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Erdogan warns Turkey’s top courts over freed journalists


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Erdogan warns Turkey’s top courts over freed journalists


Turkey’s president warned the country’s top court that it’s survival would be up for debate if it repeated rulings that were against the country. Recep Tayyip Erdogan was refering to a decision that led to the release of two detained newspaper editors.

“Excuse me but I said: I do not respect the decision of an institution that does not respect the rights and interests of the people of this country,” said Erdogan. “I hope the constitutional court will not act in such a way again that will leave its existence and legitimacy up for debate.”

The release of the journalists was described by one of them as a “clear defeat” for Erdogan.

Both were released on bail last week after the constitutional court ruled that their rights had been violated.

The two journalists were detained after their newspaper published material it said showed intelligence officials trucking arms to Syria.

They face trial and if convicted potential life sentences.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-12

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This guy is pathetic, his government got caught red handed shipping arms to ISIS and buying oil from them.

He's turned Turkey into a state sponsor of terrorism and should be sanctioned out of existence then put in jail or sent to Saudi Arabia to live with all the other war criminals.

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This guy is pathetic, his government got caught red handed shipping arms to ISIS and buying oil from them.

He's turned Turkey into a state sponsor of terrorism and should be sanctioned out of existence then put in jail or sent to Saudi Arabia to live with all the other war criminals.

No, no, no.

He's a NATO ally, an elected politician and a good Muslim. He just wants to return Turkey to the glories of the Ottoman Empire when it was one of most brutal and corrupt regimes going - and didn't tolerate freedom of the press, free speech, the independence of the courts or crap like that.

You can see exactly why Merkel embraces him as a key ally and wants to fast track his EU membership.

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The would be Caliph on the Bosporus is showing his true colors now. Long may it continue as I suspect those opposing Turkish accession to the EU are going to need as much ammunition as he can give them.

Turkey still illegally occupies the north of EU member state Cypress. Some thing Merkel totally ignores in her quest for German dominance of Europe. She only sees the bigger, the German friendly, picture.

Meanwhile Erdogan continues making money out of the ISIS and Syria situations, in all sorts of ways, continues re-establishing Turkey as an Islamist rather than secular society, and continues killing Kurds, at every opportunity, wherever they are.

Hopefully he'll over play his hand, Vlad will take care of him and NATO will walk away.

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