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US election: Inappropriate for children?


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Donald Trump and the NSFW election
By Jessica Lussenhop
BBC News

WASHINGTON: -- The 2016 presidential election has been filled with insults, sexual innuendo and just plain bizarre antics. Should children even be allowed to follow politics now?

Some parents found themselves in a strange spot while watching the most recent Republican debates with their young children - the moment when front-runner Donald Trump started talking about his hands.

Way back in the 1980s, a magazine printed that Trump was a "short-fingered vulgarian". Republican Marco Rubio resuscitated the insult at a campaign stop in Virginia after Trump repeatedly insulted Rubio's height.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35729921

-- BBC 2016-03-07

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Perhaps children under 6. But over 6, they should be exposed somewhat to what the big bad world is all about. It may prepare them a bit for people like Maddox, Thaksin, Trump, snake oil salesmen, Cruz, anti-baldness cream, sugar-coated cereals, Rubio, and other slick self-salesmen. It may tune their bullshit meter, so they avoid getting hoodwinked when the grow up.

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If you want your child to become a fraud, liar, thief, crony capitalist and/or politically correct stooge let him watch any western politician speak. If you aren't a child these debates makes you wonder how the h..l the US ever became a super power.

Free speech, energetic debates and accountability are part of all democratic elections. What do you prefer, appointment by heritage, military juntas or communist one party systems? If America's (and other western countries) elections are "childish" at least that is better than follow dear leader which is "sheepish".

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The Republican candidates are all inappropriate for America.

They have turned the political system in to a bad and vulgar joke.

Some call it a circus, some a bad reality show.

A Presidential election should not be entertainment.

It is very serious and the future of the country and the free world depends on the outcome.

I am disgusted at what the GOP has done to our country.

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Inappropriate for adults too. I'm an American, but seems so many of them have been addlepated by reality shows such as Trump's apprentice, porn star Kardashian, the child molester family..... severe disconnect going on here, hope it stays confined to Christian right wingers. If this malady gets into mainstream majority, there will be nowhere to hide

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Brought to you by the leftist PC BBC.

Think again...

"Shameful," "Disgusting," "Despicable" - Fox News Focus Group Slams Fox News Debate

FRANK LUNTZ: Megyn, I don't know how happy you all at Fox are going to be, but I want a word or phrase to describe tonight's debate, and I'm going to start in the second row.



FOCUS GROUP MEMBER: Disappointing.




FOCUS GROUP MEMBER: Low on substance.


FOCUS GROUP MEMBER: School yard brawl.


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The Republican candidates are all inappropriate for America.

They have turned the political system in to a bad and vulgar joke.

Some call it a circus, some a bad reality show.

A Presidential election should not be entertainment.

It is very serious and the future of the country and the free world depends on the outcome.

I am disgusted at what the GOP has done to our country.

Oh No. And here I was, hoping that a lifetime of trying to convince my moral superiors wouldn't just evaporate. whistling.gif

BTW, what do you think of the moneyed power elite in DC crowning Hillary with hundreds of superdelegate votes before the race began to assure that Bernie wouldn't stand a chance?

The Republican elite are at least transparent in trying to dishonestly choose the next candidate. At least Romney the RINO was transparent when he openly insulted millions of voters who have already voted for Trump.

The Republicans are trying very hard to rip out the cancer that is liberalism and replace it with a kinder, gentler, PC, multicultural, nonjudgmental, inclusive, multinational, colorblind, socialist conservatism.

</sarcasm> Sort of.

Edited by NeverSure
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On the Republican side there is a grassroots Populist and Nationalist uprising going on that will swell to a Tsunami buy voting time in November. It is going to be a 60/40 win over the Democrats unless Cruz joins Trump as VP - then final numbers will be 70/30 ...

Remember - even at Presidential Elections up to 100 million eligible voters do not vote in America... Why? Because poll after poll says these people believe their vote won't make a difference. You can bet that 10 to 20 percent of that 100 million are going to vote for Trump and that includes many Democrats.

The BBC group is so hindered by political correctness that they cannot recognize any election season except those British ones that put people to sleep.

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Let's be clear. It is not the "2016 Presidental Election" we are talking about. It is one narcissist lunatic named Trump that has dragged all the other GOP candidates into a race to the bottom. Make no mistake, Trump is a dangerous man, not just to the process, but to democratic principles that American has held, or thought it held dearly for 300 years. The sad truth is a high percentage, much higher that was thought, of white people in America are afraid of the demographic changes that are taking place. Many of these people are truly racists evidenced by the antipathy toward President Obama.

The perfect storm is completed because the people (mostly men) who just finished high school can't find a job that pays enough to support themselves, let alone a family. The GOP has systematically blocked any attempt at a national plan to train these people to do things that pay better.

The GOP and some Democrats have also supported companies that moved to Mexico or China or anywhere where labor was cheapest.

The GOP has also been preaching that government can't do anything and proving it by not allowing government to perform basic functions of a complex society.

There is little doubt that the GOP has created the perfect weapon, but it is a weapon that is aimed at them as much or more than anyone else.

I for one really want to see the right wing of American politics split up into 3 or 4 factions so that it will no long represent a threat to the functioning of a sane society.

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Let's be clear. It is not the "2016 Presidental Election" we are talking about. It is one narcissist lunatic named Trump that has dragged all the other GOP candidates into a race to the bottom. Make no mistake, Trump is a dangerous man, not just to the process, but to democratic principles that American has held, or thought it held dearly for 300 years. The sad truth is a high percentage, much higher that was thought, of white people in America are afraid of the demographic changes that are taking place. Many of these people are truly racists evidenced by the antipathy toward President Obama.

The perfect storm is completed because the people (mostly men) who just finished high school can't find a job that pays enough to support themselves, let alone a family. The GOP has systematically blocked any attempt at a national plan to train these people to do things that pay better.

The GOP and some Democrats have also supported companies that moved to Mexico or China or anywhere where labor was cheapest.

The GOP has also been preaching that government can't do anything and proving it by not allowing government to perform basic functions of a complex society.

There is little doubt that the GOP has created the perfect weapon, but it is a weapon that is aimed at them as much or more than anyone else.

I for one really want to see the right wing of American politics split up into 3 or 4 factions so that it will no long represent a threat to the functioning of a sane society.

Wow! I don't know where to start ... Donald Trump was not created by the Republican Party in any overt act .. .The leaders of the Republican Party HATE Trump and in no way support him -- quite the opposite ... they are trying to stop him -- But the huge number of Republican voters and some Democrat and a lot of Independents are ignoring the Republican Establishment and are supporting Trump ... It has become a run away Populist Uprising - and most normal Conservative - Liberal issues are not really in play ... It is toss out the dinosaur Republican Establishment and Vanquish the Democrats... Get it ?

But the GOP Elite so called Leadership did create the need for a Trump by totally ignoring the Republican voters that had won back the U.S. HOUSE of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to allow the Republican party to oppose Obama - but refused to really oppose Obama Despite your assertion the GOP barely opposed Obama in the last 2 to 3 years .. It is a matter of record... mostly it was rubber stamping by the U.S. Senate and a lot of nothing on the part of the U.S. House. Trump and Cruz have filled the VOID created by a Do Nothing Republican Congress. Trump and Cruz exist and are the two most supported candidates and they are Anti-Establishment candidates ... You do not seem to understand the dynamics very well...

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Perhaps telling children the reason Bubba Clinton was impeached as POTUS for lying about stains on a Blue Dress might be deemed inappropriate too?

Not nearly as inappropriate (and creepy) as the GOP peep show which elected to concern itself with Clinton's genitals in the first place.

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