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Soldiers, Villagers Accused of Poaching Wild Gaur

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Khmer Times/Ros Chanveasna

Three Cambodian border soldiers and two local villagers are believed to have been involved in the killing of an endangered wild gaur in a protected forest in Mondulkiri province’s Koh Nhek district, according to WWF-Cambodia’s communication manager Un Chakrey.

“We had deep regrets when we found the wild gaur dead in the forest,” Mr. Chakrey said, adding that he assumed the animal was killed by Cambodian border soldiers as forest rangers found a group of soldiers sleeping in hammocks near the remains of the gaur.

Brigadier General Khen Mengsreng, the provincial military commander in chief, said he did not know if the soldiers were guilty and said he would wait for a court to decide.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22627/soldiers--villagers-accused-of-poaching-wild-gaur/

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