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It's personal: Obama says GOP hostility to him led to Trump


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Obama's approval rating now highest since 2013, 87% amongst Democrats.

Obama has done a wonderful job, so long as you accept that his mission was to empower Islamic fascists worldwide and make North Korea and Iran nuclear superpowers. His and HRC's interference in Libya was more masterful statesmanship. They took some fossil-fuel rich loony socialist utopia with a bit of a strict leader where every one had free money and houses and stuff and turned it over to the caliphate. Brits just wanted to give Gadaffi a smack for the whole Lockbie/AlMagrahi fiasco, not give the whole country to the muslim state. Great stuff! 87% of democrats are in dire need of a wake up call aka attitude adjustment.

Jai dam (meaning 'black heart'), is your post for real? If you really believe that pap, then perhaps I should feel sorry for you being so angry at being at the losing end the past two presidential elections.

Let's face it, Because Obama is at the top of the Democratic heap, he's the whipping boy for all Democratic-hating Republicans. It wouldn't matter who the person is/was. The same for HRC. She's shaping up to take Obama's position as #1 Democrat and POTUS. Republicans' hatred of her will only snowball. They can't help but increase vindictiveness.

Democrats have made mistakes over the past decades, but nothing remotely as bad as the plethora or harmful screw-ups of Republicans. Even at the latest debate, Trump advocated killing Muslim extremists' families. That's illegal and immoral. Kill the extremists, sure, but don't carpet bomb their home villages. ....and which family members, Mr. Trump, would you kill? The mother, father, sisters, brothers, for sure, but what about a step-father or the grandparents? Would you kill them also? And what about nieces and nephews and their parents and grandparents. Probably easiest to just do as Cruz recommends: drop N bombs all over the dunes. A glowing glass-encrusted Middle East.

Just as bad as the war-mongering of Republicans, is their plan to abolish the Dept of Education in order to instate anti-science curriculums in a nationwide hodgepodge. No standardized tests. Elitist school districts next to imporverished districts and teaching literal interpretations of the Bible. Future generations of Americans will be even more ignorant, and thereby easier manipulated by anti-science, anti-common-sense demagogues like Cruz, Trump, Tea Party whackos, and their manipulative descendants.

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Obama's approval rating now highest since 2013, 87% amongst Democrats.

Obama has done a wonderful job, so long as you accept that his mission was to empower Islamic fascists worldwide and make North Korea and Iran nuclear superpowers. His and HRC's interference in Libya was more masterful statesmanship. They took some fossil-fuel rich loony socialist utopia with a bit of a strict leader where every one had free money and houses and stuff and turned it over to the caliphate. Brits just wanted to give Gadaffi a smack for the whole Lockbie/AlMagrahi fiasco, not give the whole country to the muslim state. Great stuff! 87% of democrats are in dire need of a wake up call aka attitude adjustment.

Boy, talk about being wrong on everything. Such simplistic, GOP talking points BS. The US can't control or shape the Middle East on its own, nor can anyone else. Only the Muslims themselves can stabilize the region. Trump and Cruz would only make things worse, and at the cost of countless American lives. And if you really believe that Libya was some sort of Utopia, or that N. Korea and Iran are nuclear superpowers, it demonstrates your complete ignorance of world affairs.

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Obama's approval rating now highest since 2013, 87% amongst Democrats.

Obama has done a wonderful job, so long as you accept that his mission was to empower Islamic fascists worldwide and make North Korea and Iran nuclear superpowers. His and HRC's interference in Libya was more masterful statesmanship. They took some fossil-fuel rich loony socialist utopia with a bit of a strict leader where every one had free money and houses and stuff and turned it over to the caliphate. Brits just wanted to give Gadaffi a smack for the whole Lockbie/AlMagrahi fiasco, not give the whole country to the muslim state. Great stuff! 87% of democrats are in dire need of a wake up call aka attitude adjustment.

Really? Obama made North Korea a nuclear super-power?

Then how come their first nuclear test explosion was in 2006? Wasn't Dubya in power then?

As for Iran, you do know that they don't have any nuclear bombs.

You can't just make things up on here. People tend to check facts.

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Boy, talk about being wrong on everything.

You are the one who is wrong on everything. Obama has alienated our friends and embraced our enemies. His stupid "deal" gave Iran billions of dollars and a green light on their nuclear program. It may the stupidest "deal" in history.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Boy, talk about being wrong on everything.

You are the one who is wrong on everything. Obama has alienated our friends and embraced our enemies. His stupid "deal" gave Iran billions of dollars and a green light on their nuclear program. It may the stupidest "deal" in history.

Sigh. Standard Trump and GOP talking points, and completely wrong. Whatever.

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Boy, talk about being wrong on everything.

You are the one who is wrong on everything. Obama has alienated our friends and embraced our enemies. His stupid "deal" gave Iran billions of dollars and a green light on their nuclear program. It may the stupidest "deal" in history.

That's funny. The deal with Iran was made by the USA, UK, Russia, France, China, Germany and the remainder of the EU countries. In fact, all permanent members of the UN Security Council (5+1).

Goes to show that your statement is just more anti-Obama bull-sh1t.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Do you think it would have happened without Obama? He was in control. It was one of his typical "coalitions" of convenience with political payoffs to take the heat off his administration. Whatever deal was made, he was in the drivers seat.

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Obama's approval rating now highest since 2013, 87% amongst Democrats.

Obama has done a wonderful job, so long as you accept that his mission was to empower Islamic fascists worldwide and make North Korea and Iran nuclear superpowers. His and HRC's interference in Libya was more masterful statesmanship. They took some fossil-fuel rich loony socialist utopia with a bit of a strict leader where every one had free money and houses and stuff and turned it over to the caliphate. Brits just wanted to give Gadaffi a smack for the whole Lockbie/AlMagrahi fiasco, not give the whole country to the muslim state. Great stuff! 87% of democrats are in dire need of a wake up call aka attitude adjustment.

"If you can take down the central government of Iraq, you can easily see pieces of Iraq fly off. Part of it the Syrians would like to have in the West. Part of Eastern Iraq the Iranians would like to claim — fought over for eight years.

In the North you have the Kurds, and if the Kurds spin loose and join with the Kurds in Turkey, then you threaten the territorial integrity of Turkey. It’s a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq."

Dick Cheney 1994 one of those who created the shambles that is now the Middle East and the refugee crisis in Europe.

Now do remind us who invaded Iraq looking for WMD that they knew never existed. Perhaps we should hold another Benghazi inquiry, after all 4 people did die there.

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Do you think it would have happened without Obama? He was in control. It was one of his typical "coalitions" of convenience with political payoffs to take the heat off his administration. Whatever deal was made, he was in the drivers seat.

Oh dear. You seem to confuse your own wishful thinking with facts.

The EU was in the driving seat. Get your facts sorted before spouting crap. This deal was in progress before Obama was even elected.




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Do you think it would have happened without Obama? He was in control. It was one of his typical "coalitions" of convenience with political payoffs to take the heat off his administration. Whatever deal was made, he was in the drivers seat.

This deal was in progress before Obama was even elected.

Indeed and the point was to make Iran abide by the UN sanctions and stop enriching uranium COMPLETELY. Obama was the one to abandon all that and enable a nuclear weapons program. He was supposed to STOP it - not just delay it a few years.

Keep on drinking that Kool Aid.

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Dick Cheney 1994 one of those who created the shambles that is now the Middle East and the refugee crisis in Europe.

Blah, blah, blah. These people have not been in office for almost 8 YEARS.

But as Cheney correctly predicted once you invaded Iraq, Blah blah, blah. However I can see you don't like being reminded who created the mess in the first place and who has been left to clear it up. Its a bit like the financial meltdown the same bunch of idiots left for the present administration to clear up and we are still suffering the effects of that to this day.

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Obama was just one leader of many countries. But, of course it suits your agenda to blame just one man.

Under the deal, they can enrich to a point where the uranium can be used for peaceful purposes.

As for Obama "abandoning all that and enabling a nuclear weapons program", what crap. The Iranians NEVER made weapons grade uranium and the IAEA confirmed that enriched uranium of 20% which is used for medical isotopes was already destroyed by Iran (20% enrichment can be very quickly enriched further to make weapons grade uranium).

Put the shovel down UG and actually read up on the facts.


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Obama was just one leader of many countries. But, of course it suits your agenda to blame just one man.

Under the deal, they can enrich to a point where the uranium can be used for peaceful purposes.

As for Obama "abandoning all that and enabling a nuclear weapons program", what crap. The Iranians NEVER made weapons grade uranium and the IAEA confirmed that enriched uranium of 20% which is used for medical isotopes was already destroyed by Iran (20% enrichment can be very quickly enriched further to make weapons grade uranium).

Put the shovel down UG and actually read up on the facts.


Its no good the obstructionist party has a thing about WMD they see the stuff everywhere except for Israel of course who they go onto claim no evidence of them having nuclear weapons.

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Obama was just one leader of many countries. But, of course it suits your agenda to blame just one man.

The leader of the free world. HE was in charge. YOU are the one that needs to do some reading or watch this video. That uranium can easily be converted to weapons grade. That is why the UN had sanctions against it.

Charles Krauthammer explained on "The O'Reilly Factor" tonight why the nuclear agreement with Iran is the worst deal the U.S. has signed since the Munich Agreement in 1938.

Krauthammer said the deal means that Iran is no longer a pariah state. The country will be open to commerce and business and will be able to import weapons in just a couple years.

Krauthammer added that Iran's economy is about to get a $150 billion injection and will be able to triple its oil output to more than $320 million per day. http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/07/20/charles-krauthammer-explains-why-iran-nuclear-deal-terrible-2-minutes

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Obama's approval rating now highest since 2013, 87% amongst Democrats.

Obama has done a wonderful job, so long as you accept that his mission was to empower Islamic fascists worldwide and make North Korea and Iran nuclear superpowers. His and HRC's interference in Libya was more masterful statesmanship. They took some fossil-fuel rich loony socialist utopia with a bit of a strict leader where every one had free money and houses and stuff and turned it over to the caliphate. Brits just wanted to give Gadaffi a smack for the whole Lockbie/AlMagrahi fiasco, not give the whole country to the muslim state. Great stuff! 87% of democrats are in dire need of a wake up call aka attitude adjustment.

The statement concerning President Barack Obama that "his mission was to empower Islamic fascists worldwide and make North Korea and Iran nuclear superpowers" not only is thoroughly wrong, it is more of the common and banal fringe rightwhinge howling at the moon lunacy.

The post does not use the word "traitor" against the 44th President of the United States, but it does says it in several words. The post is therefore not credible in any way whatsoever.

The post is as I have characterised it. And more. It is crackpot stuff fired off by only the marginal and the unstable.

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Obama was just one leader of many countries. But, of course it suits your agenda to blame just one man.

The leader of the free world. HE was in charge. YOU are the one that needs to do some reading or watch this video. That uranium can easily be converted to weapons grade. That is why the UN had sanctions against it.

Charles Krauthammer explained on "The O'Reilly Factor" tonight why the nuclear agreement with Iran is the worst deal the U.S. has signed since the Munich Agreement in 1938.

Krauthammer said the deal means that Iran is no longer a pariah state. The country will be open to commerce and business and will be able to import weapons in just a couple years.

Krauthammer added that Iran's economy is about to get a $150 billion injection and will be able to triple its oil output to more than $320 million per day. http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/07/20/charles-krauthammer-explains-why-iran-nuclear-deal-terrible-2-minutes

As has already been explained to you Obama WAS NOT the head honcho. You think Russia and China would go along with that?

The O'Reilly Factor?


You just love that shovel UG. You're a prisoner of your own ideology.

PS. The POTUS is only the leader of the free world when the rest of the free world agrees with him and in this case, not only the rest of the free world agreed with him, but, the communists and ex-communists agreed with him, too.

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Boy, talk about being wrong on everything.

You are the one who is wrong on everything. Obama has alienated our friends and embraced our enemies. His stupid "deal" gave Iran billions of dollars and a green light on their nuclear program. It may the stupidest "deal" in history.

Obama is rather well-liked and respected by world leaders. Among the 'stupidest deal in history' are the French selling the middle part of America for 2 cents/acre, or the Russkies sellling Alaska for 7 million dollars, or the Indians selling Manhattan for a handful of colored beads. Or probably the Inca King trusting the Europeans to stick with their word of honor.

The Iran deal was as good as could be expected considering that Iran wants to develop N weapons. US and European diplomats slowed or stopped that process. Republicans are renown for either avoiding things or making bad deals with foreigners. It's almost funny how Trump boils every issue down to "I would make a really really good deal...."

One problem: Trump is actually not a good deal maker. He made deals with his two former wives, and both those deals tanked. He made deals for many businesses, and most went belly-up. It doesn't help that Trump alienates nearly every world leader he has anything to do with. Bullying may work for NY real estate deals, but it doesn't work well for delicate deal-making with suspicious world leaders. I would be a much better deal-maker with foreign leaders (with the goal of furthering US interests) than Trump. Here are two (of several) reasons why: I'm cool-headed. He's not. I'm know more about history and geography than Trump will ever know. That's why over half the statements Trump has made in his campaign - he's had to walk back and spin.

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Boy, talk about being wrong on everything.

You are the one who is wrong on everything. Obama has alienated our friends and embraced our enemies. His stupid "deal" gave Iran billions of dollars and a green light on their nuclear program. It may the stupidest "deal" in history.

And you say we don't know what you think; believe.


And counting.

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Maybe UG should take a page out of Nixon's book regarding the Vietnam war. Declare victory and get out.

That is what your idol Obama has done with his insane "deal" - against a rogue, nuclear soon-to-be armed state. The man is a fool and we will be the ones to pay.

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You're a prisoner of your own ideology.

Look who is talking. Charles Krauthammer is one of the most respected minds of our time and you are worrying about what station he was talking on, instead of what he had to say. Talk about sheep.

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Obama isn't my idol. I'm not American. I just put facts above ideology.

As has already been mentioned, but, you refuse to acknowledge, Obama has "done" nothing that the UK, China, Russia and the EU haven't already endorsed.

If you don't agree with the deal then at least blame the right people.

If no deal was made, then Iran would have made the bomb. This was the best deal that could have been made and it seems diplomats from all the countries involved agreed.

Now that sanctions have been stopped, American energy companies are piling in, creating jobs and wealth for the US.

So far, not a single clause has been broken by Iran.

Actaully UG, it seems after all the evidence has been spoon-fed to you here, you are the fool. The deal is working. Iran is back in the international fold and is trading with the West again.

Wars rarely start between nations that trade. This deal has made the world a safer place.

Iran as the Bogey Man is so passe.

Maybe you should direct your ire at the West's true enemy. A sponsor of terrorism and hard-line Muslim fundamentalism. You know, the country who's citizens flew the planes into the twin towers. Oh, forgot, senior Republicans like the Bush family are very cosy with them, so, you won't do that, will you?

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Ulysses G just demonstrates that Obama's point regarding the unending and unwarranted assaults on him and his Presidency is exactly what has given rise to a Donald Trump. In an effort to dispel the point Obama has made he confirms Obama is precisely accurate.

"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results." - Winston Churchill

Unfortunately in this case the Republican strategy has spawned the result of a Trump.


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While not limited, as a problem, to the US, having 1% of the population controlling 90% of the nation's wealth must be addressed. This is the single most critical issue for the American middle, working class continuation of representative democracy. It has severely torn the social fabric. We can no longer believe that, through our work, slowly but surely we will be better off in the future when our income is stagnant or shrinking and the wealth gathers even more to the 1%.

Perhaps that is bad, but the Democrats' way of fixing it with redistribution is flat out wrong. Instead, if you want more people to "share in the wealth" how about making it easier for people to start a business? In some European countries the citizens can establish a company in 5 minutes online. There are many entrepreneurs who are under 20 years old.

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You're a prisoner of your own ideology.

Look who is talking. Charles Krauthammer is one of the most respected minds of our time and you are worrying about what station he was talking on, instead of what he had to say. Talk about sheep.

I would rather trust the negotiators from all the aforementioned countries that were actually involved in the deal than a "respected mind" that works for Fox News. His is an opinion. An opinion that disagrees with many respected diplomats and negotiator's opinions.

Besides, I can see with my own eyes that the deal is working. When it stops working, I'll change my mind

Sheep are people that follow ideology blindly and can't change their mind, some one like ...................you?

So far, you really haven't managed to refute any of my arguments that it isn't Obama's fault as you claimed. Your arguments if not totally wrong are simplistic, at best. You share that trait with your hero Trump.

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So far, you really haven't managed to refute any of my arguments that it isn't Obama's fault as you claimed.

Actually I have and Krauthammer was brilliant . Just because you are too silly and partisan to realize it, does not make it so. It is obvious that you buy your own ideological BS, no matter how ridiculous. Who is the sheep?

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Please explain how Obama is at fault when:-

Talks started before he came to power.

How he fooled China, Russia and the EU into this deal.

How he manipulated all the different countries negotiators into accepting this deal.

You have offered no evidence at all and you seem to not like facts that are inconvenient to your position.

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