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What does this message mean on my apple mbpro


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Every Device need an IP address. On most places you obtain an IP address by the DHCP Server. But there are some devices which have fix IP adress.

So this mean you and another device use the same address... The best if to renew the IP... Because I am not an apple user, I not know exactly how to do this.. but I guess if you restart your device maybe this should help already..

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Does the message imply that someone can look at my files and/or web browsing?


This for sure: NO.

But likely your Mac will have no internet connection.

The problem is local to your home network/router. is the first address that the DHCP server would assign to a newly connected device.

Looks like another device on your network/WiFi(?) uses this adr. and your Mac is not assigned another address by the router(DHCP server).

Why? No idea.

Probably a misconfiguration of the MacBook internet (fixed address?).

Power down all internet connected devices inkl. router.

Wait 1 min.

Power on router.

Power on MacBook (only).

What happens?

Then power on other internet device(s) (smartphone or whatever).

Edited by KhunBENQ
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