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US tourist killed, 13 injured as Palestinian terrorists go on bloody rampage in Israel


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but ropes are in Israel's hand. if they want peace truly, peace can come in a week. power comes with responsibility and as israel is more powerful, they have more responsibility in this bloodshed. dont you see that?

No II don't and I doubt if you believe it either. The Palestinians started the violence in the first place and have refused to make peace for 100 years. The responsibility is on THEM.

Zionist Propaganda for Dummies... from the introduction.

An unforgettable quote.

Instead of the stupid insults, try to prove it is not true with CREDIBLE sources to back it up. Only one problem, YOU CAN'T.

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IF Palestinians took the approach of Ghandi or MLK Jr I could understand your position and I would probably support them myself.

But I grew up watching on the news how they blew up cafes & buses, hijacked planes, dumped a crippled pensioner into the sea, murdered an Olympic team, etc. It hasn't gotten much better since those days so as far as I am concerned any suffering the Palestinians are going through they have brought upon themselves and as long as they continue to raise their babies with such hateful propaganda against their neighbors the suffering will never end. Nor should it, not until they decide to join the civilized world.

mopar brother, israel also never take Gandhi or MLK like approach. some (hopefully some and not all as some israelis see the reality now) raising their kids with same hateful propaganda against their neighbors too. but at least their land is not occupied by someone else therefore they are not pushed into poverty and 'no future' kind of sentiments.

of course both sides need to change.

but ropes are in Israel's hand. if they want peace truly, peace can come in a week. power comes with responsibility and as israel is more powerful, they have more responsibility in this bloodshed. dont you see that?

I say it is the Palestinians who must want peace but they certainly do not. How do you explain what happened in Gaza ten years ago? Israel left. They had to send soldiers to drag settlers out of their homes. Not a single Israeli remained in Gaza. Palestinians had/have complete control. They had elections, voted for Hamas, and immediately started launching rockets into Israel.

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but ropes are in Israel's hand. if they want peace truly, peace can come in a week. power comes with responsibility and as israel is more powerful, they have more responsibility in this bloodshed. dont you see that?

No II don't and I doubt if you believe it either. The Palestinians started the violence in the first place and have refused to make peace for 100 years. The responsibility is on THEM.

Zionist Propaganda for Dummies... from the introduction.

An unforgettable quote.

Instead of the stupid insults, try to prove it is not true with CREDIBLE sources to back it up. Only one problem, YOU CAN'T.

The Zionists as always started the conflict.
Coincidentally the vicinity where the OP American was killed was once a thriving Palestinian city of over 100,000, Jaffa, attacked by Israeli forces before its Declaration of Independence, as part of its huge ethnic cleansing program. Because you can't have a Jewish state if Jews are the minority...simple math. They understood that; Israeli apologists pretend not to..
When the Israelis had finished there were less than 4,000 Palestinians remaining herded into a ghetto.
"On 4 January 1948 the Lehi detonated a truck bomb outside the 3-storey 'Serrani', Jaffa's Ottoman built Town Hall, killing 26 and injuring hundreds...
On 25 April 1948, Irgun launched an offensive on Jaffa. This began with a mortar bombardment which went on for three days during which twenty tons of high explosive were fired into the town"
Zionism's intention from the start was to steal the land and ethnically cleanse the resident population. They succeeded.
The European Zionists started the whole conflict.
"We must expropriate gently the private property on the estates assigned to us. We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our country."
Edited by dexterm
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dont get me wrong, if it was arabs doing the same, stealing the land of Israelis, then i support the Israeli resistance of course but yeah, it is never the case and Israel acts as an aggressor as always.i dont trust arab world like you do but when it comes to resistance due to some stolen land and years of nonsense by Israel, i support Palestinians' resistance.

IF Palestinians took the approach of Ghandi or MLK Jr I could understand your position and I would probably support them myself.

But I grew up watching on the news how they blew up cafes & buses, hijacked planes, dumped a crippled pensioner into the sea, murdered an Olympic team, etc. It hasn't gotten much better since those days so as far as I am concerned any suffering the Palestinians are going through they have brought upon themselves and as long as they continue to raise their babies with such hateful propaganda against their neighbors the suffering will never end. Nor should it, not until they decide to join the civilized world.

You seem to forget that it is the European Zionist colonists who invaded Palestine, ethnically cleansing and stealing the land of much of the resident Palestinian population.
I do not approve of many of the methods the Palestinians used to draw attention to the injustice perpetrated by Zionsists before the global community became aware of it through the international and social media.
Personally, I think Palestinians would achieve their objective of self determination more readily by peaceful passive resistance, shaming Israel before the world for their brutal oppression. But I can also understand the frustration, anger and sense of hopelessness felt by younger Palestinians who have known nothing but a repressive Israeli occupation for the last 50 years.
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The Zionists as always started the conflict.

Your pretend version of history gets more and more ridiculous. You make this claim and then jump to 1948 during the civil war a few weeks before Israel declared independence. By then, the Arabs had been attacking and murdering Jews pretty regularly for about 28 YEARS. For the first 20 years, the Arabs initiated EVERY political massacre or killing. It took the Jews about 20 years to start fighting back in an organized way. The Arabs started the violence. The Arabs started the conflict.

This is a list of killings and massacres committed in Mandatory Palestine. It is restricted to incidents in which at least three people were deliberately killed. This list does not include unlawful deaths due to criminal activity. It includes all casualties that resulted from the initial attack on civilians or non-combat military personnel.

Note: The designation "responsible party" below refers to those believed to be the principle instigators of the violence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine

You are also - once again - being dishonest about Theodor Herzl. All of this has been pointed out to you numerous times. You take a quote out of context from his private diary and purposely delete what he actually said. This was from when Israel was just an idea and ARGENTINA was under consideration for where to set it up. THIS is the ACTUAL quote:

"When we occupy the land, we shall bring immediate benefits to the state that receives us. We must expropriate gently the private property on the estates assigned to us. We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our country. The property owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discretely and circumspectly ... It goes without saying that we shall respectfully tolerate persons of other faiths and protect their property, their honor, and their freedom with the harshest means of coercion. This is another area in which we shall set the entire world a wonderful example ... Should there be many such immovable owners in individual areas [who would not sell their property to us], we shall simply leave them there and develop our commerce in the direction of other areas which belong to us",[54]

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Zionists as always started the conflict.

Your pretend version of history gets more and more ridiculous. You make this claim and then jump to 1948 during the civil war a few weeks before Israel declared independence. By then, the Arabs had been attacking and murdering Jews pretty regularly for about 28 YEARS. For the first 20 years, the Arabs initiated EVERY political massacre or killing. It took the Jews about 20 years to start fighting back in an organized way. The Arabs started the violence. The Arabs started the conflict.

This is a list of killings and massacres committed in Mandatory Palestine. It is restricted to incidents in which at least three people were deliberately killed. This list does not include unlawful deaths due to criminal activity. It includes all casualties that resulted from the initial attack on civilians or non-combat military personnel.

Note: The designation "responsible party" below refers to those believed to be the principle instigators of the violence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine

So you admit that if Zionists had not started their program of colonization ethnically cleansing the resident population, there would have been no invading European land thieves for the Palestinians to resist.
And modern world Jewry would now be prospering peacefully practising their religion in the many countries they have assimilated into.
And the Palestinians would have had their own country long ago living peacefully alongside a small minority of religious Jews, welcoming Jews worldwide and the OP American on tourist visas to visit holy sites.
The racist/religionist supremacist movement Zionism is the root cause of the whole conflict.
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The Zionists as always started the conflict.

Your pretend version of history gets more and more ridiculous. You make this claim and then jump to 1948 during the civil war a few weeks before Israel declared independence. By then, the Arabs had been attacking and murdering Jews pretty regularly for about 28 YEARS. For the first 20 years, the Arabs initiated EVERY political massacre or killing. It took the Jews about 20 years to start fighting back in an organized way. The Arabs started the violence. The Arabs started the conflict.

This is a list of killings and massacres committed in Mandatory Palestine. It is restricted to incidents in which at least three people were deliberately killed. This list does not include unlawful deaths due to criminal activity. It includes all casualties that resulted from the initial attack on civilians or non-combat military personnel.

Note: The designation "responsible party" below refers to those believed to be the principle instigators of the violence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine

That isn't a pretend version of history.

The invasion of Palestine by European Jews is a documented fact.

As are the resulting terrorist offensives, land grabs, and atrocities that they committed.

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The Zionists as always started the conflict.

Your pretend version of history gets more and more ridiculous. You make this claim and then jump to 1948 during the civil war a few weeks before Israel declared independence. By then, the Arabs had been attacking and murdering Jews pretty regularly for about 28 YEARS. For the first 20 years, the Arabs initiated EVERY political massacre or killing. It took the Jews about 20 years to start fighting back in an organized way. The Arabs started the violence. The Arabs started the conflict.

This is a list of killings and massacres committed in Mandatory Palestine. It is restricted to incidents in which at least three people were deliberately killed. This list does not include unlawful deaths due to criminal activity. It includes all casualties that resulted from the initial attack on civilians or non-combat military personnel.

Note: The designation "responsible party" below refers to those believed to be the principle instigators of the violence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine

You are also - once again - being dishonest about Theodor Herzl. All of this has been pointed out to you numerous times. You take a quote out of context from his private diary and purposely delete what he actually said. This was from when Israel was just an idea and ARGENTINA was under consideration for where to set it up. THIS is the ACTUAL quote:

"When we occupy the land, we shall bring immediate benefits to the state that receives us. We must expropriate gently the private property on the estates assigned to us. We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our country. The property owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discretely and circumspectly ... It goes without saying that we shall respectfully tolerate persons of other faiths and protect their property, their honor, and their freedom with the harshest means of coercion. This is another area in which we shall set the entire world a wonderful example ... Should there be many such immovable owners in individual areas [who would not sell their property to us], we shall simply leave them there and develop our commerce in the direction of other areas which belong to us",[54]

"the state that receives us" was firstly the Ottomans, and secondly the British. It was the poor Palestinians who were never consulted while foreigners, with no right to do so, gave their land away to Zionists in their proxy colonial enterprise.

So Herzl was all for ethnically cleansing natives in Argentina but had suddenly turned philanthropist in Palestine. Give us a break.

Edited by dexterm
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The Zionists as always started the conflict.

Your pretend version of history gets more and more ridiculous. You make this claim and then jump to 1948 during the civil war a few weeks before Israel declared independence. By then, the Arabs had been attacking and murdering Jews pretty regularly for about 28 YEARS. For the first 20 years, the Arabs initiated EVERY political massacre or killing. It took the Jews about 20 years to start fighting back in an organized way. The Arabs started the violence. The Arabs started the conflict.

This is a list of killings and massacres committed in Mandatory Palestine. It is restricted to incidents in which at least three people were deliberately killed. This list does not include unlawful deaths due to criminal activity. It includes all casualties that resulted from the initial attack on civilians or non-combat military personnel.

Note: The designation "responsible party" below refers to those believed to be the principle instigators of the violence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine

So you admit that if Zionists had not started their program of colonization ethnically cleansing the resident population, there would have been no invading European land thieves for the Palestinians to resist.

What does any of that looney nonsense have to do with ANYTHING that I have said? Do you really think that other people can't see through your constant distortions and lies?

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So Herzl was all for ethnically cleansing natives in Argentina but had suddenly turned philanthropist in Palestine. Give us a break.

He was for getting people off the land that he would BUY LEGALLY and providing them jobs elsewhere, so they were better off. That is the part that you purposely deleted from the ACTUAL quote that was on YOUR LINK.

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It's interesting how the obsessive Israel demonization agenda of hate ignores the narrative of the history of the Jewish people for thousands of years in the diaspora that well justified that political liberation movement (Zionism which was realized in the creation of the nation state of Israel).

I don't think it's very useful to refer to Zionism today, except historically. Zionism is the existence of Israel. Anyone who supports the existence of the state of Israel and it's defense is pro Zionist. Not the same as supporting all Israel government policies, that would be silly, obviously.

Edited by Jingthing
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So Herzl was all for ethnically cleansing natives in Argentina but had suddenly turned philanthropist in Palestine. Give us a break.

He was for getting people off the land that he would BUY LEGALLY and providing them jobs elsewhere, so they were better off. That is the part that you purposely deleted from the ACTUAL quote that was on YOUR LINK.

So the Zionists planned to buy the land (never to be resold) then sack and expel any Palestinians farming there making it exclusively Jewish . Some sort of sharing and caring colonialist they were eh.
The point is that is exactly what they did with the small amount of land they did buy. The rest they have since stolen.
But the problem has always been...how can you have a Jewish State when the majority are Palestinians. Israel is still working on it today, occupying, stealing land, ethnically cleansing the resident Palestinians.
As Palestinians became more aware of Zionist intentions, they resisted.
The invasion of European Zionists started the conflict.
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So Herzl was all for ethnically cleansing natives in Argentina but had suddenly turned philanthropist in Palestine. Give us a break.

He was for getting people off the land that he would BUY LEGALLY and providing them jobs elsewhere, so they were better off. That is the part that you purposely deleted from the ACTUAL quote that was on YOUR LINK.

So the Zionists planned to buy the land (never to be resold) then sack and expel any Palestinians farming there making it exclusively Jewish . Some sort of sharing and caring colonialist they were eh.
The point is that is exactly what they did with the small amount of land they did buy. The rest they have since stolen.
But the problem has always been...how can you have a Jewish State when the majority are Palestinians. Israel is still working on it today, occupying, stealing land, ethnically cleansing the resident Palestinians.
As Palestinians became more aware of Zionist intentions, they resisted.
The invasion of European Zionists started the conflict.

That sums it up very well.

All the rest is just smoke and mirrors.

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It's interesting how the obsessive Israel demonization agenda of hate ignores the narrative of the history of the Jewish people for thousands of years in the diaspora that well justified that political liberation movement.

It is the duty of all good men to demonize a state that behaves demonically
The Romans exiled Jews. Palestinians did them no harm.
Judaism is a religion, not a race. And even if they were a race, the bible is not a real estate title deed.
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It's interesting how the obsessive Israel demonization agenda of hate ignores the narrative of the history of the Jewish people for thousands of years in the diaspora that well justified that political liberation movement (Zionism which was realized in the creation of the nation state of Israel).

I don't think it's very useful to refer to Zionism today, except historically. Zionism is the existence of Israel. Anyone who supports the existence of the state of Israel and it's defense is pro Zionist. Not the same as supporting all Israel government policies, that would be silly, obviously.

I regret that the state of Israel ever came into existence. But it is here to stay. So far we agree.
It's Zionism that must go.
It is the racist/religionist supremacism of Zionism that I object to...that Jews can have a "right of return" to a land they have never even set eyes on before and receive exclusive citizenship benefits, a right not extended to Palestinians who were born there and still have the keys to their homes whence they were ethnically cleansed.
No-one need be killed,no-one need be expelled. Without Zionism Israel/Palestine could function perfectly well as a secular state. And it will do one day. It's a geographic inevitability.
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It's interesting how the obsessive Israel demonization agenda of hate ignores the narrative of the history of the Jewish people for thousands of years in the diaspora that well justified that political liberation movement.

The Romans exiled Jews. Palestinians did them no harm.

As I have already PROVED with CREDIBLE evidence. The Palestinian Arabs attacked and murdered Jews for about 20 years before they started striking back in an organized way, so, once again, you are spouting nonsense. The Palestinians DID do harm. They started the violence between the two peoples and they started the conflict.

Name: -Battle of Tel Hai

Date: March 1, 1920

Responsible party: Arabs

Name: Nebi Musa riots

Date: Nebi Musa riots

Responsible party: Arabs

Name: Jaffa riots

Date: April 4–7, 1920

Responsible parties: Arabs

Name: Palestine Riots

Date: August 23–26,

Responsible parties: Arabs


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It's interesting how the obsessive Israel demonization agenda of hate ignores the narrative of the history of the Jewish people for thousands of years in the diaspora that well justified that political liberation movement.

The Romans exiled Jews. Palestinians did them no harm.

As I have already PROVED with CREDIBLE evidence. The Palestinian Arabs attacked and murdered Jews for about 20 years before they started striking back in an organized way, so, once again, you are spouting nonsense. The Palestinians DID do harm. They started the violence between the two peoples and they started the conflict.

Name: -Battle of Tel Hai

Date: March 1, 1920

Responsible party: Arabs

Name: Nebi Musa riots

Date: Nebi Musa riots

Responsible party: Arabs

Name: Jaffa riots

Date: April 4–7, 1920

Responsible parties: Arabs

Name: Palestine Riots

Date: August 23–26,

Responsible parties: Arabs


Not playing the cherry picking dates game today. Quite frankly, can't be bothered because you never listen anyway.

Of course people being occupied by invading illegal European colonists whose intention is to ethnically cleanse them have the right to resist. It's just a pity they had their hands tied by their colonial masters mainly the British who were in cahoots with the invading Zionists.

Got work to do. sawasdee krap.

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It's interesting how the obsessive Israel demonization agenda of hate ignores the narrative of the history of the Jewish people for thousands of years in the diaspora that well justified that political liberation movement.

The Romans exiled Jews. Palestinians did them no harm.

As I have already PROVED with CREDIBLE evidence. The Palestinian Arabs attacked and murdered Jews for about 20 years before they started striking back in an organized way, so, once again, you are spouting nonsense. The Palestinians DID do harm. They started the violence between the two peoples and they started the conflict.

Name: -Battle of Tel Hai

Date: March 1, 1920

Responsible party: Arabs

Name: Nebi Musa riots

Date: Nebi Musa riots

Responsible party: Arabs

Name: Jaffa riots

Date: April 4–7, 1920

Responsible parties: Arabs

Name: Palestine Riots

Date: August 23–26,

Responsible parties: Arabs


Not playing the cherry picking dates game today.

Cherry picking? Are you even able to read? That is the first few entries from a list that goes on the same way for about 20 YEARS until the Jews finally started responding in an organized way. One entry after another RESPONSIBLE PARTY: ARABS

Edited by Ulysses G.
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My condolences to the loved ones of the American killed. I do not condone the murder of civilians within the 67 borders of Israel, if they are not assisting the IDF or the occupation.

When not lying you drip insincerity instead. Your caveats are so ridiculous, perhaps you would approve of your beloved terrorists asking their victims to fill in a questionnaire to see whether or not they warrant murdering.

P.S Palestinian news channels are referring to the murderer as a martyr and the American victim as a settler. They seem to have the same problem with facts as you do.

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It's interesting how the obsessive Israel demonization agenda of hate ignores the narrative of the history of the Jewish people for thousands of years in the diaspora that well justified that political liberation movement (Zionism which was realized in the creation of the nation state of Israel).

I don't think it's very useful to refer to Zionism today, except historically. Zionism is the existence of Israel. Anyone who supports the existence of the state of Israel and it's defense is pro Zionist. Not the same as supporting all Israel government policies, that would be silly, obviously.

I regret that the state of Israel ever came into existence. But it is here to stay. So far we agree.
It's Zionism that must go.
It is the racist/religionist supremacism of Zionism that I object to...that Jews can have a "right of return" to a land they have never even set eyes on before and receive exclusive citizenship benefits, a right not extended to Palestinians who were born there and still have the keys to their homes whence they were ethnically cleansed.
No-one need be killed,no-one need be expelled. Without Zionism Israel/Palestine could function perfectly well as a secular state. And it will do one day. It's a geographic inevitability.

The 'inevitable' as suggested above is on nobody's agenda and has no purpose other than part of the spin to support the random stabbings in Israel. Parts of the secular left however try to obfuscate the reality that they are lined up behind an Islamist agenda and have their own historical airbrushing to attend to as they find themselves in lockstep with some of the most vicious reactionary forces in the region. Truth is that 'no-one need be killed' is a feint. The reality is that they hope that the stabbings escalate. They don't want them stopped. They want to pin a medal on those guys.

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My condolences to the loved ones of the American killed. I do not condone the murder of civilians within the 67 borders of Israel, if they are not assisting the IDF or the occupation.

When not lying you drip insincerity instead. Your caveats are so ridiculous, perhaps you would approve of your beloved terrorists asking their victims to fill in a questionnaire to see whether or not they warrant murdering.

P.S Palestinian news channels are referring to the murderer as a martyr and the American victim as a settler. They seem to have the same problem with facts as you do.

Exactly what i was thinking. I don't believe ANYTHING that dexterm posts here including his SUPPOSED "personal feelings". He has been busted posting fallacious information on here over and over again for years. His entire purpose in life seems to be spamming the internet with false propaganda that demonizes Israelis and Jews and he makes no attempt to be accurate AT ALL.

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but ropes are in Israel's hand. if they want peace truly, peace can come in a week. power comes with responsibility and as israel is more powerful, they have more responsibility in this bloodshed. dont you see that?

No II don't and I doubt if you believe it either. The Palestinians started the violence in the first place and have refused to make peace for 100 years. The responsibility is on THEM.

I was not asking to you but you are welcome too:lol:

It looks like my words are affecting you a bit. I believe there is still hope on you.

But your words sounds like coming from a kid. No it didnt happen. No I didnt do it. I didnt brake it etc etc.

And while it is a documented fact that israel stole the others' land there and creates aggression. And you state no tangible fact here apart from I dont believe it.

If you dont accept this. Then i can say you came to this world as a man and will depart this world as a sheep.

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Personally, I think Palestinians would achieve their objective of self determination more readily by peaceful passive resistance, shaming Israel before the world for their brutal oppression. But I can also understand the frustration, anger and sense of hopelessness felt by younger Palestinians who have known nothing but a repressive Israeli occupation for the last 50 years.

Palestinians have themselves to blame. No other people in the history of mankind has been been cursed with such consistently bad leadership as the Palestinians have. They have chosen to stick to a losing strategy for many decades and are suffering for it. Israel doesn't choose their leaders for them.

The reason they seem so stupid to stick to the same losing strategy is that they brainwash their children from birth and that is why the youth feel "frustration, anger and sense of hopelessness". They are taught to feel that way. I hope I don't need to post all the links to dressing babies up as suicide bombers, or children shows talking about killing Jews, etc. Nowhere else on the planet are children taught such things about their neighbors. Thank God evil like this keeps getting its butt kicked.

The leadership won't change strategy until the money dries up. Everyone knows Arafat died a billionaire (but that is the Zionist's fault!). Iran keeps funneling money into Hamas and Hezbollah.How much goes into the bank accounts of so-called Palestinian leaders?

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but ropes are in Israel's hand. if they want peace truly, peace can come in a week. power comes with responsibility and as israel is more powerful, they have more responsibility in this bloodshed. dont you see that?

No II don't and I doubt if you believe it either. The Palestinians started the violence in the first place and have refused to make peace for 100 years. The responsibility is on THEM.

I was not asking to you but you are welcome too:lol:

It looks like my words are affecting you a bit. I believe there is still hope on you.

But your words sounds like coming from a kid. No it didnt happen. No I didnt do it. I didnt brake it etc etc.

And while it is a documented fact that israel stole the others' land there and creates aggression. And you state no tangible fact here apart from I dont believe it.

If you dont accept this. Then i can say you came to this world as a man and will depart this world as a sheep.

It is not a "documented fact" that Israel stole land. In fact it is a blatant lie. The UN gave them that land and the UN had the authority. If you are too ignorant to know and accept the FACTS, don't blame me.

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It's interesting how the obsessive Israel demonization agenda of hate ignores the narrative of the history of the Jewish people for thousands of years in the diaspora that well justified that political liberation movement (Zionism which was realized in the creation of the nation state of Israel).

I don't think it's very useful to refer to Zionism today, except historically. Zionism is the existence of Israel. Anyone who supports the existence of the state of Israel and it's defense is pro Zionist. Not the same as supporting all Israel government policies, that would be silly, obviously.

israel sure exists better and in peace without Zionism. It is plague for all jewish people on earth.

but with Zionists, it looks like Israel is doing a war it will never win and digging their own graves with aggression.

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My condolences to the loved ones of the American killed. I do not condone the murder of civilians within the 67 borders of Israel, if they are not assisting the IDF or the occupation.

When not lying you drip insincerity instead. Your caveats are so ridiculous, perhaps you would approve of your beloved terrorists asking their victims to fill in a questionnaire to see whether or not they warrant murdering.

P.S Palestinian news channels are referring to the murderer as a martyr and the American victim as a settler. They seem to have the same problem with facts as you do.

Exactly what i was thinking. I don't believe ANYTHING that dexterm posts here including his SUPPOSED "personal feelings". He has been busted posting fallacious information on here over and over again for years. His entire purpose in life seems to be spamming the internet with false propaganda that demonizes Israelis and Jews and he makes no attempt to be accurate AT ALL.

Please don't presume to read my mind and know my personal feelings. The OP victim had loved ones, and I am very sorry for him and them. Every untimely death is a tragedy.

You are very quick to falsely accuse others of fabrication, but the silence is deafening when you are caught red handed and asked to quote proof.
Twice now I have exposed you in the last couple of weeks alone.
Please cease and desist accusing posters of fabrication, when it is only you who is the dishonest fraud.
Edited by dexterm
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My condolences to the loved ones of the American killed. I do not condone the murder of civilians within the 67 borders of Israel, if they are not assisting the IDF or the occupation.

The leader of Fatah, an organization you obviously support, takes a different approach to the murder of civilians.


Abbas’ Fatah Praises ‘Heroic Martyr’ Who Murdered U.S. Veteran
By Patrick Goodenough
March 9, 2016 | 5:48 PM EST
(CNSNews.com) – Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah organization on Wednesday praised as a “heroic martyr” the killer of West Point graduate and U.S. Army veteran Taylor Force, according to an Israel-based media monitoring group.
On its Facebook page, Fatah posted a sketch of a man’s hand holding a knife over a map of “Palestine,” Palestinian Media Watch reported. Across the map is written “Bashar Masalha,” the name of the 22 year-old Palestinian who stabbed Force and 11 others in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa area on Tuesday.
Written on the arm of the person holding the knife in the sketch are the words, “the heroic martyr.”
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My condolences to the loved ones of the American killed. I do not condone the murder of civilians within the 67 borders of Israel, if they are not assisting the IDF or the occupation.

The leader of Fatah, an organization you obviously support, takes a different approach to the murder of civilians.


Abbas’ Fatah Praises ‘Heroic Martyr’ Who Murdered U.S. Veteran
By Patrick Goodenough
March 9, 2016 | 5:48 PM EST
(CNSNews.com) – Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah organization on Wednesday praised as a “heroic martyr” the killer of West Point graduate and U.S. Army veteran Taylor Force, according to an Israel-based media monitoring group.
On its Facebook page, Fatah posted a sketch of a man’s hand holding a knife over a map of “Palestine,” Palestinian Media Watch reported. Across the map is written “Bashar Masalha,” the name of the 22 year-old Palestinian who stabbed Force and 11 others in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa area on Tuesday.
Written on the arm of the person holding the knife in the sketch are the words, “the heroic martyr.”

if Palestinians sure needs to get rid of this stupid politicians, it is sure for their benefit. Over the years what i see, Palestinians always had some incompetent leaders and nothign else.

at least a condolence message to the family of the deceased young lad (RIP) should be good but their hatred close their eyes too unfortunately.

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