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Does anyone know anthing about Kajonkietsuksa School?


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I was recently offered a job at Kajonkietsuksa School, starting in April. I could not find any teacher reviews online and was just wondering if anyone had worked there or knew anyone that worked there. I will be coming alone so just wanted some insight before I got there.

Thanks in advance!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since the head of primary came back in 2012, he is slowly filling up the management team with his South African counterparts.

Now, primary is more than 50% SA nationals, which according to the Thai Ministry of Education, are not native English speakers.coffee1.gif

No worries, then. As native English speakers are asked to correct "entrance" tests as these SA teachers are not allowed to. gigglem.gif

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Since the head of primary came back in 2012, he is slowly filling up the management team with his South African counterparts.

Now, primary is more than 50% SA nationals, which according to the Thai Ministry of Education, are not native English speakers.coffee1.gif

No worries, then. As native English speakers are asked to correct "entrance" tests as these SA teachers are not allowed to. gigglem.gif

Who cares about teachers, i thought it was a showroom for fortuners and mux's?

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  • 3 weeks later...

How is this for relevance? The school my kids go to has 0 complaints online or in real life, bad parents are removed from the school. There's literally no bullying and most teachers are quite happy. There's tons of free events and free outtings.

That's what a school you pay for is suposed to be. How many of those things does kajon have? It's better than a thai school but its not worth the money. If you are a bit on the poorer side just send your kids to dawrong(the one next to central, dont know how to spell it) or the other private one in front of the public hospital in phuket town or even Satri.

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Ehm, the one by Central is Darasamooth (ht). Dowroong is not even close.

Right, dowroong is 'the other one'.

I would recommend darasamuth BTW, even if you're not poor.

mixed up the names, good thing i gave location

Those 2 schools are pretty good, way better than kajon

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Ehm, the one by Central is Darasamooth (ht). Dowroong is not even close.

Right, dowroong is 'the other one'.

I would recommend darasamuth BTW, even if you're not poor.


I have a friend who took his son out of Kajon and put him onto Darasamuth and has only good things to say about the move. He is by no means poor and the move was not financially motivated especially considering he lives close to Kajon.

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All three have their good and bad points.

At Kajonkiet ESC Pattana, by villa 5, corporal punishment is still tolerated by the Thai admin. But at EP section in Kathu, it is not.

The level of English at ESC pales in comparison to EP, but the ESC teachers are happier there due to less of a slave / North Korean style of admin by the farang heads at EP.

Their adverts stating a "tight knit group" is so far off the mark, considering the turn over rate is between 30-40% due to the admins there.

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