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500 baht fine each and sweep it under the carpet quickly.

Why should the Thai who made the citizens arrest of a fleeing, drunken, foreign thief be fined?

And to those who will be claiming the "another final nail in the Thai tourism industry" I reckon that this Pattaya Soi 7 punter WILL be back and won't be put off from returning to Thailand. He will have second thoughts about doing a bill runner next time though.

And even if he doesn't ever return, I don't think any Thais will miss him anyway.

And if hundreds of other tourists read the story and decide not to return, I suppose they won't be missed either????????

Soi 7 ....not a ideal tourist spot anyway.....boring in one word

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Once again, violent and out of control Thais make the news. Ten jump one....what a man.

I'd get your eyes checked mate,no mention of 10.Maybe you can report for Pattaya One.


Police found a bar worker and took him to the station where he was treated for a leg wound

Is the "worker" this petite grace in green dress on the picture?

Even from behind I bet: 100% "ladyboy".


Paranoia.No mention of transvestites at all.


well it looks that mr.canada is here the victim.....but maybe he is not...nobody cuts u up with a knife for nothing...( except in an argument or in a robbery )...I never been to pattaya ( and have no wish to go to this area after all these reports similair arise )

but a picture arrives:

there is a bar owner shady guy half or full criminal who sells alcohol and or drugs and women to western /eastern falangs....

so the barworker might operate on own bill ( he or she gets a comission on every drink sold and is responsible for the money )

so now here he comes mr. supersmart canada nitnoi brain...drinks drugs and whores all night and when a bill ( easy several thousand of bhats ) arrive he try to run leaven the barworker with a big bill open to his boss mr shady chinese ass...e ,

maybe already some other debts open in the past ..... so now he had enough the smile is over and he takes his old friend the knife and teaches mr superminibrain canada a life lesson in proper behavior (= u consume and u pay for it ) ....

is everywhere the same u get what u deserve....

sorry not bashing on thais constantly...

Hello Walter,

where have you been lately, did those nasty shady 1/2 crim Chinese bar owners upset you then?

Sorry your much to late, we already have a plethora of authors writing fiction about the Thai bar scene.

Hold-on, the mist is clearing...... slowly, slowly a picture arrives...... and lo and behold we see we already have more than enough ejits in Pattaya.

So, back on your head; and please, please never come to Pattaya.

PS if you think nobody cuts you for nothing, try living in Glasgow.

good post, Walter seems to be deluded somewhat. the VAST majority of decent tourists and expats do NOT have problems with thais generaly.


A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

I can't say,,, "like you do", that I believe everything a Thai bar worker says to the police.

I think you must be a tourist as well.

What fluff.

And you believe everything a farang says because what,don't tell me cos he is a white guy.Give me a break.The Thai workers know about cctv,tourist/expat does not.


A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

For one, you don't have to always believe the narrative in the news. As reported, the tourist wanted to leave without paying a drink.

It happened many times that a waiter comes and serves a drink to a customer who refuses it. Maybe a second or third drink.

But even though the patron does not drink the glass, they charge for it.

That may be the case. Look at the man on the picture, apparently he does not look like a bum who'll leave without paying the bill.

In your view what does a non paying bum look like?


When I run a tab in a bar I do not 'trust' then I make sure I read and initial every tab before it goes in the pot. No signature no pay, …..

Do you carry a rubber stamp that says "Im DGS124 and I approve this check bin".

I used to do this as well in certain establishments, no signature on the chit, no payment.

No need for a stamp. It was a sustem used by many and once known by the establishment, trouble free.


A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

Do you know the facts. To avoid this sort of crap and having been ripped off, ( Thais have been known to do this) i always pay as i order, find it better than being lazy and then getting into an arguement. Forget how many times i have seen guys claim not to have drunk 'that much'


A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

Not everything is exactly as it seems, and certainly never as reported!

The Canadian girls a few weeks ago reportedly had the bill from another group passed to them after the other group had left without paying, and the GGB was looking for someone to pay. I agree though as I once watched an Ivan guy getting a bit of roughing up as he had been taking the bills out of his cup and hiding them on his person. POS computerised billing has removed many problems, but the bar-staff beating seven colours of crap out of miscreants is not acceptable.

Everybody here is thinking with his western head.It is acceptable to beat a thief,if that is what he is,in this country.Where i live wife beaters are taken care of by brothers of wife,police are not involved.We don't trust them and Thais certainly don't trust them.


A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

Two things. Firstly you just believe the bar's story as fact? You don't think they might just make up a story like that so the barman doesn't seem to be just another psychotic thug? He clearly is a psychotic thug because he attacked the police too, or do you think they had drinks and tried to run away without paying too? More likely explanation would be they hiked up his bill with drinks he didn't have I reckon. Secondly, if their story is totally true, you think that behaviour is acceptable? You don't think a call to the police to come and sort it would be the way forward? You know, like non-psychotic murderous animals would usually do...

A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

Mmmm, you are assuming the bar staff are telling the truth, condemning the Canadian, without getting his side of the story, the first 3 letters of "assume" describes you very well.


yep! if you want to be mugged, beat-up, robbed, or even killed this is the place to come to fulfill your dreams. Most of you don't remember when this was a very nice and romantic place to go to for newly weds. But not anymore.


500 baht fine each and sweep it under the carpet quickly.

Why should the Thai who made the citizens arrest of a fleeing, drunken, foreign thief be fined?

And to those who will be claiming the "another final nail in the Thai tourism industry" I reckon that this Pattaya Soi 7 punter WILL be back and won't be put off from returning to Thailand. He will have second thoughts about doing a bill runner next time though.

And even if he doesn't ever return, I don't think any Thais will miss him anyway.

Your'e an idiot wait for the real facts SHERLOCK, no one deserves a beating especially from the staff, I am not for those stupid running bills

you should pay as you get your drink this way no scamming and no trouble.


Thailand, .. known as the Land of smiles!! A country full of friendly and polite people, ... NOT!!! This is an all too common event in Thailand, especially in Pattaya. Any disagreement with a Thai and you are in big trouble. A gang of them materializes out of nowhere. They have weapons, sticks, chains, tasers, brass knuckles and proceed to beat a guy, usually elderly, (being the brave boys these Thai guys are (NOT)) No such thing a s a fair fight here!!!

To add insult to injury, ... these same guys are then given an amazingly small fine and sent on their way. Farang get fined more for smoking in Lumphini Park!

I have lived in Thailand more than 10 years. When I was first here, I marveled at how safe it was and how I could go virtually anywhere at any time of the day or night without fear, .... but not any more. I am afraid of going out at night on my own as an old Farang. I am a target for these cowardly gangs! ... and now I am supposed to carry my passport at all times or go to jail!!! Carrying a passport leaves it open to damage, being lost or stolen.

Thanks Thailand for welcoming with open arms, weapons and ridiculous rules!


Thailand, .. known as the Land of smiles!! A country full of friendly and polite people, ... NOT!!! This is an all too common event in Thailand, especially in Pattaya. Any disagreement with a Thai and you are in big trouble. A gang of them materializes out of nowhere. They have weapons, sticks, chains, tasers, brass knuckles and proceed to beat a guy, usually elderly, (being the brave boys these Thai guys are (NOT)) No such thing a s a fair fight here!!!

To add insult to injury, ... these same guys are then given an amazingly small fine and sent on their way. Farang get fined more for smoking in Lumphini Park!

I have lived in Thailand more than 10 years. When I was first here, I marveled at how safe it was and how I could go virtually anywhere at any time of the day or night without fear, .... but not any more. I am afraid of going out at night on my own as an old Farang. I am a target for these cowardly gangs! ... and now I am supposed to carry my passport at all times or go to jail!!! Carrying a passport leaves it open to damage, being lost or stolen.

Thanks Thailand for welcoming with open arms, weapons and ridiculous rules!

If you are so scared i think it's best for you to go back to your home country. I do now mean this in a bad way but really for your own health and sanity.

Also you do NOT have to carry your passport with you. A copy is adequate as per all Thai citizens have to carry their ID cards.

How can you expect the police to find overstays or anyone that they need for questioning etc if tourists or expats don't carry ID ?

PS After all it's their rules we are all only visitors and if we don't like it we are all free to go back home.

Bon Yoyage.


I don't go out in Pattaya in many years. But the operating procedures are the same as any red light district in the world. Buy drinks for the staff, girls etc. and it cost a lot more than you will expect. To not pay the bill, get the crap kicked out of you by the paid bouncers. If it is 5AM, you will have a huge bill, if you are not prepared to go to the ATM, they will escort you, or give them your passport or something of considerable value, they will be miffed! They have been serving your drunken ass all night, and stayed open beyond closing time to keep delivering every time you open your Yup!

The world is a violent place for many. Pattaya is no place for amateurs!


No, No....... just another big misunderstanding...You know...Language barriers and all ...Cultural differences....Mistaken assumptions....Underlying animosities....Mistaken identities ( lady boy sure looked like a cute girl after 6 drinks and hot as hell after a few more ) lack of bargaining and negotiation skills.....Talking and arguing when you should have been listening ( black eye, bruised and swollen face and cut lip are tell tale signs ) .....Unrestrained Foul language......Too many tall tales and BS to the point of irritating ad nausea ......No sense of humor or not the same sense of humor.....Wrong attitude.......Lack of common sense.....Lousy disposition .....Awful offending manner of dress ( no shirt and ass crack always on display) ...... Offensive body order ( too drunk to bother bathing for days on end )...........Lack of social decorum....

Stuff like that ........etc, etc

Any number of possibilities.......You know...Just some common misunderstandings .......lol



usually in these cases one Thai might have got offended over something, then a whole bunch will jump in without having any clue whats going on but just to be able to kick someone on the ground in the head, knowing full well that they wont be punished in any way. take a look at the videos of the student protests when they start kicking dead bodies if you want to see how it works


Works both ways. Visit them after hours, execute a few of them and this kind of thing ends.


That was decades ago before the scum of the Earth arrived in Thailand by the millions.

yep! if you want to be mugged, beat-up, robbed, or even killed this is the place to come to fulfill your dreams. Most of you don't remember when this was a very nice and romantic place to go to for newly weds. But not anymore.


The way this is written, the Canadian was attacked before he refused to pay for the drinks.

Read again,he refused to pay,ran away and was attacked.

That is the bar staffs story, perhaps before condemn the Canadian we should get his side of the story.


A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

Two things. Firstly you just believe the bar's story as fact? You don't think they might just make up a story like that so the barman doesn't seem to be just another psychotic thug? He clearly is a psychotic thug because he attacked the police too, or do you think they had drinks and tried to run away without paying too? More likely explanation would be they hiked up his bill with drinks he didn't have I reckon. Secondly, if their story is totally true, you think that behaviour is acceptable? You don't think a call to the police to come and sort it would be the way forward? You know, like non-psychotic murderous animals would usually do...

Yep...that is what happens all too often when a patron is getting thoroughly drunk and recognized as a first timer or unaware of what is happening if they are padding the bill.

A more seasoned person would look at the bill and decide it is not worth arguing about ( relative to the amount of money involved ) while looking around and assessing the situation and realizing the odds may not be in your favor.

But when you are drunk and boisterous then events happen that you may regret.

On the other hand there is the possibility that there was no padding of the bill and the guy was being a real obnoxious creep and really offending some people while he would not be the first person to do so in Pattaya...drunk or not drunk ...while usually, being drunk is commonly the reason an altercation developed.

And then...maybe the Thai person involved was just being an A-hole as there are more than enough of them around while if , in this case , that person was a ladyboy then there are several possibilities that could have developed and the reason for the altercation.

We will never know so time to move on to more craziness and social mayhem elsewhere...lol



Awful offending manner of dress both men and women. but i think you covered it very well. Thanks for telling the truth. Now for the thinned skinned drunks/alcoholics to jump in.

No, No....... just another big misunderstanding...You know...Language barriers and all ...Cultural differences....Mistaken assumptions....Underlying animosities....Mistaken identities ( lady boy sure looked like a cute girl after 6 drinks and hot as hell after a few more ) lack of bargaining and negotiation skills.....Talking and arguing when you should have been listening ( black eye, bruised and swollen face and cut lip are tell tale signs ) .....Unrestrained Foul language......Too many tall tales and BS to the point of irritating ad nausea ......No sense of humor or not the same sense of humor.....Wrong attitude.......Lack of common sense.....Lousy disposition .....Awful offending manner of dress ( no shirt and ass crack always on display) ...... Offensive body order ( too drunk to bother bathing for days on end )...........Lack of social decorum....

Stuff like that ........etc, etc

Any number of possibilities.......You know...Just some common misunderstandings .......lol



Thailand, .. known as the Land of smiles!! A country full of friendly and polite people, ... NOT!!! This is an all too common event in Thailand, especially in Pattaya. Any disagreement with a Thai and you are in big trouble. A gang of them materializes out of nowhere. They have weapons, sticks, chains, tasers, brass knuckles and proceed to beat a guy, usually elderly, (being the brave boys these Thai guys are (NOT)) No such thing a s a fair fight here!!!

To add insult to injury, ... these same guys are then given an amazingly small fine and sent on their way. Farang get fined more for smoking in Lumphini Park!

I have lived in Thailand more than 10 years. When I was first here, I marveled at how safe it was and how I could go virtually anywhere at any time of the day or night without fear, .... but not any more. I am afraid of going out at night on my own as an old Farang. I am a target for these cowardly gangs! ... and now I am supposed to carry my passport at all times or go to jail!!! Carrying a passport leaves it open to damage, being lost or stolen.

Thanks Thailand for welcoming with open arms, weapons and ridiculous rules!

"Land of Smiles" was a slogan dreamed up by TAT, so we take it with a "pinch of salt" simply because we who live/lived here now the truth, even though some refuse to accept it. Personally, I see no more smile, from Thais, as I do in any other country I've traveled.


It's OK when Thais take the law in to their own hands ....

Try as a foreigner to do the same and you will be arrested and pay more than the 500 baht "fine" locals pay.

Pattaya is a quality destination, he should have known not to screw around with locals ....


Once again, violent and out of control Thais make the news. Ten jump one....what a man.

I'd get your eyes checked mate,no mention of 10.Maybe you can report for Pattaya One.

Yeah, the usual krap that always comes up from the farang apologists. It was a woman who got him, not 10 men. A woman probably half his size who he had ripped off.

And to all claiming that Thais go around beating up innocent foreigners, I ask you, How many times have you been violently attacked by Thais for no reason? Anyone out there? I don't want to hear third hand stories you read on Thai visa. Has it happened to YOU? It has never happened to me.

The only person I personally know who did get attacked STARTED it himself.

And for the suggestions that the bar should call the police for this incident? Well that would be a complete waste of time IMO. They don't bother investigating thefts a lot larger than this. That's why the Thais often dish out justice themselves.

This is Thailand, this IS the way they deal with thieves. Even when arrested the police will often let the victim get a few good ones in. Just the way it is.

And yes, the police might say they will do something about the attack by the little Thai girl on the big drunken farang, but they won't. This is called lip service. A statement to appease the left wingers from other countries who believe in rehabilitating criminals/criminals rights.

They might pretend to do something while he is here, but he will get on a plane and it will be quickly forgotten about.

This sort of thing has been happening for years, but Pattaya keeps getting bigger. Claiming that hundreds will read this report and call off their Pattaya trips? Doubt it. A few would be drinks runners may have second thoughts though.

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