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Trump hits turbulence with immigration hard-liners


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Trump hits turbulence with immigration hard-liners

By Seung Min Kim

The business mogul's use of guest workers and contradictions on his trademark issue are causing consternation.

ARLINGTON, VA: -- The candidate of “build that wall” is suddenly having a hard time with one constituency that was fully in his camp: immigration hard-liners.

Alarms went off after Donald Trump openly declared at a GOP debate in Detroit earlier this month that he was changing his position on high-skilled foreign workers, seemingly undermining a key plank of his restrictive immigration platform. Then came a stream of news reports showing how Trump used the same guest-worker programs he now criticizes.

Though Trump recovered somewhat by calling last week for a “pause” in legal immigration — an aggressive stance lauded by hard-liner groups — the GOP front-runner is still coming under scrutiny from tough-on-immigration types on an issue that launched his meteoric rise in the Republican presidential race.

Full story: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/trump-immigration-critics-220737

-- POLITICO 2016-03-16

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Non-story. Everybody knows that this issue would have remained in the background had Trump not brought it up. Tiny Ted was already planning on INcreasing immigration and slipping through an amnesty, if he could.

Bit dumb to bring it up at all when you're a raving hypocrite and built your first flagship building with illegal labour.

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It is an almost impossible balancing act.

Corporate America wants the public focus to be on illegal immigration taking jobs when in fact it was them shifting all those jobs offshore and pocketing the profits.

Corporate America engaged in business that simply cannot be shipped offshore want a workforce they can exploit for the lowest of wages and pocket the profits.

At the same time you have a section of the public annoyed because illegal immigration are taking jobs and also forcing pay rates to an all-time low.

Most smart politicians make vague statements, whisper to Corporate America not to be concerned, then after being voted in do nothing.

No ones the wiser. You just have to waffle a lot and make sure you only expose yourself to friendly media that understands the score and doesn't ask any uncomfortable questions. If they do just waffle.

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Is the article indicating that Trump is a liar and flip-flopper?! I'm aghast. Who would have thought....?

The thing is, you can broadcast all of Trumps lies, business failures, insults/vulgarity, contradictions, bigotry, and overall stupidity, yet, his supporters will still support him. Bizarre but true.

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Who remembers President Ronald Reagan and his famous challenge to General Secretary Michael Gorbachev:

"Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

And who will be the one to issue the same challenge to President Trump over his planned wall between USA and Mexico?

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Is the article indicating that Trump is a liar and flip-flopper?! I'm aghast. Who would have thought....?

The thing is, you can broadcast all of Trumps lies, business failures, insults/vulgarity, contradictions, bigotry, and overall stupidity, yet, his supporters will still support him. Bizarre but true.

Yeah, it sort of reminds one of all those Hillary supporters that keep their heads firmly buried in the sand with each new scandal that comes up with her as the subject.

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Who remembers President Ronald Reagan and his famous challenge to General Secretary Michael Gorbachev:

"Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

And who will be the one to issue the same challenge to President Trump over his planned wall between USA and Mexico?

Who will issue the challenge, then, to Obama to "tear down this wall" around the White House?

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Is the article indicating that Trump is a liar and flip-flopper?! I'm aghast. Who would have thought....?

The thing is, you can broadcast all of Trumps lies, business failures, insults/vulgarity, contradictions, bigotry, and overall stupidity, yet, his supporters will still support him. Bizarre but true.

Yeah, it sort of reminds one of all those Hillary supporters that keep their heads firmly buried in the sand with each new scandal that comes up with her as the subject.

You mean e-mail servers? Benghazi? The scientific community would term this as "grasping at straws."

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Is the article indicating that Trump is a liar and flip-flopper?! I'm aghast. Who would have thought....?

The thing is, you can broadcast all of Trumps lies, business failures, insults/vulgarity, contradictions, bigotry, and overall stupidity, yet, his supporters will still support him. Bizarre but true.

Yeah, it sort of reminds one of all those Hillary supporters that keep their heads firmly buried in the sand with each new scandal that comes up with her as the subject.

You mean e-mail servers? Benghazi? The scientific community would term this as "grasping at straws."

It isn't the scientific community she needs to worry about.

It's the legal community. thumbsup.gif

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Is the article indicating that Trump is a liar and flip-flopper?! I'm aghast. Who would have thought....?

The thing is, you can broadcast all of Trumps lies, business failures, insults/vulgarity, contradictions, bigotry, and overall stupidity, yet, his supporters will still support him. Bizarre but true.

Yeah, it sort of reminds one of all those Hillary supporters that keep their heads firmly buried in the sand with each new scandal that comes up with her as the subject.

Benghazi! Sort of reminds me Trump lies once every five minutes he speaks on average. You've got the ministry of propaganda (Fox News) trying to throw anything and everything against the wall and hoping something sticks against HRC.

Poor Trump, it's almost impossible to keep track of what he said when you lie as much as he does.

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Is the article indicating that Trump is a liar and flip-flopper?! I'm aghast. Who would have thought....?

The thing is, you can broadcast all of Trumps lies, business failures, insults/vulgarity, contradictions, bigotry, and overall stupidity, yet, his supporters will still support him. Bizarre but true.

Trump: Simple Answers for Simple Minds

Believe me: I'm Unbelievable

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Trump has no solutions just inciteful rhetoric to inflame the emotions of his simple minded followers.

The USA was built on immigration, Trump's and descendant of immigrants. All of his wives are direct immigrants. He makes millions in his businesses from immigrant labor.

This lying P.O.S. will say anything he has to to fire people up, problem is now he has to choose which of his lies will get him the most votes so expect a lot more flip flops from this flim flam man.

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Did you ever have a chemistry set when you were a kid? Me and my brothers did. I can picture Trump Chemistry Set. Trump could get on Saturday morning TV ad slots, when kids are watching cartoons. Because he's such a slick salesman, he could get all the kids begging their parents to go to the toy store right away to buy Trump's Chemistry Set.

here are some of experiments. . . . . .

>>> Yummy Chocolate Pie! : Yet, if you mix the ingredients as told by the instruction booklet, you get goop which tastes like pond mud.

>>> Silver Polishing wax! : if you mix the ingredients according to the instruction booklet, it turns mom's silver spoons permanently orange and you burn your fingers on the solution.

>>> Dog Biscuits! : if you mix the ingredients as told by the instruction booklet, the concoction burns a 2" hole in Fluffy's stomach.

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Did you ever have a chemistry set when you were a kid? Me and my brothers did. I can picture Trump Chemistry Set. Trump could get on Saturday morning TV ad slots, when kids are watching cartoons. Because he's such a slick salesman, he could get all the kids begging their parents to go to the toy store right away to buy Trump's Chemistry Set.

here are some of experiments. . . . . .

>>> Yummy Chocolate Pie! : Yet, if you mix the ingredients as told by the instruction booklet, you get goop which tastes like pond mud.

>>> Silver Polishing wax! : if you mix the ingredients according to the instruction booklet, it turns mom's silver spoons permanently orange and you burn your fingers on the solution.

>>> Dog Biscuits! : if you mix the ingredients as told by the instruction booklet, the concoction burns a 2" hole in Fluffy's stomach.

I'll see your Trump Chemistry Set and raise you one Trump Presidency Set:

>>> Congress withholds funding for Mexican Wall. President Trump incorporates Trump Walls Inc. and builds wall privately with huge, flashing LED displays that state (among other things) large images of Trump to the Mexican side. Mexico demolishes the wall, initiating Mexican-American War II.

>>> President Trump signs a ground-breaking, bi-partisan Bill that authorizes enough H1B visas to replace every American worker (that is those that are still working). The tax rate for all H1B workers is raised to confiscatory levels in order to support a welfare state for all the displaced American workers. H1B visa holders return to their countries in frustration. USA GDP goes negative for the first time in history.

>>> President Trump agrees to have his new company, Trump Missiles and Space, upgrade Russia's air defense system. He authorizes loaning them a few Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines to tide them over until the work is completed. He says he's doing it because he's such a nice guy.

>>> The imagination runs amok!

Edited by MaxYakov
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And now for a moment of brevity... laugh.png

"The promoter began his long relationship with the Stones on their Steel Wheels tour, and as part of the planning he concocted an idea for a boxing-style pay-per-view event..."

"He couldn't find a taker in Vegas."

"The one person who got it was Trump, who had properties in Atlantic City."



The Stones smelled a skunk way back in 1989.


Edited by Scott
fair use
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You've got the ministry of propaganda (Fox News) trying to throw anything and everything against the wall and hoping something sticks against HRC.

The FACT that the FBI is investigating Hillary's emails that violated national security and her foundation that is alleged to have pedaled influence, makes your spin seem pretty silly.

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You've got the ministry of propaganda (Fox News) trying to throw anything and everything against the wall and hoping something sticks against HRC.

The FACT that the FBI is investigating Hillary's emails that violated national security and her foundation that is alleged to have pedaled influence, makes your spin seem pretty silly.

Apparently, only Fox and the Dept. of Justice see this as significant.

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"is alleged to have pedaled influence" whistling.gif

Your naiveté is even more astonishing.

But, I suppose some feel the need to grasp at straws...

Talking about being naive.

Hillary is currently under investigation by four separate federal agencies.

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You've got the ministry of propaganda (Fox News) trying to throw anything and everything against the wall and hoping something sticks against HRC.

The FACT that the FBI is investigating Hillary's emails that violated national security and her foundation that is alleged to have pedaled influence, makes your spin seem pretty silly.

Republican attack teams salivate like Pavlov's dogs whenever they see an opening for a scandal involving a top Democrat. Are the same attack dogs cherishing the pursuance of lawsuits against Trump and his University hoax, taking big money ($35k from each sucker) for paper degrees which signify nothing? Oh, graduates get a photo with Trump. Just so happens, the Trump for the photo is a life-sized cardboard cut-out. That facade signifies the whole Trump campaign. Even admirer Carson admitted Trump is two sided (like the cardboard effigy). One side is a 1 mm thick picture of him smiling. The other side is just .....cardboard support. He's the greatest salesman. He can convince the American people that 10 of his failed businesses are worth billions of dollars. He can convince his rabid supporters that Trump Steaks are his product, when all their labels say "Bush Brothers" (that's not a flat joke. Look closely at the recent display table of 'his' product lines).

Even Obama, who has wisely stayed out of the fray (preferring, probably, to let Trump self-destruct on his own, with help from Republican Party oligarchs), ....Obama couldn't help but mention Trump's victory speech in Florida, after 'Super Tuesday' looked like a sad version of Home Shopping Network. Yet Obama was too gentlemanly to mention that the products shown were actually either failures, fakes or relabeled.

I don't care any more about Hillary's emails to her aides than I do about Trump's failing businesses or about what Bill Clinton did for 7 minutes in the Oval office cloakroom. I do care, however, about Americans getting a decent & competent person as prez. Trump is not that person.

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You've got the ministry of propaganda (Fox News) trying to throw anything and everything against the wall and hoping something sticks against HRC.

The FACT that the FBI is investigating Hillary's emails that violated national security and her foundation that is alleged to have pedaled influence, makes your spin seem pretty silly.

Republican attack teams salivate like Pavlov's dogs whenever they see an opening for a scandal involving a top Democrat. Are the same attack dogs cherishing the pursuance of lawsuits against Trump and his University hoax, taking big money ($35k from each sucker) for paper degrees which signify nothing? Oh, graduates get a photo with Trump. Just so happens, the Trump for the photo is a life-sized cardboard cut-out. That facade signifies the whole Trump campaign. Even admirer Carson admitted Trump is two sided (like the cardboard effigy). One side is a 1 mm thick picture of him smiling. The other side is just .....cardboard support. He's the greatest salesman. He can convince the American people that 10 of his failed businesses are worth billions of dollars. He can convince his rabid supporters that Trump Steaks are his product, when all their labels say "Bush Brothers" (that's not a flat joke. Look closely at the recent display table of 'his' product lines).

Even Obama, who has wisely stayed out of the fray (preferring, probably, to let Trump self-destruct on his own, with help from Republican Party oligarchs), ....Obama couldn't help but mention Trump's victory speech in Florida, after 'Super Tuesday' looked like a sad version of Home Shopping Network. Yet Obama was too gentlemanly to mention that the products shown were actually either failures, fakes or relabeled.

I don't care any more about Hillary's emails to her aides than I do about Trump's failing businesses or about what Bill Clinton did for 7 minutes in the Oval office cloakroom. I do care, however, about Americans getting a decent & competent person as prez. Trump is not that person.

Since you have no concern about Hillary's email problems, then may we assume you also have no concerns about the security of the US and the loss of classified information?

That's what is at play here. She wasn't just sending recipes and wedding plans over her unsecured private email server to her aides. Sidney Blumenthal was not one of her aides. The White House refused her permission to hire him due to his previous history. He was one of her regular correspondents and, according to those emails that have been publicly released, was instrumental in her decision to push for the take down of Qadaffi and the collapse of Libya.

Since her server was not properly secured she was corresponding with the world, not just her aides and Blumenthal, and the hackers of the world were rejoicing. She was a threat to the security of the US then and she will be a threat to the US if she is elected in November.

As far as Bill Clinton BJs are concerned, I agree with you. The BJs were incidental, although I don't know where you got the 7 minute number.

But that isn't why he was impeached. He was impeached for lying under oath to federal investigators.

Maybe you don't think that is serious but I can assure you the FBI has a somewhat different opinion on it.

If you spent half as much time looking into the scandals that have plagued Bill and Hillary as you do posting your hatred of Trump, you would be considerably more knowledgeable.

As far as Trump's cardboard cutouts are concerned...my guess is they have about the same level of personality as Hillary seems to generate on the campaign trail. They are both caricatures of real people.

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