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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Donald Trump must be elected POTUS for no other reason than the following:

Hillary’s first comment on the latest terrorist attack in France:

Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.


The woman is an blind fool and an idiot to boot...

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Donald Trump must be elected POTUS for no other reason than the following:

Hillarys first comment on the latest terrorist attack in France:

Lets be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.


The woman is an blind fool and an idiot to boot...thumbsup.gif

First, let's get rid of the real menace facing Americans.

117,500 Americans are shot every year, mostly by Christians.

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Donald Trump must be elected POTUS for no other reason than the following:

Hillary’s first comment on the latest terrorist attack in France:

Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

The woman is an blind fool and an idiot to boot...

There's just one problem with your post. In fact, it's the same problem with most of your posts: it's false. She did not post this to twitter. . Here is her controversial twitter post about the attack in Niice: "Every American stands in strong solidarity with the people of France" —Hillary on the attack in Nice

Your quote is actually lifted from a speech she gave on Nov 19, 2015. Here are the words that follow it:

The obsession in some quarters with a clash of civilization, or repeating the specific words radical Islamic terrorism isn’t just a distraction, it gives these criminals, these murderers more standing than they deserve. It actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.


Very occasionally you do get your facts right. But this isn't one of those occasions. A difference between you and me is that when I think a fact is too good to be true, I try to check it out. You just fall for sucker bait every time.

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Trump Military Adviser Wants Deceased Iranian Leader To Denounce Nice Attack

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a military adviser to Donald Trump’s campaign who was briefly on the vice presidential short list, repeatedly called on a deceased Iranian leader to denounce the terrorist attack in Nice, France.

“I want the Imam, or I want Khomeini in Iran to stand up and be counted,” Flynn told Fox’s Megyn Kelly on Thursday night. Twelve hours later, Flynn again called on the late leader to respond to the attacks.

Gee, you think he might have said "Khameini", the current Supreme Leader of Iran? I'm sure the liberal on-line rag the HuffPo would never purposely mislead its braindead readers.

But hey, if a blogger posts something, it must be true.

I have to concede you may well have a point. In fact, if I were to bet, it's probably more like the ignorance of the blogger that's responsible here. I couldn't find a video.

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Donald Trump must be elected POTUS for no other reason than the following:

Hillary’s first comment on the latest terrorist attack in France:

The woman is an blind fool and an idiot to boot...thumbsup.gif

Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.


There's just one problem with your post. In fact, it's the same problem with most of your posts: it's false. She did not post this to twitter. . Here is her controversial twitter post about the attack in Niice: "Every American stands in strong solidarity with the people of France" —Hillary on the attack in Nice

Your quote is actually lifted from a speech she gave on Nov 19, 2015. Here are the words that follow it:

The obsession in some quarters with a clash of civilization, or repeating the specific words radical Islamic terrorism isn’t just a distraction, it gives these criminals, these murderers more standing than they deserve. It actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.


Very occasionally you do get your facts right. But this isn't one of those occasions. A difference between you and me is that when I think a fact is too good to be true, I try to check it out. You just fall for sucker bait every time.

Actually Hillary did post that, but it was earlier. I saw it and it was real. Lots of people linked to it. Obama and Hillary both have been trying to convince people that Islam isn't violent but Islamics are doing their best to prove them wrong.

In the meantime people like Hillary and Obama want to do to us what is happening in Europe - bring in countless "refugees" and for what reason I'll never know.



Edited by NeverSure
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Irregardless, Crooked Hillary's remarks are criminally stupid.

That's what y'all wish for as leader of the Free World? facepalm.gif

No, criminally stupid would be to label Muslims as enemies just for being Muslims. As Clinton very wisely put it, "The obsession in some quarters with a clash of civilization, or repeating the specific words radical Islamic terrorism isn’t just a distraction, it gives these criminals, these murderers more standing than they deserve. It actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'

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we should talk about sharia and not Islam. Islam is sharia. so let s talk about sharia. do you want sharia in your life? is sharia peaceful.?

So you don't like Sharia law? Well you may have a point. Because there is one supine, Moslem loving country I know of that actually legally recognizes Sharia law. You want to know the name of the country of those surrender monkeys? Here it is: Israel. That's right. Israel. Now say it with me one more time: Israel.

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Irregardless, Crooked Hillary's remarks are criminally stupid.

That's what y'all wish for as leader of the Free World? facepalm.gif

Criminally stupid? or Irregardless? Which one do you y'all like better?

Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine? (getting back to the original topic) Why would anyone want to stop this? It will stop when Trump declares victory and limps back to his tower in Mordor.

The Republican party is in for a well deserved (som nom na) beating. Oh my Buddha, I love this election! clap2.gif

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Trump Military Adviser Wants Deceased Iranian Leader To Denounce Nice Attack

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a military adviser to Donald Trump’s campaign who was briefly on the vice presidential short list, repeatedly called on a deceased Iranian leader to denounce the terrorist attack in Nice, France.

“I want the Imam, or I want Khomeini in Iran to stand up and be counted,” Flynn told Fox’s Megyn Kelly on Thursday night. Twelve hours later, Flynn again called on the late leader to respond to the attacks.

Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei

Current leader of Iran.

Maybe Flynn can't pronounce it properly, like the vast majority of Americans, but to imply he was calling on a dead leader is only showing how desperate and bankrupt the anti Trumpists are. Only wilfully ignorant people would believe that.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Irregardless, Crooked Hillary's remarks are criminally stupid.

That's what y'all wish for as leader of the Free World? facepalm.gif

Criminally stupid? or Irregardless? Which one do you y'all like better?

Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine? (getting back to the original topic) Why would anyone want to stop this? It will stop when Trump declares victory and limps back to his tower in Mordor.

The Republican party is in for a well deserved (som nom na) beating. Oh my Buddha, I love this election! clap2.gif

Don't know about the GOP getting a beating, though the convention should be entertaining with the stop Trumpers making like Canute.

For real beatings I'll be watching the spectacle of the Cleveland police dealing to those pesky loony lefties in the streets, and the Bikers for Trump won't be handing out tea and cakes either.

Bring it on.

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Irregardless, Crooked Hillary's remarks are criminally stupid.

That's what y'all wish for as leader of the Free World? facepalm.gif

No, criminally stupid would be to label Muslims as enemies just for being Muslims. As Clinton very wisely put it, "The obsession in some quarters with a clash of civilization, or repeating the specific words radical Islamic terrorism isn’t just a distraction, it gives these criminals, these murderers more standing than they deserve. It actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'

Ever lived in a Muslim country? I guess not or you wouldn't be supporting HRC on that. It is the DUTY of all Muslims to overthrow the infidels ( us ).

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Irregardless, Crooked Hillary's remarks are criminally stupid.

That's what y'all wish for as leader of the Free World? facepalm.gif

No, criminally stupid would be to label Muslims as enemies just for being Muslims. As Clinton very wisely put it, "The obsession in some quarters with a clash of civilization, or repeating the specific words radical Islamic terrorism isn’t just a distraction, it gives these criminals, these murderers more standing than they deserve. It actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'

Ever lived in a Muslim country? I guess not or you wouldn't be supporting HRC on that. It is the DUTY of all Muslims to overthrow the infidels ( us ).

It's also the duty of all Christians to convert non-believers, but they don't.

The majority of Muslims that I know do not support radical ideology, but then I don't think I would find myself easily associating with radical elements of the religion.

The problem appears to be that more are getting radicalized. They are killing what to them are nameless, faceless people in crowds. That's a scary thing to see happen.

Donald's plan is very short-sighted and unlikely to work.

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Irregardless, Crooked Hillary's remarks are criminally stupid.

That's what y'all wish for as leader of the Free World? facepalm.gif

No, criminally stupid would be to label Muslims as enemies just for being Muslims. As Clinton very wisely put it, "The obsession in some quarters with a clash of civilization, or repeating the specific words radical Islamic terrorism isn’t just a distraction, it gives these criminals, these murderers more standing than they deserve. It actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'

Ever lived in a Muslim country? I guess not or you wouldn't be supporting HRC on that. It is the DUTY of all Muslims to overthrow the infidels ( us ).

It's also the duty of all Christians to convert non-believers, but they don't.

The majority of Muslims that I know do not support radical ideology, but then I don't think I would find myself easily associating with radical elements of the religion.

The problem appears to be that more are getting radicalized. They are killing what to them are nameless, faceless people in crowds. That's a scary thing to see happen.

Donald's plan is very short-sighted and unlikely to work.

LOL. It is also the duty of Christians to kill homosexuals, but they don't do that anymore either. When was the last time you met a Christian prepared to die for the faith?

The problem is that "good" Muslims are prepared to die for their cause.

NB a "moderate" Muslim is essentially a bad Muslim, and more of them have been killed by the fundamentalists than infidels. To a Muslim true believer, only the most fanatical deserve to live, all others are apostate.

At least Donald has a plan. HRC has nothing except the same old same old that hasn't worked, isn't working and won't work.

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Speaking of the Republican National Convention, set to start on Monday, it sounds more like a pallbearer's convention from the latest news. laugh.png

One person who helped Trump crush the uprising admitted that he wasn’t even sure if he’d vote for Trump this fall. Many others in the pro-Trump faction of this week’s fight evinced no enthusiasm for the work, signaling with their body language or with facial expressions — a roll of the eyes here, a shaking of the head there — that they were not happy about their task.


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Ever lived in a Muslim country? I guess not or you wouldn't be supporting HRC on that. It is the DUTY of all Muslims to overthrow the infidels ( us ).

No, criminally stupid would be to label Muslims as enemies just for being Muslims. As Clinton very wisely put it, "The obsession in some quarters with a clash of civilization, or repeating the specific words radical Islamic terrorism isn’t just a distraction, it gives these criminals, these murderers more standing than they deserve. It actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'

It's also the duty of all Christians to convert non-believers, but they don't.

The majority of Muslims that I know do not support radical ideology, but then I don't think I would find myself easily associating with radical elements of the religion.

The problem appears to be that more are getting radicalized. They are killing what to them are nameless, faceless people in crowds. That's a scary thing to see happen.

Donald's plan is very short-sighted and unlikely to work.

LOL. It is also the duty of Christians to kill homosexuals, but they don't do that anymore either. When was the last time you met a Christian prepared to die for the faith?

The problem is that "good" Muslims are prepared to die for their cause.

NB a "moderate" Muslim is essentially a bad Muslim, and more of them have been killed by the fundamentalists than infidels. To a Muslim true believer, only the most fanatical deserve to live, all others are apostate.

At least Donald has a plan. HRC has nothing except the same old same old that hasn't worked, isn't working and won't work.

What nonsense. In 2015 in the USA, more people were killed by gun-toting toddlers than were by Moslem terrorists. Some threat. But what the terrorist jihadis want is the exact reaction you've got. They want to convince Muslims that the West hates them. How can we be sure you're not actually working for them? You certainly are helping to advance their cause.

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Irregardless, Crooked Hillary's remarks are criminally stupid.

That's what y'all wish for as leader of the Free World? facepalm.gif

Criminally stupid? or Irregardless? Which one do you y'all like better?

Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine? (getting back to the original topic) Why would anyone want to stop this? It will stop when Trump declares victory and limps back to his tower in Mordor.

The Republican party is in for a well deserved (som nom na) beating. Oh my Buddha, I love this election! clap2.gif

Don't know about the GOP getting a beating, though the convention should be entertaining with the stop Trumpers making like Canute.

For real beatings I'll be watching the spectacle of the Cleveland police dealing to those pesky loony lefties in the streets, and the Bikers for Trump won't be handing out tea and cakes either. Bring it on.

If liberals demonstrate in Cleveland, they will most likely be peaceful. A few stragglers may get out of line, perhaps shouting a bit too loud. However, if Trump's bikers (Hell's Angels, etc) are deputized to deal with demonstrators, then it can only be bad. That's why Kasich is running away with his tail between his legs. He doesn't want to be within miles of Trump, even though his own state and GOP party are hosting the event.

Remember Altamont? That was the outdoor R&R concert where the Rolling Stones unwittingly said 'ok' to Hell's Angels dealing with the crowd. If you've ever been at an outdoor R&R concert, you know that some people dance and get sauced. Hell's Angels will take any excuse to beat people up. That's the crowning moment in their lives. At least one Altamont reveler got killed by a biker that night.

Putting redneck bikers in charge of keeping the peace is like putting pedophiles in charge of bubble bathing kids in bathtubs. It's a recipe for trouble. It all makes sense, actually. Trump feeds on publicity. For him, there's no such thing as bad publicity. It a few liberal demonstrators get their heads bashed in at Cleveland, Trump can grandstand on that. He'll shout; "You see; they're Democratic agents brought here by Hillary to destroy America. We want a great America from the past, don't we? The people who got their heads bashed want to destroy America. They deserve all the harm they get. In the good ol' days, I'd be out there bashing their heads alongside my friends the bikers. Believe me folks. Would I ever lie to you?"

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Irregardless, Crooked Hillary's remarks are criminally stupid.

That's what y'all wish for as leader of the Free World? facepalm.gif

Spoken like a true Trump fan. (Trump loves the un-educated).

It doesn't matter what Hillary says. Even if a Trump fan doesn't hear/read what she says, they know instinctively it's "criminally stupid."

The difference between me and Trump fans is; I listen closely to many things that both candidates say. Therefore I can make an intelligent assessment and comparison.

Trump fans only listen to platitudes put out by their guru, but don't actually listen to (or read full text) speeches by his opponent.

Trump fans take the spin spun by Fox News (run by the chronic sexual predator Ailes) as gospel. That's all they need to bolster their bias.

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@ Post 4475


“I couldn't find a video.”

It’s embedded in the story:


Ruhollah Khomeini (pronounced Ko-MAY-Nee)

Ali Khamenei (pronounced KA-Ma-Nay)

Flynn apparently comes from the same sloppy Dubya/Cheney school of willful ignorance.


Eye Rack: Iraq (pronounced ee rock)

Eye Ran: Iran (pronounced ee raan)

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Donald Trump must be elected POTUS for no other reason than the following:

Hillary’s first comment on the latest terrorist attack in France:

The woman is an blind fool and an idiot to boot...thumbsup.gif

Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.


There's just one problem with your post. In fact, it's the same problem with most of your posts: it's false. She did not post this to twitter. . Here is her controversial twitter post about the attack in Niice: "Every American stands in strong solidarity with the people of France" —Hillary on the attack in Nice

Your quote is actually lifted from a speech she gave on Nov 19, 2015. Here are the words that follow it:

The obsession in some quarters with a clash of civilization, or repeating the specific words radical Islamic terrorism isn’t just a distraction, it gives these criminals, these murderers more standing than they deserve. It actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.


Very occasionally you do get your facts right. But this isn't one of those occasions. A difference between you and me is that when I think a fact is too good to be true, I try to check it out. You just fall for sucker bait every time.

Actually Hillary did post that, but it was earlier. I saw it and it was real. Lots of people linked to it. Obama and Hillary both have been trying to convince people that Islam isn't violent but Islamics are doing their best to prove them wrong.

In the meantime people like Hillary and Obama want to do to us what is happening in Europe - bring in countless "refugees" and for what reason I'll never know.



Hillary's "if I wuz da' Prez" response was, "Let's have an intelligence surge". blink.png

This won't be 'real' until she's impacted in a more direct way. Until then, warm bodies on the buffet is an acceptable cost to maintain the cumbyeya optics, and her political fortunes.

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Trump's secret weapon is Ivanka

The Donald has a secret weapon as he seeks to burnish his image in Cleveland: his daughter Ivanka Trump.

A mogul in her own right, Ivanka Trump has become her father’s most effective surrogate, softening the edges of Donald Trump’s brash and often controversial presidential campaign.


Crooked Hillary's secret weapons? laugh.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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In Florida, a slow start for the Trump operation

"SARASOTA - Festooned with Donald Trump's name and his "Make America Great Again" motto, the awnings at the three-story commercial property advertise a famous tenant."

"It's vintage style for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee: a top-floor campaign office suite in an upscale shopping district,

across the street from an automobile showroom of Bentleys and Aston Martins."

"But there's a catch." laugh.png


No one answering the phone either...

Well done! cheesy.gif


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Big gender and education gaps over Trump-Clinton in Wisconsin

"On the eve of the party conventions, the matchup between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is altering some key fault lines in American politics."

"The gender gap, a familiar divide, has widened dramatically."

"And a partisan education gap has opened up between college graduates and everyone else."


79% of Wisconsin women detest the Bloviator.

Although, the Bloviator is leading with uneducated white men by 21 points... laugh.png

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