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Khmer Time/ Ven Rathavong

During a National Culture Day ceremony at the iconic Chaktomuk Theatre yesterday, Prime Minister Hun Sen called for all TV stations in the Kingdom to broadcast traditional Khmer performances and art shows during primetime. Last December, the Information Ministry issued a letter barring foreign productions from being aired during primetime, requiring all TV stations to broadcast locally produced content for two hours from 7 pm to 9 pm daily.

Mr. Hun Sen added that some TV stations are broadcasting outdated material, such as movies produced in the 1980s. Instead, the prime minister suggested traditional Khmer dancing, songs, Shadow Theater, Lakhon Basak, and traditional Khmer music should be shown.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22272/pm-wants-art-shows-in-primetime/

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