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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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I maybe a little too mainstream for this crowd, but here's my 'current' latest take on the situation. Six months ago I was convinced that there was no way a Trump or Cruz could be nominated by the GOP....I've evolved!

So, I'm half resigned to a trump nomination, but would prefer for somewhat ideological reasons a Cruz nomination.

For several cycles the received wisdom of the right wing of the GOP is that they have lost because they weren't right wing enough. A Cruz nomination would put that behind them, and 'if' they lost would allow a true re-alignment of the GOP back towards a more mainstream position, in many ways the GOP of my youth.

That would in turn drive the Democrats back into the center, and finally we could restore some balance in the system.

A Trump nomination won't resolve those internal frictions inside the GOP and will indeed exacerbate the dysfunction of the entire system, especially if/when he loses

The US system works when we fight over the middle ground, it's moribund and dysfunctional when the parties (and I blame the GOP 80:20) move to the extremes

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Have said that even though support Bernie, in a Trump Hillary campaign I and would vote Trump

Many have said that's crazy ... But look... Even Susan Sarandon saying the same.. So looks like may not be the only one...

Like this quote---

"Well, you know, some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” Sarandon said. “If he gets in, then things will really explode"


That is not a voting strategy I favor, but it could happen.

Think about the long game... Not about 1 presidential term of 4 years

I'm not afraid of a Trump presidency... Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are willing to support him

How much damage can a president with no support from either party in congress really do?

On the other hand if Hillary looses to Trump it will force the DNC to re-evaluate ... As they could of won with Bernie, who is the epitome of what the DNC platform but they refused to support him ... Because it was Hillary's turn...

If Hillary wins... Politics as usual and all of the things that Bernie has tried to bring to the forefront are put back up on a shelf and forgotten for another generation as Hillary forgets all of her 'me too' promises and carries on with business as usual

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Just business as usual from the fascistoid left in this clip:

The left thinks that anyone voicing, with words, anything in contradiction to their views is violence while they think that their violence is freedom of speech. Leftist voters are no better than nazis.

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You failed to mention that the pepper sprayed woman surrounded by hostiles accused that man of touching her breasts. This isn't a normal campaign. The blame is on Trump, the leader, and his jacked up supporters. So your clip was edited for Trump propaganda purposes. Cheap trick.

Edited by Jingthing
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You failed to mention that the pepper sprayed woman surrounded by hostiles accused that man of touching her breasts. This isn't a normal campaign. The blame is on Trump, the leader, and his jacked up supporters. So your clip was edited for Trump propaganda purposes. Cheap trick.

She chose herself to walk up with her fascist friends and start arguing AND initiate violence, but yes of course he touched her breasts because fascists never lie right? I mean, just like the man in the clip below is the one starting the grabbing right? Just continue to spread and believe your fascist ideas.

Another longer clip of the pepper spraying that clearly show you are spreading lies about anyone touching anyones breasts:

Edited by Asheron
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Some folk like the metaphor that this Republican 2016 campaign for Potus is a dumpster fire.

It's more like a big dump on fire that will continue to burn for years yet. Down into its soil and roots. Four more years minimum.

Fox and Breitbart have terminated their respective contract with Michelle Fields while the two arsonists continue on the loose. Half of Republican women view Trump as either a cad or a boor. He is in fact a wildman radical who donated his neutrons to the bomb.

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Some folk like the metaphor that this Republican 2016 campaign for Potus is a dumpster fire. It's more like a big dump on fire that will continue to burn for years yet. Down into its soil and roots. Four more years minimum. Fox and Breitbart have terminated their respective contract with Michelle Fields while the two arsonists continue on the loose. Half of Republican women view Trump as either a cad or a boor. He is in fact a wildman radical who donated his neutrons to the bomb.

You got that right. It's starting to look as unseemly and violent as a Chicago ward election.

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Some folk like the metaphor that this Republican 2016 campaign for Potus is a dumpster fire. It's more like a big dump on fire that will continue to burn for years yet. Down into its soil and roots. Four more years minimum. Fox and Breitbart have terminated their respective contract with Michelle Fields while the two arsonists continue on the loose. Half of Republican women view Trump as either a cad or a boor. He is in fact a wildman radical who donated his neutrons to the bomb.

They terminated their contracts with Michelle Fields as they don't want to be associated with fascists.

And i'm seriously pondering if you don't have a case of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_salad

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"Donald Trump is fond of saying he "respects" and "cherishes" women," but he faces a significant problem with female voters - even those within his own party."

"Let's look at our latest NBC/WSJ poll to see how big this issue is:"

"This month, about half (47 percent) of Republican female primary voters said they could not imagine themselves voting for Trump.

(About 40 percent of male GOP primary voters said the same.)"

Ain't gonna happen Trumpsters. Reasonable people see through the Bloviating huckster.


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"Donald Trump is fond of saying he "respects" and "cherishes" women," but he faces a significant problem with female voters - even those within his own party."

"Let's look at our latest NBC/WSJ poll to see how big this issue is:"

"This month, about half (47 percent) of Republican female primary voters said they could not imagine themselves voting for Trump.

(About 40 percent of male GOP primary voters said the same.)"

Ain't gonna happen Trumpsters. Reasonable people see through the Bloviating huckster.


That is the dangers of being estrogen poisoned.

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You failed to mention that the pepper sprayed woman surrounded by hostiles accused that man of touching her breasts. This isn't a normal campaign. The blame is on Trump, the leader, and his jacked up supporters. So your clip was edited for Trump propaganda purposes. Cheap trick.

No, he did not molest the young waif.

He had some papers in his right hand and touched her jacket with the papers. Her university diversity counselor probably told her she doesn't have to put up with such blatant actions and she should attack when it happens.

She attacked and got a honker full of pepper spray. She deserved it.

This YouTube is much longer and shows the UFC action at its finest. Check out the 1:24 mark for the alleged breast grab. It never happened.

Can't blame this one on Trump. Blame that young shining example of American femininity.

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Her university diversity counselor probably told her she doesn't have to put up with such blatant actions and she should attack when it happens.

Didja ever wonder why people who espouse "diversity" are so highly intolerant of the opinions of others? whistling.gif

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Her university diversity counselor probably told her she doesn't have to put up with such blatant actions and she should attack when it happens.

Didja ever wonder why people who espouse "diversity" are so highly intolerant of the opinions of others? whistling.gif

They also taught that the "end justifies the means" which conveniently relieves them of any accountability for their own behavoir

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For the few remaining somewhat limp Trump supporters on this forum (several frequent posters have gone absolutely silent) here is something you can proudly show your grandchildren someday about the guy you supported:

If Donald Trump secures the Republican presidential nomination, he would start the general election campaign as the least-popular candidate to represent either party in modern times.

Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably. So do nearly two-thirds of independents, 80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents.

Those findings, tallied from Washington Post-ABC News polling, fuel Trump’s overall 67 percent unfavorable rating — making Trump more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been tracking candidates.


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Her university diversity counselor probably told her she doesn't have to put up with such blatant actions and she should attack when it happens.

Didja ever wonder why people who espouse "diversity" are so highly intolerant of the opinions of others? whistling.gif

Tump's campaign comments about women have become quantitatively cumulative, from Megan Kelly, Carly Fiorina, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Fields, many women in between then and now; to include of course during his past and undoubtedly continuing as Trump lives his ignoramous life, to the point of becoming qualitative, i.e., it is the first and single factor that begins his inevitable fall. Identifiably and definitively so.

Virtually everyone has witnessed in amazement at how the Teflon Don has spoken daily his wild and radical jibberish about just about everybody, right up to include the pope. His attitude and statements concerning women in American society do however mark the outset of his downfall, finally and at long last.

Trump's strident and bold denegration and verbal assaults against women is a central aspect of his campaign for the Republican nomination. And of course for Potus. Half the Republican women are aghast at it, and about three-quarters of 'em live in the suburbs where elections of Potus are decided.

It is an old truth that a Republican running for Potus needs the support of 85% of his party due to D's having a greater number of registered voters and how Independents tend to break on election day. D's traditionally give 75% support to their nominee and benefit from Independents going their way.

Looks now that if Trump is the nominee, he'd be lucky to approach 60% of R party support, lose a vast number of Independents, and back D voters into the corner of voting for their nominee upwards of between 85% to 90%.

In 1964 half of Republican voters bailed on the R nominee, the extremist rightwinger Sen Barry Goldwater who won 38.1% of the vote and 52 electoral votes. D's voted 92% for LBJ. With Trump's nuclear brain waves shocking the planet, he won't see 40% of the popular vote either. Trump presently is looking at the possibilty of barely breaking 30% of the popular vote.

This is also similar to the 2002 election in France when the rightist racist lunatic Jean-Marie LePen snuck into the final round in which he got a miserable 20% of the vote (against of all people Jacques Chirac).

Hasta la vista.

And a good riddance for good of the crackpot lunatic right in American politics and government.

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If I put 100 (theoretical, as gambling illegal in Thailand) bucks out there and said that for me to collect on my wager, three things all had to happen:

a ) Trump wins the Republican nomination

b ) Hillary Clinton, aka That Woman, wins the Democratic nomination

c ) Trump gets stomped in the November election by That Woman

Would anyone give me even money? 8-11 on? 1-2 on? 1-5 on? Surely all the outcomes are so obvious that there is nothing to do, even at this early date, but weep for the future of America.

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It must be dawning on the Republican establishment, more so with each passing week, that neither Trump nor Cruz will be able to win in November. They may also be lamenting that their brethren (Republican congresspeople) dragging their feet on the Supreme Court nominee, will also hurt their numbers in the next Congress. I wouldn't doubt most behind-the-scene Republican manipulators (with their money bags) are looking more fervently to 2020, wondering how to dethrone Hillary or Bernie's re-election.

If they want to blame someone (Republicans are always playing the blame-game), they only need look in the mirror. Trump came on as a Republican. He could have just as easily come into the game as a Democrat, but he figured his chances were better as a Republican, and thus far his tactics on that issue have been on target. Trump is the consummate salesman, so it was easy to adjust his sales pitch to the Republican audience. It's worked rather well, particularly when you consider what a crowded field it was in September, and now he leading the small pack to the convention.

Republican elders are probably also lamenting that Cruz is running second, because Cruz is just not likeable. The elders would rather have Kasich or any of the group who have fallen to the wayside in the past months, but the game is out of their hands now - regardless of how many hundreds of millions of $$'s they throw against Trump.

Republican elders are like a small group of the rich white folks who build a recreational park in the community for all the elitist kids to play on. In the middle is a large play castle. Then, before they know it, a big red-haired kid takes over the castle and flies a flag with his name on it for all to see. They can't evict the bully, so they have to try and find ways to accept the self-adulatory comments he shouts throughout the town on his megaphone.

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It must be dawning on the Republican establishment, more so with each passing week, that neither Trump nor Cruz will be able to win in November. They may also be lamenting that their brethren (Republican congresspeople) dragging their feet on the Supreme Court nominee, will also hurt their numbers in the next Congress. I wouldn't doubt most behind-the-scene Republican manipulators (with their money bags) are looking more fervently to 2020, wondering how to dethrone Hillary or Bernie's re-election.

If they want to blame someone (Republicans are always playing the blame-game), they only need look in the mirror. Trump came on as a Republican. He could have just as easily come into the game as a Democrat, but he figured his chances were better as a Republican, and thus far his tactics on that issue have been on target. Trump is the consummate salesman, so it was easy to adjust his sales pitch to the Republican audience. It's worked rather well, particularly when you consider what a crowded field it was in September, and now he leading the small pack to the convention.

Republican elders are probably also lamenting that Cruz is running second, because Cruz is just not likeable. The elders would rather have Kasich or any of the group who have fallen to the wayside in the past months, but the game is out of their hands now - regardless of how many hundreds of millions of $$'s they throw against Trump.

Republican elders are like a small group of the rich white folks who build a recreational park in the community for all the elitist kids to play on. In the middle is a large play castle. Then, before they know it, a big red-haired kid takes over the castle and flies a flag with his name on it for all to see. They can't evict the bully, so they have to try and find ways to accept the self-adulatory comments he shouts throughout the town on his megaphone.

Like the Democrat establishment, the Republican establishment is certainly willing to sacrifice an election if it meant keeping the gravy train on the rails

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Her university diversity counselor probably told her she doesn't have to put up with such blatant actions and she should attack when it happens.

Didja ever wonder why people who espouse "diversity" are so highly intolerant of the opinions of others? whistling.gif

"Diversity" is the Sword of Damocles; the "melting pot" axiom exercised to its most fundamental and separate parts while championing the 'whole.' Under the heading of 'campfire-love' and 'multi-cultural' people are reduced to pockets, islands, a great sea of countless parts rather than.... a great sea!

The Left thrives on division. Division (under the stalking agendas concealed as "diversity") fractures the family, empowers the non industrious, makes equal disparity, and makes relative values and traditions. In this comminuted fracture of society is the left's constituency. Each separate island of special interests/peoples hears an appeal to their needs by leftist stewards proclaiming their grievances. Watch! Listen to the rhetoric; pay attention- its all only now appeals to division. Nearly every speech and every policy offering is an appeal to division with a feeble salutation concluding "cohesion... togetherness... progress... forward" This is the manner of leftist real-speak: concealed meaning. Everyone is kept in their social islands and blinded by gifts, money... stuff!

Ironically, it is the leftists stewards who created the torn fabric by which peoples are alienated from the whole and perceive their nation from social islands and pockets and ghettos and Red and Blue states, etc, ad naseum. Not seeing this, women, the poor, blacks, union, hispanics, idealists, college age, aid recipients, social security recipients, etc., are often reduced to the most local needs on their separate island, their walled enclosure- ie; their "needs," their 'cut,' their 'share,' their 'Obama phone,' etc.

The left thrives on division; it is the absolute foundation of their entire reason for being. This is why there is a "Trump machine." In fact, what is at stake is the very reason there is also a Sanders machine- free stuff!

Edited by arjunadawn
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"Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?"

I sincerely hope not. This buffoon is <deleted> nuts:

MATTHEWS: Can you tell the Middle East we're not using a nuclear weapon on anybody?

TRUMP: I would never say that. I would never take any of my cards off the table.

MATTHEWS: How about Europe? We won't use it in Europe?

TRUMP: I -- I'm not going to take it off the table.

MATTHEWS: You might use it in Europe?

TRUMP: No, I don't think so. But I'm not taking...

MATTHEWS: Well, just say it. "I will never use a nuclear weapon in Europe."

TRUMP: I am not -- I am not taking cards off the table.


The Bloviator is off his rocker. And an extremely dangerous loose cannon.


“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
Albert Einstein

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.”


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More reasons why the Republican nominee is running uphill and how the hill is steep and full of crevasses and deep gullies.

The following shattered the right ring myths several years ago but the fringe and marginal right missed it completely as the whingers continue to wrongly assign the Democratic party to buying the votes of poor Americans. Blue states are in fact rich states, red states are poorer states or outright poor ones.

The poorest states are the red states, such as Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia among others. While Texas has a good median income, it per capita is not a rich state.

Highest income states are blue states, such as Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York state, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Virginia, Washington state etc.

How Did the Republican States Switch to the Democrats and Vice Versa?

The familiar U.S. electoral map—with the Democrats winning in the northeast, upper midwest, and west coast, and the Republicans dominating in the south and center of the country—is recent. In the past few elections, rich states have gone for the Democrats and poor states have voted Republican.


Red State, Blue State, Rich State, Poor State: Why Americans Vote The Way They Do

The basic argument of Red State, Blue State, Rich State, Poor State is that the assumption by many mainstream pundits that the socioeconomic elites tilt Left while the masses tilt Right is wrong. To a first approximation the rich tend to vote Republican, the poor tend to vote Democratic, the old stereotype holds. But there is also the reality that the wealthier states tend to vote Democratic and the poorer ones tend to vote Republican.


In 2012 the the base formula for winning the Electoral College vote, the two party share of the vote by Democrats and Republicans only, was 52% for the D and 48% for the R. The vote of the voters registered either Democratic or Republican party.

(Partisan party vote universe is 100%. Democrats and Republican registered voters only, no Independents included. 52% were D voters, 48% were R voters, each group voting by party.) Barack Obama with 52% of the two party vote won 332 Electoral College votes with 270 needed to win (Romney got 48% of the two party vote and 206 EC votes, cough choke).

270 Electoral College votes needed to win:

If in 2016 the D for Potus gets 50.1% of the two party vote she will win 275 Electoral College votes (the R gets 49.9% of the two party vote).

(See Barack Obama above at 52% of the two party vote in 2012 and 332 Electoral College votes.)

If in 2016 the D gets 53% of the two party vote she will win 352 Electoral College votes (R gets 47% of the two party vote).

If the D gets 55% of the two party vote, she will win 395 EC votes (R gets 45% of the two party vote).

If the D gets 58% of the two party vote, she will win 436 EC votes (R gets 42% of the two party vote).

Electoral College has a total of 538 votes, 270 being the indisputable majority.

Thank you Donald Trump. God Bless you and God Bless America. thumbsup.gif

(Note, the two party vote is the base formula vote to determine the EC outcome. This is because the so-called Independents almost always approximate the ratio of the two party vote. So-called Independent voters are superb followers of the two party system.)

Edited by Publicus
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Highest income states are blue states, such as Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York state, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Virginia, Washington state etc.

I see both my state and yours are on the list. This journalist's observations are certainly true in my state, as he write's about yours:


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Republican National Committee has now posted online what happens at a "contested convention' aka an "open convention" aka a brokered convention.

Aka: Riot.

The stop Trump scramble at the RNC and in the remaining states to vote has apparently begun to make some headway. Trump today said if he doesn't have the 1237 pledged delegated needed for the nomination on the first ballot he should be the nominee anyway. Cruz and The Empire are snatching up the majority of delegates in states Trump won, such as Louisiana and they're working on delegate selection in other states to come such as Georgia and Virginia.

It is safe to say at this point the Institutional Republicans are prepared to toss the Trump voters overboard rather than to allow Trump sink the party for the next two generations as its whackjob nominee, if the Party survives at all.

No political party experiencing this kind of suicidal multiple compound fractures, knife fights, chaos, backroom sleaze while battering their wives, a woman candidate, a reporter, HRC etc etc can present any appeal whatsoever to the large majority of voters in the center-middle to include the Kasich Republicans who want nothing to do with it if Trump is the nominee.

The Texas shrill Sen Cruz is not a favorite of Republicans in the northern Blue or Purple states the R's need to win, such as Ohio, New Hampshire, Maine. Same would be true moving south to Virginia and North Carolina, Florida, west to Missouri, southwest to New Mexico, over to Nevada. R's lose these states they don't even get to 200 Electoral College votes (270 needed to win).

The rightwing crackpot Barry Goldwater in 1964 won six states and 52 EC votes. New Democrats from that election packed the Congress across the isle so heavily the Capitol building leaned.

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The Machine will stop him.

I have been saying it from the get go.

The Bloviator will never become President of the United States.

Get over it. It ain't gonna happen.

And now, that the unhinged candidate Trump is considering NUCLEAR WAR on the Middle East,

and is "not taking cards off the table" while considering NUCLEAR WAR in Europe, he is TOAST.

The guy is beyond a joke.

He is a menace to civilized society.

Again, I cannot wait to see this POS go down. By his own undoing.

He belongs in a nut house.

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