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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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Trump baited this. Wake up before it's too late.

This reminds me EXACTLY of people who blame a rape victim for the bikini she was wearing. I thought society had progressed beyond blaming crime victims, and had figured out that the perps are the ones to blame.

What a shame that a bunch of thugs who deny people the freedom of speech can be given a pass because someone doesn't like the speech.


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Trump baited this. Wake up before it's too late.

This reminds me EXACTLY of people who blame a rape victim for the bikini she was wearing. I thought society had progressed beyond blaming crime victims, and had figured out that the perps are the ones to blame.

What a shame that a bunch of thugs who deny people the freedom of speech can be given a pass because someone doesn't like the speech.


In a way the regressive left is hiding behind the racism of low expectations towards its own supporters. Not only this but it seems to wear the bad behavior of its supporters like a badge of honor, whilst simultaneously blaming Trump for it. What chutzpah.
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Yet another lie from Trump anyway.

Chicago police have said they did not advise Donald Trump to cancel his campaign rally due to safety concerns after violent clashes between supporters and protestors broke out at the event.

The Republican presidential candidate announced he had decided to postpone the rally having spoken to the Chicago Police Department (CPD) after hundreds of protestors gathered at the University of Illinois (UIC) on Friday.

Inside the auditorium, rival groups hurled abuse at each other and some engaged in sporadic fighting as they waited for the billionaire to appear.

A statement issued by his campaign said: “Mr Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all of the tens and thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight’s rally will be postponed to another date.”

However, CPD spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the department never told the Trump campaign there was a security threat at the venue. He said the department had sufficient manpower at the scene to handle any situation.

Mr Guglielmi said the decision to cancel the event was made “independently” by the campaign.

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Yet another lie from Trump anyway.

Chicago police have said they did not advise Donald Trump to cancel his campaign rally due to safety concerns after violent clashes between supporters and protestors broke out at the event.

The Republican presidential candidate announced he had decided to postpone the rally having spoken to the Chicago Police Department (CPD) after hundreds of protestors gathered at the University of Illinois (UIC) on Friday.

Inside the auditorium, rival groups hurled abuse at each other and some engaged in sporadic fighting as they waited for the billionaire to appear.

A statement issued by his campaign said: “Mr Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all of the tens and thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight’s rally will be postponed to another date.”

However, CPD spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the department never told the Trump campaign there was a security threat at the venue. He said the department had sufficient manpower at the scene to handle any situation.

Mr Guglielmi said the decision to cancel the event was made “independently” by the campaign.

That statement was provided by Rahm Emmanuel, Mayor of one of the most corrupt cities in the world

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Maybe the Trump lemmings will get to taste a Trump steak someday. What you say? Trump steaks don't exist. Trump is a con man. He can't even make America steak again.

You're all over the road JT

You don't know about Trump steaks?

Make America Steak Again!

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Maybe the Trump lemmings will get to taste a Trump steak someday. What you say? Trump steaks don't exist. Trump is a con man. He can't even make America steak again.

You're all over the road JT

You don't know about Trump steaks!

Make America Steak Again!

Brilliant political analysis if I do say so myself. thumbsup.gif

So this is what you are reduced to? whistling.gif

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Trump baited this. Wake up before it's too late.

This reminds me EXACTLY of people who blame a rape victim for the bikini she was wearing. I thought society had progressed beyond blaming crime victims, and had figured out that the perps are the ones to blame.

What a shame that a bunch of thugs who deny people the freedom of speech can be given a pass because someone doesn't like the speech.


Trump baited this, you know, by citing national crime statistics. http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/08/08/illegal-alien-crime-accounts-for-over-30-of-murders-in-some-states/

If you don't see how this is a problem, you must not have realized, he's a man who also happens to be white, AKA a white man. For the sake of "progress" that must preclude him from telling the truth. And now, thanks to his errant ways, shit's gone and hit the fan.

All those on the Left, outraged by his inflammatory remarks, intend to demonstrate just how wrong he was by, well, apparently getting violent themselves.

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Trump baited this. Wake up before it's too late.

This reminds me EXACTLY of people who blame a rape victim for the bikini she was wearing. I thought society had progressed beyond blaming crime victims, and had figured out that the perps are the ones to blame.

What a shame that a bunch of thugs who deny people the freedom of speech can be given a pass because someone doesn't like the speech.


Trump baited this, you know, by citing national crime statistics. http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/08/08/illegal-alien-crime-accounts-for-over-30-of-murders-in-some-states/

If you don't see how this is a problem, you must not have realized, he's a man who also happens to be white, AKA a white man. For the sake of "progress" that must preclude him from telling the truth. And now, thanks to his errant ways, shit's gone and hit the fan.

All those on the Left, outraged by his inflammatory remarks, intend to demonstrate just how wrong he was by, well, apparently getting violent themselves.

So it's official, it's a crime to be a white man.

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Trump is entirely the product of the forces he opposes. Historically we also recall the forces at work that led to the rise of such people as Washington, Mao, Stalin, Lincoln, etc. We consider the context in which their rise took place. So, for all leaders there exists a substratum of truth and injury and framework that lends them legitimacy. In the case of Trump, there is no context extended by popular media. Its as if Trump appeared in a cloud, amorphous, without context. Or, when context is conceded, its to ad hominen attack his constituents. No rational faculties employed here. Just agenda. Just pejoratives.

Sanders, HRC, and Soros' are radicals, period! They use money and influence to fund insurgents to further their politics. In the case of Soros it is amazing he has not been tried/executed for the crimes he has caused to so many nations. The reason is his hybrid marriage to the US NEA and HRC like foundations. The Soros/HRC marriage was vividly on display during her tenure from HKG to Russia to Arab Spring to Ukraine 1/2 to Libya to the early funding in Ferguson, MO to the ample funding of BlackLivesMatter. The world will now see the Arab Spring machinery, the red shirt machinery turned on the US itself. Guarantee it.

This election will be substantially strategized on race. In fact, racial division will be the only way HRS/Left will be able to win- name, name, shame, name, repeat, repeat, repeat, then start the race conflict then name, name, name, name, repeat, repeat, divide, divide, play race card, repeat, play race card, repeat- like antelope being peeled from a herd on the plains the Left will seek to divide America further.

Under Obama racial strife has been cultivated as a percolating thunder, its boiling point tested by DoJ in Ferguson and elsewhere. Under Obama the real injuries to black America are startling and stand in great contrast to the injuries to others. Under Obama the real grievances toward the "other" are palpable. Under Obama ignoring laws and crafting laws by fiat Obama has injured such a large slice of regular America that he set in motion the machinery that simply 'wanting a return to days of a better, law-abiding nation' mandates rage, division, confrontation between those who want other people's stuff and other people. Obama set in motion those who want other people's stuff with those who have no more stuff to offer. Obama set in motion the conditions of two groups of people- neither really middle class; one formally, the other never, fighting for an imaginary middle slice of America. Trump appears in the middle of this age but he is not the cause, he is the reflection.

Obama is to Trump as Shelley is to Victor.

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I sense fear and panic among the anti-Trump brigade…they are getting shriller by the minute.

Nope. We just see what he actually is, a psychopathic demagogue.


Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton also jumped into the fray.

“The ugly, divisive rhetoric we are hearing from Donald Trump and the encouragement of violence and aggression is wrong, and it’s dangerous,” she said at an appearance in St. Louis. “If you play with matches, you’re going to start a fire you can’t control.”

Edited by Jingthing
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How can Trump - who is clinically obese and should therefore refrain from throwing mud on others on general principle - diss a handicapped man on national TV - and get even more popular??

There is a disconnect here - that this dumb Canadian cannot wrap his head around

But of course I don't get it

Being north of the 49'th

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I sense fear and panic among the anti-Trump brigade…they are getting shriller by the minute.

Nope. We just see what he actually is, a psychopathic demagogue.


Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton also jumped into the fray.

“The ugly, divisive rhetoric we are hearing from Donald Trump and the encouragement of violence and aggression is wrong, and it’s dangerous,” she said at an appearance in St. Louis. “If you play with matches, you’re going to start a fire you can’t control.”

I still don't see how that justifies voting for two Washington parasites like Bernie or Hillary.

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As to be expected, much of this drama is media driven. I watched MSNBC for almost an hour, there was a continuous loop of four incidents, mostly pushing and shouting, I've seen more violence at sporting events. Who knew that calling for laws to be enforced, would be called hateful and racist.

I think once again, the media and the protesters are playing right into Trump's hands.

Edited by beechguy
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You don't get it.

For weeks now protesters have been surrounded by Trump mobs egged up to violence by their psychopathic leader.

Trump baited this whole thing.

He has a background in doing shows for uneducated white morons ... you know fake wrestling stuff.

Reality t.v.

He's milking this.

The Chicago thing was a total bait.

It works for him up to a point. The majority aren't going to buy this lying circus garbage.

In the general. prepared for a MOUNTAIN opposition research to be unloaded.

Now why moveon.org got baited into this, I don't know, they shouldn't have played into his show.

But it doesn't matter. There are just so many circus fans.

Most Americans want a real president.

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You don't get it.

For weeks now protesters have been surrounded by Trump mobs egged up to violence by their psychopathic leader.

Trump baited this whole thing.

He has a background in doing shows for uneducated white morons ... you know fake wrestling stuff.

He's milking this.

The Chicago thing was a total bait.

It works for him up to a point. The majority aren't going to buy this lying circus garbage.

Why do you even care about the election? You're clearly already the president of your own world.

Current federal law (H.R. 347) does not allow for protesting of any type in an area under protection by the Secret Service.

When the federal law on trespass was quietly amended—it is a crime, punishable by up to a year in prison, to "knowingly impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions" in locations guarded by the Secret Service, including places where individuals under Secret Service protection are temporarily located—the revised statute made it "easier for the government to criminalize protest.

Bill H.R. 347

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It's going to be Clinton vs. Trump.

Neither is particularly appealing.

I think it's obvious that the majority will find Trump the much more ATROCIOUS because he is and his racist "movement" is very ugly.

Again, how is calling for current law to be enforced, a racist movement?

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It's going to be Clinton vs. Trump.

Neither is particularly appealing.

I think it's obvious that the majority will find Trump the much more ATROCIOUS because he is and his racist "movement" is very ugly.

Again, how is calling for current law to be enforced, a racist movement?

What law, dude?

Banning Muslims? Is that a law, dude?

Folks, you don't know a con man when you see one? How did that happen?

BTW, I'm not denying HRC is a lying politician. Of course she is. But she's highly qualified for the job not the clown leader of nut job fascist movement.

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It's going to be Clinton vs. Trump.

Neither is particularly appealing.

I think it's obvious that the majority will find Trump the much more ATROCIOUS because he is and his racist "movement" is very ugly.

Then you have nothing to worry about....

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So what percentage of American voters are poorly educated white racists? 30 at most?

Didn't get George Wallace elected.

I see Trump being nominated. Cruz is a disgusting 2nd choice so he's lucky about that. But I don't see the math for beating Hillary.

Not surprised as you are exuding the same arrogance that has blinded the elites and others who are now panicing to put out the fire they created. However, the more gasoline they pour on this fire the higher it burns. Trump can beat Hillary. Looks like you will be wrong again.

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