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Smoke, Mirrors of Creative Finance

Gonzo the Face

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Here is something I need to question to see if anyone else has experienced this or is the product of a creative delivery person. I will not name specifics to stay out of the shame/blame game but would be interested in getting other input.

Today I fancied a treat for my little family. I got on the computer and used a service to place an order.

The cost of the order was 445.00 baht

Vat of 7% equaled 31.15 b

plus for delivery 90.00 b

total should equal 566.15 b

Now in pencil added was

a service fee of 5% or as written 28.00 b

and the bill given to me was 595.00 b

Now we are not talking world staggering sums, but afterwards I thought it strange that a pencil service charge was added. It struck me after giving it some thought that .... this looks like the work of a creative delivery person.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this???

As a result I will not be using this well known service any longer.

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If you use that delivery service's website, the individual price of each item, the 7% VAT, and the additional 5% ("service and tax" is how it's phrased) are all listed when you "check out" and confirm the order. So I don't think it's the delivery guy getting creative.

Edited by TheAppletons
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If you use that delivery service's website, the individual price of each item, the 7% VAT, and the additional 5% ("service and tax" is how it's phrased) are all listed when you "check out" and confirm the order. So I don't think it's the delivery guy getting creative.

So are you saying that the cost of the product = 476 b

plus delivery fee = 90 b

sub totals = 566 b

then add 5% of the total = 28 b

total = 595 b +/-

So the delivery fee is not 90 baht its 118 B

Why is it advertised as 90 B then charged 118 B??? & who is the recipient of this added fee ?

So in this instance one is paying approx 25% as added delivery fee ????

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If you use that delivery service's website, the individual price of each item, the 7% VAT, and the additional 5% ("service and tax" is how it's phrased) are all listed when you "check out" and confirm the order. So I don't think it's the delivery guy getting creative.

So are you saying that the cost of the product = 476 b

plus delivery fee = 90 b

sub totals = 566 b

then add 5% of the total = 28 b

total = 595 b +/-

So the delivery fee is not 90 baht its 118 B

Why is it advertised as 90 B then charged 118 B??? & who is the recipient of this added fee ?

So in this instance one is paying approx 25% as added delivery fee ????

a. Perhaps you should call/email the business with your questions/comments. The owner has a solid rep for being responsive and is far more qualified to address your "issues" than anyone on here.

b. Don't you own a business yourself? If one of your customers had a complaint about it, would you rather that person contact you directly or start a thread on TVF publicly railing against it?

c. Are you really on here complaining about 28 thb? Seriously?

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If you use that delivery service's website, the individual price of each item, the 7% VAT, and the additional 5% ("service and tax" is how it's phrased) are all listed when you "check out" and confirm the order. So I don't think it's the delivery guy getting creative.

So are you saying that the cost of the product = 476 b

plus delivery fee = 90 b

sub totals = 566 b

then add 5% of the total = 28 b

total = 595 b +/-

So the delivery fee is not 90 baht its 118 B

Why is it advertised as 90 B then charged 118 B??? & who is the recipient of this added fee ?

So in this instance one is paying approx 25% as added delivery fee ????

a. Perhaps you should call/email the business with your questions/comments. The owner has a solid rep for being responsive and is far more qualified to address your "issues" than anyone on here.

b. Don't you own a business yourself? If one of your customers had a complaint about it, would you rather that person contact you directly or start a thread on TVF publicly railing against it?

c. Are you really on here complaining about 28 thb? Seriously?

Apparently you are and have missed the point completely....

If you think its only about the 28 baht..., then there is no sense talking with you.

Its more about if this is the work of one employee being creative or is it company policy. If company then don't publish one thing and do something sneakily creative. Without mentioning any names I was trying to ascertain if this was a one off or has it been done repeatedly. I still , upon reviewing the site have not seen where the 5% add on is mentioned. One baht or 2000 baht, I don't like being ripped off, but maybe you are different and do like it.

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If you use that delivery service's website, the individual price of each item, the 7% VAT, and the additional 5% ("service and tax" is how it's phrased) are all listed when you "check out" and confirm the order. So I don't think it's the delivery guy getting creative.

So are you saying that the cost of the product = 476 b

plus delivery fee = 90 b

sub totals = 566 b

then add 5% of the total = 28 b

total = 595 b +/-

So the delivery fee is not 90 baht its 118 B

Why is it advertised as 90 B then charged 118 B??? & who is the recipient of this added fee ?

So in this instance one is paying approx 25% as added delivery fee ????

Seems to me to be a no brainer. Unless you are paying COD.

The other possibility is they are only charging you a delivery fee to a local distributer who in turn is then adding on his delivery fee.

If you paid on line with your credit card or what ever there should be no additional charges unless stated some where in the fine print.

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It would seem the delivery man was adding his own tip,but the best thing would

have been to ask him when he made delivery, whats this ?,then you would not

have a mystery.which seems to worry you.

regards Worgeordie

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Apparently you are and have missed the point completely....

If you think its only about the 28 baht..., then there is no sense talking with you.

Its more about if this is the work of one employee being creative or is it company policy. If company then don't publish one thing and do something sneakily creative. Without mentioning any names I was trying to ascertain if this was a one off or has it been done repeatedly. I still , upon reviewing the site have not seen where the 5% add on is mentioned. One baht or 2000 baht, I don't like being ripped off, but maybe you are different and do like it.

Go to the website, log in. Pick a restaurant and "order" an item. Add to your "cart". Then "view cart" which is the final step before actually ordering.....you'll see the food item, the VAT, the delivery charge of 90 thb, and the additional 5% added on that page for "service and tax". Everything is itemized by line.

It's clearly company policy but since you want to believe you're being ripped off, go right ahead.

Edited by TheAppletons
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It really makes no difference how many add-on charges there are or what they are called or may or may not be for. What matters is only the total you pay. Like it, buy it, dont like, dont buy.

Edited by Dante99
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I used to use them but the delivery charges, delivery times and creative accountancy by the delivery guys put me off. They have healthy competition now from a black and white bear so are no longer a monopoly.

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It really makes no difference how many add-on charges there are or what they are called or may or may not be for. What matters is only the total you pay. Like it, buy it, dont like, dont buy.

How many add ons and how they build up to the price is important. Get it wrong and some customers will only buy once and get negative feelings like expressed above. Everyone may be happy with the total price to pay but if it's built up with too many charges like the final 5% that is added it can ruin the "satisfaction vibe" . The customer is no longer as happy as they could be. Answer is to build the 5% in somewhere else under a different title. The business can pay the 5% later to the delivery guy. Customer doesn't need to be aware.

How many people shun certain low cost airlines when they go over the top with extra charges? I do . I can't stand Spirit Airlines and Ryanair. I would book those as a very last resort and don't rate them.

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It really makes no difference how many add-on charges there are or what they are called or may or may not be for. What matters is only the total you pay. Like it, buy it, dont like, dont buy.

How many add ons and how they build up to the price is important. Get it wrong and some customers will only buy once and get negative feelings like expressed above. Everyone may be happy with the total price to pay but if it's built up with too many charges like the final 5% that is added it can ruin the "satisfaction vibe" . The customer is no longer as happy as they could be. Answer is to build the 5% in somewhere else under a different title. The business can pay the 5% later to the delivery guy. Customer doesn't need to be aware.

How many people shun certain low cost airlines when they go over the top with extra charges? I do . I can't stand Spirit Airlines and Ryanair. I would book those as a very last resort and don't rate them.

Right, go with the feeling and the vibe, to hell with the bottom line.

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It really makes no difference how many add-on charges there are or what they are called or may or may not be for. What matters is only the total you pay. Like it, buy it, dont like, dont buy.

How many add ons and how they build up to the price is important. Get it wrong and some customers will only buy once and get negative feelings like expressed above. Everyone may be happy with the total price to pay but if it's built up with too many charges like the final 5% that is added it can ruin the "satisfaction vibe" . The customer is no longer as happy as they could be. Answer is to build the 5% in somewhere else under a different title. The business can pay the 5% later to the delivery guy. Customer doesn't need to be aware.

How many people shun certain low cost airlines when they go over the top with extra charges? I do . I can't stand Spirit Airlines and Ryanair. I would book those as a very last resort and don't rate them.

Right, go with the feeling and the vibe, to hell with the bottom line.

I am not sure you understand. The customer is ok with paying 595 baht but if present it the wrong way instead of the customer being happy and content they feel scammed and may not return. You have to consider the feeling and the vibe if you want to maximize the bottom line. That extra 5% thats causing grief needs to be added somewhere else. Customer still pays 595 and they feel better about it. Happy to reorder on another day.

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It really makes no difference how many add-on charges there are or what they are called or may or may not be for. What matters is only the total you pay. Like it, buy it, dont like, dont buy.

How many add ons and how they build up to the price is important. Get it wrong and some customers will only buy once and get negative feelings like expressed above. Everyone may be happy with the total price to pay but if it's built up with too many charges like the final 5% that is added it can ruin the "satisfaction vibe" . The customer is no longer as happy as they could be. Answer is to build the 5% in somewhere else under a different title. The business can pay the 5% later to the delivery guy. Customer doesn't need to be aware.

How many people shun certain low cost airlines when they go over the top with extra charges? I do . I can't stand Spirit Airlines and Ryanair. I would book those as a very last resort and don't rate them.

Right, go with the feeling and the vibe, to hell with the bottom line.

I am not sure you understand. The customer is ok with paying 595 baht but if present it the wrong way instead of the customer being happy and content they feel scammed and may not return. You have to consider the feeling and the vibe if you want to maximize the bottom line. That extra 5% thats causing grief needs to be added somewhere else. Customer still pays 595 and they feel better about it. Happy to reorder on another day.

Agreed . Like the OP said he was given an honest bill. Then had an added charge penciled in. People should ask them selves is this acceptable. Would they OK it if the clerk at tops added some thing in pencil to there bill or at the gas station.

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Reading over some of the posts that have been made, gives me pause for thought.

One more time as simply an I can make it

I ordered dinner from a restaurant.

The cost of the dinner was 445.00 Baht

The restaurant added 7% VAT or 31.15 Baht

The agreed upon dlvy fee which is service 90.00 Baht

The amount price I expected to be charged 566.15

Then penciled in is service fee 5%, 28 28.00 Baht

Total bill now 595. Baht

Now consider

Total Paid 595 Baht

cost from the restaurant w/tax - 476 Baht

Amount charged for delivery 119 Baht

For less than that amount a tuk tuk could have picked it up for me ,,,,,, so what is with the high priced delivery service???

Note to any simpletons... I am not complaining about 28 baht.

What I am questioning is ..... The 5% 28 baht.... is it delivery company generated or is it a creative driver trying to increase his tip?

What I don't understand .. the 90 baht is a service fee is it not?? What service is there other than the delivery service? The delivery is the service. ... and why am I to pay tax twice??? The restaurant already put it on the bill. Calculating the 28 baht would represent about 7% of 400 baht. No one has yet posted an explanation for this surprise fee.

For those who this is frivolous ... think the principle of the problem not the amount

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I'm definitely with you on this one Gonzo; I think if I had a delivery of anything and there was a printed invoice or cash register slip that had an additional charge pencilled in I wouldn't have paid that part of it. I wonder if the owner of the business in question is aware of this thread.

(I have no horse in this race, on the very rare occasion we have take away we always pick it up.)

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Please please let us have some really heavy rain, Poor old Gonzo needs something to really worry about especially when the water is lapping around his ankles.

Sorry Gonzo could not resist , hope you have a happy and prosperous season.

good luck

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It has cost you 30% of the meal in extras.

Forget the delivery company. Really the restaurants should be paying the delivery fee because you're not using a table and aren't dirtying crockery.

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Just experienced something I hadn't known , maybe you're in the same boat...... Just had an order delivered from KFC. They have a delivery charge also, but theirs is only 40 Baht about a third of what I was charged in the OP. Guess they use cheaper gas in their Moto's. I better check and see that they didn't short me by a piece of chicken. A third of the other charge for delivery.... something is not right here.

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god give it a break

E/S has lost more money , running to catch a bus, smile.png

Running for a bus!I never thought you would ever do something so common,

was the horse ill that day.

regards Worgeordie

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god give it a break

E/S has lost more money , running to catch a bus, smile.png

If it bothers you so much, you know what you can do ....


Nobody has a gun to your head forcing to read or post...... Grow up

Hard to explain to simple minds ITS NOT ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF MONEY ! Its about saying one thing and confusing the charge to increase the figure.

PS Don't loose money trying to catch a bus.... they are faster than you ... and remember dogs chase buses , people are supposed to be smarter and wait at the bus stops.

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god give it a break

E/S has lost more money , running to catch a bus, smile.png

If it bothers you so much, you know what you can do ....


Nobody has a gun to your head forcing to read or post...... Grow up

Hard to explain to simple minds ITS NOT ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF MONEY ! Its about saying one thing and confusing the charge to increase the figure.

PS Don't loose money trying to catch a bus.... they are faster than you ... and remember dogs chase buses , people are supposed to be smarter and wait at the bus stops.


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.. think the principle of the problem not the amount

"Smoke, Mirrors of Creative Finance"

This headline is a real gyp.

There was I was looking forward to another discourse from the TV financial "experts" on important fiscal matters only to find out that it's about 28 baht!!

So, it's definitely SFA to do with the "principle", and definitely all about the money, (otherwise you wouldn' have made / be making, such a fuss)

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.. think the principle of the problem not the amount

Why not just admit it?

It's SFA to do with the "principle", it's all about the money, (otherwise you wouldn' have made / be making such a fuss about 28 baht)

...so you failed as a carnival mind reader ..... did you end up doing anything constructive in later life?

In my posts, I post what I mean..... you need to spend more time worrying about your posts

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