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Battleground Polls: Trump Takes Lead in Florida, Pennsylvania, Tied in Ohio

Go get 'em Donald! laugh.png

“Donald Trump enters the Republican Convention on a small roll in the three most important swing states in the country. He has wiped out Hillary Clinton’s lead in Florida; is on the upside of too-close to call races in Florida and Pennsylvania and is locked in a dead heat in Ohio,” stated Quinnipiac University poll assistant director Peter A. Brown."


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Battleground Polls: Trump Takes Lead in Florida, Pennsylvania, Tied in Ohio

Go get 'em Donald! laugh.png

“Donald Trump enters the Republican Convention on a small roll in the three most important swing states in the country. He has wiped out Hillary Clinton’s lead in Florida; is on the upside of too-close to call races in Florida and Pennsylvania and is locked in a dead heat in Ohio,” stated Quinnipiac University poll assistant director Peter A. Brown."


If all the other polls out there agreed with Quinnipiac you might have even more cause for rejoicing. But they certainly don't. Quite the contrary. So you have less. But it is consistent with your very selective use of data. But at least this time it comes from a good source which is unusual if not unprecedented for you.

Remember that so called poll you cited showing Donald Trump performing better than virtually all other pollsters say. http://downstreampol...e=socialnetwork Turns out it's a fake. The author I'm linking to called the guy who propagated it the stupidest man on the internet.


You don't even really need to use this link to see how empty a claim it was. Just reading the article would be enough for most people.

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Polls: Clinton Ahead Or Even In Midwest Battlegrounds

"Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in Iowa and Pennsylvania, while the two are tied in the key battleground state of Ohio,

according to a trio of new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls."

"In Iowa, the presumptive Democratic nominee is ahead of Trump by three points among registered voters, 42 percent to 39 percent,

which is within the poll's margin of errorof plus-minus 3.4 percentage points while a combined 18 percent say neither, other or undecided."

"In Pennsylvania, she leads the presumptive GOP nominee by nine points, 45 percent to 36 percent, with 19 percent saying neither or undecided."


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Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg has been blasting Trump for being the egotistical pretender that he is, and Trump has been fighting back opining, with his vast and sweeping knowledge of the judiciary, that Ginsberg is a disgrace to the court. Remember, it was only a few months ago, that Trump showed the world he didn't even understand what the Supreme Court does or its functions, thinking it was involved with law enforcement of Clinton. laugh.png

He does have a point, however, that this kind of thing is absolutely unprecedented by a sitting Justice. It just goes to show how badly perceived by the various branches of government he is that such a 'beyond reproach' person would do this.

Ginsberg is, IMO, scum. She knows very well that a SCOTUS judge has to be seen to be impartial, and chose to come out with a political opinion in public. As of now, she has to recuse herself from any and all cases even remotely dealing with Trump, but I bet the she won't.

If Trump becomes POTUS I hope he does for her if she won't recuse herself on any cases his administation brings.

Justice Clarence Thomas failed to recuse himself from hearing the ACA cases while his wife Ginni was actively lobbying against the ACA.

Trump acts like a jerk to everyone who disagrees with him and he's got the audacity to whine like a little baby who needs his mommy when the eighty-three year old Supreme Brooklynite speaks up. Somebody get Princess Tiny Hands some smelling salts, he's got a case of the vapors!

Their pearl clutching over their rivals doing things they constantly do themselves is one of their fundamental characteristics.

I don't think we have to worry about Ginsberg recusing herself from cases brought by the Trump administration. cheesy.gifclap2.gifgiggle.gifgigglem.gifthumbsup.gif

It's NOTHING to do with Trump ( other than him being her target ). It IS about a SCOTUS justice being partisan. If she is prepared to compromise the integrity of the court over a political issue, her judgement on ALL political cases now stands suspect.

She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign.

If you can't see that, it's pointless even responding to you again.

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Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg has been blasting Trump for being the egotistical pretender that he is, and Trump has been fighting back opining, with his vast and sweeping knowledge of the judiciary, that Ginsberg is a disgrace to the court. Remember, it was only a few months ago, that Trump showed the world he didn't even understand what the Supreme Court does or its functions, thinking it was involved with law enforcement of Clinton. laugh.png

He does have a point, however, that this kind of thing is absolutely unprecedented by a sitting Justice. It just goes to show how badly perceived by the various branches of government he is that such a 'beyond reproach' person would do this.

Ginsberg is, IMO, scum. She knows very well that a SCOTUS judge has to be seen to be impartial, and chose to come out with a political opinion in public. As of now, she has to recuse herself from any and all cases even remotely dealing with Trump, but I bet the she won't.

If Trump becomes POTUS I hope he does for her if she won't recuse herself on any cases his administation brings.

Justice Clarence Thomas failed to recuse himself from hearing the ACA cases while his wife Ginni was actively lobbying against the ACA.

Trump acts like a jerk to everyone who disagrees with him and he's got the audacity to whine like a little baby who needs his mommy when the eighty-three year old Supreme Brooklynite speaks up. Somebody get Princess Tiny Hands some smelling salts, he's got a case of the vapors!

Their pearl clutching over their rivals doing things they constantly do themselves is one of their fundamental characteristics.

I don't think we have to worry about Ginsberg recusing herself from cases brought by the Trump administration. cheesy.gifclap2.gifgiggle.gifgigglem.gifthumbsup.gif

It's NOTHING to do with Trump ( other than him being her target ). It IS about a SCOTUS justice being partisan. If she is prepared to compromise the integrity of the court over a political issue, her judgement on ALL political cases now stands suspect.

She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign.

If you can't see that, it's pointless even responding to you again.

Finally, someone willing the tell it like it is. Someone who tells the TRUTH. Someone who is not intimidated by the right wing PC puzzles. Stuff constructionism. Stuff the limp victims of REVERSE RACISM. Stuff Scalia. Like those defenseless animals he hunted.

Go Ginsberg. Make America sane again.

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It's NOTHING to do with Trump ( other than him being her target ). It IS about a SCOTUS justice being partisan. If she is prepared to compromise the integrity of the court over a political issue, her judgement on ALL political cases now stands suspect.

She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign.

If you can't see that, it's pointless even responding to you again.

Finally, someone willing the tell it like it is. Someone who tells the TRUTH. Someone who is not intimidated by the right wing PC puzzles. Stuff constructionism. Stuff the limp victims of REVERSE RACISM. Stuff Scalia. Like those defenseless animals he hunted.

Go Ginsberg. Make America sane again.

I guess you also want to stuff the constitution because it allows Trump to even stand as a candidate.

Why stop there? Just elect Obama as dictator for life.

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Wall Street shuns Trump's Cleveland convention

Industry execs won't go near the GOP event for fear of insulting clients and workforce.

"Wall Street executives are hitting the sell button on the GOP convention in Cleveland next week."

"Bankers typically use the quadrennial Republican Party gathering to schmooze clients, host parties and flaunt their connections to the nominee and other senior officials."

"In 2012, they flooded Tampa Bay to celebrate one of the industry’s favorite sons, Mitt Romney, getting the nomination."


I guess that settles it.

Not only is the Text Book Racist Bloviator the Great Divider, he's just plain bad for business.

‘I Can Watch It on TV’: Excuses for Republicans Skipping a Donald Trump Convention

"A wave of prominent Republicans have announced their intention to skip the party’s national convention in Cleveland this summer, the latest sign that Donald J. Trump,

who last week secured the delegates needed to clinch the Republican presidential nomination, continues to struggle in his effort to unite the party behind his candidacy."

"The list of those who have sent regrets includes governors and United States senators — almost all facing tough re-election fights this year,

and lifelong party devotees who have attended every convention for decades."

"Some are renouncing their seats like conscientious objectors." thumbsup.gif

All But One Former GOP Nominee to Skip Republican National Convention


Even Republican John Kasich, the Governor of the state is taking a pass...


Cut the bs. Anyone with a brain can see wall street is avoiding the convention because Trump does not want Wall Street and they have not been able to buy him off like Hillary and Goldman Sachs. Not having Wall Street buying you is an endorsement in itself.

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Fox News Poll: Trump trails Clinton in Colorado

"A Fox News Poll of Colorado registered voters finds Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by 10 points in the race for the White House."

"Clinton’s up 44-34 percent in a head-to-head matchup."

"Her lead is outside the poll’s margin of sampling error."





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Fox News Poll: Trump trails Clinton in Colorado

"A Fox News Poll of Colorado registered voters finds Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by 10 points in the race for the White House."

"Clinton’s up 44-34 percent in a head-to-head matchup."

"Her lead is outside the poll’s margin of sampling error."



Polls are not the election, and it's a long time still to go.

Remember, a week is a long time in politics.

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It's NOTHING to do with Trump ( other than him being her target ). It IS about a SCOTUS justice being partisan. If she is prepared to compromise the integrity of the court over a political issue, her judgement on ALL political cases now stands suspect.

She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign. If you can't see that, it's pointless even responding to you again.

Among other things, Justice Ginzberg is human. And being human, she's allowed an opinion. There's nothing in her job description which says she can't have an opinion about a candidate. It's so typical of Trump and his fans to talk trash about anyone who speaks out against him. It's like the Chinese politburo speaking trash about the 5 jurors who recently gave an opinion that China is wrong in the SCS. It's sooooooo low class.

Cut the bs. Anyone with a brain can see wall street is avoiding the convention because Trump does not want Wall Street and they have not been able to buy him off like Hillary and Goldman Sachs. Not having Wall Street buying you is an endorsement in itself.

Apparently, you aren't aware of news of the past several weeks. In direct contradiction to his primary shouting, Trump is now smoozing for Wall Streeters. The richer, the better. He would LOVE to have rich wheeler dealers at the convention, but they wisely are turned off by The Divider. They don't want to be seen in public with him. He's toxic.

Polls are not the election, and it's a long time still to go. Remember, a week is a long time in politics.

.....and many weeks left for The Divider to keep slipping down the charts like a fly stuck in margarine on a hot summer day.

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It's NOTHING to do with Trump ( other than him being her target ). It IS about a SCOTUS justice being partisan. If she is prepared to compromise the integrity of the court over a political issue, her judgement on ALL political cases now stands suspect.

She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign. If you can't see that, it's pointless even responding to you again.

Among other things, Justice Ginzberg is human. And being human, she's allowed an opinion. There's nothing in her job description which says she can't have an opinion about a candidate. It's so typical of Trump and his fans to talk trash about anyone who speaks out against him. It's like the Chinese politburo speaking trash about the 5 jurors who recently gave an opinion that China is wrong in the SCS. It's sooooooo low class.

Cut the bs. Anyone with a brain can see wall street is avoiding the convention because Trump does not want Wall Street and they have not been able to buy him off like Hillary and Goldman Sachs. Not having Wall Street buying you is an endorsement in itself.

Apparently, you aren't aware of news of the past several weeks. In direct contradiction to his primary shouting, Trump is now smoozing for Wall Streeters. The richer, the better. He would LOVE to have rich wheeler dealers at the convention, but they wisely are turned off by The Divider. They don't want to be seen in public with him. He's toxic.

Polls are not the election, and it's a long time still to go. Remember, a week is a long time in politics.

.....and many weeks left for The Divider to keep slipping down the charts like a fly stuck in margarine on a hot summer day.

As one of 9 people that can shape the US and the lives of billions of people, Ginzberg can have opinions, but when she took the oath to serve on the SCOTUS she gave up the "right" to utter them in public. Shame on her.

Seems there is no integrity left in US government. The House is corrupt, the president is a waste of space ( all of them going back to Johnson ), and now the third branch of government is compromised by a stupid crone that wants to be a celebrity.

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California Republicans would be wise to cut Trump loose rather than be tied to a sinking ship laugh.png

"Donald Trump’s anticipated crowning next week as the Republican presidential candidate will amount to Christmas in July for California Democrats.”

"They’ll gleefully use their priceless gift in an effort to regain supermajorities in both houses of the state Legislature.”

"And their chances of success are pretty good, given the extreme unpopularity in California of the GOP standard-bearer."


With a 73% unfavorable view of Toxic Don, the Albatross. The Bloviator.

When are the Lemmings going to wake up and see who the real loser is? facepalm.gif

Across the board. Consistently.

Edited by iReason
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Large numbers of GOP senators are skipping the convention. On the other hand, a majority will be there, so not really a boycott. But, most of the heavy hitter, well respected Republicans will be missing.

The good news for Trump fans is that Trump announced his speaker list, and it is chock-full of prestigious speakers with gravitas, ranging from one-time pro quarterback Tim Tebow to Ultimate Fighting UFC Maven Dana White. Top drawer political power for sure. I wonder which country western singers he will have, and whether there will be a monster truck show? And, where is Sarah Palin when you need her?

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As one of 9 people that can shape the US and the lives of billions of people, Ginzberg can have opinions, but when she took the oath to serve on the SCOTUS she gave up the "right" to utter them in public. Shame on her.

Seems there is no integrity left in US government. The House is corrupt, the president is a waste of space ( all of them going back to Johnson ), and now the third branch of government is compromised by a stupid crone that wants to be a celebrity.

Interesting and quite erroneous interpretation of the oath of office. You can point out the section of the Constitution that requires Supreme Court judges to not express their opinions?


I don't recall seeing such stridency against that toad when he blew his bigotry over everyone. Give the little old lady a break why don't you.

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It's NOTHING to do with Trump ( other than him being her target ). It IS about a SCOTUS justice being partisan. If she is prepared to compromise the integrity of the court over a political issue, her judgement on ALL political cases now stands suspect.

She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign.

If you can't see that, it's pointless even responding to you again.

Finally, someone willing the tell it like it is. Someone who tells the TRUTH. Someone who is not intimidated by the right wing PC puzzles. Stuff constructionism. Stuff the limp victims of REVERSE RACISM. Stuff Scalia. Like those defenseless animals he hunted.

Go Ginsberg. Make America sane again.

I guess you also want to stuff the constitution because it allows Trump to even stand as a candidate.

Why stop there? Just elect Obama as dictator for life.

Let's not play the constitution card when your party pissed on it rather than doing their job to replace Scalia.

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I realize it must be distressing and disheartening for the Trumpeteers that their Glorious Leader has been in the tombs with virtually every poll.

Try to keep up. That is old information. Trump and Hillary are virtually tied. He has a REAL chance of winning.

Hillary Clinton's big lead over Donald Trump evaporated in a major poll released Thursday.

The CBS News/New York Times poll, conducted July 8-12, found that Clinton and Trump were in a dead heat in the presidential race, each garnering 40% support.

Clinton had held a 43%-to-37% advantage in the CBS/Times poll from June.

"Great new poll — thank you America!" Trump tweeted Thursday morning with the results attached.

Clinton's dip in the poll came after FBI Director James Comey said she was "extremely careless" with classified information while she was secretary of state (though he declined to recommend charges against her).

Sixty-seven percent of respondents said Clinton wasn't honest and trustworthy, up from 62% in June. Just 28% said she was honest.


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Put on your glasses and read the dates.

And it's latest polls.

Nope. THIS is the latest poll and they are virtually tied.

The CBS News/New York Times poll, conducted July 8-12, found that Clinton and Trump were in a dead heat in the presidential race, each garnering 40% support.

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She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign.

How dare you suggest Hillary resigns.

I've been waiting freaking months to witness the spectacle of The Donald tearing Hillary a new one live on national TV.

Don't jinx this one.

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She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign.

How dare you suggest Hillary resigns.

I've been waiting freaking months to witness the spectacle of The Donald tearing Hillary a new one live on national TV.

Don't jinx this one.

I think he was on a rant about Ginzburg rather than HRC although the posts were pretty incoherent so you can be forgiven for not getting the message.

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She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign.

How dare you suggest Hillary resigns.

I've been waiting freaking months to witness the spectacle of The Donald tearing Hillary a new one live on national TV.

Don't jinx this one.

I think he was on a rant about Ginzburg rather than HRC although the posts were pretty incoherent so you can be forgiven for not getting the message.

Seems coherent to me. While we are on the subject of incoherence ...

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Looks like the fascist demagogue trump is going to pick Governor Pence.

Clearly a play to appease the far right wing anti-gay Christian demographic.

Also the Log Cabin republicans (bizarre gay republican group) reports that the convention platform is the most anti-gay platform in republican party history.

I guess trump gave up on his farcical attempt at getting the gay vote.

Why Vacuous, Cowardly, Anti-Gay Mike Pence Is a Perfect VP Pick for Trump

What more could Trump want in a VP pick? Pence is a fatuous yes-man, a milquetoast mook with no strong convictions other than a desire to win and be popular. He will faithfully follow Trump’s whims and commands, even as they lead him (and the country) toward the abyss. An unprincipled puppet is exactly what Trump needs for vice president. And it is exactly what he has in Mike Pence.


Mike Pence's anti-gay civil rights record:

Four Major Anti-Gay Ideas Mike Pence Floated During His 2000 Campaign


Edited by Jingthing
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Looks like the fascist demagogue trump is going to pick Governor Pence.

Clearly a play to appease the far right wing anti-gay Christian demographic.

Pence is one of the most ANTI-GAY politicians in the country.

Also the Log Cabin republicans (bizarre gay republican group) reports that the convention platform is the most anti-gay platform in republican party history.

I guess trump gave up on his farcical attempt at getting the gay vote.

All my gay US friends are voting The Donald.

Do you make this stuff up.

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It's going to be trump - pence.

trump has this thing about two syllable tickets.

Bizarre, eh?


I'm told Trump's VP will be @GovPenceIN or @GenFlynn. One among several reasons: Trump is convinced one-syllable last names convey strength.

But Donald Trump, if he really believes this, might want to be wary about the fact that in the 212 years since presidential and vice-presidential candidates have run on joint tickets, there are only six instances in which both candidates of a major party have had monosyllabic last names, and of those, four were losers. Here are the two-syllable presidential tickets, ranked by how they fared in the Electoral College:
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Basically, he picked Ted Cruz without picking Ted Cruz. Pence is a right wing Christian fundamentalist. Pence supportedTed Cruz over trump. He attracts that base while repulsing so many others.


Pence’s brand of evangelical conservatism on social issues is only embraced by a rapidly shrinking segment of the population. Particularly on gay rights, Pence is way out of step with the majority of the country.
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As Trump is neither a devout Christian nor a true Republican, he made the right choice. He was having trouble attracting this bible-thumping voter group, but he still won't get Utah, Idaho or other smarter conservative Christians.

Pence's bio reads like a wet dream for bible thumpers. He even met his wife in church. How Republican.

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