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Romney, McCain: Trump a danger for America's future


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^ I agree this is fascinating and historic to observe. This really appears to be a fundamental sea change in the GOP in America..., unless the GOP establishment effectively crushes it with these campaigns and at a brokered convention....

This blatant attempt by the moneyed power brokers in the corrupt halls of DC to derail a candidacy is probably the first in the history of the US. It's supposed to be an election where the people choose their government, not one where the government and Wall Street do the choosing.

This is so corrupt it's unreal.

The GOP should have done what the Democrat establishment did, not give the people a choice and have only one candidate.

Their only mistake was letting a non-Democrat run as one of them thinking the voters weren't interested in a socialist. Hillary also underestimated that other guy in 2008.

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if the Trump is the clear leader but the Republicans do something to 'take' the nomination for him ...

I would not be surprised if he actually ran as independent

Which would of course pretty much guarantee democratic victory

It's how Bill Clinton won in 1992 & 1996.

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Do keep in mind that the states conduct all elections and that Washington has nothing to do with elections of any kind throughout the country.


So, your first sentence spells out the problem. Washington isn't supposed to have anything to do with these elections but they are inserting themselves to their utmost ability in trying to shape the outcome of the R race.

The donor class in the R party would rather lose this election than lose it's power and privilege. Wall Street doesn't care who wins as long as its someone they own. The owned just want to maintain their position in the candy store. Everyone in this race except Trump to include Hillary is owned.

The people are trying to say they've had enough of insiders but the parties especially the national R party are fighting for their last breath.

First the donor class gave huge contributions to Bush until it was apparent the people were having none of it so when he dropped out they switched to Rubio. There are five primaries on 3/5 - "today" in Los - and a bunch more by the 15th. Florida is in the mix later and it is Rubio's home state from where he was elected a senator. NO one has ever won the nomination without winning his home state. Donors are pouring massive amounts of money in there but I predict that Trump will win it anyway. He leads by a big margin in the polls.

So if not only does his own state not want him, and the people don't show they want him by giving him wins in primaries, what the hell is the donor class in DC and Wall Street doing trying to push the guy on people who don't want him?

It's all about power and greed. Even with Hillary, the Dem's anointed puppet.

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Everyone in this race except Trump to include Hillary is owned.

Sanders is not 'owned.' Trump may not be 'owned' by the $13 million/day Koch Brothers, but he's echoing everything the ultra-right-wing Koch Brothers want their bought-and-paid-for Republican candidates to say.

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Everyone in this race except Trump to include Hillary is owned.

Sanders is not 'owned.' Trump may not be 'owned' by the $13 million/day Koch Brothers, but he's echoing everything the ultra-right-wing Koch Brothers want their bought-and-paid-for Republican candidates to say.
I agree Neither Sanders nor Trump are Bought and paid for and why I am voting foe Sanders in Democrats abroad primary today

But notice you left out Hillary.. Do you also accept the reality that she is also bought and paid for as well ...

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Spidermike....Really?? Time will tell! At

Least he wouldn't be as bad as HRC...God Forbid!!

Republicans hate on Hillary just like on Obama. Woman/Black doesn't make much difference, they're not us. Old white guys of America unite!

Maybe the majority of them realize that Trump is a disaster but he says such soothing hateful racist and xenophobic things, it's hard not to love him.

I think that's the motto we'll see emerge this year for the Republican's, "Least he wouldn't be as bad as HRC...God forbid."

Republican are screwed. clap2.gif

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Everyone in this race except Trump to include Hillary is owned.

Sanders is not 'owned.' Trump may not be 'owned' by the $13 million/day Koch Brothers, but he's echoing everything the ultra-right-wing Koch Brothers want their bought-and-paid-for Republican candidates to say.

If Trump was echoing everything the power brokers wanted, they wouldn't be panicking about him. They are globalists who make money on the backs of Americans by exporting jobs to get cheaper labor, and importing illegals to get cheaper labor.

Don't kid yourselves. They have an agenda that has directly crossed with Trump.


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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

Speaking for myself, I've always been center right and prefer candidates that are not too far to one side or the other - I really liked Romney. However, that is not my problem with Trump. I just don't trust the guy and the fact that Romney is so disgusted by him scares me even more.

The thing I find funny is the far-right guys who are always going on about "Rinos" are obsessed with supporting Trump and he is not very conservative at all. They usually spend their time putting down people like that. I agree with many of his positions, but he keeps doing childish things that really put me off and worry about his maturity. Making fun of a spastic reporter was just one of them. IMO, that was going too far.

Calling all the other candidates names is not much better, especially since he only does it when they are threatening him politically.

I didn't mind him claiming to have a huge wang during a presidential debate on TV all over the world. It might even be true.

If you're center right, I'm a Marxist. There is no center right in the Republican party. There is just far right and far far far right.

You don't mind these idiots wang discussion? What does it take to be disgusted by the level the Republican discourse has fallen to? Kill the families of our enemies? The Mexican rapist murders? Etc. All hateful irrelevant bullshit, all the time. This is who you want as President? Or Cruz? Or Rubio? All the same candidate!

The rest of the world and a majority of Americans are watching this train wreck with amazement.

These candidates don't represent America. They represent wingnuttia, the far far right the Republican party has become. If Saint Ronnie was alive today, he would embrace Hillary.

The base is crazy! Ann Coulter, Louie Gohmert , Dennis Rodman, Sarah Palin? These are Trump's people. He's going to win the nomination because these people are the Republican base; crazy, right wing, fearful, low-info Fox News zombies.

Thank you Fox News and Roger Ailes for dragging the Republican party into irrelevance.

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Everyone in this race except Trump to include Hillary is owned.

Sanders is not 'owned.' Trump may not be 'owned' by the $13 million/day Koch Brothers, but he's echoing everything the ultra-right-wing Koch Brothers want their bought-and-paid-for Republican candidates to say.

So far at least, the candidate the Koch's have found the most common ground with is... gasp....Bernie Sanders:


The world is not black or white and only filled with villians (the other side) and good guys (my side). If things are to get better interests need to become more aligned and not always opposing each other. Or at least not always opposing all the time. A certain amount of tension can make for good policy outcomes. Constant vilification of the opposition leads to a coarsening of society, breeding hate and intolerance.

edit: ^ Peoples Exhibit "A"

Edited by lannarebirth
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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

Speaking for myself, I've always been center right and prefer candidates that are not too far to one side or the other - I really liked Romney. However, that is not my problem with Trump. I just don't trust the guy and the fact that Romney is so disgusted by him scares me even more.

The thing I find funny is the far-right guys who are always going on about "Rinos" are obsessed with supporting Trump and he is not very conservative at all. They usually spend their time putting down people like that. I agree with many of his positions, but he keeps doing childish things that really put me off and worry about his maturity. Making fun of a spastic reporter was just one of them. IMO, that was going too far.

Calling all the other candidates names is not much better, especially since he only does it when they are threatening him politically.

I didn't mind him claiming to have a huge wang during a presidential debate on TV all over the world. It might even be true.

If you're center right, I'm a Marxist.

You give yourself WAY to much credit. Your foolish, ultra-partisan posts are much more reminiscent of Michael Moore than Karl Marx.

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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

In all of life one needs to set priorities. Rarely does one get everything he wants.

I am a conservative. There is IMHO no conservative in this race and if there is, all are sold out to special interests for campaign contributions and cushy positions in Congress.

I am hoping for just one cycle where an outsider comes in and steals the entrenched and corrupt insiders' candy store. That's it. I wish there was another choice but their isn't. I KNOW what will happen if one of the entrenched gets elected and that's the same thing that's happened for more than 40 years. My only HOPE is that an outspoken outsider will really take on unfair trade with China and illegal immigration and lousy trade deals with Mexico and support our military individuals and frankly, just do what he says he will do. Trump wants to help the economy and create jobs and Hillary and Bernie can talk only about helping the poor with handouts.

He has an amazing track record of finishing what he starts and of running things - big things - successfully. He has an amazing track record of motivating people to follow him whether that be city hall or a foreign governments where he does biz.

While R voters at primaries are setting records, D voters are down significantly. Trump is winning demographics that few expected he would including a lot of Democrat working class people. If that keeps up he'd crush the general election.

When I know that all of the alternatives are phony and some totally dishonest, I have to go with what appears to be the enemy of the donor class. The donor class is acting like they KNOW he's the enemy and that is comforting. There's no where else to go!!!!!!


Oh really?

Why is he in court for bait and switch policies?

Why are there no businessmen who are vouching for him that they made money together?

Why are illegals working in his hotels?

And democrats are not switching to Trump.. just you watch.. Texas will swing blue against Trump and then it's all over.

Why? Texas is only 43% white. Latinos will be damned if they vote Trump and they showed it by him getting only 27% of the primary vote.

We know 242 electoral votes are a lock for the democrats. They get Texas and it's Over.. no swing state needed!

There's wishful thinking and there's reality such as demographics. These will come back to haunt you come november as the democrats just have to stop making major gaffe's.. Trump is doing all the work for the dems ensuring the democratic victory.

What a completely ridiculous post.

Texans hate Hillary with a passion and they will never vote socialist.

The Democrats may well win the next election but they will have to do it without Texas.


"Why are illegals working in his hotels?"

Got a link to support this?

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Everyone in this race except Trump to include Hillary is owned.

Sanders is not 'owned.' Trump may not be 'owned' by the $13 million/day Koch Brothers, but he's echoing everything the ultra-right-wing Koch Brothers want their bought-and-paid-for Republican candidates to say.

So far at least, the candidate the Koch's have found the most common ground with is... gasp....Bernie Sanders:


The world is not black or white and only filled with villians (the other side) and good guys (my side). If things are to get better interests need to become more aligned and not always opposing each other. Or at least not always opposing all the time. A certain amount of tension can make for good policy outcomes. Constant vilification of the opposition leads to a coarsening of society, breeding hate and intolerance.

edit: ^ Peoples Exhibit "A"

Would say that's a bit of a distortion...

He says he disagrees with Berny on plenty but can agree on 1 thing...


I have never met the senator, but I know from listening to him that we disagree on plenty when it comes to public policy.

Even so, I see benefits in searching for common ground and greater civility during this overly negative campaign season. That’s why, in spite of the fact that he often misrepresents where I stand on issues, the senator should know that we do agree on at least one — an issue that resonates with people who feel that hard work and making a contribution will no longer enable them to succeed.

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Everyone in this race except Trump to include Hillary is owned.

Sanders is not 'owned.' Trump may not be 'owned' by the $13 million/day Koch Brothers, but he's echoing everything the ultra-right-wing Koch Brothers want their bought-and-paid-for Republican candidates to say.

So far at least, the candidate the Koch's have found the most common ground with is... gasp....Bernie Sanders:


The world is not black or white and only filled with villians (the other side) and good guys (my side). If things are to get better interests need to become more aligned and not always opposing each other. Or at least not always opposing all the time. A certain amount of tension can make for good policy outcomes. Constant vilification of the opposition leads to a coarsening of society, breeding hate and intolerance.

edit: ^ Peoples Exhibit "A"

Would say that's a bit of a distortion...

He says he disagrees with Berny on plenty but can agree on 1 thing...


I have never met the senator, but I know from listening to him that we disagree on plenty when it comes to public policy.

Even so, I see benefits in searching for common ground and greater civility during this overly negative campaign season. That’s why, in spite of the fact that he often misrepresents where I stand on issues, the senator should know that we do agree on at least one — an issue that resonates with people who feel that hard work and making a contribution will no longer enable them to succeed.

That's like blowing kisses in the current toxic environment. I support Sanders but I only agree with about half of his stated policy positions. Which is about 90% more than I can do for the other candidates. I appreciate the civility anyhow.

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Everyone in this race except Trump to include Hillary is owned.

Sanders is not 'owned.' Trump may not be 'owned' by the $13 million/day Koch Brothers, but he's echoing everything the ultra-right-wing Koch Brothers want their bought-and-paid-for Republican candidates to say.

So far at least, the candidate the Koch's have found the most common ground with is... gasp....Bernie Sanders:


The world is not black or white and only filled with villians (the other side) and good guys (my side). If things are to get better interests need to become more aligned and not always opposing each other. Or at least not always opposing all the time. A certain amount of tension can make for good policy outcomes. Constant vilification of the opposition leads to a coarsening of society, breeding hate and intolerance.

edit: ^ Peoples Exhibit "A"

Would say that's a bit of a distortion...

He says he disagrees with Berny on plenty but can agree on 1 thing...


I have never met the senator, but I know from listening to him that we disagree on plenty when it comes to public policy.

Even so, I see benefits in searching for common ground and greater civility during this overly negative campaign season. That’s why, in spite of the fact that he often misrepresents where I stand on issues, the senator should know that we do agree on at least one — an issue that resonates with people who feel that hard work and making a contribution will no longer enable them to succeed.

That's like blowing kisses in the current toxic environment. I support Sanders but I only agree with about half of his stated policy positions. Which is about 90% more than I can do for the other candidates. I appreciate the civility anyhow.

Agree.. There is no perfect party or perfect candidate

Those that are fatalistic for any party or candidate are a bit scary to me...

It is a matter of looking at both the quality of the person and their beliefs and what they say they will do and what you think they may actually be able to do ...

Do you trust them ?

Then take those thing and way them out to see who works best for you.

Also the reasons you may pick and like about your first choice Allan be completely different than the reasons you would vote for your second choice..

It could even be that the things you like the most about your first choice are the things you like the least about the 2nd

But the 2nd choice may have position on completely different topics that make him better than the 3rd choice

Each would be a separate evaluation..

Edited by CWMcMurray
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"A new report in The Washington Post suggests that immigrants who reside in the US illegally are working on one of Donald Trump's signature real-estate projects."

“The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally,” Arellano said in Spanish.

“And we’re all here working very hard to build a better life for our families.”

"Interviews with about 15 laborers helping renovate the Old Post Office Pavilion revealed that many of them had crossed the U.S-Mexico border illegally,

before they eventually settled in the Washington region to build new lives."


And of course, there is this:


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Two losers who want to save the so called Republican party. Trump is a danger because he calls it like it is. If the so clean Republicans cannot form a party they will lose the election!

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"A new report in The Washington Post suggests that immigrants who reside in the US illegally are working on one of Donald Trump's signature real-estate projects."

“The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally,” Arellano said in Spanish.

“And we’re all here working very hard to build a better life for our families.”

"Interviews with about 15 laborers helping renovate the Old Post Office Pavilion revealed that many of them had crossed the U.S-Mexico border illegally,

before they eventually settled in the Washington region to build new lives."


And of course, there is this:

Do you have anything more current than mid-2015?

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Do you mean an article that is less than seven months old about this most current hotel project?

The project that is yet to be completed?

You're the one that posted this..."A new report in The Washington Post..."

It is not a new report, it is seven months old.

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Instead of deflecting the real issues, you can simply remove "new" and address the claims in my initial post. (#137)

You know, exporting 1000's of american jobs and hiring illegals for a currently ongoing project as well?


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But notice you left out Hillary.. Do you also accept the reality that she is also bought and paid for as well ...

Hillary is not as clean as the driven snow, but she'd make a darn good president.

Everyone in this race except Trump to include Hillary is owned.

Sanders is not 'owned.' Trump may not be 'owned' by the $13 million/day Koch Brothers, but he's echoing everything the ultra-right-wing Koch Brothers want their bought-and-paid-for Republican candidates to say.

So far at least, the candidate the Koch's have found the most common ground with is... gasp....Bernie Sanders:


The world is not black or white and only filled with villians (the other side) and good guys (my side). If things are to get better interests need to become more aligned and not always opposing each other. Or at least not always opposing all the time. A certain amount of tension can make for good policy outcomes. Constant vilification of the opposition leads to a coarsening of society, breeding hate and intolerance.

edit: ^ Peoples Exhibit "A"

Interesting article quoting Charles Koch. He intimates he disagrees with Bernie on most things, but agrees with him re; the divide between rich and poor. Koch may be mellowing out in his old age, but he and his brother can't undo the billions they've paid, over the decades to hard-right candidates and causes. It's rather like a man who would often travel to Africa to shoot big game animals, and then, when he gets old and gray, states that he really loves large beasts and disdains anyone who kills them for sport. The damage has been done. And in the Koch Brothers' case, many of their hard-right organizations are still very active and still being funded by them. Just one of many examples: concerted efforts to not allow a community to clean up drainage ditches which are poisoning the community - because the ditches are needed to dump highly toxic waste chemicals from Koch Industry's manufacturing plants.

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Two Republican losers, Romney with all his money and McCain with all his heroics, who chose SARAH PALIN as a running mate don't forget laugh.png , are just jealous that Trump is reaching the people and knows where they have had enough..

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The problem here is that we are witnessing a civil war within the Republican party.

I'm not sure how it will end up but the reality on the ground is that Trump has, for better or worse tapped into that middle/low class white electorate that is feeling pretty pissed off with life.

Now to the shame of the Democrats, that's an electorate that they should have had a natural affinity for, but for various reasons managed to alienate, and push them into the arms of a 'I'm <deleted> angry' fairground barker AKA trump.

At the end of the day the Democrats, GOP both conspired to create the Frankenstein monster of Trump.

I'm long past my prediction of 6 months ago that Trump would fade, and now into the resignation phase that he's probably going to be the GOP nominee.

As I've said before, democracy (small d) is not served well when you have one alternative that borders on the unhinged

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Two Republican losers, Romney with all his money and McCain with all his heroics, who chose SARAH PALIN as a running mate don't forget laugh.png , are just jealous that Trump is reaching the people and knows where they have had enough..

The people who are annoyed at Romney and McCain now (for dissing Trump) are the same folks who, 4 and 8 years ago, were praising Romney and McCain (and Palin!) as being well qualified to be POTUS. Romney wants to have the Rep Party only showing its best side. Trump, Cruz and Rubio are showing the Rep Party's ugliest sides. Romney is angry.

It's like moderate Muslims who are angry at Muslim extremists who show the ugly side of Islam. The moderate Muslims want only the nice side of Islam shown. Sorry Romney and all other Republicans: your dirty laundry (complete with brown spots on undershorts) are being exposed to the world. It's tough for Republican faithful to watch, but fine entertainment for the rest of us. Keep it up! clap2.gif

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Two losers who want to save the so called Republican party. Trump is a danger because he calls it like it is. If the so clean Republicans cannot form a party they will lose the election!

Trump did not exactly call it like it is over the KKK questions, but never mind carry on.........

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The problem here is that we are witnessing a civil war within the Republican party.

I'm not sure how it will end up but the reality on the ground is that Trump has, for better or worse tapped into that middle/low class white electorate that is feeling pretty pissed off with life.

Now to the shame of the Democrats, that's an electorate that they should have had a natural affinity for, but for various reasons managed to alienate, and push them into the arms of a 'I'm <deleted> angry' fairground barker AKA trump.

At the end of the day the Democrats, GOP both conspired to create the Frankenstein monster of Trump.

I'm long past my prediction of 6 months ago that Trump would fade, and now into the resignation phase that he's probably going to be the GOP nominee.

As I've said before, democracy (small d) is not served well when you have one alternative that borders on the unhinged

The above contribution borders on the unhinged. blink.png

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Two losers who want to save the so called Republican party. Trump is a danger because he calls it like it is. If the so clean Republicans cannot form a party they will lose the election!

Trump did not exactly call it like it is over the KKK questions, but never mind carry on.........

That was just another embellished, exaggerated piece of propaganda... Trump is on record not being associated with the KKK... The question was about David Duke a previous KKK leader back in the day... Duke has not been national news for 25 years - except when some liberal / leftist rag wants to taint a Republican with a phony association. On the other hand the Democrats had a Senator who was at one time a Grand Dragon of the KKK ... even when he died ... he was still honored - and that was not all that long ago ... It is called politics of the ignorant who pony out these ridiculous associations. Bottom line Trump didn't really know who David Duke was - thus the reason he hesitated to answer the question ... Good Grief... is that all you've got?

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Background on really what is going on in America.. it is a Populist / Nationalistic Uprising and that is a good thing...

What so many do not realize is the push for Trump is not associated with Conservative or Liberal ... those issues have little bearing ... The reason Trump is popular is his ability and thrust to dethrone the Republican Establishment and their crony Donor Class while trouncing the Democrats at the same time. Core Conservative issues - like it or not - is not what this election has become to be about. Because a Conservative like Cruz, who I happen to like, cannot do these two things. We do not gain our freedom and liberties back by just defeating the Democrats - we truly win only when the GOP Elitist Establishment (The GOPe) is soundly defeated with their power removed. Because the GOPe is as much or more responsible for denying our say in the conduct of Government than obama and the leftist. The GOPe has been taking our votes, taking the power we gave them by retaking the House then the Senate - then laughing at Conservatives and even calling us vile names, keeping conservative haters like Boehner, now Ryan and McConnell in power who thumb their noses at us... Just look at what the idiot Romney said the other day ... THAT HAS TO BE DEFEATED and Will be defeated...

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