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I'm Assuming it Will Be Easy to Find Another Teaching Job in Thailand

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I'm here at my last day at the secondary school I am teaching at with no other job lined up.

I haven't really been sweating finding another job just yet because I think now is not the right time to apply and that I will find a job easily I don't know if I'm right about his?

In my experience a lot of Thai schools do things at the last minute including hiring. With the break and Songkran coming up I don't assume that a lot of hiring will be done except by the most diligent of people.

Even though I am Japanese-American I think I can land a job easily because the schools are poorly managed. Some are just desperate to find people due to the lack of planning. I know a good number of managers will discriminate against me because I'm Asian. In many instances they just need the native English speaker really bad.

Should I be so nonchalant about this? Last time I decided to bail on a position in Minburi but everything worked out because I ended up at a better and closer school.

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The sooner the better to get a job sorted, otherwise if you sit back on your ass you will be running around at the last minute like a headless chicken. Plus the schools can play their silly games with salaries, knowing that you do not have much time to find another school. Also if you need to go to Laos for your visa, it will be Pandemonium as others who have sat on their hands will be doing the same thing. The work permit can be done after, but the visa plus job come first. Best to get this out of the way before Songkran if you can as there are still 3 weeks before that fiasco begins. Plus take into account the public holidays at the start of May, this can make things tricky if you need to go out of country as the consulates will be closed.

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I'm not working in a Thai school so I don't know about hiring. But doesn'tyour way of seeking jobs just mean that the school that will hire you is going to be poorly managed? Feels a bit odd to intentionally look for such an employer.

I'm not looking for a poorly managed school. That's just the way they operate.

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So what happened with your visa/wp? Normally these are cancelled when you finish your job and need to leave the country immediately or get another 7 days at immigration. It's best to find a job asap as this is the time the best jobs will become available. May is too late as the best jobs will be taken.

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I'm not working in a Thai school so I don't know about hiring. But doesn'tyour way of seeking jobs just mean that the school that will hire you is going to be poorly managed? Feels a bit odd to intentionally look for such an employer.

I'm not looking for a poorly managed school. That's just the way they operate.

If you choose to wait until the very last minute to apply then you limit yourself to poorly managed schools. Why not apply as soon as possible to get into the schools who actually have their s*** together?

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I'm not working in a Thai school so I don't know about hiring. But doesn'tyour way of seeking jobs just mean that the school that will hire you is going to be poorly managed? Feels a bit odd to intentionally look for such an employer.

I'm not looking for a poorly managed school. That's just the way they operate.

If you are willing to work in a poorly managed school for such a small pittance, what does that say about you?

Schools may be poorly managed but many poorly manage themselves acting as teachers.

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Are you willing to work in Thailand's best comer, also called Isaan?

I've thought about it. It doesn't seem so bad.

BTW, I see the trolls are out.

I don't think lostinisaan is trolling you so much, but the fact you are thinking about leaving things last minute kind of makes you look foolish. If you really plan to find a decent schools with decent benefits you really need to get your backside moving come Monday. The longer you leave it the less positions will be available. You also need to think about if you need to relocate for the new job. I have been here for a while, and to be honest job hunting usually starts in Dec/Jan for the decent schools. They know who they will keep or let go and what they need for the May start, and might want you to start before school opens with a short English camp or trip, so that the students get to know you and vise-versa.

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You posted a similar topic a few days ago, I recommended then and again NOW you look for a job either in an international school or Vietnam. If you are an honestly qualified teacher with a Bachelor's degree and a TEFL/TESOL, and you REALLY want to stay in Thailand, send me a personal message. I can probably hook you up with a few job offers.

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As I recruit new teachers at my school, I believe I can offer good advice on this. I recommend you start applying now for a new teaching post. Many schools, certainly the better ones, have already recruited or are actively recruiting teachers for the new semester in May. They like to get this done before April when the majority are shut apart from skeleton staff and summer camps. The longer you leave it, the lesser your chances of a good opportunity. My advice is to start looking today to find a new school you can continue your career at.

Edited by phiti
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I agree with Phiti. I work at a university so our hiring practices and timeline is a bit different than primary or secondary schools. However, I do agreed that "better" managed schools will have this process well designed and deployed.

I don't think it would be a fatal flaw to wait until later, but I think I'm doing so one must acknowledge that some schools will be closed as an option.

I can't say that schools who don't recruit now, or soon are overtly "bad", but I do think (IMHO) there is some level of correlation between how the school manages their recruitment of foreign teachers and how the larger school itself is run on a day-to-day basis.

I think it all depends on what you want, risk you're willing or able to take and what you're willing to accept.

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Two ways of going about it.

1. Identify where you want to live and approach local schools, or

2.Identify the schools you'd like to work in and be prepared to move (possible lease problems)

I've only worked in a couple for short periods but found I want to be able to walk there and not getting up before 6 to get ready and stuck in traffic. Especially coming home with bus crammed pack.

If you have the proper requirements its easy enough

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where are you guy? do you know any Japanese? if so and in the North a nice high school. Bankat Maewang next to the Shrine for Japanese Soldiers. they have a Japanses language teacher and student exchange because of the Shrine. just an idea. a nice school, small classroom sizes. nice people too, some there quite on purpose to avoid the politics of anything bigger, if they are not civil service yet and some if they are locals and can arrange the post somehow.

ooops. forgot to add. this is in Chiangmai province!

Edited by maewang99
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I don't really think that sending out applications is the way to go.You need to get off your arse and go visit the schools.In that way they can see you and hear you speak.Its well worth the effort.Thai heads are funny about the people they hire,if you show confidence and you smell nice(believe me this matters) and have a good personality,this will gain you points.Thai heads don't usually get back to you if you are just a name and a photograph on a CV.It normally ends up in the bin.Also beware if you are interviewed by a ferang head master,or head of depart ment as they will see you as competition in the future for their job.

Good luck.


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