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Food poisoning


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I guess, before yesterday i ate something bad which caused heavy flatulence, diarrhea and general malaise and anorexia. I ate some chicken and salad. Since it is not that bad (i had much worse experience with food poisoning in the past), i don't want to go to a doctor. But maybe someone have some suggestions for a medicine over the counter? Now, after i slept 12h and drunk a lot of water i feel little bit better.


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medicinal charcoal is the preferred local solution and works well. you can buy it cheaply everywhere. However if the problem is resolved don't bother. drink lots of fluids.

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Activated charcoal as suggested, sold in 7-11 as Car-B-On. Plus rehydration sachets also sold at 7-11. Green coconut juice is also very good. drink enough fluids to keep your urine is light in color.

If high fever or if the diarrhea persists see a doctor. Usually these things are self limiting.

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Go to any boots or local pharmacy and ask for Smecta…its a sachet that contains a powder that you dissolve in a glass of water and drink up.

It's medicinal clay that soaks up all toxins in your gut and exits your body taking them with it.

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