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Urgent: O-negative blood needed to save American, 24, in Phuket


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Urgent: Blood needed to save American, 24
Phuket Gazette

PHUKET: The Phuket Regional Blood Center (PRBC) has issued an urgent call for O-negative blood to save the life of a 24-year-old American woman involved in a road accident in Phuket.

“The patient is being treated at Bangkok Hospital Phuket,” said PRBC Chief Pornthip Rattajak. “They have completed one operation. However, more blood is needed for a second one.”

Only one unit of O-negative blood is currently available for the patient, who Ms Pornthip declined to name. At least four units are required for the surgery.

Full story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Urgent-Blood-needed-save-American-24/63324?desktopversion

-- Phuket Gazette 2016-03-04

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I'm o blood type and happy to donate however I'm in Bangkok. Any suggestions?

They are looking for O Rh neg blood.

If you have this blood group( which is rare) I suggest you ring The Phuket Regional Blood Center (PRBC) or the Hospital as it may be possible for you to donate in Bangkok and have the blood transported to Phuket.

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If it can be arranged I am O neg and I can help but I am in Chiang Rai. If it can be arranged contact me at <<<<email removed as per forum rules, please use PM function to contact>>>>.

Edited by metisdead
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I'll need to check my work permit when I arrive home. I'm pretty sure it's just O.

I should know my own blood type really however I thought o could be transfused with a,b and o blood type that's why blood banks are often short of it?

You are, broadly speaking correct but this a a young woman who may experience "pregnancy" problems in future if she does not receive the O Rh neg blood.


Blood banks usually have adequate supplies of O Rh pos blood it is the much rarer O Rh neg blood which is often in short supply.



Edited by sunnyjim5
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Multiple off topic and troll posts have been removed and any quoted replies to them. If you can help fine, if not then move to another topic without leaving all the troll comments behind please.

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Good to see there are some good hearted people still left out there, good to see people offering blood. Damn shame that there seems to be an age limit kind of restriction. I would offer my blood but it is nothing special, Ma Noi Tamada! Thumbs up to those who volunteered.

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Blood donations flow in for injured American teacher
Chutharat Plerin

PHUKET: -- At least 20 people have donated blood following an urgent call this morning for O-negative blood for an American woman requiring emergency surgery after a road accident, confirmed the Phuket Regional Blood Center.

“Chonita Michelle Cleary, 24, and two of her friends – who declined to be named – were involved in a collision with a taxi when heading from Cherng Talay to Thalang at about 1am on Monday,” confirmed Capt Nattaya Suwanpong of the Thalang Police.

“The injured passenger was immediately taken to Thalang Hospital, while her friends sustained minor injuries.”

Full Story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Blood-donations-flow-for-injured-American-teacher/63336?desktopversion

-- Phuket Gazette 2016-03-04

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Blood donations flow in for injured American teacher

Chutharat Plerin

PHUKET: -- At least 20 people have donated blood following an urgent call this morning for O-negative blood for an American woman requiring emergency surgery after a road accident, confirmed the Phuket Regional Blood Center.

Chonita Michelle Cleary, 24, and two of her friends who declined to be named were involved in a collision with a taxi when heading from Cherng Talay to Thalang at about 1am on Monday, confirmed Capt Nattaya Suwanpong of the Thalang Police.

The injured passenger was immediately taken to Thalang Hospital, while her friends sustained minor injuries.

Full Story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Blood-donations-flow-for-injured-American-teacher/63336?desktopversion


-- Phuket Gazette 2016-03-04

I have "O rh positive" can be used.. PM me to get me information and paperwork to get blood sent. I am in Chiang Mai.
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Blood donations flow in for injured American teacher

Chutharat Plerin

PHUKET: -- At least 20 people have donated blood following an urgent call this morning for O-negative blood for an American woman requiring emergency surgery after a road accident, confirmed the Phuket Regional Blood Center.

Chonita Michelle Cleary, 24, and two of her friends who declined to be named were involved in a collision with a taxi when heading from Cherng Talay to Thalang at about 1am on Monday, confirmed Capt Nattaya Suwanpong of the Thalang Police.

The injured passenger was immediately taken to Thalang Hospital, while her friends sustained minor injuries.

Full Story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Blood-donations-flow-for-injured-American-teacher/63336?desktopversion


-- Phuket Gazette 2016-03-04

I have "O rh positive" can be used.. PM me to get me information and paperwork to get blood sent. I am in Chiang Mai.

He is after O neg, not O poss. You can't give poss to neg.

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I've used Bangkok Phuket Hospital many times in the past, sorry to say I don't know my blood type (my bad),pretty sure I'm O, wrote to the customer service there using my HN "can you check your records,I'll come straight-away if compatible".

No response. Second time their customer service has really stunk recently. Earlier they did a bait-and-switch on a physical price request. Showed one price ad on the website, when I wrote the person said no such price, went back to the site they had taken it down.

Bangkok Phuket Hospital, get your online customer service department in order, currently it is terrible.

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