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From 'welcome' to 'enough' - Europe's migrant view shifts


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From 'welcome' to 'enough' - Europe's migrant view shifts

PARIS (AP) — Last fall, soccer fans celebrated refugee children at a legendary Munich stadium; today, European voters are boosting anti-immigrant political parties and governments are closing their gates to new arrivals. The refrain of Europe's migrant crisis has changed from "welcome" to "enough already."

Has Europe suddenly turned heartless? Or is it just waking up to the reality that it has failed to collectively manage this drama?

"It is not sustainable anymore that no one's playing a common game," said Yves Pascouau, a migration expert at the European Policy Center. "We need to fix this and really need to move ahead."

But not all Europeans see this as a problem they must share. Worried about their own weak economies, concerned that their national values are eroding, many say war in the Middle East and poverty in Africa are someone else's responsibility.

Compassion had the upper hand just six months ago, as the number of Syrian refugees soared and the photo of a dead 3-year-old on a Turkish beach galvanized volunteers. Border guards greeted weary travelers with a hearty "Welcome to Germany," and Chancellor Angela Merkel inspired other nations to do the same. Players on the Munich field promoted integration, holding hands with a refugee child on one side and a German child on the other.

Then, the refugees kept coming, along with economic migrants from Senegal, people fleeing repression in Sudan, and many, many others. Amid the swelling tide was a handful of violent extremists, who found common cause with angry young men whose families arrived a generation earlier.

Paris was attacked. Women were assaulted in Cologne. Attitudes shifted, creating a turning point in the crisis that has dominated Europe for the past year and will define its immediate future.

Now, resentment of the open-arms approach is driving support for a German nationalist party that made gains Sunday in three state elections. On the margins, extreme anti-immigrant youth in the French port of Calais torched tires and blocked migrants from the center of town this weekend, decrying a "veritable invasion." Sweden, which has taken in more migrants per capita than any other country, has suffered a spate of arson attacks on asylum centers and other sites.

"Europe is at a critical crossroads," said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece, the first stop for migrants braving the sea crossing from Turkey. Extreme right forces, he said, "are the real threat for Europe now."

Governments are cracking down, too. The route hundreds of thousands of migrants have taken through the Balkans effectively closed over the past few days, one nation after another shut its borders. Some 42,000 people are now stranded in overwhelmed, debt-weakened Greece, including 14,000 desperate souls languishing in a fetid field in the border town of Idomeni.

Some European leaders consider the unilateral border closures to be a threat to a continent meant to be borderless and based on consensus. But proponents say it's the only way to show migrants with little chance of winning asylum that smugglers are peddling a false dream of easy prosperity in Europe.

Even Merkel now makes clear that she doesn't plan a repeat of last September's move to let in the migrants who had piled up in Hungary.

She still insists on a Europe-wide solution that addresses the causes of this massive migration. But her government has been tightening controls — declaring that several Balkan nations and North African nations are safe countries of origin, making their citizens ineligible for asylum — as it tries to reduce the influx of migrants who have little chance of winning permission to stay.

Deterring those migrants is central to the complex EU migration plan being worked out this coming week. The idea is for Europe to send back to Turkey anyone from any country who doesn't qualify for asylum or has tried to evade the rigorous asylum application process. For every person sent back, EU countries would take in one confirmed Syrian war refugee.

"The policy of waving (people) through is over," German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told ZDF television Thursday. "We want to reach solutions. And a solution is that we end these illegal ways to Europe, and so break the business model of the criminal smugglers."

The coming warm season may provide answers. With the Balkans route closed, others may emerge — and an even more dangerous journey from lawless Libya across the Mediterranean to Italy may offer renewed promise.

Lorne Cook in Brussels and Geir Moulson in Berlin contributed.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-14

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Why are there so many migrants going to Europe?

Well the Americans and British among others bombed the hell out of Iraq and other middle eastern counties, or provided arms to rebels etc.

So these people now have no homes, no future, no chance of a decent life in their own countries.

So they up sticks and travel to Europe.

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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

The mess was created when no one in the World helped these people out. NIMBY. Place all these troubles on the Worlds almost total lack of Compassion toward people who have lost everything due to natural causes, war, famine. If you were in this situation, what would you do ? Stay in the desert and watch your children starve ? I don' t think so. Help these people out when they first needed help, and this would not be a problem. Now - Reap what you Sow.

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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

The EU has not made the mess. Merkel/Germany has made the mess. Merkel, Stating

loud and proud across the front pages of the worlds newspapers that "All are Welcome"

and "We Will Manage" sent a clear message to migrants everywhere to get moving to

their future home. Now Germany speaks out of both sides of its mouth. There will be no

more waving migrants through, while they heavily criticize the southern border country

neighbours for closing their boarders. coffee1.gif

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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

The mess was created when no one in the World helped these people out. NIMBY. Place all these troubles on the Worlds almost total lack of Compassion toward people who have lost everything due to natural causes, war, famine. If you were in this situation, what would you do ? Stay in the desert and watch your children starve ? I don' t think so. Help these people out when they first needed help, and this would not be a problem. Now - Reap what you Sow.

Help those people out who are in need. But do not forget your own people - those who have to pay.

And take care to effectively deter those migrants who are not in need

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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

The mess was created when no one in the World helped these people out. NIMBY. Place all these troubles on the Worlds almost total lack of Compassion toward people who have lost everything due to natural causes, war, famine. If you were in this situation, what would you do ? Stay in the desert and watch your children starve ? I don' t think so. Help these people out when they first needed help, and this would not be a problem. Now - Reap what you Sow.

You are correct, reap what you sow. Massive overpopulation in these countries because

of a no birth control religion, and political corruption. Famine is part of the cycle of life

in these countries. Which can be easily stopped. Africa is a rich continent. That said the

corrupt politicians of these absolutely LOVE a drought/famine.

It gives them the opportunity to skim the vast majority of aid and fill there pockets. These

politicians do not want any changes. Starving children being passed around from NGO to

NGO for a picture taking opportunity to get the money flowing and filling the coffers of the

corrupt. The UN is by far the most corrupt organization in the world. Far ahead of the

IOC and FIFA. sad.png

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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

The mess was created when no one in the World helped these people out. NIMBY. Place all these troubles on the Worlds almost total lack of Compassion toward people who have lost everything due to natural causes, war, famine. If you were in this situation, what would you do ? Stay in the desert and watch your children starve ? I don' t think so. Help these people out when they first needed help, and this would not be a problem. Now - Reap what you Sow.

So why do they come to the Christian west ,why not go to other Muslim countrys , ?

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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

The mess was created when no one in the World helped these people out. NIMBY. Place all these troubles on the Worlds almost total lack of Compassion toward people who have lost everything due to natural causes, war, famine. If you were in this situation, what would you do ? Stay in the desert and watch your children starve ? I don' t think so. Help these people out when they first needed help, and this would not be a problem. Now - Reap what you Sow.

So why do they come to the Christian west ,why not go to other Muslim countrys , ?

With the invasion of the Muslims it only a matter of time the Christian West will be a thing of the past.

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What is wrong anyway with Muslims in our countries as long they are willing to be integrated and follow our laws?

sorry ... most don't want to intergrate, they will relocate and say they like their new home and agree to follow the local customs and laws but in reality this is only said to ensure they can stay. Then the cousin will be told to come and the brothers family and so on ....

most hate Christians, they will join together and dispel and christian values, they can't be trusted and as the koran states that we are infadels and non believers.

That's what's wrong with them in any other country but a Muslim country .....

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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

Let me rephrase that for you.

The people of the EU, at this point in time, specifically the people of Germany, have spoken about the mess that the EU / Merkel have created.

The beaurocrats of the EU have learned nothing, that is why Merkel has just thrown another euro 3 Billion at Turkey.

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What is wrong anyway with Muslims in our countries as long they are willing to be integrated and follow our laws?

sorry ... most don't want to intergrate, they will relocate and say they like their new home and agree to follow the local customs and laws but in reality this is only said to ensure they can stay. Then the cousin will be told to come and the brothers family and so on ....

most hate Christians, they will join together and dispel and christian values, they can't be trusted and as the koran states that we are infadels and non believers.

That's what's wrong with them in any other country but a Muslim country .....

Have you ever read the Koran?? And where does it say that?

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There was a Europe of 1933 that had weak leadership and denial of the existence of a clear and present danger. I think Europe today is similar.

The media has painted migrants/refugees with the same broad brush ... helpless, homeless and starving women, children and old men. This is wrong. It is equally wrong to paint all legitimate refugees as opportunists/ predators and terrorists.

I would say the majority of illegal migrant males of military age are definitely opportunists/predators with nothing to lose.

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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

Still I am not sure about this

I know what you mean. It will be interesting to see which side blinks first - the migrants in the camps (numbers growing daily) or Europe's useless leaders..
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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

The mess was created when no one in the World helped these people out. NIMBY. Place all these troubles on the Worlds almost total lack of Compassion toward people who have lost everything due to natural causes, war, famine. If you were in this situation, what would you do ? Stay in the desert and watch your children starve ? I don' t think so. Help these people out when they first needed help, and this would not be a problem. Now - Reap what you Sow.

So why do they come to the Christian west ,why not go to other Muslim countrys , ?

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and the UAE pledge money, but officially don't want the refugees in their countries. The Gulf Cooperation Council has stated that it's does not want them. This can easily be sourced via Internet searches. Christian Europe takes in millions and then is globally criticized for not allowing immigrants to flood their countries, live off their taxpayers backs via social welfare programs, as the 'refugees' riot and rape in the streets of their host country. How much heat does the GCC take? You can source this on the Internet too - just about nothing - especially over the last few months as 'refugees' are stopped on closed EU borders. Nobody insists that Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and the UAE open their borders and let in the flood, no less provide welfare and subsistence. Those in the EU who wish to limit the flood of 'refugees' are labelled 'racists'; a moniker that nobody tosses in the direction of the Gulf Cooperation Council states who simply don't allow refugee into their countries.

This is the reality - where are the liberal, progressive cries of 'racism'?

"Meanwhile, Kuwaiti political commentator Fahd al-Shelaimi offered a number of explanations for his country’s rejection of Syria’s refugees.

The cost of living in Kuwait and the Gulf, he reasoned in an interview with France 24 Arabic, is too expensive for Syrian refugees. “At the end of the day, you can’t accept people from a different environment, from a different place. They have emotional problems and trauma; you can’t just take them into your society.”"

-- For desperate Syrian refugees, the Arab Gulf is not an option

The Time of Israel, March 14, 2016

What a damning statement.

Edited by connda
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how do you class war as a NATURAL cause

one wonders where you country of origin is ???? my guess is its someware across a ocean or two

EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

The mess was created when no one in the World helped these people out. NIMBY. Place all these troubles on the Worlds almost total lack of Compassion toward people who have lost everything due to natural causes, war, famine. If you were in this situation, what would you do ? Stay in the desert and watch your children starve ? I don' t think so. Help these people out when they first needed help, and this would not be a problem. Now - Reap what you Sow.

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What is wrong anyway with Muslims in our countries as long they are willing to be integrated and follow our laws?

sorry ... most don't want to intergrate, they will relocate and say they like their new home and agree to follow the local customs and laws but in reality this is only said to ensure they can stay. Then the cousin will be told to come and the brothers family and so on ....

most hate Christians, they will join together and dispel and christian values, they can't be trusted and as the koran states that we are infadels and non believers.

That's what's wrong with them in any other country but a Muslim country .....

Have you ever read the Koran?? And where does it say that?

You should stay on topic but if you are going to suggest something it should be true:





al Baqara, 218, al Imran 195, al Nisa 89, al Nisa 100, al Anfal 72, al Anfal 74, al Tawba 20, al Nahl 41, 110, al Hajj 58, al Ankabut 26, al Ahzahb 50, al Hashr 9, al Mumtahana 10

The underlying beliefs of those arriving in Europe are alien to Europeans but not understanding something does not make it untrue. The religion of the majority of arrivals is decidedly supremacist, making clear allowances for the preferred- those who believe- and clear admonishment and punishment for the other- all others. The entire culture and religion of the majority of these people is based on the migration narrative of their origin. It was only through migration that they survived, grew strong, and were then able to conquer. The migration/hirj is the second core tenet behind there is only one god and one messenger and that is... migration is the core vessel that its eschatology is exercised. Its everywhere.

"Have you ever read" this book? Above are a few places it says "that."

The reason that Europe is having trouble now is the same reason that every other culture in the history of the world has had trouble until they either repulsed this underlying ideology or succumbed in conversion or subjugation (conversion and subjugation also being two scriptural injunctions for the underlying ideology). I am unsure it is hate for these people as much as it is disconnect from what their books teach them. The scriptures teach quite clearly about possessing women with your "right hand" and booty and bounty and slaves and dhimmis and taxes and... and in reality much of the muslim population looks around at the reality of the modern world and they do not see slaves and booty and sex slaves and dhimmis and they do not get paid the tax by non muslims.

The disconnect is quite loud for young, testosterone driven men from these regions who are inculcated every single day, at least 5 times/day, that they are special above all others, that non believers have especially transgressed against their god, and the very real, very physical, very now and here fruits of this world are theirs for the taking. Their books state such things on nearly every... page! But it is no where to be found in reality; so they take it. This difference is reconciled by the acting out across the EU in the predictable manner we see it. Is anyone really surprised letting millions of angry muslim men into EU or giving unrestricted visa to 75 million Turks is a good idea?

No one should be surprised. DEASH is not surprised. al Qawdari is not surprised. Qaddafi would not be surprised. Erdogan is not surprised. The only people who are surprised are those who think they live in an alternate reality and all cultural mores are equal.

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Why are there so many migrants going to Europe?

Well the Americans and British among others bombed the hell out of Iraq and other middle eastern counties, or provided arms to rebels etc.

So these people now have no homes, no future, no chance of a decent life in their own countries.

So they up sticks and travel to Europe.


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EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

The mess was created when no one in the World helped these people out. NIMBY. Place all these troubles on the Worlds almost total lack of Compassion toward people who have lost everything due to natural causes, war, famine. If you were in this situation, what would you do ? Stay in the desert and watch your children starve ? I don' t think so. Help these people out when they first needed help, and this would not be a problem. Now - Reap what you Sow.

Everywhere they go they act the same as they did before - and surprise surprise create the same shitheap they allegedly fled from.

It is not the Rest of the Wold's job to solve their and their countries problems. They need to do this for themselves. All Western countries provide aid and help - and get spat in their eyes in thanks.

They can't do, don't want to do so take and feel it is their right. It's crap - they have no right to illegally enter any country and then demand that country looks after them, provides all they want, at no expense to themselves.

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What is wrong anyway with Muslims in our countries as long they are willing to be integrated and follow our laws?

Nothing, nothing at all. But I am afraid that is just the answer to your question, which should rather have been:

"Has Muslims immigration to a western country ever worked in that at least the majority were willing to be integrated and follow our laws?"

to which the answer then would be a resounding "Hell no, never and nowhere, however much the host country tried, and look what those places are like now."

Which is why the people in those western countries, unless completely deluded and following what increasingly looks like a replacement religion, are now saying "enough" and those countries in eastern Europe who hadn't had the pleasure yet are adamant they don't even want to give it a try.

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