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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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The Clown Train continues it's Downward Spiral into absurdity and tragic comedy.

The Bloviator's new Communications Director: Jason Miller.

Formerly with: Lyin' Ted. laugh.png

Miller scrambles to delete his previous vicious Tweets about #SleazyDonald.

Too late. cheesy.gif

What Donald Trump’s New Communications Director Really Thinks Of Donald Trump, In 11 Deleted Tweets

"Donald Trump is having trouble putting together a full-fledged presidential campaign."

"Trump has a staff of little more than 70 people, compared to more than 700 for Hillary Clinton."

"The problem: many experienced Republican operatives do not want to work for him."






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iReason, thanks for the entertainment. It's hard to believe these things are not some B-grade Saturday Night Live sketch, but they appear to be true. It's like when HRC gave a speech, a month ago. All she had to do was insert a few direct Trump quotes. She didn't need to embellish or comment. She just quoted Trump in an even voice. Her audience lapped it up. I think that will be HRC's best tactic: merely quote him verbatum.

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Presidential Transition Process Already Underway

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has already announced that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will run his presidential transition team, along with his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The new president will be immediately responsible for the national security of the country."


Let us hope the Obama clowns don't rip the "T's" off all the computer keyboards in an uncontrolled fit of pique like Clinton's pouges did to Dubya and the "W's", eh?whistling.gif

Thank you again for your posting Boon, I needed a good laugh.

But with Christie around they probably can get some sponsorship money out of Dunkin Donuts.

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New poll Hillary 42 Trump 40 and Trump has the room for growth. biggrin.png

More significant:

Quinnipiac found an alarming statistic: 61% of those surveyed say the 2016 election has increased the level of hatred and prejudice in the United States -- compared to just 34% who say it has had no impact.
Of that 61%, 67% blame Trump and 16% blame Clinton.
The survey also found a majority of voters -- 58% for Trump, and 53% for Clinton -- said each would not be a good president.
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New poll Hillary 42 Trump 40 and Trump has the room for growth. biggrin.png

I read a discussion of that poll. This difference was that the Washington Post ABC poll asked: If the presidential election were being held today and the candidates were (Hillary Clinton, the Democrat) and (Donald Trump, the Republican), for whom would you vote? Would you lean toward (Clinton) or toward (Trump)?Quinnipiac left off that last question. So don't get your hopes up too high.


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New poll Hillary 42 Trump 40 and Trump has the room for growth. biggrin.png

Quinnipiac is NOTORIOUS for being a worthlessly skewed right wing polling outfit. Disregard.

Not true at all. Fivethirtyeight gave Quinnipiac an A- for accuracy in presidential elections.


and here Nate Silver explain their methodology:


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Actually citing individual polls is kind of pointless. It's the composite that counts. That's how Nate Silver was able to call 50 or 50 states correctly. There was a bit of luck in that. It could have been just 49 or 48. But still. Here's a link to an article by Jordan Weissman:


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Chamber of Commerce rips Trump's trade speech in real time

As Trump spoke, the organization posted a point-by-point rebuttal on social media.

"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce answered Donald Trump's trade policy speech on Tuesday by attempting to pick apart the presumptive Republican nominee's policies point by point,

engaging in a rapid-fire succession of social media posts hitting him for his opposition to international trade deals." thumbsup.gif

"In a post published before Trump took to the stage at a raw aluminum producer in Monessen, Pennsylvania, the chamber laid out the stakes for trade in both Pennsylvania and in Ohio."

"Trade is no panacea. Some workers lose their jobs to international competition, just as technological change and shifting consumer tastes regularly put some manufacturers out of business,"

wrote John G. Murphy, the chamber's senior vice president for international policy."


The Text Book Racist, clueless Bloviator, once again displays his amateurish, blundering, simplistic view of the world. facepalm.gif

This is the same guy who puts Americans out of work by outsourcing his daughter's, his wife's, and his own apparel lines to foreign countries:

China, Mexico, and Bangladesh.


The Bloviator is a twisted, sick hypocrite of the first degree.

My favorite label seen below, is "Hecho en China":

Made in China and labled in Spanish as well.

Dunning Kruger. Big Time.




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Trump the candidate running against another candidate; Trump2

Trump2: "Trump, you're losing in the polls."

Trump: "Crooked Hillary is going to lose."

Trump2: "Maybe, but every time you were ahead in the polls during the primaries, you kept denigrating your opponents as 'losers' while touting how great you were by being ahead in the polls."

Trump: "That was then."

Trump2: "So now that Hillary is ahead, why don't you call yourself a loser while asserting she's winning in the poll numbers? Don't bother answering, you two-faced slime ball. By the way, you harangued Obama for many months for his birth certificate, and in past election cycles you pestered other candidates to show their tax returns. Let's see your tax returns, big guy."

Trump: "I'd love to show them, but I'm very rich and my taxes are complicated. I'm worth many many billions of dollars. What are you worth? Probably a lot less. Plus I'm being audited and I can't reveal my taxes while they're at the IRS."

Trump2: "You're not being audited for the prior two years. Let's see those tax returns, big fella. Plus, being audited is no excuse, legal or not, for chickening out on showing your tax forms. Even Nixon did that. You're more shady than Nixon - that's a low bar."

Trump: "I'll sue you. I've sued many many people, and I always win."

Trump2: "You're half right. You have sued many people, but you usually lose."

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But the slipperylobsters, UlylsessysG, Max Yakovs of the threads seem to have all disappeared !

C'mon now, have to blame things here on Hillary somehow, no?

Answer is no, Trump is an as$h*le of the biggest degree, absolutely the WORST candidate ever which is par for the GOP course after the WORST President ever GW. Bush.

Bye-bye GOP, y'all suck massively

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More Republicans voted for Trump than for the other Republican contenders. So Trump is who they chose.

If the Republican establishment is pissed off, then too f'n bad, ha ha ha, chortle ha.

They allowed the Frankenstein to blunder out of the lab, now they're going to have to watch as their anal-retentive world comes crumbling down on Nov. 8th.

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Nigel Farage, leader of the U.K. Independence Party, said he sees New York businessman Donald Trump winning the U.S. presidential election this November.

"I sense he may well will win it because he may well get people voting that haven't voted for years," Farage told CNBC's "Power Lunch" on Tuesday.

Farage said, however, that Trump supporters may be underrepresented by pollsters in the same way that they failed to capture the scale of the leave campaign. Despite markets and polls projecting that Britons would vote to stay in the European Union, they ultimately voted last week to leave.

"There's kind of this consensus that has made people feel slightly embarrassed, ashamed to be patriotic, to believe we should control immigration and so when pollsters ring them, they tend to shy away a little bit,"


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Trump promises to end ‘economic surrender’ of Clinton trade deals

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump pledged Tuesday that if elected he would rewrite trade deals to bring jobs back to the U.S., and he blasted his Democrat counterpart Hillary Clinton for repeatedly choosing globalization at the expense of American workers.

Hillary Clinton and her friends in global finance want to scare America into thinking small and they want to scare the American people out of voting for a better future,” Mr. Trump said in a speech.

He said that his plan to revise bad trade deals and push back against globalization would reverse the decades of economic decline ushered in by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that President Bill Clinton signed and Mrs. Clinton supported.


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Interesting comments made on a left-wing media outlet (ABC Aust) :

The world is turning back on itself. The march to "progress", unstopped since 1945, is slowing in a tide of uncertainty. Whether this is inevitable as the last veterans of World War II die out and the evils of rampant nationalism are forgotten, or it is the result of the great neo-liberal globalisation experiment going wrong.........

And that says it all - the great neo-liberal globalisation experiment HAS GONE WRONG

And the (real) people have had enough. That Trump won the GOP nomination and that Brexit won is just the beginning.

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For far too long the neo-liberals have been able to shut down dissent against their left-wing political agenda, using 'racism' 'bigotry' 'fascist' 'Hitler' etc etc etc.

The people have had enough, and reject the notion that Nationalism is a bad thing and that Trade Protection is evil and that not agreeing with their neo-liberal views will lead to another Hitler arising and WW3.

Just read back on what the looney Liberals in this post have been saying - and you will see exactly those words used to describe both Trump and his supporters.

Well the truth of the matter is that the tide of 40+ people have had a gutful - and the 50+ are demanding change - and we are the largest demographic !!!

All you sad young narcissistic social media fools brought up in a neo-liberal world are about to see things change - common sense reality is making a comeback.

Let me tell you one example (just one of many we remember): Clinton (Bill) commenced a program to give cheap housing loans to underpriveleged people so they could buy their own homes. Millions took advantage and it grew and grew, til eventually the US and World economy was reliant on those loans (watch the movie/s). Net result? The economic collapse of 2007/8.

And what happened afterwards? A Wall Street bailout - all done for 'the people'. And almost 10 years later? The rich are richer - and the poor are poorer - it is worse than ever.

Brexit and Trump is just the first of a pragmatic common sense comeback that will change the western world. Under a Trump POTUS the banks will get loans (they must repay) with severe financial penalties, those causing it would go to jail, the bank's shareholders would all go broke, and in the end the people would be better off (not just the rich and their bankers).

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and the hits keep a'comin'..........

ABC reports: In his first prediction of the general election, Nate Silver says Hillary Clinton has a 79 percent chance of winning the presidency in November. Talking to ABC's George Stephanopoulos, Silver said their analysis found Clinton ahead in "almost every poll, every swing state, every national poll," noting that the only other candidate in history to forfeit such a large lead was Michael Dukakis in 1988.

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For far too long the neo-liberals have been able to shut down dissent against their left-wing political agenda, using 'racism' 'bigotry' 'fascist' 'Hitler' etc etc etc.

The people have had enough, and reject the notion that Nationalism is a bad thing and that Trade Protection is evil and that not agreeing with their neo-liberal views will lead to another Hitler arising and WW3.

Just read back on what the looney Liberals in this post have been saying - and you will see exactly those words used to describe both Trump and his supporters.

Well the truth of the matter is that the tide of 40+ people have had a gutful - and the 50+ are demanding change - and we are the largest demographic !!!

All you sad young narcissistic social media fools brought up in a neo-liberal world are about to see things change - common sense reality is making a comeback.

Let me tell you one example (just one of many we remember): Clinton (Bill) commenced a program to give cheap housing loans to underpriveleged people so they could buy their own homes. Millions took advantage and it grew and grew, til eventually the US and World economy was reliant on those loans (watch the movie/s). Net result? The economic collapse of 2007/8.

And what happened afterwards? A Wall Street bailout - all done for 'the people'. And almost 10 years later? The rich are richer - and the poor are poorer - it is worse than ever.

Brexit and Trump is just the first of a pragmatic common sense comeback that will change the western world. Under a Trump POTUS the banks will get loans (they must repay) with severe financial penalties, those causing it would go to jail, the bank's shareholders would all go broke, and in the end the people would be better off (not just the rich and their bankers).

It seems you're a glutton for punishment. Maybe you like spouting untruths and seeing them demolished. So, let's get this straight. The vast majority of bad loans made during the last mortgage crisis were done by private mortgage entities. They had no obligation to lend under the Community Reinvestment Act.

The Federal Reserve Board has found no connection between CRA and the subprime mortgage problems. In fact, the Board's analysis (102 KB PDF) found that nearly 60 percent of higher-priced loans went to middle- or higher-income borrowers or neighborhoods, which are not the focus of CRA activity. Additionally, about 20 percent of the higher-priced loans that were extended in low- or moderate-income areas, or to low- or moderate-income borrowers, were loans originated by lenders not covered by the CRA. Our analysis found that only six percent of all higher-priced loans were made by CRA-covered lenders to borrowers and neighborhoods targeted by the CRA. Further, our review of loan performance found that rates of serious mortgage delinquency are high in all neighborhood groups, not just in lower-income areas.


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For far too long the neo-liberals have been able to shut down dissent against their left-wing political agenda, using 'racism' 'bigotry' 'fascist' 'Hitler' etc etc etc.

The people have had enough, and reject the notion that Nationalism is a bad thing and that Trade Protection is evil and that not agreeing with their neo-liberal views will lead to another Hitler arising and WW3.

Just read back on what the looney Liberals in this post have been saying - and you will see exactly those words used to describe both Trump and his supporters.

Well the truth of the matter is that the tide of 40+ people have had a gutful - and the 50+ are demanding change - and we are the largest demographic !!!

All you sad young narcissistic social media fools brought up in a neo-liberal world are about to see things change - common sense reality is making a comeback.

Let me tell you one example (just one of many we remember): Clinton (Bill) commenced a program to give cheap housing loans to underpriveleged people so they could buy their own homes. Millions took advantage and it grew and grew, til eventually the US and World economy was reliant on those loans (watch the movie/s). Net result? The economic collapse of 2007/8.

And what happened afterwards? A Wall Street bailout - all done for 'the people'. And almost 10 years later? The rich are richer - and the poor are poorer - it is worse than ever.

Brexit and Trump is just the first of a pragmatic common sense comeback that will change the western world. Under a Trump POTUS the banks will get loans (they must repay) with severe financial penalties, those causing it would go to jail, the bank's shareholders would all go broke, and in the end the people would be better off (not just the rich and their bankers).

Exactly how had dissent been shut down? Has Fox been stifled? Breitbart.com? Glenn Beck? Rush Limbaugh? The Wall Street Journal's editorial page? What alternative universe do you live in? Or do you mean that people on the left have been saying things that hurt your feelings? I think that's what you really mean.

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Interesting comments made on a left-wing media outlet (ABC Aust) :

The world is turning back on itself. The march to "progress", unstopped since 1945, is slowing in a tide of uncertainty. Whether this is inevitable as the last veterans of World War II die out and the evils of rampant nationalism are forgotten, or it is the result of the great neo-liberal globalisation experiment going wrong.........

And that says it all - the great neo-liberal globalisation experiment HAS GONE WRONG

And the (real) people have had enough. That Trump won the GOP nomination and that Brexit won is just the beginning.

Lots of empty assertions. Though, apparently, you believe that putting something in really big characters means that its really, really true.

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