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The Real Reason Old Guys Come to Thailand


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What does my marriage have to do with painting Thailand in a positive light?

I'm not looking down on anyone. Read my posts in this thread - as I said, I don't have a problem with anyone paying for sex. I'm just pointing out that it's wrong to say we all do it.

You seem to have an issue with me that goes way beyond what's been posted in this thread. Might I remind you that its decent netiquette to attack the actual posts, not the poster?

What does my marriage have to do with painting Thailand in a positive light?

-Nothing, except for you are married and living and in Thailand. my quote (which you refused to quote btw) was that "Almost all of your posts paint Thailand, or your life in a rather positive light."

I'm not looking down on anyone. Read my posts in this thread - as I said, I don't have a problem with anyone paying for sex. I'm just pointing out that it's wrong to say we all do it.

-You constantly look down on others or have to jam your opinion down their throat.

You seem to have an issue with me that goes way beyond what's been posted in this thread. Might I remind you that its decent netiquette to attack the actual posts, not the poster?

-Yes I have an issue with you because you rarely say anything constructive. I am tired of seeing you constantly bicker to prove a point over and over while the whole time having your ears closed. It is funny that you would mention "decent netiquette" as you rarely quote someone directly and if you do you cut their quote off many times. If you don't believe me just look above.

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Can you point to one of these posts where I'm looking down on others?

If I do it as constantly as you say, it shouldn't be hard to find an example.

How about any post you make in the Pattaya forum? You have never been there, but you post on there as the morality police. You are quite proud that you have never been there, so what does that say about what you think of the people there.

In this thread in particular you constantly reply to Giddyup to just try and show your mental superiority or to point out that your life are different. You are quite careful with your words as to not be so overt. There is no way that you don't know that you come off as thinking you are better then everyone else.

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I rarely post in the Pattaya forum. Clearly you can't come up with any examples to back up what you say.

I simply post my opinions and thoughts like anyone else does. If you have a problem with that - or it makes you feel inferior for some weird reason - thats your problem.

I'm going to continue to do so, so I suggest if you don't like my posts, you don't read them - and that you cease making off-topic personal attacks.

Have a nice day. smile.png

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I rarely post in the Pattaya forum. Clearly you can't come up with any examples to back up what you say.

I simply post my opinions and thoughts like anyone else does. If you have a problem with that - or it makes you feel inferior for some weird reason - thats your problem.

I'm going to continue to do so, so I suggest if you don't like my posts, you don't read them - and that you cease making off-topic personal attacks.

Have a nice day. smile.png

you really think I feel inferior to you? That is the most comical thing I've ever heard you say and at the same time proves my point. Thanks for that.

Have a superior day.

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I rarely post in the Pattaya forum. Clearly you can't come up with any examples to back up what you say.

I simply post my opinions and thoughts like anyone else does. If you have a problem with that - or it makes you feel inferior for some weird reason - thats your problem.

I'm going to continue to do so, so I suggest if you don't like my posts, you don't read them - and that you cease making off-topic personal attacks.

Have a nice day. smile.png

you really think I feel inferior to you? That is the most comical thing I've ever heard you say and at the same time proves my point. Thanks for that.

Have a superior day.

Clearly something about me troubles you - hence this weird stalkery thing you're doing.

Like I said, if you don't like reading my posts, ignore them. Life's too short to spend it doing something you don't like.

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Pay for what?

I've already said it in my post above, you just don't want to see it or accept it.

So the price you pay for being in a relationship is having to be a relationship?

I give up. Goodnight.

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I used to pay for sex everyday but now that we've been married 10 years I only pay once a month. God her indoors ain't what she used to be, still she's the apple of my eye, bless her.

you win the award for the most edited post of the year. Wasn't your original post before you edited it about young men being jealous about their girlfriends and old men something something?
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Define old, before making sweeping assumptions, gross generalizations and inaccurate assertions of opinion stated as fact.

Over 46!

Defined by the bible, a man's live three score year and ten (=70)

Divide into 3 so 0-23 = young, 23-46 = middle age,46+ = old.

And how was that determined when the average lifespan 2000 years ago was about 50. Edited by jerojero
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Your point was that i claim everything in Thailand is perfect.

Pointing out that the teaching of English is a shambles staffed by losers hardly backs that up.

Got anything on-topic to say, or did you just hurry excitedly back to this thread to play keyboard warrior?

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Your point was that i claim everything in Thailand is perfect.

Pointing out that the teaching of English is a shambles staffed by losers hardly backs that up.

Got anything on-topic to say, or did you just hurry excitedly back to this thread to play keyboard warrior?

You asked "Can you point to one of these posts where I'm looking down on others?"

Two days later you posted this "You think I hang out with the kind of loser that takes a 30k baht a month joke job just to stay I the country?"

Your quote is pretty much the definition of looking down at someone.

On Topic: I think some people come to Thailand because in their own country they are not noteworthy in any respect. If they come to Thailand, they can tell anyone at the bar within earshot about how great they are. Or alternatively they can go on Thai Visa and become whoever they want to be.

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Soooooo, gentlemen if I can distract you from your little spat and get us back, if that's even possible, to the OP, I'll re ask my question of several pages ago.

We all agree, that there is good food, reasonable climate, relatively cheap living...So what do we males see in this country that our female compatriots don't?

For every divorced middle aged western man there is a corresponding female. Where are they?

Are they so stupid they don't recognize all those appealing features....or might it be something else!

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Soooooo, gentlemen if I can distract you from your little spat and get us back, if that's even possible, to the OP, I'll re ask my question of several pages ago.

We all agree, that there is good food, reasonable climate, relatively cheap living...So what do we males see in this country that our female compatriots don't?

For every divorced middle aged western man there is a corresponding female. Where are they?

Are they so stupid they don't recognize all those appealing features....or might it be something else!

They are still in farangland giving some other guy verbal abuse..sad.png

A friend of mine, when looking at a particularly pretty farang woman, "someone, somewhere is just sick & tired of putting up with her sh!t".

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If it's not about the availability of Thai women, why is mostly old men that come here?

Why aren't older farang ladies flocking to Thailand to enjoy all these benefits the article describes too?

I may be old now, but, when I first came here, I wasn't.

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If it's not about the availability of Thai women, why is mostly old men that come here?

Why aren't older farang ladies flocking to Thailand to enjoy all these benefits the article describes too?

Older women prefer to go to countries like Ghana where the men are a little better endowed.

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If it's not about the availability of Thai women, why is mostly old men that come here?

Why aren't older farang ladies flocking to Thailand to enjoy all these benefits the article describes too?

Older women prefer to go to countries like Ghana where the men are a little better endowed.

So you think it is about sex, then, and not the reasons claimed in the OP?

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Presumably you weren't a woman, though.

No -- but I didn't come here for the women either but, the fact that they were here, after a while, certainly helped in making my decision to keep coming back eventually permanently. However my original travels to PRChina & SE Asia in the 80's was not for women but for orange juice.

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Presumably you weren't a woman, though.

No -- but I didn't come here for the women either but, the fact that they were here, after a while, certainly helped in making my decision to keep coming back eventually permanently. However my original travels to PRChina & SE Asia in the 80's was not for women but for orange juice.

That's a long way to go. You must have been really thirsty.

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Presumably you weren't a woman, though.

No -- but I didn't come here for the women either but, the fact that they were here, after a while, certainly helped in making my decision to keep coming back eventually permanently. However my original travels to PRChina & SE Asia in the 80's was not for women but for orange juice.

That's a long way to go. You must have been really thirsty.

Yes -- and this is the container that it was shipped in (Orange Sky -- Liberian flag vessel built in Japan, probably carrying bulk Orange juice concentrate from Brazil to Port of Rotterdam as in picture above)


Edited by JLCrab
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Presumably you weren't a woman, though.

No -- but I didn't come here for the women either but, the fact that they were here, after a while, certainly helped in making my decision to keep coming back eventually permanently. However my original travels to PRChina & SE Asia in the 80's was not for women but for orange juice.

It's the man from Del Monte! He like to say 'yes'. biggrin.png

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