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Thai businessman charged for fatal collision amid mounting criticism


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Let's wait and see whether this mounting criticism is sustained long enough to ensure he is given appropriate sentencing. Being 'charged' is one thing, actual punishment meted out quite another.

Another thing which most farang don't know is that it is common judicial practice to let perpetrators off if they've offered monetary compensation over justice, and it's been refused by the aggrieved party/ies. The Thais know this, so I believe a little less 'blood money' posts be in order. The bastards go free anyway. Thailand and what we understand as justice simply doesn't belong here.

Edited by dageurreotype
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If you watch the film you will see this guy drifting to the left lane, the so called slow lane, and striking the other vehicle from behind. According to several news reports the speedometer in the Benz was stuck on 200 plus km at the time of the accident. Oddly enough, after the car was taken to the police lot the battery was removed so the speedometer reads zero. Will the computer still show the speed or will there be no record? This guy was either under the influence or texting, there was no reason for him to enter the slow lane and no apparent effort to brake.

The vehicle will have recorded the last 3-10 seconds of key data. It's in all vehicles built to developed world standards.

The catch is that the information may eiher be intentionally destroyed or ignored.

Mercedes Benz should ask itself if it really needs to have this type of person as a representative.

Yes they should ask themselves that question - but will they, more than likely sight the crash survival benefits of their cars.

I think you'll find that his company has no affiliation to Mercedes, they just happen to be one of the brands that he imports on the 'grey' market, as well as being his current personal car. According to the article in the other thread, in one of his previous crashes he was driving a BMW, with the same number plate. But he never killed anyone then, or in any of the other "incidents" he was involved in, so that's okay - according to his father.

Pleased he hasn't killed anyone else, so this should be given due consideration when this case gets to court, if ever. Guess I could be considered as just bad luck - sh1t happens.

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Officers In Charge of Ayutthaya Deadly Collision Removed
By Teeranai Charuvastra
Staff Reporter

National police deputy commander Pongsapat Pongcharoen, at right, on Thursday night inspects the burned out remains of Ford Fiesta in the Sunday collision.

AYUTTHAYA — The police officers investigating Sunday’s deadly collision that left two dead on an Ayutthaya highway have been replaced following criticism they failed to test the driver for alcohol and drug use.

Police said yesterday that new officers have been brought in to oversee the case against 37-year-old Jenphop Viraporn. He was only charged with fatal reckless driving yesterday, three days after he slammed his Mercedes-Benz into a Ford Fiesta at high speed, killing two graduate students inside. Both victims - a man and a woman - were in their early 30s.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1458280013

-- Khaosod English 2016-03-18

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Officers In Charge of Ayutthaya Deadly Collision Removed

By Teeranai Charuvastra

Staff Reporter


National police deputy commander Pongsapat Pongcharoen, at right, on Thursday night inspects the burned out remains of Ford Fiesta in the Sunday collision.

AYUTTHAYA — The police officers investigating Sunday’s deadly collision that left two dead on an Ayutthaya highway have been replaced following criticism they failed to test the driver for alcohol and drug use.

Police said yesterday that new officers have been brought in to oversee the case against 37-year-old Jenphop Viraporn. He was only charged with fatal reckless driving yesterday, three days after he slammed his Mercedes-Benz into a Ford Fiesta at high speed, killing two graduate students inside. Both victims - a man and a woman - were in their early 30s.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1458280013


-- Khaosod English 2016-03-18

Moving the chairs on the deck around. Expect to see an outcome similar to the replaced police investigator on KT. With similar outcome coffee1.gif

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Isn't social media fantastic! No wonder the government is scrambling to censor it, the Thai people who are increasingly seeing through the facade are finding safety in numbers and finally speaking out.

Sadly this is one of the few instances where they can speak out in solid numbers on an issue. The pressure was so great that the police finally caved and filed charges against this "rich person" The outcome could be an entirely different story as the story fades away and numbers get bandied about. I am sure the junta has been taken aback by the furiosity of the social media attack. They might in the end decide to tighten the screws even more on social media sensing the danger that might lie therein for them. China is presently on a media tightening campaign and so is the rest of the world to one degree or another.

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Scum. It's on film too. Even when he inevitably walks he will have a significantly lighter pocket and will have lost face. Even the keystones are scrambling so may even see a transfer or too there. Not a brilliant result considering the gravity of the offences / consequences.

But in a land where life is disgustingly cheap, probably a good result under the circumstances

Easy z42 you will set off all the Thai cultural defenders who will bring out their usual like it or leave it drivel. Common sense is not one of their strong suits. Cheap beer and curvy young ladies seem to neuter common sense and inflame other less desirable feelings aggressiveness being one. Its one of the reasons I quit drinking. I done seen de light.

Edited by elgordo38
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He declined to be tested for alcohol WHAT!!

How can the police justify that?

Oh sorry he was driving a Merc. He has plenty of brown envelopes at his office.

Maybe that is what they thought.

Afaik most places in the world automatically charge you with DUI if you refuse either a breathaliser or a blood test.

That's the law HERE,,, it was reported awhile back, on TVF,, something to the effect, that refusal was AUTOMATIC guilt,,,

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He declined to be tested for alcohol WHAT!!

How can the police justify that?

Oh sorry he was driving a Merc. He has plenty of brown envelopes at his office.

Maybe that is what they thought.

Four days past and now they are filing charges. I guess the brown envelopes they were expecting got lost in the mail.

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Two postgrad students burned to death

By an alleged drunk speeding in his Benz.

he really needs to PAY BIG TIME !!

Indeed, indeed...but we shouldn't hold our breath: 100 or so dead in Santika and it took 8 or 10 years and 4 court cases before that was resolved ( with a lenient sentence to boot).

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Again, see the pictures and just look at what that Mercedes did to that Fiesta...

It all depends on the price of the car.

If you put on your thinking cap you demand a lot more from a Bt. 2,000,000++ car than from a Bt. 500,000 car like a Ford Fiesta, the car for the working stiffs of the country. It's the same the world over, not just in Thailand.

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When I read these stories, I can tell you: I can't eat as much, as I want to throw up!

He declined to be tested for alcohol?

The comment of the father on top of that!

Just have a look at that video: the car is like a speeding bullet, for Pete's sake!

But he will pay some of his family's dirty baht to the family of the victims and this case will vanish!

Although, I wish, they would deny the money, tell him to shove it and sue his @$$ off!

The parents will settle out of fear wondering how high up the ladder the fathers sphere of influence goes. In the end there could be repercussions/intimidation for them as well. We foreigners sometimes forget about the double standard that exists here. This is not the west but the wild wild west.

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Again, see the pictures and just look at what that Mercedes did to that Fiesta...

It all depends on the price of the car.

If you put on your thinking cap you demand a lot more from a Bt. 2,000,000++ car than from a Bt. 500,000 car like a Ford Fiesta, the car for the working stiffs of the country. It's the same the world over, not just in Thailand.

The badge on the side of the Benz indicates that it was a V8 biturbo engine, so more likely in excess of 15,000,000 baht.

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I think you'll find that his company has no affiliation to Mercedes, they just happen to be one of the brands that he imports on the 'grey' market, as well as being his current personal car. According to the article in the other thread, in one of his previous crashes he was driving a BMW, with the same number plate. But he never killed anyone then, or in any of the other "incidents" he was involved in, so that's okay - according to his father.

Pleased he hasn't killed anyone else, so this should be given due consideration when this case gets to court, if ever. Guess I could be considered as just bad luck - sh1t happens.

Yes, just like all these suspended jail sentences, because the sentenced has never actually served any previous jail time. This is a bit different though: "I'll let you off this time, because in all your previous escapades you never killed anyone, but now you have, so should it happen again, I'll get very angry, and you could be looking at a nasty 1,000 baht fine! And I'll add 500 baht for each occurrence following that too, so just watch out!"

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When I read these stories, I can tell you: I can't eat as much, as I want to throw up!

He declined to be tested for alcohol?

The comment of the father on top of that!

Just have a look at that video: the car is like a speeding bullet, for Pete's sake!

But he will pay some of his family's dirty baht to the family of the victims and this case will vanish!

Although, I wish, they would deny the money, tell him to shove it and sue his @$$ off!

The parents will settle out of fear wondering how high up the ladder the fathers sphere of influence goes. In the end there could be repercussions/intimidation for them as well. We foreigners sometimes forget about the double standard that exists here. This is not the west but the wild wild west.

Based on what I'm seeing, the victims were very well connected and hence the publicity.

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Investigation, trial and punishment by social media.


True. On the other hand, without social media do you think that there would have been any investigation let alone trial and punishment?
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Oh look, National police deputy commander Pongsapat Pongcharoen, "inspects" a burned out car 5 days after the fact in the salvage yard for a photo op.

The public must feel so reassured...


Just brings into focus the uselessness of law enforcement and what a complete farce it is.
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Jenphop Plowed Through Toll Booth Before Deadly Crash
By Teeranai Charuvastra
Staff Reporter

Jenphop Viraporn blows through a toll booth barrier not long before causing two deaths Sunday in a still image from security footage.

BANGKOK — Not long before speeding on to cause two highway deaths, vehicular manslaughter suspect Jenphop Viraporn smashed through a Bangkok toll booth barrier in an incident also captured on video.

About an hour before the 37-year-old luxury car dealer slammed into a vehicle on a highway in Ayutthaya which then burst into flames, killing two students inside, Jenphop was filmed in the same Mercedes-Benz in a video uploaded to social media Friday.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1458284768

-- Khaosod English 2016-03-18

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Thanks to social media in the last 2 days, looks as though justice might prevail.

1) national police bigwigs getting involved

2) initial (local) investigators removed from the case

3) the graduates are getting royal-sponsored cremations .... so daddy's money/influence is stuffed.

I just hope some corrupt police will fall too.

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Singapore bound?

Or he'll man up and face the consequences - daddy will pay the families, make "donations" where required and he'll have to endure the suspended minor sentence and 100 hours community service which he'll never do.

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From the Khao Sod article above: "Damkoeng said expressway authorities will not press charges against Jenphop because there was no damage to the barrier, which is designed to survive impact. They will however seek the unpaid toll".

Ooh, now he's in trouble. He's going to be hit for a 50baht toll fee. That will teach him. I'll bet all those claiming that he'd get away unpunished are feeling a bit silly now.

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Thanks to social media in the last 2 days, looks as though justice might prevail.

1) national police bigwigs getting involved

2) initial (local) investigators removed from the case

3) the graduates are getting royal-sponsored cremations .... so daddy's money/influence is stuffed.

I just hope some corrupt police will fall too.

They police are investigating the police for alleged delays in the investigation. Wonder if they'll investigate why no tests for drugs and alcohol were made?

"Sir, you've just caused and accident resulting in 2 fatalities. We will test you for drugs and alcohol"

Rich driver: "No, you won't."

"O k sir, have a good day".

Pathetic police work. More interested in the "angle" for themselves than justice and enforcing the law.

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Jenphop Plowed Through Toll Booth Before Deadly Crash

By Teeranai Charuvastra

Staff Reporter


Jenphop Viraporn blows through a toll booth barrier not long before causing two deaths Sunday in a still image from security footage.

BANGKOK — Not long before speeding on to cause two highway deaths, vehicular manslaughter suspect Jenphop Viraporn smashed through a Bangkok toll booth barrier in an incident also captured on video.

About an hour before the 37-year-old luxury car dealer slammed into a vehicle on a highway in Ayutthaya which then burst into flames, killing two students inside, Jenphop was filmed in the same Mercedes-Benz in a video uploaded to social media Friday.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1458284768


-- Khaosod English 2016-03-18

In any normal civilized country someone who drives through a toll, smashing the barrier, then plows at excessive speed into the back of another car, killing to innocent young people, and then who also refuses to be tested for illegal drugs and alcohol would be facing a long prison sentence.

Let's see how this one pans out in Thailand.

Blood money paid, some public merit making with media present, slap on the wrist, suspended sentence, and maybe some community service? Or a long prison sentence, driving ban and very big fine?

What's the betting?

Or will it simply disappear like all those others where the chosen ones are involved?

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