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Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders appears in court to answer charges of hate speech


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so when did wanting to protect your culture and way of life and to stop Islamic atrocities become 'hate' ???

Europe has a long history of barbaric religious intolerance.

Protecting their culture and way of life - that's what the Croats said when the slaughtered the Serbs, the Serbs said when the undertook the genocide in Bosnia, it's what the Ukranians and Germans said when the massacred tens of thousands of jews at Babi Yar, what the Germans said when they slaughtered the Russians and Poles, and then when the Hungarians, Poles and Russians reciprocated. It's what the ultra nationist Italians said when they invaded North Africa under Mussolini, what the French Catholics said when they killed and tortured the Hugenots. The English said similar when they purged the catholics and jews from their nation, with the Irish Catholics returning the favour.

Europeans have given the world some of its most disgusting and horrific abuses and genocides, so one should not underestimate the depths of depravity and violence that Europeans are capable of.

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Gert should be feeling very comfortable now !

The bombings in Brussels will be difficult for the most rabid of apologists to explain away

Now confirmed as acts of Muslim extremism the bombings lend support to everything Gert has predicted and warned about.

The West needs more men of courage like Gert to rid us of this plague of terror.

Wilders's rise in popularity only shows the downsides by living in a democracy, the power of the simple easily manipulated minds, and the total lack of common sense and demographic/socio economic foresight of politicians from the established political parties. The answer always lies in the ....shades of grey....cohesion instead of division. The latter will happen if Wilders comes out a big winner in next national election.

Any vote for him is a ...hate vote....and will bring nothing good to the country. Sadly the trend, with a nutter like Trump rising as well .....its gonna become a dangerous world with uncertain times ahead.

I would think the good people of Brussels feel the world is already dangerous and uncertain.

It has nothing to do with Wilders or Trump.

It has everything to do with Islamic radicals.

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Gert should be feeling very comfortable now !

The bombings in Brussels will be difficult for the most rabid of apologists to explain away

Now confirmed as acts of Muslim extremism the bombings lend support to everything Gert has predicted and warned about.

The West needs more men of courage like Gert to rid us of this plague of terror.

Wilders's rise in popularity only shows the downsides by living in a democracy, the power of the simple easily manipulated minds, and the total lack of common sense and demographic/socio economic foresight of politicians from the established political parties. The answer always lies in the ....shades of grey....cohesion instead of division. The latter will happen if Wilders comes out a big winner in next national election.

Any vote for him is a ...hate vote....and will bring nothing good to the country. Sadly the trend, with a nutter like Trump rising as well .....its gonna become a dangerous world with uncertain times ahead.

Without men like Gert you and every other Westerner will soon be living within the Caliphate and subject to Sharia Law .

Does that appeal ?

Apologists and Appeasers are the dangerous people.

It certainly does not appeal, not least because it simply ain't going to happen.

With the Muslim population of the EU at a mere 3.8% and the vast majority of those law abiding citizens, how exactly do you figure the caliphate is going to come about...soon?

Just hot aired Islamophobic hyperbole.

Edited by dexterm
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a mere 3.8%, Belgium alone has got 5% !

"The total number of Muslims in the European Union in 2010 was about 19 million (3.8%)"


Math 101.

Right, wikipedia it must be true !! No need to be a smart arse, go and have a look there for yourself and see how safe you feel in Schaarbeek, molenbeek, Vorst, St gillis and so on......

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Maybe this link is more accurate.....percentages rising though for certain countries.

The figures are exactly from the same source as mine Pew Research Jan 2011. I would gladly acknowledge anything more recent from a credible source.

Of course I condemn the recent atrocities in Belgium and France by the barabaric ISIS, as I do those committed by all other Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist fanatics.

What I objected to was the ridiculous scaremongering (that Europe is about to become a caliphate introducing Sharia Laws) and the blanket stereotyping of a quarter of the world's population by a poster above, which I believe is simply a cover for naked hate speech. Condemn the perpetrators but not collectively punish or smear a whole religion.

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a mere 3.8%, Belgium alone has got 5% !

"The total number of Muslims in the European Union in 2010 was about 19 million (3.8%)"


Math 101.

I will be in Belgium during the month of May.

I invite you for a walk through a few Brussels communes, you will feel "sabai dee" there, I assure you.

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Maybe this link is more accurate.....percentages rising though for certain countries.

The figures are exactly from the same source as mine Pew Research Jan 2011. I would gladly acknowledge anything more recent from a credible source.

Of course I condemn the recent atrocities in Belgium and France by the barabaric ISIS, as I do those committed by all other Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist fanatics.

What I objected to was the ridiculous scaremongering (that Europe is about to become a caliphate introducing Sharia Laws) and the blanket stereotyping of a quarter of the world's population by a poster above, which I believe is simply a cover for naked hate speech. Condemn the perpetrators but not collectively punish or smear a whole religion.

But those 4 religions you mentioned above doesn`t represent ANY threat at all to the West,but islam at the present do.

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in reply to Galactus (thread full).

Don't you dare lecture me about the holocaust, especially in light of your obsessive demonization of Israel. Here is what Geert Wilders wrote about Jews.

If the Jews are denied the right to live in freedom and peace, soon we will all be denied this right. If the light of Israel is extinguished, we will all face darkness. If Israel falls, the West falls.

And secondly kindly desist with your dishonesty. The Islamist far right and The European far left (in repugnant alliance) are the cause of far more antisemitism than the so called 'far right'.

70% of the antisemitic attacks in Holland come from immigrants (read Muslim immigrants).


Do you believe everything they write?

I am not sure if by 'they' you mean Jews but I suspect you do. However, that the vast majority of race hate crime victims in the UK, the USA, France, Holland etc are Jewish is a fact attested by many people, including non Jewish organisations. The problem is not islamaphobia but Judaphobia which is spread via the koran and mosques every friday - throughout the world. The defeat of the arab and muslim culture by Jews in the attempted invasion of Israel, three times, was a terrible shock from which the Arabs have never recovered. It was unthinkable for them to be defeated by 'dhimmis'. Now they promote Jew hate to fellow muslims of all nationalities using palestine as an excuse which is why anti Jewish rhetoric and violence is growing in the west, especially where there is a new but entrenched Muslim population. We all need to support, Wilders and Israel and all who fight against and speak against Islamic neo fascism.

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Maybe this link is more accurate.....percentages rising though for certain countries.

The figures are exactly from the same source as mine Pew Research Jan 2011. I would gladly acknowledge anything more recent from a credible source.

Of course I condemn the recent atrocities in Belgium and France by the barabaric ISIS, as I do those committed by all other Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist fanatics.

What I objected to was the ridiculous scaremongering (that Europe is about to become a caliphate introducing Sharia Laws) and the blanket stereotyping of a quarter of the world's population by a poster above, which I believe is simply a cover for naked hate speech. Condemn the perpetrators but not collectively punish or smear a whole religion.

But those 4 religions you mentioned above doesn`t represent ANY threat at all to the West,but islam at the present do.

Not so sure about that, but dont want to drift off topic re each separate religion.
Perhaps Islam plays such a prominent role at the moment, because a) we always need a bogeyman (previously historically it has been Italians, Irish, Jews, communists) and we in the West are the ones who have been meddling in the affairs of Islamic countries for the last 100 years. Chickens come home to roost.
Edited by dexterm
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