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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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It's human nature to respond in kind. Though Jesus spoke about 'turn the other cheek' , that's not realistic. If a person is walking in the park, and someone throws a mudball at him, one of his first responses will be (to at least consider) picking up mud and throwing it back at his attacker. Trump likes throw (and roll in) mud, so it's natural that he gets mud thrown back at him. Republicans had the option to pick a decent, experienced, thoughtful candidate like Kasich, but they opted for the loudest brashest guy in the room. Be careful what you wish for. It's like the kid who, after opening all his presents under the tree at Xmas, is most excited by the bottle rocket. He takes it outside and it knocks him hard under the chin, forcing a bloody trip to the hospital, with a couple of teeth left on the lawn.

Every concrete proposal Trump now backs supports the interests of the wealthy and powerful: the bankers, wall street traders, corporations, credit card companies. And these are the people who exercise undue influence over politicians. So what exactly is he going to that will shake things up? As far as I can see, his program is to make the powerful even more powerful.

my vote for 'Post of the Day'

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You can say Trump is the loudest guy in the room and I can respect that. However on the flip side of the coin Hillary is like nails on a blackboard for a lot of people. I have not seen a speech of her sounding pleasant she talks about Donald more than herself. The Republicans couldn't have picked Kasich that is up to the voters. They have spoken now.

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Clinton campaign begs for donations in email

Published: 53 mins ago

(WASHINGTON TIMES) Faced with sagging fundraising numbers, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign on Friday appealed to supporters and admitted it was wrong in assuming Donald Trump couldn’t possibly win a general election contest.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told supporters in an email that the campaign took for granted that donations would pick up once a Clinton vs. Trump November match-up became certain.

Instead, the campaign says fundraising numbers in May have dropped, and the Clinton operation’s assumption that voters would reject Mr. Trump have been proven wrong.

Crooked is SUCH a loser. Historians will write volumes on two things, and it will be studied intensely in pol. science classes.

1. WHY did the Dems but all of their marbles on a proven, crooked loser for this election?

2. How in hell did SO MANY people underestimate Trump so badly after all he's done worldwide?

237 days until President Trump's inauguration.


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One thing I have noticed about HRC is you never really hear what she has planned because she is either attacking Trump or having to defend herself. Trump seems to be able to attack and then brush things off but HRC always comes across as angry. Along with what has happened in recent events if Trump debates Bernie without HRC it is going to be HUGE.

Ironically the GOP has unified behind Trump yet Hillary can't get the nod from her party and Sanders has pretty much said that the convention is going to get messy. There is a huge swing of momentum and the people protesting with Mexican flags don't get a vote anyway, Donald can ignore them on a wholesale basis. The ones that can vote are likely to vote for Sanders anyway.

It is funny how people on the left say that the person they don't like is hateful and ignorant and then engage in and get beat at that game. This is the strongest campaign the GOP has/n't run in a long time. It is funny to watch donald run circles around the media, sling mud, be called stupid, all the while gaining momentum. So with Bernie not bowing out, the answer to the question is, no trump is unstoppable now.

All of the worldwide criticism by foreign leaders only helps Trump shore up his base. Americans don't like being dictated to and I don't see many people on the fence going to Hillary at this point.

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The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lapdog adds another notch to his resume of Establishment sucking up and Boot Licking: Big Oil.

The "Outsider", "Anti-Establishment" Bloviator, while reading from a Teleprompter, lays out his plan from his newest Masters and reads a speech prepared for him:

Donald Trump would allow Keystone XL pipeline and end Paris climate deal

"Donald Trump pledged to cancel the Paris climate agreement, endorsed drilling off the Atlantic coast and said he would allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built,

in return for “a big piece of the profits” for the American people." cheesy.gif Right. Trickle down? cheesy.gif

"At an oil and natural gas conference in North Dakota on Thursday, Trump gave a speech on energy policy that was largely shaped by advice from Kevin Cramer,

a US representative from the state. In a press conference before the event, Trump praised the advice of oil tycoon Harold Hamm.

Hamm and Cramer then introduced him onstage."

"Trump also attacked renewable energy sources, claiming that solar energy was too expensive and attacking wind turbines for “killing eagles”. blink.pngclap2.gifcheesy.gif clap2.gif

“I will give you everything,” he promised them, adding: “I am the only one who will deliver.”

"I will give you everything." facepalm.gif
Dunning Kruger.


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Trump vows to undo Obama's climate agenda in appeal to oil sector

"Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, promised on Thursday to roll back some of America's most ambitious environmental policies,

actions that he said would revive the ailing U.S. oil and coal industries and bolster national security."

"Trump said slashing regulation would help the United States achieve energy independence and reduce America's reliance on Middle Eastern producers. blink.png

"Imagine a world in which oil cartels will no longer use energy as a weapon," he said.

"The United States currently produces about 55 percent of the oil it uses, with another quarter of the total coming from Canada and Mexico,

and less than 20 percent coming from OPEC, according to U.S. Energy Department statistics." laugh.png


What a clueless, ignorant tool the Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil Boot Licker the Bloviator is.

But, he knows how to use the fear factor with the Lemmings. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger.


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Just a taste of what is to come for HRC - she will be more and more hit by the Trump Train as it continues to gather momentum :) :

Hillary Clinton’s agenda is job destruction. My agenda is job creation.

She wants to tax and regulate our workers to the point of extinction.

She wants terrible trade deals, like NAFTA, signed by her husband, that will empty out our manufacturing.

During her time as Secretary of State, she surrendered to China – allowing them to steal hundreds of billions of dollars in our intellectual property.

She let them devalue their currency and add more than a trillion dollars to our trade deficit.

Then there was Libya.

Secretary Clinton’s reckless Libya invasion handed the country over to ISIS, which now controls the oil.

The Middle East that Clinton inherited was far less dangerous than the Middle East she left us with today.

Her reckless decisions in Iraq, Libya, Iran, Egypt and Syria have made the Middle East more unstable than ever before.

The Hillary Clinton foreign policy legacy is chaos.

Hillary Clinton also wants totally open borders in America, which would further plunge our workers into poverty.

Hillary’s open borders agenda means a young single mom living in poverty would have to compete for a job or a raise against millions of lower-wage workers rushing into the country, but she doesn’t care.

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Donald Trump’s Energy Plan: More Fossil Fuels and Fewer Rules

"Mr. Trump said that in his first 100 days in office, he would “rescind” Environmental Protection Agency regulations established,
under Mr. Obama to curb planet-warming emissions from coal-fired power plants."
"However, the next president will not have the legal authority to unilaterally rescind the climate rules, which are now being litigated in federal courts.
If, as is widely expected, the case goes to the Supreme Court, the justices, rather than the president, will determine its fate."
"In his speech, he complained, inaccurately: “This agreement gives foreign bureaucrats control over how much energy we use on our land, in our country. No way."
In fact, at the heart of the Paris Agreement are voluntary pledges put forward by the governments of over 190 nations, laying out plans to lower emissions.
No government has control over the emissions-reduction plans of other governments."
The clueless Bloviator: Just bumbling along. Lying. laugh.png
Leader of the Free World. Right. clap2.gif
Gotta admit, the Bloviator has locked into the Teleprompter like a true politician. Wait a minute, didn't he say this?:
"I've always said, if you run for president, you shouldn't be allowed to use teleprompters, because you don't even know if the guy's smart." biggrin.png
This one is too good. "I say we should outlaw teleprompters for anybody! Anybody!" Whatta doof...
clap2.gif Feet of clay.
Edited by iReason
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Donald Trump’s Energy Plan: More Fossil Fuels and Fewer Rules

"Mr. Trump said that in his first 100 days in office, he would “rescind” Environmental Protection Agency regulations established,
under Mr. Obama to curb planet-warming emissions from coal-fired power plants."
"However, the next president will not have the legal authority to unilaterally rescind the climate rules, which are now being litigated in federal courts.
If, as is widely expected, the case goes to the Supreme Court, the justices, rather than the president, will determine its fate."
"In his speech, he complained, inaccurately: “This agreement gives foreign bureaucrats control over how much energy we use on our land, in our country. No way."
In fact, at the heart of the Paris Agreement are voluntary pledges put forward by the governments of over 190 nations, laying out plans to lower emissions.
No government has control over the emissions-reduction plans of other governments."
The clueless Bloviator: Just bumbling along. Lying. laugh.png
Leader of the Free World. Right. clap2.gif
Gotta admit, the Bloviator has locked into the Teleprompter like a true politician. Wait a minute, didn't he say this?:
"I've always said, if you run for president, you shouldn't be allowed to use teleprompters, because you don't even know if the guy's smart." biggrin.png
This one is too good. "I say we should outlaw teleprompters for anybody! Anybody!" Whatta doof...
clap2.gif Feet of clay.

The topic is, "is it too late to stop Trump from getting the Republican Nomination." What does your post have to do with the topic? I know you would not be allowed to post off topic. clap2.gif

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Well, the SJW's are still in denial we see:

WAR: Donald Trump Protests in Fresno, San Diego Get Violent



Too bad. Maybe after 8 years of President Trump these people will have come to their senses?

Naw...probably not. Haters gonna hate. whistling.gif

Edited by Boon Mee
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2. How in hell did SO MANY people underestimate Trump so badly after all he's done worldwide?

Yes, Trump got a lot of Republican votes, though 2 million less than HRC's Democratic votes. But more to the point, and to address your question; "How in hell did SO MANY people underestimate Trump so badly after all he's done worldwide?"

I think we underestimated how effective his bullying would be. We didn't think so many Americans would be motivated by ignorance and fear, thinking there are enemies everywhere. We didn't think Trump's message of BLAME BLAME RECRIMINATIONS and BLAME would resonate with so many. He's probably got close to 20% of the electorate thinking he's God's gift to Mankind. Thankfully, the majority of Americans are reasonable and aren't spooked by fear-mongering. ....or am I wrong about that also?

as for ".....all he's done worldwide" Is that a joke statement? He hasn't done anything worldwide except try to burnish his name recognition. Oh, except alienate nearly every world leader and most minorities. I guess in that perspective he has done things worldwide: He's working hard to tarnish America's image. Trump is pulling the US down to his immature brutish level, and it's becoming the laughing stock of the world.

Just a taste of what is to come for HRC - she will be more and more hit by the Trump Train as it continues to gather momentum smile.png :

Hillary Clinton’s agenda is job destruction. My agenda is job creation.

She wants to tax and regulate our workers to the point of extinction.

She wants terrible trade deals, like NAFTA, signed by her husband, that will empty out our manufacturing.

During her time as Secretary of State, she surrendered to China – allowing them to steal hundreds of billions of dollars in our intellectual property.

She let them devalue their currency and add more than a trillion dollars to our trade deficit.

Then there was Libya.

Secretary Clinton’s reckless Libya invasion handed the country over to ISIS, which now controls the oil.

The Middle East that Clinton inherited was far less dangerous than the Middle East she left us with today.

Her reckless decisions in Iraq, Libya, Iran, Egypt and Syria have made the Middle East more unstable than ever before.

The Hillary Clinton foreign policy legacy is chaos.

Hillary Clinton also wants totally open borders in America, which would further plunge our workers into poverty.

Hillary’s open borders agenda means a young single mom living in poverty would have to compete for a job or a raise against millions of lower-wage workers rushing into the country, but she doesn’t care.

You sound like the bratty kid who was told to go to his room, and then shouts at the door from the inside; "mom, you're the biggest idiot in the world. Everything bad is because of you. You and dad are horrible. I hope you eat poison soup and die."

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Lou Dobbs explains why Trump will win. If you don't "get it" after watching this, there's no hope for you.

I watched the whole editorial by Fox's Lou Dobbs. He sounds like a Siamese Twin connected to Trump at the belly.

The only policy specific he hinted at in his entire rap was something about our (the US's) military being too small. Spoken like a true eager-to-overspend vague Republican. The reason the military is not as bloated as earlier years is that some semi-smart people in the Pentagon have realized a military force can be lean and mean - and be much more effective than a bloated military like China's, with thousands of generals who don't know a grenade from a grapefruit, but have so many medals pinned to their chest they're a danger to themselves in a lightning storm.

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Clinton campaign begs for donations in email
Published: 53 mins ago
(WASHINGTON TIMES) Faced with sagging fundraising numbers, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign on Friday appealed to supporters and admitted it was wrong in assuming Donald Trump couldn’t possibly win a general election contest.
Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told supporters in an email that the campaign took for granted that donations would pick up once a Clinton vs. Trump November match-up became certain.
Instead, the campaign says fundraising numbers in May have dropped, and the Clinton operation’s assumption that voters would reject Mr. Trump have been proven wrong.
Crooked is SUCH a loser. Historians will write volumes on two things, and it will be studied intensely in pol. science classes.
1. WHY did the Dems but all of their marbles on a proven, crooked loser for this election?
2. How in hell did SO MANY people underestimate Trump so badly after all he's done worldwide?
237 days until President Trump's inauguration.

"How in hell did SO MANY people underestimate Trump so badly after all he's done worldwide?"

1. I don't think people so much underestimated the self obsessed baboon as much as they underestimated the number of ignorants that actually would vote for him.

2. All he's done world wide?? Please let us know about his world wide achievements - can't wait!

Edited by MZurf
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Lou Dobbs explains why Trump will win. If you don't "get it" after watching this, there's no hope for you.

I watched the whole editorial by Fox's Lou Dobbs. He sounds like a Siamese Twin connected to Trump at the belly.

The only policy specific he hinted at in his entire rap was something about our (the US's) military being too small. Spoken like a true eager-to-overspend vague Republican. The reason the military is not as bloated as earlier years is that some semi-smart people in the Pentagon have realized a military force can be lean and mean - and be much more effective than a bloated military like China's, with thousands of generals who don't know a grenade from a grapefruit, but have so many medals pinned to their chest they're a danger to themselves in a lightning storm.

That "smart thinking" originates 10+ years ago.


It's been a hard and at times, costly road in re-shaping the force with these "smarter", multi-use plug and play platforms requiring fewer people, not forgetting the whole Cyber warfare battle space. China, and others, mean to test the US' new concepts and capabilities, and the political will to use them.

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Well, the SJW's are still in denial we see:

WAR: Donald Trump Protests in Fresno, San Diego Get Violent



Too bad. Maybe after 8 years of President Trump these people will have come to their senses?

Naw...probably not. Haters gonna hate. whistling.gif

This is exactly how I handle the Liberal nutters on TV posting abuse about Trump - I ignore them and walk on.

I have added them to my ignore list - not saying anyone else should - but I see them the same as these people (ignorant abusers).

Sure makes it easier to read the posts too - the Trump detractors left are the rational normal ones I am happy to debate with.

Life is too short to listen to bad music people :)

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Lou Dobbs explains why Trump will win. If you don't "get it" after watching this, there's no hope for you.

I watched the whole editorial by Fox's Lou Dobbs. He sounds like a Siamese Twin connected to Trump at the belly.

The only policy specific he hinted at in his entire rap was something about our (the US's) military being too small. Spoken like a true eager-to-overspend vague Republican. The reason the military is not as bloated as earlier years is that some semi-smart people in the Pentagon have realized a military force can be lean and mean - and be much more effective than a bloated military like China's, with thousands of generals who don't know a grenade from a grapefruit, but have so many medals pinned to their chest they're a danger to themselves in a lightning storm.

That "smart thinking" originates 10+ years ago.


It's been a hard and at times, costly road in re-shaping the force with these "smarter", multi-use plug and play platforms requiring fewer people, not forgetting the whole Cyber warfare battle space. China, and others, mean to test the US' new concepts and capabilities, and the political will to use them.

Oops, wrong thread. facepalm.gif

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Lou Dobbs explains why Trump will win. If you don't "get it" after watching this, there's no hope for you.

I watched the whole editorial by Fox's Lou Dobbs. He sounds like a Siamese Twin connected to Trump at the belly.

The only policy specific he hinted at in his entire rap was something about our (the US's) military being too small. Spoken like a true eager-to-overspend vague Republican. The reason the military is not as bloated as earlier years is that some semi-smart people in the Pentagon have realized a military force can be lean and mean - and be much more effective than a bloated military like China's, with thousands of generals who don't know a grenade from a grapefruit, but have so many medals pinned to their chest they're a danger to themselves in a lightning storm.

That "smart thinking" originates 10+ years ago.


It's been a hard and at times, costly road in re-shaping the force with these "smarter", multi-use plug and play platforms requiring fewer people, not forgetting the whole Cyber warfare battle space. China, and others, mean to test the US' new concepts and capabilities, and the political will to use them.

Oops, wrong thread. facepalm.gif

But it is a very relevent matter, as Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away. He is also on the record as saying he is going to deal with China - and this is exactly the area they have been exploiting while the Libs/Dems pussey foot about trying not to offend them (becausae they make cheap Iphones and Toasters). China (and Russia) are experts at state-sanctioned cyber warfare and industrial espionage (stealing secrets and IP) and using that to their own advantage against USA and others - all Chinese companies are owned and/or controllled by the Govt - and Russian companies pay the Govt for what they want/get.

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For those who can't "get it", there's always Canada.


Santa lives in Canada, hence its enduring appeal to many in the USA.

The Donald met his wife Ivana at the 1976 Montreal Olympics where he wuz active in the running pole vault. biggrin.png

Canada is also where Donald got his first telepathic clues about Ted Cruz's father connecting to Lee Harvey Oswald, Fidel Castro, Jimmy Hoffa and where Trump discovered Pocahantas was a radical leftwinger.

Donald Gump Trump.

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Lou Dobbs explains why Trump will win. If you don't "get it" after watching this, there's no hope for you.

I watched the whole editorial by Fox's Lou Dobbs. He sounds like a Siamese Twin connected to Trump at the belly.

The only policy specific he hinted at in his entire rap was something about our (the US's) military being too small. Spoken like a true eager-to-overspend vague Republican. The reason the military is not as bloated as earlier years is that some semi-smart people in the Pentagon have realized a military force can be lean and mean - and be much more effective than a bloated military like China's, with thousands of generals who don't know a grenade from a grapefruit, but have so many medals pinned to their chest they're a danger to themselves in a lightning storm.

That "smart thinking" originates 10+ years ago.


It's been a hard and at times, costly road in re-shaping the force with these "smarter", multi-use plug and play platforms requiring fewer people, not forgetting the whole Cyber warfare battle space. China, and others, mean to test the US' new concepts and capabilities, and the political will to use them.

Oops, wrong thread. facepalm.gif

But it is a very relevent matter, as Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away. He is also on the record as saying he is going to deal with China - and this is exactly the area they have been exploiting while the Libs/Dems pussey foot about trying not to offend them (becausae they make cheap Iphones and Toasters). China (and Russia) are experts at state-sanctioned cyber warfare and industrial espionage (stealing secrets and IP) and using that to their own advantage against USA and others - all Chinese companies are owned and/or controllled by the Govt - and Russian companies pay the Govt for what they want/get.

Trump is on the record on a lot of stuff. It doesn't matter anymore what he wants to do, because it's on the record also that he flip flop all the time.

I can understand that people don't like hrc, neighter do I, but I can not understand that people are so full off hate, that they only vote for whatever there party can bring forward.

These people don't vote for a better America, they only vote for there party.

Edited by dutchisaan
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Well, the SJW's are still in denial we see:

WAR: Donald Trump Protests in Fresno, San Diego Get Violent



Too bad. Maybe after 8 years of President Trump these people will have come to their senses?

Naw...probably not. Haters gonna hate. whistling.gif

This is exactly how I handle the Liberal nutters on TV posting abuse about Trump - I ignore them and walk on.

I have added them to my ignore list - not saying anyone else should - but I see them the same as these people (ignorant abusers).

Sure makes it easier to read the posts too - the Trump detractors left are the rational normal ones I am happy to debate with.

Life is too short to listen to bad music people smile.png

Trump and the fanboyz need violence.

They relish in it. Lookit how they exploit it.

Destroy the established order and system by any means so Trump and his promoters can fill the vacuum to set up their own strongman regime. It will be only state violence then. Supported of course by the right wing civilian militias.

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