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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Face it boys, Trump nailed Crooked Hillary in that last speech he gave - knocked it right out of the Park he did! smile.png

Remarkably composed and on his way to being a fine, polished politician. perhaps even "presidential".

I think he played it well.....much better than hillary.

Maybe he was just acting out badly on purpose, up until now. It would really mess up Hillary's game plan if he came off every time, like this.

The best thing is.....everything he said was right on the mark.

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Trump long list of insults to his fellow candidates.
Jeb Bush
Lincoln Chafee
Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton
Ted Cruz
John Kasich
Martin O'Malley
Marco Rubio

so what?

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Amazing isn't it - how the leftist Liberals throw absolute rubbish at Trump and claim it is 100% true, and yet anything negative about Crooked Hillary is 100% false.

Find me one successful businessman/woman that doesn't have accusations/allegations made against them.

The reality is that the higher the profile the more the allegations - same for Trump and same for Crooked Hillary.

But Trump is not perfect (how many times have I/we got to say that) - and he doesn't pretend to be, and doesn't need to be, and doesn't want to be.

When you look into the mentality of a Liberal (but dont get too close) you realise they have the 'OJ Disease'.

They actually think that OJ/HRC is innocent - because the fact is that he was found not-guilty (and they like him/her).

But what they fail to understand is what they always failt to understand - REALITY.

OJ was found to be not guilty - he was not found to be innocent.

And before any idiot Liberal says it ......... It is not the same thing.

OJ did not prove he was innocent - the Prosecution failed to prove (beyond doubt) that he was guilty.

Guilty or Not-Guilty - that is what a Court determines (not innocence).

But anyone with half a brain knows he did it (and oscar pistorius, casey anthony, robert blake etc etc etc).

Lack of evidence (or inadmissability), incompetent police investigation, inexperienced prosecutors, and a biased jury, does not mean OJ was innocent.

Crooked Hillary is guilty of far more and far worse things than a New York businessman with a few failed business deals and some enemies (he has fired quite a few).

Crooked Hillary has a lot in common with OJ - and just like all people with no moral values, she will eventually get her payback (they cant stop).

Eventually Crooked Hillary will be forced to back away in disgrace from public life - eventually the 'facts' will catch up with her.

Thank you for this post. Now I understand how the trump supporters think.

Dont mention it - here is some more 'enlightenment' for you :)


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Trump long list of insults to his fellow candidates.
Jeb Bush
Lincoln Chafee
Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton
Ted Cruz
John Kasich
Martin O'Malley
Marco Rubio

so what?

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Trump long list of insults to his fellow candidates.

Wow, that's a long list from Trump the Noise Machine. He let's it all hang out there.

Hillary, on the other hand, has used an ACTUAL noise maker machine to conceal what she says to her big donors.


Ignoring the long list myself (some people need to get a life/brain) - but I do find it interesting that Crooked Hillary has to hide what she is saying to her donors.

However what I find hilarious is this comment posted on Twitter about Crooked Hillary :-

Hillary will soon say, "I did not have financial relations with those billionaires." cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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I cant believe it - there is an even better one:

Can't wait for the News headlines: "Hilary Saves reporters by scanning them for cancer from a distance, What a hero.

Other News: Bernie (Trump?) supports Cancer"

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Trump long list of insults to his fellow candidates.
Jeb Bush
SNIPPED the DITTO DITTO .... for the rest of Trump's losing opponents.

so what?

And I Add to "So What" ... The labels were true, The labels pinned on the other candidates WORKED !. And this method will work on Crooked Hillary too, And even more so - because Hillary really is CROOKED ... cheesy.gif

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Here's an idea for all you Liberals, Leftists, Progressives and Socialists who keep posting the same rehash of slanted news and sources along with your predictable diatribe... is the following: just post DITTO,DITTO,DITTO,













If you don't have anything to add, you don't have to post. Sorry if all the news about Trump is depressing for you. Sometimes reality hurts.

So, Trumps southern border plan will cost around $600 billion and tax on an imported Ford Truck will be over $9,000.

Food prices nationwide will increase 20%.

The food service and construction industry will be similarly increasing prices too.

...around 5 million landlords will lose their tenants and the agricultural towns will fall into a depression (ie Detroit)

I think Trump's wall will cost about 33 billion, though maintenance and manning it over 5 years may cost an added 20 billion. A far cry from the original 2 billion that Trump estimated, when he first mentioned the dumb-ass idea. Each week after his first public mention, Trump's estimate went up by billion $$'s. His estimates went from 2 to 5 to 9 to 12 in a matter of weeks. He claims to be a great builder, but if he doesn't know much about materials/labor and maintenance costs, then he's bluffing about being an adept builder, as he bluffs about everything else he boasts about.

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And I Add to "So What" ... The labels were true, The labels pinned on the other candidates WORKED !. And this method will work on Crooked Hillary too, And even more so - because Hillary really is CROOKED ... cheesy.gif

The immature name calling approach worked with the Trump demographic.

They love to go to Trump rallies when they are not watching pro wrestling, demolition derby or a tractor pull.

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Trump long list of insults to his fellow candidates.
Jeb Bush
Lincoln Chafee
Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton
Ted Cruz
John Kasich
Martin O'Malley
Marco Rubio

so what?

That might be the single longest post in TVF history. Hope it was a cut & paste.

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Excerpt from one of today's article from NPR:

- - - - - - - - -

A campaign putting out a list of big name endorsements isn't particularly remarkable. But what is remarkable about the Clinton campaign's list is that it includes prominent Republican executives — business leaders who say they have never voted for a Democratic presidential candidate in their lives.

Take Jim Cicconi, the senior executive vice president at AT&T. He served in both the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and donated $10,000 last year to Jeb Bush's Right to Rise superPAC. But he says he's voting for Hillary Clinton in November.

In a statement put out by the Clinton campaign, Cicconi said he thinks it is "vital to put our country's well being ahead of party."

Cicconi went on, "Hillary Clinton is experienced, qualified, and will make a fine President. The alternative, I fear, would set our Nation on a very dark path."

This from a man who says he has voted for every Republican presidential candidate since 1976.

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The long list of denigrating name-calling attributed to The Divider reinforces what many reasonable people have know for months:

Trump is lower than low-class.

If I heard 6 year old kids engaged in such name-calling, I would reprimand them. I can't reprimand Trump, but I can vote against him in the general election, and I (and tens of millions of others) certainly will.

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That long list left out some doozies. Here's one of Trump's spewings on Ms Fiorina:

"Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?"

Again, I wouldn't tolerate such denigration from a 2nd grader. I learned in Kindergarten never to denigrate someone for their name or their physical appearance. Apparently Trump never learned that. ....or if he did, as a (supposed) grown-up, he chooses to put others down using such low class and immature methods. Similar to how he puts others down, he will put America down if given any political authority. What a sorry excuse for a human. He's an embarrassment for Americans.

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When I travel overseas, if I mention how America's justice system is more objective and fair than some other countries, like Thailand, then there usually comes a retort: "Well, what about the O.J. case?" And they're right. The OJ case was an abhorrent anomaly of US justice. That one case did more to trash the image of US justice than any other.

Now to Trump and America's image overseas. Whereas the US has a checkered reputation, there are probably more people who respect and/or like America than those who trash it. That is changing with Trump's candidacy. His Mussolini-type character/rhetoric is beamed to every computer and every TV worldwide. He personifies many of the ugliest human characteristics, and is denigrating and will denigrate the image of America and Americans.

How can one person do so much damage? That will be the grist of dozens of books, TV specials and possibly a feature length film.

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Abraham Lincoln : "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."


Huh? So you are saying that "the people" Abraham Lincoln was referring to are Trump supporters? I don't get it.

Democrat/Liberal being deliberately 'slow' and 'obtusive' me thinks - but arent they usually that way. smile.png

Just think of those that vote in November as a group. Now think of that group and you will see that the group is actually many people - commonly referred to since Lincoln as 'the people'.

Many years ago 'the people' were naive about politics and got their information from the mainstream media - first print, then radia and print, then TV, radio and print.

If the media organisations recommended/supported one candidate, that was the one that a majority of that group ('the people') voted for.

Unfortunately, over time, many media outlets have become biased and sensationalists - more interested in pushing agendas and getting ratings/hits.

The truth has become the last thing many media outlets think about nowadays - especially the Washington Post (who is yet again trying to derail the Republicans).

The good news (not for Dems/Libs) is that 'the people' are getting their 'news' more from non-mainstream sources (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogs, etc etc) and the old school mainstream media outlets are not as influential as they used to be (and in my opinion at the next POTUS election in 2020 will be irrelevant.

Therefore a majority of the voters (the people) will elect a POTUS in November 2016 - and more and more of them are seeing both Trump and HRC for what they really are.

Trump aint perfect and he aint no Angel - but unlike HRC he doesn't claim to be - and also unlike HRC he is not crooked and incompetent.

And the people are 'seeing' that more and more - and the more the mainstream media lie about Trump, the more 'the people' will see it for what it is - the status quo trying to stay in power.

HRC just had a great few weeks (and Trump a very poor week) - and yet Trump is still in the race and is already bouncing back.

Trump just keeps on keeping on - he aint gonna back away - and it IS too late to stop him.

Yes, your buddy Trump keeps going on, to a trainwreck!!!!!

Why is it with you donald supporters that you hate everybody and when your hero say something, you believe him! Even when he makes a 180 degree turn a few hours later?

I don't like hrc, but you know what? It will be better than the ............. Trump machine.

I don't hate everybody, just HRC, the worst candidate I can remember bar Bush Jr and Obama. Trump is an unknown quantity as a politician, so may do well, but no one could do worse than Bush Jr or Obama except HRC.

If I could vote in the US I'd vote for a rock before i'd give HRC my support.

Had the Bern not been sabotaged by the Dems establishment he'd have been a shoo in.

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The question lately is whether Trump is sabotaging himself, perhaps because he doesn't really want to become president. He will be crushed for many reasons, not the least of which is that his campaign is, and will remain, broke. The billionaire Republican donor class, like the Kochs, will give money only to the Senate campaigns, not to Trump. Hillary has $42 million cash on hand, while Trump has $1.3 million. And this after self-dealing, i.e. paying himself, his family members and his companies out of campaign funds. It's all just business to Trump. He has suckered the Repub voters just like he suckered the "students" at Trump "University."

His voters are right that they are getting screwed economically and so they blame the immigrants instead of the billionaire class that runs the Repub party. Trump would only continue to screw them, but that's academic, because he has zero chance to win.

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Yes, your buddy Trump keeps going on, to a trainwreck!!!!!

Why is it with you donald supporters that you hate everybody and when your hero say something, you believe him! Even when he makes a 180 degree turn a few hours later?

I don't like hrc, but you know what? It will be better than the ............. Trump machine.

I don't hate everybody, just HRC, the worst candidate I can remember bar Bush Jr and Obama. Trump is an unknown quantity as a politician, so may do well, but no one could do worse than Bush Jr or Obama except HRC.

If I could vote in the US I'd vote for a rock before i'd give HRC my support.

Had the Bern not been sabotaged by the Dems establishment he'd have been a shoo in.

If you had to vote for a CEO chief, would you pick someone because he is "an unknown quantity" ?

The 13th person off the bus from Las Vegas is "an unknown quantity." Would you just wait at a Greyhound station and pick whomever is 13th off a bus? In your defense, he or she would probably be better for America than Trump.

If you had to vote for a Commander in Chief, outranking all generals and admirals, would you pick someone because he is "an unknown quantity" ? You might as well pick the assistant manager at McDonald's #214. That person would also be "an unknown quantity" and unless that person has declared bankruptcy 5 times, is more fiscally responsible than the Trumpster.

The "unknown quantity" argument to justify supporting Trump is the weakest praise imaginable. That's like going to a subway station blindfolded, picking the first female you touch, and declaring she'd make a good wife because she's "an unknown quantity."

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You forgot to include the source so I will do it for you:


You forgot not to be an idiot.

Ah, that's not nice.

Just Google "Obama narcissist" and you'll find hundreds of articles written about it over the 8 years.

Your wrong - there are thousands. I just spent a little time reading some of them (many by health professionals) and one thing stands out:

The real question is why psychiatrists and psychologists are conclusively and decisively claiming Donald Trump has narcissistic personality disorder, while ignoring all of the evidence in support of Barack Obama’s narcissism. The inconsistency and naked intellectual/professional dishonesty involved here should make you skeptical of their claims.

In my view all politicians are narcissistic - I think it is part of the 'you dont have to be crazy to want this job - but it helps'.




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Here's an idea for all you Liberals, Leftists, Progressives and Socialists who keep posting the same rehash of slanted news and sources along with your predictable diatribe... is the following: just post DITTO,DITTO,DITTO,













Whilst reading up on narcissistic disorders and their prevalence in successful people, I also learned that it is prevalent in unsuccessful people even more.

Narcissism is an extreme defense against one’s own feelings of worthlessness. To degrade people is really part of a cluster-B personality disorder: it’s antisocial and shows a lack of remorse for other people. The way to make it O.K. to attack someone verbally, psychologically, or physically is to lower them. That’s what he’s doing.”

Whilst myself and most of 'the right' are critical of HRC and Obama and The Clintons and all they stand for, I dont ever see us resorting to the personal vitriolic abuse that the vast majority of the Liberals do. I think 'Crooked Hillary' is an apt description - but some of the personally abuse names the looney left Liberals use for Trump is clearly signs of what is above described as a personality disorder.

Maybe the copying and pasting of 'endless slanted news and sources' along with predictable vitriolic diatribe and personal abuse, is just symptoms of a mental disorder :)

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Here is an engineers look at the reality of building the wall across the southern border.

Engineers have estimated a 20' wall would cost $25-$50 billion and an equal amount to maintain every 7 years.

Trumps wall will be 50' high, will cost around $75 - $125 billion.


The materials for the 50' wall are equal 6 Hoover Dams. 21,000 employees built that dam. The wall may need around 100,000 employees for ten years.

Pay them $100 per day/ 6 days per week = $36 billion in labor.


Around 15 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar.

500 concrete plants need to be setup along the border.

At least 3 steel mills running at capacity, with 15,000 employees just to make the rebar. Every truckload will still be transported up to 700 miles!


Engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road that can handle 52 million trips of heavy trucks. Terrain that prohibits construction like a floodplain, mountains, sand dunes. The costs skyrocket.

Condemning land.

The Government must first acquire the land. Thousands of private property owners will run up lawyer fees while Eminent Domain court cases last 7-10 years.

Hundreds of Judges and courts will be tied up for decades disputing the land appropriation.

13 Federal & State laws must be rewritten to permit the construction.

Business, landowners, towns & environment.

The Rio Grande is the USA 5th largest river. The natural border between Texas & Mexico goes right down the middle of the river and the river often changes course.

The wall must be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, municipalities and national parks and wildlife will be forced to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.

Environmental issues will slow down work to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years.

Border towns will be split in two. Thousands of businesses & families on both sides destroyed.

The wall can't block the thousands of tributaries, wetlands or flood planes. Full time Border Guards will need to watch these areas.


You would need a guard post every 2,000' or so. About 5,230 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 43,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 50 guard posts. About 2,000 staff there.

A fleet of INS choppers will need 15-20 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

Every 100 miles you need a government office building with 75 people doing paperwork. That's 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a main headquarters too.

A large building in DC with 2,000 staff is a good estimate. About $4 billion per year for the bureaucratic staff.


How much to keep the wall maintained?

Maintenance centers every 50 miles. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

About another $50-$100 billion every 7 years is the maintenance estimate.

Realistically, will a wall stop them?

There already is a wall in the hotspots.

The undocumented workers pay the “coyotes” border smugglers $500- $1,000 and are driven thru to Los Angeles. $40,000 a truckload. They have been driving thru like this for decades with assistance from Mexican authorities.

The wall certainly won't stop the criminals or terrorists.

The rest of the Border.

The Gulf of Mexico border is 1,680 miles.

The Canada Border is 3,987 miles.

The General coastline including Hawaii & Alaska is 12,479 miles. The NOAA Coastal Zones Management includes Bays and Coves puts the US coastline at 88,612 miles.


The wall fail it's primary purpose.

Because you are clearly very ignorant about the reality of 'The Wall' so let me provide you (and others) with some positive news on the matter.

There are already many parts of the wall already in existence - and some have had great success. Trump will use the successful ones and join them all together.

Here is the most successful one: http://www.yumasun.com/news/yuma-sector-one-of-border-s-most-secure/article_6802d31e-0d51-11e4-8418-001a4bcf6878.html

If you only read the Looney Liberal and Human Rights sites - you will never hear the truth about how it could be successful.

Here is a positive right wing argument for the wall : https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2015/08/border-fences-work

AND ....................... it will create many thousands of jobs (both in construction and in patrol/maintenance) - WIN/WIN :)

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Here is an engineers look at the reality of building the wall across the southern border.

Engineers have estimated a 20' wall would cost $25-$50 billion and an equal amount to maintain every 7 years.

Trumps wall will be 50' high, will cost around $75 - $125 billion.


The materials for the 50' wall are equal 6 Hoover Dams. 21,000 employees built that dam. The wall may need around 100,000 employees for ten years.

Pay them $100 per day/ 6 days per week = $36 billion in labor.


Around 15 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar.

500 concrete plants need to be setup along the border.

At least 3 steel mills running at capacity, with 15,000 employees just to make the rebar. Every truckload will still be transported up to 700 miles!


Engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road that can handle 52 million trips of heavy trucks. Terrain that prohibits construction like a floodplain, mountains, sand dunes. The costs skyrocket.

Condemning land.

The Government must first acquire the land. Thousands of private property owners will run up lawyer fees while Eminent Domain court cases last 7-10 years.

Hundreds of Judges and courts will be tied up for decades disputing the land appropriation.

13 Federal & State laws must be rewritten to permit the construction.

Business, landowners, towns & environment.

The Rio Grande is the USA 5th largest river. The natural border between Texas & Mexico goes right down the middle of the river and the river often changes course.

The wall must be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, municipalities and national parks and wildlife will be forced to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.

Environmental issues will slow down work to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years.

Border towns will be split in two. Thousands of businesses & families on both sides destroyed.

The wall can't block the thousands of tributaries, wetlands or flood planes. Full time Border Guards will need to watch these areas.


You would need a guard post every 2,000' or so. About 5,230 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 43,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 50 guard posts. About 2,000 staff there.

A fleet of INS choppers will need 15-20 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

Every 100 miles you need a government office building with 75 people doing paperwork. That's 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a main headquarters too.

A large building in DC with 2,000 staff is a good estimate. About $4 billion per year for the bureaucratic staff.


How much to keep the wall maintained?

Maintenance centers every 50 miles. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

About another $50-$100 billion every 7 years is the maintenance estimate.

Realistically, will a wall stop them?

There already is a wall in the hotspots.

The undocumented workers pay the “coyotes” border smugglers $500- $1,000 and are driven thru to Los Angeles. $40,000 a truckload. They have been driving thru like this for decades with assistance from Mexican authorities.

The wall certainly won't stop the criminals or terrorists.

The rest of the Border.

The Gulf of Mexico border is 1,680 miles.

The Canada Border is 3,987 miles.

The General coastline including Hawaii & Alaska is 12,479 miles. The NOAA Coastal Zones Management includes Bays and Coves puts the US coastline at 88,612 miles.


The wall fail it's primary purpose.

Atypical Liberal logic - paste together a lot of information, claim they are facts, interpret those (false) facts to support your preconceived argument.

Try reading something positive for a change: http://www.yumasun.com/news/yuma-sector-one-of-border-s-most-secure/article_6802d31e-0d51-11e4-8418-001a4bcf6878.html

Trump will use the successful walls that already exist and bring it all together - and create thousands of jobs in both construction and patrol/maintenance - WIN/WIN :)

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Here is an engineers look at the reality of building the wall across the southern border.

Engineers have estimated a 20' wall would cost $25-$50 billion and an equal amount to maintain every 7 years.

Trumps wall will be 50' high, will cost around $75 - $125 billion.


The materials for the 50' wall are equal 6 Hoover Dams. 21,000 employees built that dam. The wall may need around 100,000 employees for ten years.

Pay them $100 per day/ 6 days per week = $36 billion in labor.


Around 15 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar.

500 concrete plants need to be setup along the border.

At least 3 steel mills running at capacity, with 15,000 employees just to make the rebar. Every truckload will still be transported up to 700 miles!


Engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road that can handle 52 million trips of heavy trucks. Terrain that prohibits construction like a floodplain, mountains, sand dunes. The costs skyrocket.

Condemning land.

The Government must first acquire the land. Thousands of private property owners will run up lawyer fees while Eminent Domain court cases last 7-10 years.

Hundreds of Judges and courts will be tied up for decades disputing the land appropriation.

13 Federal & State laws must be rewritten to permit the construction.

Business, landowners, towns & environment.

The Rio Grande is the USA 5th largest river. The natural border between Texas & Mexico goes right down the middle of the river and the river often changes course.

The wall must be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, municipalities and national parks and wildlife will be forced to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.

Environmental issues will slow down work to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years.

Border towns will be split in two. Thousands of businesses & families on both sides destroyed.

The wall can't block the thousands of tributaries, wetlands or flood planes. Full time Border Guards will need to watch these areas.


You would need a guard post every 2,000' or so. About 5,230 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 43,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 50 guard posts. About 2,000 staff there.

A fleet of INS choppers will need 15-20 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

Every 100 miles you need a government office building with 75 people doing paperwork. That's 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a main headquarters too.

A large building in DC with 2,000 staff is a good estimate. About $4 billion per year for the bureaucratic staff.


How much to keep the wall maintained?

Maintenance centers every 50 miles. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

About another $50-$100 billion every 7 years is the maintenance estimate.

Realistically, will a wall stop them?

There already is a wall in the hotspots.

The undocumented workers pay the “coyotes” border smugglers $500- $1,000 and are driven thru to Los Angeles. $40,000 a truckload. They have been driving thru like this for decades with assistance from Mexican authorities.

The wall certainly won't stop the criminals or terrorists.

The rest of the Border.

The Gulf of Mexico border is 1,680 miles.

The Canada Border is 3,987 miles.

The General coastline including Hawaii & Alaska is 12,479 miles. The NOAA Coastal Zones Management includes Bays and Coves puts the US coastline at 88,612 miles.


The wall fail it's primary purpose.

Atypical Liberal logic - paste together a lot of information, claim they are facts, interpret those (false) facts to support your preconceived argument.

Try reading something positive for a change: http://www.yumasun.com/news/yuma-sector-one-of-border-s-most-secure/article_6802d31e-0d51-11e4-8418-001a4bcf6878.html

Trump will use the successful walls that already exist and bring it all together - and create thousands of jobs in both construction and patrol/maintenance - WIN/WIN smile.png

And will this wall-building project take place before or after the Rapture?

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