember. But how is that possible? Trump has also said in recent interviews that he has an excellent memory. Which is it?

Haha! You forgot the Clinton Cult

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The US Ambassador to Singapore was doing damage control Friday at the Asia Security Summit in Singapore reassuring the world that even if the idiot Trump wins, the US is in Asia for business and security to stay. He estimated that around 50 million SE Asia citizens have either worked for or had interaction with an American company over the last 70 years. So, those who say butt-out of American politics clearly don't understand the importance of the US election to SE Asia and the world.

All the nations of SE Asia voiced their concern to Ambassador Wagar that the highly effective pivot to Asia by the Obama administration and the TPP would be scrapped if the orange doofus takes control this November. Wagar assured them that even if Trump is elected, US business is not that stupid as Trump wants them to be and will continue engagement.

Meanwhile, Republican John McCain, also in Singapoe, said the he, as well as all the leadership in both parties, also wants the TPP to pass,

In a speech in Singapore on Friday, U.S. Senator John McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, said there was a possibility the TPP could be ratified then.

"What I do believe is that there is every possibility after this election that we could have a lame duck session Congress," McCain said. "Or, with the proper leadership of the next president of the United States who could marshal sufficient support."

The world is indeed shuddering at the prospect of the primitive Trump being elected President, but they are smart enough to plan for it as is American business. US business will simply go where the environment is more friendly, that means shuttering even more factories and job loss, the opposite effect of what Trump is promising.


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'left wing authoritarian personality' ??? ....Maybe that's the bearded hippie at the commune who sticks a lit doobie in your face and says, "come on dude, take a toke. It's the noble herb man."

I don't know Hawking personally, I doubt anybody on this forum does.

My guess is Hawking, like most people that spend the majority of their lives in and around academia, doesn't have a lick of common sense.

Just my honest opinion relating to Hawking and many members of this forum...primarily those that self label as "elites".

You almost got a laugh from me. Why? because no matter who comes out against Trump, his sheeple fans will put that person down. Is there anyone other than Trump who Trump fans respect? That's a true sign of a cult, It happens for Fat Boy Kim fans, for Thaksin fans, for Scientologists, ....even for the Dhamakaya cult head in Thailand who is hiding from DSI because he has a hurt foot. Hmmmmm, Sounds familiar. Trump had a hurt foot which kept him from going to get checked by the military during the VN war. If you ask Trump today, which foot kept him reporting five separate times, he'll say he can't remember. But how is that possible? Trump has also said in recent interviews that he has an excellent memory. Which is it?

Haha! You forgot the Clinton Cult

So you admit Trumpism is a cult?

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Yet another eminent, prominent subject matter expert (in a seemingly endless line around the globe), a noble prize winning economist this time, has come out to tell what a clueless man Trump is.

“Trump is completely incoherent on economic policy,” Krugman said on ABC’s “This Week.” “I mean, you can find him on any given day supporting almost anything.”


Wait...don't tell me, let me guess..it's because Krugman is lacking in common sense, it's because he's a libtard who writes for the left wing commie rag NY Time, or maybe it's just that his hair isn't orange enough.

**Oh, I almost forgot. This feigned stupidity by Trump is all part of a master plan to never let your enemy know the truth and that you're really, really smart and know big words.

Edited by keemapoot
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Yet another eminent, prominent subject matter expert (in a seemingly endless line around the globe), a noble prize winning economist this time, has come out to tell what a clueless man Trump is.

“Trump is completely incoherent on economic policy,” Krugman said on ABC’s “This Week.” “I mean, you can find him on any given day supporting almost anything.”


Wait...don't tell me, let me guess..it's because Krugman is lacking in common sense, it's because he's a libtard who writes for the left wing commie rag NY Time, or maybe it's just that his hair isn't orange enough.

**Oh, I almost forgot. This feigned stupidity by Trump is all part of a master plan to never let your enemy know the truth and that you're really, really smart and know big words.

'The BEST words!' lol gigglem.gif

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The anti-Obama right is exactly where the Soviet Chekist Vladimir Putin is and always was, i.e. youse guyz are so far right you have always been standing next to and shaking hands with the totalitarian left. It's called closing the circle.

Youse guyz Brics fell down too and it wuz Obama who dunnit and rather swiftly besides....

In a precious few years, the US has managed pretty well in fending off a major international challenge to its global hegemony posed in the form of a coalition of “emerging economies” known as BRICS, boldly contemplating reforming the western-dominated financial institutions, alternatives to US dollar, restructuring the world economy, and the like, like a sweet dream punctured by the ensuing counterpunch of a rude awakening.

How did the US manage these counterblows, so quickly and so effectively? By playing down and dirty of course, putting its colossal soft and hard power to work to unravel the BRICS daydream. First it was the Ukraine coup that targeted Russia’s vital access to Crimea, forcing Putin’s hands, followed by tough western sanctions, while demonizing him as the bad guy, followed by an outright oil conspiracy with the Saudis glutting the oil market and thus delivering a devastating blow to the oil-dependent Russian economy, then targeting Russia’s Mediterranean base in Syria by playing the radical jihadist card through local proxies, and finally managing a wholly unholy regime change in Brazil, by co-conspiring with the pro-American puppets in dethroning a popularly-elected president with the lamest excuses. As a result, Brazil today is for all practical purposes fully back in the US orbit, its BRICS dream thrown to dustbin of history.


All of this and more are beyond Trump's brain which is no better than the brain of his promoters, all of whom have missed the whole of it and who'd instead phuck up a wet dream.

Vote Hillary for more of the same thx.

While making personal attacks on Trump, you ignore the reasons people support him ie the mainstream of politics in the US is broken, and HRC ain't gonna change anything. Who else is there to support? Bernie would do, but the fix is in and he hasn't a hope of being the candidate, never did.

Donald Trump will shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution, putting its system of checks and balances into a tangle and distortion. Trump can do this and Trump will do this.

Retired top generals have already made public statements that the US military is not Trump's palace guard and that carpet bombing urban areas is a war crime.

Trump this week spent almost 30 minutes at a public rally denouncing a US Federal District Court Judge who is "Mexican."

Donald Trump is the original and uniquely American Mussolini.

This is not a campaign for Potus between those who want 'change' vs those who favor the 'establishment.' This is the campaign for Potus in which the right support the wild radical Trump and the libtards support Trump's opponents. The change the right wing extremists want means we'd all get Trump, the American Mussolini.


shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution

Are you claiming Trump will assassinate the SCOTUS judges so he can install his puppets?

The so called "top" general's predecessors were involved in illegally carpet bombing Laos and Cambodia. What makes you think it wouldn't happen again?

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Jeez what about Hilary Clinton ?? She's a liability. The Chinese will run rings around her

Funny. China and Russia and North Korea strongly prefer trump. trump is an isolationist. That suits them.

If Trump wins and the US stops interfering in everyone else's business, that'll suit a lot of people. The only people that would complain would be countries that start having to do more for their own defence and paying for it eg New Zealand that virtually has no effective military anymore.

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The anti-Obama right is exactly where the Soviet Chekist Vladimir Putin is and always was, i.e. youse guyz are so far right you have always been standing next to and shaking hands with the totalitarian left. It's called closing the circle.

Youse guyz Brics fell down too and it wuz Obama who dunnit and rather swiftly besides....

In a precious few years, the US has managed pretty well in fending off a major international challenge to its global hegemony posed in the form of a coalition of “emerging economies” known as BRICS, boldly contemplating reforming the western-dominated financial institutions, alternatives to US dollar, restructuring the world economy, and the like, like a sweet dream punctured by the ensuing counterpunch of a rude awakening.

How did the US manage these counterblows, so quickly and so effectively? By playing down and dirty of course, putting its colossal soft and hard power to work to unravel the BRICS daydream. First it was the Ukraine coup that targeted Russia’s vital access to Crimea, forcing Putin’s hands, followed by tough western sanctions, while demonizing him as the bad guy, followed by an outright oil conspiracy with the Saudis glutting the oil market and thus delivering a devastating blow to the oil-dependent Russian economy, then targeting Russia’s Mediterranean base in Syria by playing the radical jihadist card through local proxies, and finally managing a wholly unholy regime change in Brazil, by co-conspiring with the pro-American puppets in dethroning a popularly-elected president with the lamest excuses. As a result, Brazil today is for all practical purposes fully back in the US orbit, its BRICS dream thrown to dustbin of history.


All of this and more are beyond Trump's brain which is no better than the brain of his promoters, all of whom have missed the whole of it and who'd instead phuck up a wet dream.

Vote Hillary for more of the same thx.

While making personal attacks on Trump, you ignore the reasons people support him ie the mainstream of politics in the US is broken, and HRC ain't gonna change anything. Who else is there to support? Bernie would do, but the fix is in and he hasn't a hope of being the candidate, never did.

Donald Trump will shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution, putting its system of checks and balances into a tangle and distortion. Trump can do this and Trump will do this.

Retired top generals have already made public statements that the US military is not Trump's palace guard and that carpet bombing urban areas is a war crime.

Trump this week spent almost 30 minutes at a public rally denouncing a US Federal District Court Judge who is "Mexican."

Donald Trump is the original and uniquely American Mussolini.

This is not a campaign for Potus between those who want 'change' vs those who favor the 'establishment.' This is the campaign for Potus in which the right support the wild radical Trump and the libtards support Trump's opponents. The change the right wing extremists want means we'd all get Trump, the American Mussolini.


shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution

Are you claiming Trump will assassinate the SCOTUS judges so he can install his puppets?

The so called "top" general's predecessors were involved in illegally carpet bombing Laos and Cambodia. What makes you think it wouldn't happen again?

Bogus and assinine [sic] question. I see you really crack yourself up.

Cambodia and Laos? Nobody carpetbombs any more.

Unless it's Trump going after Muslim communities in the USA.

Trump is moreover the fact-free crackpot wild man birther racist and noted lunar conspiracy theorist that President Obama is actually working to benefit jihad. (We're familiar with all of that however from reading here the past few years.)

The world takes comfort it's shaping up as the madam vs the madman.

Our neighbors and our allies, friends, partners globally take comfort in today's NBC Survey that found Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42%.

HRC gained with "self-described moderates," men and white voters across the board. Read and weep.... http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/poll-clinton-expands-lead-after-becoming-presumptive-nominee-n591531

Republicans and Goldwater 1964 redux. Yes, the Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.

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Donald Trump will shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution, putting its system of checks and balances into a tangle and distortion. Trump can do this and Trump will do this.

Retired top generals have already made public statements that the US military is not Trump's palace guard and that carpet bombing urban areas is a war crime.

Trump this week spent almost 30 minutes at a public rally denouncing a US Federal District Court Judge who is "Mexican."

Donald Trump is the original and uniquely American Mussolini.

This is not a campaign for Potus between those who want 'change' vs those who favor the 'establishment.' This is the campaign for Potus in which the right support the wild radical Trump and the libtards support Trump's opponents. The change the right wing extremists want means we'd all get Trump, the American Mussolini.


shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution

Are you claiming Trump will assassinate the SCOTUS judges so he can install his puppets?

The so called "top" general's predecessors were involved in illegally carpet bombing Laos and Cambodia. What makes you think it wouldn't happen again?

Bogus and assinine [sic] question. I see you really crack yourself up.

Cambodia and Laos? Nobody carpetbombs any more.

Unless it's Trump going after Muslim communities in the USA.

Trump is moreover the fact-free crackpot wild man birther racist and noted lunar conspiracy theorist that President Obama is actually working to benefit jihad. (We're familiar with all of that however from reading here the past few years.)

The world takes comfort it's shaping up as the madam vs the madman.

Our neighbors and our allies, friends, partners globally take comfort in today's NBC Survey that found Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42%.

HRC gained with "self-described moderates," men and white voters across the board. Read and weep.... http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/poll-clinton-expands-lead-after-becoming-presumptive-nominee-n591531

Republicans and Goldwater 1964 redux. Yes, the Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.

Do you ever think about what you write?

Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42% is almost within the margin of error. If HRC can't get above 50% she's in trouble anyway.

For a person that no one gave a chance when it all started, Trump is doing astonishingly well. I don't know who will actually win in November, and neither do you or anyone else, but keep on keeping on if it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. I'll wait till the result is declared.

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Agree. Polls are polls are polls. Depends who they ask and what questions. There are polls that also say Trump has gained on Hillary since Orlando and some the opposite.


Doesn't mean much at this stage. Nothing to get excited about but I do notice some contributors bounce off the walls and grandstand at every opportunity after getting a Hillary fix. The flip side is Trump supporters too who can see no wrong and bestow hero status. It's interesting how black and white the political divide is with not much, if any objectivity in between.

I think the US has a big problem regardless of who is voted POTUS. Trump currently has appeal and appears refreshing to the disenchanted voter, stumbling and crashing his way forward having demolished 16 other Rep candidates with apparently more primary votes than any other Repub candidate in history. What does that tell you about social discontent in America? However the shine will most likely wear off pretty quickly when he finds the virtual impossibility of meeting his simplistic promises and having to perform on the international stage.. As for seasoned Hillary who stage manages her slick campaign while under scrutiny for highly questionable ethics, personal enrichment programs and possible corruption, her winning could mean huge social unrest which could get very ugly going forward.

Glad I'm not an American to be honest and have to shoulder the responsibility of having to vote. Hobson's choice I reckon.

I watch on with morbid fascination

Edited by Linzz
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Jeez what about Hilary Clinton ?? She's a liability. The Chinese will run rings around her

Funny. China and Russia and North Korea strongly prefer trump. trump is an isolationist. That suits them.

Another related factor: Any country which may engage militarily with the US in the near future, would rather do so with Trump at the US helm , than with HRC. They know HRC is tougher, just as they know Trump is a waffler, full of hot air. Trump can give the impression of being a tough talker (to his fans), but he's a blowfish. He's also impulsive, often taking rash action (or shooting his mouth off), and then contradicting himself a day later, when his handlers tell him what's real. China and Russia would rather face-off against an impulsive ill-informed hot-headed opponent, then a savvy, calculating well-informed adversary like HRC. Plus HRC has Bill by her side. Who does Trump have?

Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42% is almost within the margin of error. If HRC can't get above 50% she's in trouble anyway.

For a person that no one gave a chance when it all started, Trump is doing astonishingly well. I don't know who will actually win in November, and neither do you or anyone else, but keep on keeping on if it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. I'll wait till the result is declared.

The polls thus far haven't factored in Sander's supporters. Most of them will opt for HRC, with some not voting due to being turned off by both candidates. Sanders fans won't opt for Trump.

The closest Trump got to HRC was about even, 3 to 6 weeks ago. From here on to the election, Trump's #'s will be static. ....or falling if he keeps expressing himself, like he did about the Indiana judge.

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Jeez what about Hilary Clinton ?? She's a liability. The Chinese will run rings around her

Funny. China and Russia and North Korea strongly prefer trump. trump is an isolationist. That suits them.

Another related factor: Any country which may engage militarily with the US in the near future, would rather do so with Trump at the US helm , than with HRC. They know HRC is tougher, just as they know Trump is a waffler, full of hot air. Trump can give the impression of being a tough talker (to his fans), but he's a blowfish. He's also impulsive, often taking rash action (or shooting his mouth off), and then contradicting himself a day later, when his handlers tell him what's real. China and Russia would rather face-off against an impulsive ill-informed hot-headed opponent, then a savvy, calculating well-informed adversary like HRC. Plus HRC has Bill by her side. Who does Trump have?

Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42% is almost within the margin of error. If HRC can't get above 50% she's in trouble anyway.

For a person that no one gave a chance when it all started, Trump is doing astonishingly well. I don't know who will actually win in November, and neither do you or anyone else, but keep on keeping on if it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. I'll wait till the result is declared.

The polls thus far haven't factored in Sander's supporters. Most of them will opt for HRC, with some not voting due to being turned off by both candidates. Sanders fans won't opt for Trump.

The closest Trump got to HRC was about even, 3 to 6 weeks ago. From here on to the election, Trump's #'s will be static. ....or falling if he keeps expressing himself, like he did about the Indiana judge.

Yes it's very confusing isn't it? On one hand US enemies prefer Trump at the helm because Hillary is tougher (a hawk), which means Trump may be less of a threat to them. On the other hand Trump is "impulsive, often taking rash action" and as many have said on TVF wouldn't want Trump anywhere near the nuclear button.Yet "China and Russia would rather face off against an ill informed hotheaded opponent" who is likely to push that button? You've got me there Boomer!

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Donald Trump will shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution, putting its system of checks and balances into a tangle and distortion. Trump can do this and Trump will do this.

Retired top generals have already made public statements that the US military is not Trump's palace guard and that carpet bombing urban areas is a war crime.

Trump this week spent almost 30 minutes at a public rally denouncing a US Federal District Court Judge who is "Mexican."

Donald Trump is the original and uniquely American Mussolini.

This is not a campaign for Potus between those who want 'change' vs those who favor the 'establishment.' This is the campaign for Potus in which the right support the wild radical Trump and the libtards support Trump's opponents. The change the right wing extremists want means we'd all get Trump, the American Mussolini.


shred the Bill of Rights and he'll warp and mangle the Constitution

Are you claiming Trump will assassinate the SCOTUS judges so he can install his puppets?

The so called "top" general's predecessors were involved in illegally carpet bombing Laos and Cambodia. What makes you think it wouldn't happen again?

Bogus and assinine [sic] question. I see you really crack yourself up.

Cambodia and Laos? Nobody carpetbombs any more.

Unless it's Trump going after Muslim communities in the USA.

Trump is moreover the fact-free crackpot wild man birther racist and noted lunar conspiracy theorist that President Obama is actually working to benefit jihad. (We're familiar with all of that however from reading here the past few years.)

The world takes comfort it's shaping up as the madam vs the madman.

Our neighbors and our allies, friends, partners globally take comfort in today's NBC Survey that found Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42%.

HRC gained with "self-described moderates," men and white voters across the board. Read and weep.... http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/poll-clinton-expands-lead-after-becoming-presumptive-nominee-n591531

Republicans and Goldwater 1964 redux. Yes, the Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.

Do you ever think about what you write?

Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42% is almost within the margin of error. If HRC can't get above 50% she's in trouble anyway.

For a person that no one gave a chance when it all started, Trump is doing astonishingly well. I don't know who will actually win in November, and neither do you or anyone else, but keep on keeping on if it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. I'll wait till the result is declared.

We know that considering a given poll as a snapshot is one way to measure the campaigns and that there are over time trends suggested by polling.

Oddsmakers are another source and oddsmaking is slower to move than polling data because it is based on the green.

Then there is one's sense of the campaign overall, considering many factors to include polls and odds, but based on the candidates and the electorate itself. Experience. The human factor as it were.

Today's Bloomberg poll.....

Poll: Clinton 12 points ahead of Trump nationally

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by double digits in the first major poll since the former secretary of State secured enough delegates to become the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee.

The Bloomberg Politics poll, released Tuesday, had Clinton with a 12-point lead over Trump (49% to 37%) among likely voters. Libertarian candidate and former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson had 9%.

More than half of those surveyed (55%) said they would never vote for Trump.

The poll offers a glimpse into the toll Trump's comments questioning the fairness of Judge Gonzalo Curiel because of his “Mexican heritage" may be having on the real estate mogul's standing.


Today's odds in Vegas.....

Clinton has odds of 1-3 which convert to the percentage probability of 75%

Trump has odds of 9-4 which converts to 35.7%.

(In 2012 Barack Obama won reelection at odds of 1-5 or 83.3%)

The general sense seems to be Trump will gain some due to Orlando and that will be due to Trump continuing to be Trump. That is, there will be no general election pivot by Donald Trump to suddenly become 'presidential.'

Trump is in this on his own with his vp pick which will be a clone of Trump guaranteed. Trump will be lucky if Ryan and McConnell do not outright separate from him.

Meanwhile HRC will campaign with her choice of vp and will be complemented by President Obama, VP Biden, Sen Elizabeth Warren, Sen Bernie Sanders and of course Bill Himself.

Goldwater in 1964 was behind in the polling from start to finish so he and his campaign dismissed the polls and polling findings for six months, each and every day. They said the only poll that counts is the one on election day. Goldwater got creamed on that day. Let that also be a lesson to the far out right of today in their control of the Republican party.

Rick Klein: “At some point, the talk about a new Donald Trump, or a reined in Donald Trump, or a ‘presidential’ Donald Trump – all of it will fade away. What’s left is a man who has played to the anger and fears of the American people to astounding effect, and apparently won’t stop until he’s either elected, or not.”

First Read: “This presidential contest is turning out to be more than a battle of Democrat vs. Republican, liberal vs. conservative, blue vs. red. Instead, yesterday’s dueling speeches by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the Orlando shooting revealed it to be an even bigger fight over what kind of country the United States of America should be — open, inclusive and tolerant, or closed, divided and intolerant? That’s the choice.”

It's not going well for youse guyz out over there and it's not going to get any better. Not ever.

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Bogus and assinine [sic] question. I see you really crack yourself up.

Cambodia and Laos? Nobody carpetbombs any more.

Unless it's Trump going after Muslim communities in the USA.

Trump is moreover the fact-free crackpot wild man birther racist and noted lunar conspiracy theorist that President Obama is actually working to benefit jihad. (We're familiar with all of that however from reading here the past few years.)

The world takes comfort it's shaping up as the madam vs the madman.

Our neighbors and our allies, friends, partners globally take comfort in today's NBC Survey that found Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42%.

HRC gained with "self-described moderates," men and white voters across the board. Read and weep.... http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/poll-clinton-expands-lead-after-becoming-presumptive-nominee-n591531

Republicans and Goldwater 1964 redux. Yes, the Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.

Do you ever think about what you write?

Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42% is almost within the margin of error. If HRC can't get above 50% she's in trouble anyway.

For a person that no one gave a chance when it all started, Trump is doing astonishingly well. I don't know who will actually win in November, and neither do you or anyone else, but keep on keeping on if it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. I'll wait till the result is declared.

We know that considering a given poll as a snapshot is one way to measure the campaigns and that there are over time trends suggested by polling.

Oddsmakers are another source and oddsmaking is slower to move than polling data because it is based on the green.

Then there is one's sense of the campaign overall, considering many factors to include polls and odds, but based on the candidates and the electorate itself. Experience. The human factor as it were.

Today's Bloomberg poll.....

Poll: Clinton 12 points ahead of Trump nationally

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by double digits in the first major poll since the former secretary of State secured enough delegates to become the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee.

The Bloomberg Politics poll, released Tuesday, had Clinton with a 12-point lead over Trump (49% to 37%) among likely voters. Libertarian candidate and former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson had 9%.

More than half of those surveyed (55%) said they would never vote for Trump.

The poll offers a glimpse into the toll Trump's comments questioning the fairness of Judge Gonzalo Curiel because of his “Mexican heritage" may be having on the real estate mogul's standing.


Today's odds in Vegas.....

Clinton has odds of 1-3 which convert to the percentage probability of 75%

Trump has odds of 9-4 which converts to 35.7%.

(In 2012 Barack Obama won reelection at odds of 1-5 or 83.3%)

The general sense seems to be Trump will gain some due to Orlando and that will be due to Trump continuing to be Trump. That is, there will be no general election pivot by Donald Trump to suddenly become 'presidential.'

Trump is in this on his own with his vp pick which will be a clone of Trump guaranteed. Trump will be lucky if Ryan and McConnell do not outright separate from him.

Meanwhile HRC will campaign with her choice of vp and will be complemented by President Obama, VP Biden, Sen Elizabeth Warren, Sen Bernie Sanders and of course Bill Himself.

Goldwater in 1964 was behind in the polling from start to finish so he and his campaign dismissed the polls and polling findings for six months, each and every day. They said the only poll that counts is the one on election day. Goldwater got creamed on that day. Let that also be a lesson to the far out right of today in their control of the Republican party.

Rick Klein: “At some point, the talk about a new Donald Trump, or a reined in Donald Trump, or a ‘presidential’ Donald Trump – all of it will fade away. What’s left is a man who has played to the anger and fears of the American people to astounding effect, and apparently won’t stop until he’s either elected, or not.”

First Read: “This presidential contest is turning out to be more than a battle of Democrat vs. Republican, liberal vs. conservative, blue vs. red. Instead, yesterday’s dueling speeches by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the Orlando shooting revealed it to be an even bigger fight over what kind of country the United States of America should be — open, inclusive and tolerant, or closed, divided and intolerant? That’s the choice.”

It's not going well for youse guyz out over there and it's not going to get any better. Not ever.

will be complemented by President Obama, VP Biden, Sen Elizabeth Warren,

Each and every one a reason NOT to vote for HRC. Warren the Indian 555555555555555555555

Sen Bernie Sanders


and of course Bill Himself.

would anyone expect him to campaign against her?????????????

No doubt he is salivating at the prospect of all those nubile young interns to play with. Probably got a new box of cigars just to be ready cheesy.gif .

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Yes it's very confusing isn't it? On one hand US enemies prefer Trump at the helm because Hillary is tougher (a hawk), which means Trump may be less of a threat to them. On the other hand Trump is "impulsive, often taking rash action" and as many have said on TVF wouldn't want Trump anywhere near the nuclear button.Yet "China and Russia would rather face off against an ill informed hotheaded opponent" who is likely to push that button? You've got me there Boomer!

Obviously, neither of us know what heads in Beijing or Moscow are thinking. So yes, it's conjecture, though we probably know as much as the CIA, judging from how many things the CIA have been found to be unaware of - with their pants down around their ankles.

As for pushing the button: Trump would threaten to push the button. He might actually push a button, but then his handlers would tell him it's the wrong button, so they'd compel him to push another button which would destroy the thing he launched with the prior button push. Afterwards, Trump would appear in public and explain how everything he did was as a winner, and everything his opponent did was as a loser, while calling his adversary childish demeaning names. "......and I never make mistakes. And I know words, lots of words, trust me on this folks. .....and they're good words, believe me. I'm better at making sentences than anyone since Lincoln, and he was a loser because he got shot."

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Bogus and assinine [sic] question. I see you really crack yourself up.

Cambodia and Laos? Nobody carpetbombs any more.

Unless it's Trump going after Muslim communities in the USA.

Trump is moreover the fact-free crackpot wild man birther racist and noted lunar conspiracy theorist that President Obama is actually working to benefit jihad. (We're familiar with all of that however from reading here the past few years.)

The world takes comfort it's shaping up as the madam vs the madman.

Our neighbors and our allies, friends, partners globally take comfort in today's NBC Survey that found Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42%.

HRC gained with "self-described moderates," men and white voters across the board. Read and weep.... http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/poll-clinton-expands-lead-after-becoming-presumptive-nominee-n591531

Republicans and Goldwater 1964 redux. Yes, the Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.

Do you ever think about what you write?

Hillary Clinton at 49% and Trump at 42% is almost within the margin of error. If HRC can't get above 50% she's in trouble anyway.

For a person that no one gave a chance when it all started, Trump is doing astonishingly well. I don't know who will actually win in November, and neither do you or anyone else, but keep on keeping on if it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. I'll wait till the result is declared.

We know that considering a given poll as a snapshot is one way to measure the campaigns and that there are over time trends suggested by polling.

Oddsmakers are another source and oddsmaking is slower to move than polling data because it is based on the green.

Then there is one's sense of the campaign overall, considering many factors to include polls and odds, but based on the candidates and the electorate itself. Experience. The human factor as it were.

Today's Bloomberg poll.....

Poll: Clinton 12 points ahead of Trump nationally

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by double digits in the first major poll since the former secretary of State secured enough delegates to become the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee.

The Bloomberg Politics poll, released Tuesday, had Clinton with a 12-point lead over Trump (49% to 37%) among likely voters. Libertarian candidate and former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson had 9%.

More than half of those surveyed (55%) said they would never vote for Trump.

The poll offers a glimpse into the toll Trump's comments questioning the fairness of Judge Gonzalo Curiel because of his “Mexican heritage" may be having on the real estate mogul's standing.


Today's odds in Vegas.....

Clinton has odds of 1-3 which convert to the percentage probability of 75%

Trump has odds of 9-4 which converts to 35.7%.

(In 2012 Barack Obama won reelection at odds of 1-5 or 83.3%)

The general sense seems to be Trump will gain some due to Orlando and that will be due to Trump continuing to be Trump. That is, there will be no general election pivot by Donald Trump to suddenly become 'presidential.'

Trump is in this on his own with his vp pick which will be a clone of Trump guaranteed. Trump will be lucky if Ryan and McConnell do not outright separate from him.

Meanwhile HRC will campaign with her choice of vp and will be complemented by President Obama, VP Biden, Sen Elizabeth Warren, Sen Bernie Sanders and of course Bill Himself.

Goldwater in 1964 was behind in the polling from start to finish so he and his campaign dismissed the polls and polling findings for six months, each and every day. They said the only poll that counts is the one on election day. Goldwater got creamed on that day. Let that also be a lesson to the far out right of today in their control of the Republican party.

Rick Klein: “At some point, the talk about a new Donald Trump, or a reined in Donald Trump, or a ‘presidential’ Donald Trump – all of it will fade away. What’s left is a man who has played to the anger and fears of the American people to astounding effect, and apparently won’t stop until he’s either elected, or not.”

First Read

: “This presidential contest is turning out to be more than a battle of Democrat vs. Republican, liberal vs. conservative, blue vs. red. Instead, yesterday’s dueling speeches by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the Orlando shooting revealed it to be an even bigger fight over what kind of country the United States of America should be — open, inclusive and tolerant, or closed, divided and intolerant? That’s the choice.”

It's not going well for youse guyz out over there and it's not going to get any better. Not ever.

will be complemented by President Obama, VP Biden, Sen Elizabeth Warren,

Each and every one a reason NOT to vote for HRC. Warren the Indian 555555555555555555555

Sen Bernie Sanders


and of course Bill Himself.

would anyone expect him to campaign against her?????????????

No doubt he is salivating at the prospect of all those nubile young interns to play with. Probably got a new box of cigars just to be ready cheesy.gif .

If this is the best responce you can up with, than you need some help.

You react the same as your hero Trump, you talk a lot but don't say anything.

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Yes it's very confusing isn't it? On one hand US enemies prefer Trump at the helm because Hillary is tougher (a hawk), which means Trump may be less of a threat to them. On the other hand Trump is "impulsive, often taking rash action" and as many have said on TVF wouldn't want Trump anywhere near the nuclear button.Yet "China and Russia would rather face off against an ill informed hotheaded opponent" who is likely to push that button? You've got me there Boomer!

Obviously, neither of us know what heads in Beijing or Moscow are thinking. So yes, it's conjecture, though we probably know as much as the CIA, judging from how many things the CIA have been found to be unaware of - with their pants down around their ankles.

As for pushing the button: Trump would threaten to push the button. He might actually push a button, but then his handlers would tell him it's the wrong button, so they'd compel him to push another button which would destroy the thing he launched with the prior button push. Afterwards, Trump would appear in public and explain how everything he did was as a winner, and everything his opponent did was as a loser, while calling his adversary childish demeaning names. "......and I never make mistakes. And I know words, lots of words, trust me on this folks. .....and they're good words, believe me. I'm better at making sentences than anyone since Lincoln, and he was a loser because he got shot."

Lol. You're obviously a Hillary man Boomer but you haven't lost your sense of humor so I'll forgive you for that. As you know I don't like her at all but I respect your choice. I'm on the outside so I'm not compelled to love or hate any of them so I hope I see things in a more or less non partisan way, but I have my bias of course.

Good parody on Trump though. I can almost hear him saying that about Lincoln but bugger me, he'd probably get away with it!

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World Considers a Trump Presidency, And Many Puke in Their Cheerios.

Saying "the world" is obviously silly ( as is the title of this thread ), as of the 7 billion and counting population probably only 50% have even heard of Trump, and of them probably only 10% give a monkey's.

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