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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Even if Trump were wise on decisions (which he's not)

Even if Trump were apprised of issues (he's made a plethora of factual mistakes, while often caught flummoxed)

I would still consider him ill-suited for Commander in Chief because of his flawed character, to wit..........:

quick-to-anger / easily-offended

always exaggerating / trying to be funny by putting others down

(note, the above character flaws describe my mother who was, to put it nicely, not a good parent)

boasting, over-amping his abilities and his wealth / quick-to-slap-lawsuits

drug dealer (alcoholic drinks are not only drugs, they're the most dangerous drugs)

liar, flip-flopper, attacks questioners who ask tough questions

If he gets a majority of votes in November, then America is in for a tobagon road to hell. Ask any American who voted for Bush Jr what he thinks of Bush now ("he was awful" is what you'd mostly hear), ......but that won't be as bad as what Trump fans will say about Trump after he's destroyed America. Mussolini had many ardent fans initially. Look at how he wound up later, when his former fans saw who he really was. Same for Ceausescu from Romania, and Iraq's Hussein. It's often happened, in recent history, where a man shoots to power with mass fan appeal, ......later to be shot down (figuratively or literally) when the same fans see him as he really is.

Currently, a significant segment of Americans (19%?) are in the early stages of fan frenzy. Let's hope, for the well-being of America as a whole, that it doesn't get to the latter stages.

I don't think the system really cares much what you think. You're trying to apply your personal opinions to what a nation will do.

Trump now leads in California 54 - 20 !!! and leads in Indiana for tomorrow's primary. Every new poll he keeps getting stronger.

He now leads Hillary in the general election for the first time. First time.

no he doesnt

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It's not about rudeness. It's about the money and benefits for workers at his hotel.

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I worked with b&h back in 1972. Even back then, they were a couple of vulgar tyrants in training.

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Even if Trump were wise on decisions (which he's not)

Even if Trump were apprised of issues (he's made a plethora of factual mistakes, while often caught flummoxed)

I would still consider him ill-suited for Commander in Chief because of his flawed character, to wit..........:

quick-to-anger / easily-offended

always exaggerating / trying to be funny by putting others down

(note, the above character flaws describe my mother who was, to put it nicely, not a good parent)

boasting, over-amping his abilities and his wealth / quick-to-slap-lawsuits

drug dealer (alcoholic drinks are not only drugs, they're the most dangerous drugs)

liar, flip-flopper, attacks questioners who ask tough questions

If he gets a majority of votes in November, then America is in for a tobagon road to hell. Ask any American who voted for Bush Jr what he thinks of Bush now ("he was awful" is what you'd mostly hear), ......but that won't be as bad as what Trump fans will say about Trump after he's destroyed America. Mussolini had many ardent fans initially. Look at how he wound up later, when his former fans saw who he really was. Same for Ceausescu from Romania, and Iraq's Hussein. It's often happened, in recent history, where a man shoots to power with mass fan appeal, ......later to be shot down (figuratively or literally) when the same fans see him as he really is.

Currently, a significant segment of Americans (19%?) are in the early stages of fan frenzy. Let's hope, for the well-being of America as a whole, that it doesn't get to the latter stages.

I don't think the system really cares much what you think. You're trying to apply your personal opinions to what a nation will do.

Trump now leads in California 54 - 20 !!! and leads in Indiana for tomorrow's primary. Every new poll he keeps getting stronger.

He now leads Hillary in the general election for the first time. First time.

That's part of what happens on a blog. Posters post opinions.

All the exclamation points and cheering about Trump's leads only relate to Republican voters. As a group, they're a minority of US voters.

Yippee, 45% of 45% of the choir is voting for the preacher! Look at who Trump is running against. Republican voters have a paucity of decent material to decide among. I think Kasich will win Indiana. He came in 2nd in four out of five states recently. Kasich is the best chance the Reps have of winning in November, but don't tell Republicans, ha ha ha.

I'll be dollars to donuts that none of the Trump fans on this thread listened to HRC's entire victory speech after last week's primary (I listened to her's and to Trump's). They relish tearing her apart, but they can't be bothered with listening to what she says, or the wildly enthusiastic (and large) crowd which greeted her speech. They'd rather squench their eyes shut and keep reciting their mantra; "She's bad, She's an ogre. She's a felon. Worst person on the planet. I don't want to hear anything she says, ever."

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Van Jones’ unexpected warning to Dems about Trump and the black vote
"CNN contributor and former Obama aide Van Jones put out a warning to his fellow Democrats on Friday: Donald Trump is probably going to win the White House."
Van Jones is a black man - a Democrat political operative. He simply says that Trump is going to pull enough of the black vote to win the general election.
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Even if Trump were wise on decisions (which he's not)

Even if Trump were apprised of issues (he's made a plethora of factual mistakes, while often caught flummoxed)

I would still consider him ill-suited for Commander in Chief because of his flawed character, to wit..........:

quick-to-anger / easily-offended

always exaggerating / trying to be funny by putting others down

(note, the above character flaws describe my mother who was, to put it nicely, not a good parent)

boasting, over-amping his abilities and his wealth / quick-to-slap-lawsuits

drug dealer (alcoholic drinks are not only drugs, they're the most dangerous drugs)

liar, flip-flopper, attacks questioners who ask tough questions

If he gets a majority of votes in November, then America is in for a tobagon road to hell. Ask any American who voted for Bush Jr what he thinks of Bush now ("he was awful" is what you'd mostly hear), ......but that won't be as bad as what Trump fans will say about Trump after he's destroyed America. Mussolini had many ardent fans initially. Look at how he wound up later, when his former fans saw who he really was. Same for Ceausescu from Romania, and Iraq's Hussein. It's often happened, in recent history, where a man shoots to power with mass fan appeal, ......later to be shot down (figuratively or literally) when the same fans see him as he really is.

Currently, a significant segment of Americans (19%?) are in the early stages of fan frenzy. Let's hope, for the well-being of America as a whole, that it doesn't get to the latter stages.

I don't think the system really cares much what you think. You're trying to apply your personal opinions to what a nation will do.

Trump now leads in California 54 - 20 !!! and leads in Indiana for tomorrow's primary. Every new poll he keeps getting stronger.

He now leads Hillary in the general election for the first time. First time.

That's part of what happens on a blog. Posters post opinions.

All the exclamation points and cheering about Trump's leads only relate to Republican voters. As a group, they're a minority of US voters.

Yippee, 45% of 45% of the choir is voting for the preacher! Look at who Trump is running against. Republican voters have a paucity of decent material to decide among. I think Kasich will win Indiana. He came in 2nd in four out of five states recently. Kasich is the best chance the Reps have of winning in November, but don't tell Republicans, ha ha ha.

I'll be dollars to donuts that none of the Trump fans on this thread listened to HRC's entire victory speech after last week's primary (I listened to her's and to Trump's). They relish tearing her apart, but they can't be bothered with listening to what she says, or the wildly enthusiastic (and large) crowd which greeted her speech. They'd rather squench their eyes shut and keep reciting their mantra; "She's bad, She's an ogre. She's a felon. Worst person on the planet. I don't want to hear anything she says, ever."

Now you're doing what the Trumpists seem to specialize in: ignoring the data.. Overwhelmingly the polls show Trump winning and winning big in Indiana. By the way there is an interesting non-partisan article by a Native and resident Indianan about the composition of the Indiana electorate to be found here: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/indiana-is-weird/

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Did you actually read what snopes.com said about these alleged quotes? I suspect not. It doesn't offer much support for them. As for the link to the nypost which is a rightwing rag owned by Rupert Murdoch, why bother?

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The President of the United States shreds the Bloviator, the laughing stock of Washington (and the nation): cheesy.gif Hell, the world for that matter...


Did Bush use his position to denigrate Obama before he was elected?

Pretty low to use the bully pulpit to attack a candidate. Just reinforces my already low opinion of Obama.

I notice he isn't exactly endorsing HRC with enthusiasm, which would, IMO, be acceptable given she is the one to continue on with his policies.

Gore probably lost because he wouldn't let Bill endorse him.

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Even if Trump were wise on decisions (which he's not)

Even if Trump were apprised of issues (he's made a plethora of factual mistakes, while often caught flummoxed)

I would still consider him ill-suited for Commander in Chief because of his flawed character, to wit..........:

quick-to-anger / easily-offended

always exaggerating / trying to be funny by putting others down

(note, the above character flaws describe my mother who was, to put it nicely, not a good parent)

boasting, over-amping his abilities and his wealth / quick-to-slap-lawsuits

drug dealer (alcoholic drinks are not only drugs, they're the most dangerous drugs)

liar, flip-flopper, attacks questioners who ask tough questions

If he gets a majority of votes in November, then America is in for a tobagon road to hell. Ask any American who voted for Bush Jr what he thinks of Bush now ("he was awful" is what you'd mostly hear), ......but that won't be as bad as what Trump fans will say about Trump after he's destroyed America. Mussolini had many ardent fans initially. Look at how he wound up later, when his former fans saw who he really was. Same for Ceausescu from Romania, and Iraq's Hussein. It's often happened, in recent history, where a man shoots to power with mass fan appeal, ......later to be shot down (figuratively or literally) when the same fans see him as he really is.

Currently, a significant segment of Americans (19%?) are in the early stages of fan frenzy. Let's hope, for the well-being of America as a whole, that it doesn't get to the latter stages.

I don't think the system really cares much what you think. You're trying to apply your personal opinions to what a nation will do.

Trump now leads in California 54 - 20 !!! and leads in Indiana for tomorrow's primary. Every new poll he keeps getting stronger.

He now leads Hillary in the general election for the first time. First time.

That's part of what happens on a blog. Posters post opinions.

All the exclamation points and cheering about Trump's leads only relate to Republican voters. As a group, they're a minority of US voters.

Yippee, 45% of 45% of the choir is voting for the preacher! Look at who Trump is running against. Republican voters have a paucity of decent material to decide among. I think Kasich will win Indiana. He came in 2nd in four out of five states recently. Kasich is the best chance the Reps have of winning in November, but don't tell Republicans, ha ha ha.

I'll be dollars to donuts that none of the Trump fans on this thread listened to HRC's entire victory speech after last week's primary (I listened to her's and to Trump's). They relish tearing her apart, but they can't be bothered with listening to what she says, or the wildly enthusiastic (and large) crowd which greeted her speech. They'd rather squench their eyes shut and keep reciting their mantra; "She's bad, She's an ogre. She's a felon. Worst person on the planet. I don't want to hear anything she says, ever."

LOL. Problem with HRC is that she's such a proven liar that one is unable to believe anything she says.

Remember that one about landing under fire? 55555555555555555 It's really not the sort of thing that one can get confused about- had to be a deliberate lie. She has NEVER landed under fire, far as I'm aware. Like Obama, her shooting wars were all thousands of miles away.

From "hanging on the old barbed wire"

If you want to find the Sergeant, I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is. If you want to find the Sergeant, I know where he is, He's lying on the canteen floor. I've seen him, I've seen him, lying on the canteen floor, I've seen him, I've seen him, lying on the canteen floor. If you want to find the Quarter bloke I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is. If you want to find the Quarter-bloke, I know where he is, He's miles and miles behind the line. I've seen him, I've seen him, miles and miles and miles behind the line. I've seen him, I've seen him, miles and miles and miles behind the line. If you want the Sergeant-major, I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is. If you want the Sergeant-major, I know where he is. He's tossing off the privates' rum. I've seen him, I've seen him, tossing off the privates' rum. I've seen him, I've seen him, tossing off the privates' rum. If you want the C.O., I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is. If you want the C.O., I know where he is He is down in a deep dug-out, I've seen him, I've seen him, down in a deep dug-out, I've seen him, I've seen him, down in a deep dug-out.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Van Jones’ unexpected warning to Dems about Trump and the black vote
"CNN contributor and former Obama aide Van Jones put out a warning to his fellow Democrats on Friday: Donald Trump is probably going to win the White House."
Van Jones is a black man - a Democrat political operative. He simply says that Trump is going to pull enough of the black vote to win the general election.

Of all Americans, African Americans have done worst under Obama. They know what Obama's immigration policies have done to their job prospects. Prepare to be surprised how many vote for Trump.

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Van Jones’ unexpected warning to Dems about Trump and the black vote
"CNN contributor and former Obama aide Van Jones put out a warning to his fellow Democrats on Friday: Donald Trump is probably going to win the White House."
Van Jones is a black man - a Democrat political operative. He simply says that Trump is going to pull enough of the black vote to win the general election.

Of all Americans, African Americans have done worst under Obama. They know what Obama's immigration policies have done to their job prospects. Prepare to be surprised how many vote for Trump.

lol! thats grasping at straws

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Van Jones’ unexpected warning to Dems about Trump and the black vote
"CNN contributor and former Obama aide Van Jones put out a warning to his fellow Democrats on Friday: Donald Trump is probably going to win the White House."
Van Jones is a black man - a Democrat political operative. He simply says that Trump is going to pull enough of the black vote to win the general election.

Of all Americans, African Americans have done worst under Obama. They know what Obama's immigration policies have done to their job prospects. Prepare to be surprised how many vote for Trump.

lol! thats grasping at straws

We'll see who is correct in November then.

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Van Jones’ unexpected warning to Dems about Trump and the black vote
"CNN contributor and former Obama aide Van Jones put out a warning to his fellow Democrats on Friday: Donald Trump is probably going to win the White House."
Van Jones is a black man - a Democrat political operative. He simply says that Trump is going to pull enough of the black vote to win the general election.

Of all Americans, African Americans have done worst under Obama. They know what Obama's immigration policies have done to their job prospects. Prepare to be surprised how many vote for Trump.

lol! thats grasping at straws

We'll see who is correct in November then.

bet on it

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It's not about rudeness. It's about the money and benefits for workers at his hotel.

The title of your very own link...

"Workers fight for dignity in Trump's Las Vegas hotel: 'You don't talk to the boss"

She was making $

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My impression of the Trump movement is that it is indeed an insanely hyper nationalistic movement with some classic fascist characteristics. On top of that Trump is clearly channeling Mussolini in his cult of personality. Scary if he wins. Cannot allow that to happen.

Edited by Jingthing
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My impression of the Trump movement is that it is indeed an insanely hyper nationalistic movement with some classic fascist characteristics. On top of that Trump is clearly channeling Mussolini in his cult of personality. Scary if he wins. Cannot allow that to happen....

....unless a person wants to see the US go sliding downhill.

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My impression of the Trump movement is that it is indeed an insanely hyper nationalistic movement with some classic fascist characteristics. On top of that Trump is clearly channeling Mussolini in his cult of personality. Scary if he wins. Cannot allow that to happen.

"fascist" is an accusation without merit.

The Trump movement is really Obama's fault. Remember when everybody voted for "hope and change" and got the same old thing?

The Trump movement is a reaction to the fact that politics is broken. That politicians are paid for and have little concern over the electorate.

The Trump movement really isn't about what Trump is. It's about what he isn't - a career politician.

The same could be said about Bernie too.

I know a lot of smart people that will vote for Trump. People that have worked hard for a living and built their own businesses and despise politicians that leech off society. These people know full well that Trump will not have the power to destroy America but that him being elected is a necessary game changer.

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What's the difference between "anti-Trump" and "pro-Trump"? Well, the "anti-Trumps" are fascists while the "pro-Trumps" have balls.

Cojones on that fella!

Liberals are hilarious when they meet someone with an opposing view. They turn into instant fascists.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican presidential nomination may be in his sights,

yet Donald Trump has so far ignored vital preparations needed for a quick and effective transition to the general election.

"The New York businessman has collected little information about tens of millions of voters he needs to turn out in the fall. He's sent few people to battleground states compared with likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, accumulated little if any research on her, and taken no steps to build a network capable of raising the roughly,

$1 billion needed to run a modern-day general election campaign."



Let's see if the Bloviator coughs up a Billion. laugh.png

Better yet, just keep bumbling along Donnie. It's gonna be a great fall. Literally. thumbsup.gif


Edited by seedy
fair use
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Trump will appoint people to the Supreme Court who will uphold the Constitution including your free press.

Uphold the Constitution, ...really? Trump is on record for trying to stymie the president for doing his constitutional duty of nominating a supreme court justice when there's a vacancy. Remember, "delay delay delay" ?

Trump has said disparaging things about the press corps. He hates them when they do their jobs, and loves them during the rare times they lavish praise upon him. Everything is either love and hate with Trump. I expect that from 9 year old girls, but not from a President with his finger on the buttons of 77 nuclear weapons. Trump probably won't infringe on the basic rights of America's free press, but he will threaten and slap lawsuits right and left, which he has already promised. That's what another right-wing demagogue did in Thailand. Thaksin tried suing a young woman reporter for a ridiculously high amount, because she had written a benign article questioning Thaksin's statements. Trump is America's Thaksin and will be just as divisive and vindictive.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican presidential nomination may be in his sights,

yet Donald Trump has so far ignored vital preparations needed for a quick and effective transition to the general election.

"The New York businessman has collected little information about tens of millions of voters he needs to turn out in the fall. He's sent few people to battleground states compared with likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, accumulated little if any research on her, and taken no steps to build a network capable of raising the roughly,

$1 billion needed to run a modern-day general election campaign."


Let's see if the Bloviator coughs up a Billion. laugh.png

Better yet, just keep bumbling along Donnie. It's gonna be a great fall. Literally. thumbsup.gif

Trump may not need a billion dollars. He gets a lot of free publicity. Look at the amount of time you spend writing about him.

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My impression of the Trump movement is that it is indeed an insanely hyper nationalistic movement with some classic fascist characteristics. On top of that Trump is clearly channeling Mussolini in his cult of personality. Scary if he wins. Cannot allow that to happen.

"fascist" is an accusation without merit.

The Trump movement is really Obama's fault. Remember when everybody voted for "hope and change" and got the same old thing?

The Trump movement is a reaction to the fact that politics is broken. That politicians are paid for and have little concern over the electorate.

The Trump movement really isn't about what Trump is. It's about what he isn't - a career politician.

The same could be said about Bernie too.

I know a lot of smart people that will vote for Trump. People that have worked hard for a living and built their own businesses and despise politicians that leech off society. These people know full well that Trump will not have the power to destroy America but that him being elected is a necessary game changer.

Barack Obama is several months away from his long term stealth destruction of the Republican party.

After 7+ years of silently and calmly sustaining continuous malicious and malevolent rightwingnutcase lunatic attacks of every kind, President Obama is on the cusp of delivering his coup de grace to the right wing whackjobs who have presently seized control of the Republican party. The R party hadn't been in any great shape to begin with going into this quadrennial general election.

Donald Trump by name. Also the sixteen mushrooms that were supposedly the bounty of the contemporary Republican party and the right in American politics. Losers instead, all seventeen of 'em.

It's just great besides that Trump the birther is the bozo guy who will get the political and electoral sledge hammer swung down and pounded on his empty and impenetrable head.


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Trump will appoint people to the Supreme Court who will uphold the Constitution including your free press.

Uphold the Constitution, ...really? Trump is on record for trying to stymie the president for doing his constitutional duty of nominating a supreme court justice when there's a vacancy. Remember, "delay delay delay" ?

Trump has said disparaging things about the press corps. He hates them when they do their jobs, and loves them during the rare times they lavish praise upon him. Everything is either love and hate with Trump. I expect that from 9 year old girls, but not from a President with his finger on the buttons of 77 nuclear weapons. Trump probably won't infringe on the basic rights of America's free press, but he will threaten and slap lawsuits right and left, which he has already promised. That's what another right-wing demagogue did in Thailand. Thaksin tried suing a young woman reporter for a ridiculously high amount, because she had written a benign article questioning Thaksin's statements. Trump is America's Thaksin and will be just as divisive and vindictive.

Uphold the Constitution, ...really? Trump is on record for trying to stymie the president for doing his constitutional duty of nominating a supreme court justice when there's a vacancy. Remember, "delay delay delay" ?
The Constitution says that the president can't put anyone on the SC without the "advice and consent" of the Senate. Obama is at odds with the Senate which the people elected as Republican. He won't ask for or take their advice. The Senate is under no obligation from the Constitution to approve any Obama nomination. If it were, this would be in court right now.
Trump has said disparaging things about the press corps. -snip-
So, you really think an American President could actually stifle the press? Where have you been all of your life? Most presidents have gotten upset with the press but that didn't change anything. 1st Amendment...
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