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Khmer Time / Jonathan Greig

The Pacific branch of the US Army joined with members of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) to kick-start the Angkor Sentinel 2016, an annual military exchange between the two nations which will focus on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) this year.

Now in its seventh year, the military exchange held its opening ceremony at a military facility in Kampong Speu province on Monday and training exercises will be held in Phnom Penh for the rest of the week. The two armies will stage a test run on “both fixed port and bare beach locations,” measuring their preparedness in responding to urgent disasters.

“This important exercise provides the perfect venue and atmosphere for us to join together to improve our collective readiness when it comes to HA/DR response efforts,” said Maj. Gen. Edward F. Dorman III, 8th Tactical Support Center commander. “Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief are priorities for both of our countries, and as we operate together in this complex, ever-changing region, the future and growth of exercises like this one are critical to our regional stability and security.”

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22869/us--cambodia-hold-joint-military-events/

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