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British professor wins US$700k for solving 300-year-old math equation


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British. Suppose he is English then. British institutional racism at its best Scotland for Scots. Wales for Welch. Ireland for Irish. But English British .

I found the maths equation easier to *decipher* than your sentence! wacko.png

*decipher* means figure out or solve

I belive the poster is referring to cases in the UK where people have flown the flag of St George in England and have been branded racists and have been instructed by the local councils to remove said flags

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Okay, but what about Somchai's theorem?

If you give the Thai clerk 1,000 baht for a 150 baht purchase = you will get 350 baht change.

But that does not include the Thai Wife constant ! When I give a thousand baht to pay a 150 baht bill they give the change to my wife and I never receive any baht change sad.png

Somchais theorem plus the Thai Wife constant = Zero for all known whole numbers.

SCT + TWC = 0 x ∞

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British. Suppose he is English then. British institutional racism at its best Scotland for Scots. Wales for Welch. Ireland for Irish. But English British .

Institutional racism? Posters on here get worse by the day.

Why do you suppose he's English? What is Welch, a Shadows guitarist?

Ireland is not part of the British Commonwealth, Irish people are not British, they're Irish. Citizens of Northern Ireland are British though.

Almost right but not quite.

Citizens of NI are not British but UK (Britain & NI) citizens.

Does it say that on their passports? On the id page under citizenship?

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