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Self defence / protection tools

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In that instance I would choose mixed martial arts. Boxing also has rules and once you're on the ground is useless.

But yea better than karate of course.

You don't "choose" anything. When a nutter took a flying headbutt at me I flew back like a mongoose on steroids because of all the things I'd done that - at that point - had made me who I was. I then hit him with two punches and broke my pinky because of who I was. I then ended up half on a sofa with the lunatic on top of me. I grabbed his hair with my left hand and fired three full power punches into the side of his head, ending it.

None of this has anything to do with choice. When I got my head pulped into a misshapen approximation of what it had been, and blood inside my left eye - pink world - there wasn't any "choice" involved in the nightmare, or if there was it wasn't helping.

There are only two things to say on self-protection. 1) Listen to Geoff Thompson. 2) Listen to Geoff Thompson. Now I realise that strictly speaking this is only one thing, but it's such an important thing I thought it was worth mentioning twice. biggrin.png


I don't know what you're talking about. but I think you missed the point I was trying to make. When it comes to self defense I would use anything to defend myself. I'm not obsessed with it though but obviously there are sports or martial arts more useful than others.

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Just do as the (Shaolin) monks...mind you he even spares the boxer by hitting him with open hands.

Isn't the boxer a bit disadvantaged? He is wearing bloody great big gloves while the monk gets to slap him skin on skin. Very good technique though.

In that instance I would choose mixed martial arts. Boxing also has rules and once you're on the ground is useless.

But yea better than karate of course.

You don't "choose" anything. When a nutter took a flying headbutt at me I flew back like a mongoose on steroids because of all the things I'd done that - at that point - had made me who I was. I then hit him with two punches and broke my pinky because of who I was. I then ended up half on a sofa with the lunatic on top of me. I grabbed his hair with my left hand and fired three full power punches into the side of his head, ending it.

None of this has anything to do with choice. When I got my head pulped into a misshapen approximation of what it had been, and blood inside my left eye - pink world - there wasn't any "choice" involved in the nightmare, or if there was it wasn't helping.

There are only two things to say on self-protection. 1) Listen to Geoff Thompson. 2) Listen to Geoff Thompson. Now I realise that strictly speaking this is only one thing, but it's such an important thing I thought it was worth mentioning twice. biggrin.png


I don't know what you're talking about. but I think you missed the point I was trying to make. When it comes to self defense I would use anything to defend myself. I'm not obsessed with it though but obviously there are sports or martial arts more useful than others.

I'll make myself clear, Grasshopper. The sentence, "When it comes to self defense I would use anything to defend myself", assumes a "choosing you" in the middle of a melee. That shows a fundamental misconception, in my view. A real fight is an out of body experience. Nothing seems real. Your arms seem short and yet your opponent seems able to hit you easily. You're tired not as if you're in the middle of a hard training session, but as if you have the flu - just weak.

Watch "Bully Beatdown". "Andrew" is the sneering scumbag who will assault you. The look on his face when the roundhouse kick goes in is what happens to the ordinary person when they get hurt. Now you might say that this makes your point - the MMA fighter shows that MMA works. No. The least interesting thing about the MMA fighter are the techniques that you could study. It's the thousands of hours of pain, fear and impact during training that make him useful. An Isaan Muay Thai fighter will hit the bag less hard than a farang twice his size, but when the farang gets his nose busted and starts swallowing blood it all changes. There are no choices once it starts, and fear, impact, injury.....these are the realities.

But a real fight is like a dream-nightmare. A real martial artist will tell you, "Start with the mind", and many will tell you that the route to the mind is through pain and fear. As the Dog Brothers stick fighters say, "Higher consciousness through harder contact".



I've given 3 effective means to protect your self.

Or do as my wife after be harassed by another woman twice,on the third time time she hit her in the face with a glass bottle of coke ,unopened. 14 stitches and 2 teeth lost.

Don't mess with my wife 555555


The best and safest option is to move,

The second best option was already suggested by Kaalle ..........

YEP , Go home to mama .

Practice 200 meter sprints and buy a rape whistle.

Who do you expect to come running to save you,? maybe expats , 555

Being ex special forces , soi 8 , platoon .

Those who have tried , have died . Nuff said giggle.gif


In that instance I would choose mixed martial arts. Boxing also has rules and once you're on the ground is useless.

But yea better than karate of course.

You don't "choose" anything. When a nutter took a flying headbutt at me I flew back like a mongoose on steroids because of all the things I'd done that - at that point - had made me who I was. I then hit him with two punches and broke my pinky because of who I was. I then ended up half on a sofa with the lunatic on top of me. I grabbed his hair with my left hand and fired three full power punches into the side of his head, ending it.

None of this has anything to do with choice. When I got my head pulped into a misshapen approximation of what it had been, and blood inside my left eye - pink world - there wasn't any "choice" involved in the nightmare, or if there was it wasn't helping.

There are only two things to say on self-protection. 1) Listen to Geoff Thompson. 2) Listen to Geoff Thompson. Now I realise that strictly speaking this is only one thing, but it's such an important thing I thought it was worth mentioning twice. biggrin.png


I don't know what you're talking about. but I think you missed the point I was trying to make. When it comes to self defense I would use anything to defend myself. I'm not obsessed with it though but obviously there are sports or martial arts more useful than others.

I'll make myself clear, Grasshopper. The sentence, "When it comes to self defense I would use anything to defend myself", assumes a "choosing you" in the middle of a melee. That shows a fundamental misconception, in my view. A real fight is an out of body experience. Nothing seems real. Your arms seem short and yet your opponent seems able to hit you easily. You're tired not as if you're in the middle of a hard training session, but as if you have the flu - just weak.

Watch "Bully Beatdown". "Andrew" is the sneering scumbag who will assault you. The look on his face when the roundhouse kick goes in is what happens to the ordinary person when they get hurt. Now you might say that this makes your point - the MMA fighter shows that MMA works. No. The least interesting thing about the MMA fighter are the techniques that you could study. It's the thousands of hours of pain, fear and impact during training that make him useful. An Isaan Muay Thai fighter will hit the bag less hard than a farang twice his size, but when the farang gets his nose busted and starts swallowing blood it all changes. There are no choices once it starts, and fear, impact, injury.....these are the realities.

But a real fight is like a dream-nightmare. A real martial artist will tell you, "Start with the mind", and many will tell you that the route to the mind is through pain and fear. As the Dog Brothers stick fighters say, "Higher consciousness through harder contact".

Don't bother teaching me what a fight is like . I've trained MMA for a few years and also I've seen many streetfights. Some of them not ending up well at all.

I know what a street fight is. And I'll tell you something. Sure you can choose what to do or not. First of all. I choose to stay cool and smart. MMA boxing or capoeira will do nothing good for you if you're a dimwit.

I try to steer clear of street fights because Ive seen a lot not ending really well.

The real life has no rules and some countries are not good places to be a bouncer. Not only speaking about Thailand.


I know what a street fight is. And I'll tell you something. Sure you can choose what to do or not.

And I'll tell you something. If "..you can..." is meant to extend beyond yourself - and represent a claim about what is true of the generality of people - then "you" (one) can't choose what to do. Your brain goes into lockdown. Adrenaline in massive quantities is something that people aren't used to.

There's nothing like a discussion about self-protection to bring out every expert in the world. I don't know which unfortunate it is who goes around losing millions of fights, because the web is full of people who (it seems) make Chuck Norris look like Gandhi.

If I was wearing boots and swaggered across the street towards you screaming and swearing, arms held out to make myself look bigger, bellowing, "And what the f*** are you going to do then, eh?", and the distance closed in seconds, and you weren't given time to prepare, and my first move was to put my hands out and boot you full power, do you really think it would end well? If someone my size did that to me I'd probably get a kicking. I'm a realist. I've taken a beaten. I've handed a few out as well, and most of what's said on this topic is total pump.

If you've spent 22 years in the Scots Guards and work as a prison officer, you can make someone miss with two punches, headbutt them and kick the legs out from under them without putting down your fag or pint. I can't but "x" could. He might stand a chance if a nutter who has been in Barlinnie prison came powering across the street. Most people would be lucky to escape with their life, hearing and sight. The equivalent Thai nightmare would be equally dangerous.

The thing that concerns me about a lot of the advice on this topic is that it effectively amounts to encouragement to behave aggressively in circumstances where that will probably make things worse. If you're still clear-headed enough to contemplate deliberately using force on someone it probably hasn't escalated to that serious stage where it will make things better, or no worse. Probably you're still at the threatening stage, and odds are that sticking one on someone could get you stabbed.


I know what a street fight is. And I'll tell you something. Sure you can choose what to do or not.

And I'll tell you something. If "..you can..." is meant to extend beyond yourself - and represent a claim about what is true of the generality of people - then "you" (one) can't choose what to do. Your brain goes into lockdown. Adrenaline in massive quantities is something that people aren't used to.

There's nothing like a discussion about self-protection to bring out every expert in the world. I don't know which unfortunate it is who goes around losing millions of fights, because the web is full of people who (it seems) make Chuck Norris look like Gandhi.

If I was wearing boots and swaggered across the street towards you screaming and swearing, arms held out to make myself look bigger, bellowing, "And what the f*** are you going to do then, eh?", and the distance closed in seconds, and you weren't given time to prepare, and my first move was to put my hands out and boot you full power, do you really think it would end well? If someone my size did that to me I'd probably get a kicking. I'm a realist. I've taken a beaten. I've handed a few out as well, and most of what's said on this topic is total pump.

If you've spent 22 years in the Scots Guards and work as a prison officer, you can make someone miss with two punches, headbutt them and kick the legs out from under them without putting down your fag or pint. I can't but "x" could. He might stand a chance if a nutter who has been in Barlinnie prison came powering across the street. Most people would be lucky to escape with their life, hearing and sight. The equivalent Thai nightmare would be equally dangerous.

The thing that concerns me about a lot of the advice on this topic is that it effectively amounts to encouragement to behave aggressively in circumstances where that will probably make things worse. If you're still clear-headed enough to contemplate deliberately using force on someone it probably hasn't escalated to that serious stage where it will make things better, or no worse. Probably you're still at the threatening stage, and odds are that sticking one on someone could get you stabbed.

If you did that (running towards someone with the intention of attack him) you could get stabbed or shot so I would not recommend you to do that .

I've checked out some videos of Geoff Thomson. He seems to use techniques from grappling wrestling and kick boxing. This techniques are widely used for self defense.

Ive just seen 3 videos of him. He apparently was a doorman and his trainning is aimed to that kind of situations.

He might be street wiser than a guy purely training to get better on his sport but those sports are very effective when it comes to kick someone up in a worst case scenario.

I would avoid any confrontation anyway. The cemetntery is already full of tough guys


I always believed the best method was to remove yourself from the situation.

Hard to get hurt when you are not even there.

Best weapon is common sense and being aware.


I've checked out some videos of Geoff Thomson. He seems to use techniques from grappling wrestling and kick boxing. This techniques are widely used for self defense.

Ive just seen 3 videos of him. He apparently was a doorman and his trainning is aimed to that kind of situations.

He might be street wiser than a guy purely training to get better on his sport but those sports are very effective when it comes to kick someone up in a worst case scenario.

I would avoid any confrontation anyway. The cemetntery is already full of tough guys

You're still talking techniques. Listen to what Thompson has to say about fear. But there's nothing you can say to people until they've been beaten senseless, and then thye'll say, "I don't know what happened. It just seemed as if I was in a fog. It just seemed unreal".

People think, 1) I didn't land a hard punch and if I had that would have saved me, 2) therefore I need to learn to throw punches. This is false, but it doesn't matter how many times you say, "You need to become the kind of person who, when totally consumed by fear, will throw hard and accurate punches", they won't listen.

The horrible, feral sixteen year old kids who live near university campuses are much weaker than the middle class students they beat up. That should tell a thoughtful person something.


I don't know about that particular light but the concept of blinding lights causing disorientation is proven, I remember reading about them when Princess Diana died in the Paris tunnel and conspiracy theorists claimed that someone with such as light could have caused the driver to crash. Such a light may be an effective and legal self defense option.


I remember the Diana conspiracy too. A very bright light should buy some time and be legal? Not sure how effective in daylight though.


I remember the Diana conspiracy too. A very bright light should buy some time and be legal? Not sure how effective in daylight though.

You hold it in your fist as if it was an....er....cucumber, and smack people on the head with it either with hammer blows downwards or with hooks.

Cops don't hold Maglites above their shoulder because they have to, it's so that they can crack you with it if they have to.


Practice 200 meter sprints and buy a rape whistle.

Because he hansum man giggle.gif

ATM , Number one.

hamsum , not important , i should know , i serious .

My , younger wife , she take care of me ..i not need gun .coffee1.gif


Practice 200 meter sprints and buy a rape whistle.

Nah folk will think hes just practicing for his car park job..................a local Policeman told me I should carry a Samurai sword in my car and proceeded to show me his.............he wasnt joking!!

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