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Anti-Trump protesters clash with police at Utah rally


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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

It is a perfect example of people exercising their Democratic right to publicly protest. The Right Wing always denies people their rights if it doesn't coincide with their political ideology. If Trump can't handle the heat he should have stayed out of the kitchen.

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

It is a perfect example of people exercising their Democratic right to publicly protest. The Right Wing always denies people their rights if it doesn't coincide with their political ideology. If Trump can't handle the heat he should have stayed out of the kitchen.

Closing highways to stop a Trump speech is okay with you? That is a perfect example of people attempting to illegally shut down an event purely because they disagree with the message.

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Not sure what the protester demographic was, but Utah is a famously conservative place, and votes heavily Republican. Similar with Arizona, where we saw the road blockade to the Trump rally. Even Arizona is changing complexion with influx of non-whites.

As we move to western states, where growth is strong, economies are good, and where there is no angry white-man rust-belt effect, and to states like California, that have huge populations of moderate, reasonable people, we hopefully will now see across-the-board demonstrations against Trump, by Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and all thinking people.

False Prophet

Pretender to the Throne


Reality Star

Butt of late night jokes for years


If the people vote him in - NOT wrong. It's called democracy.

When are the lefties going to stop trying to get their way by violent means? They're like spoiled kids. However, worldwide, it's always been their tactic - get what you want by fear and violence.

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All Trump has shown is that the opposition supporters are extremist radicals that don't respect freedom of speech and believe that violence is an answer to others that have opposing views.

Uh, no, Trump has shown that saying things like "I wish we were back in the day where you could punch someone in the head" endorses violence.

Protesters have the same right to freedom of speech, and if they want to shout "Trump you're a bigot as well as racist not fit for the presidency" they have the same right to express this just the same as Trump's freedom of speech to call women "fat pigs,dogs,slobs and disgusting animals".

This is what the First Amendment actually says

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I would draw your attention to the following portion of the First Amendment...

"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

Every protester at every political event is in violation of this clause of the Constitution, regardless of party affiliation.

These anarchists can protest as loudly as they wish, as often as they wish but NOT WHERE they wish.

You might want to rethink that old "freedom of speech" canard when it impacts the right of "freedom to peaceably assemble".

There you go Chuckd all perfectly legal.

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

It is a perfect example of people exercising their Democratic right to publicly protest. The Right Wing always denies people their rights if it doesn't coincide with their political ideology. If Trump can't handle the heat he should have stayed out of the kitchen.

...and what is YOUR stance on the First Amendment "right to peaceably assemble"?

Do Trump supporters, or Hillary supporters or Bernie supporters have the right to "peaceably assemble" or not?

There's enough heat in this kitchen for more than one.

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

It is a perfect example of people exercising their Democratic right to publicly protest. The Right Wing always denies people their rights if it doesn't coincide with their political ideology. If Trump can't handle the heat he should have stayed out of the kitchen.

Fair enough. Those like me have no problem with them massing in the millions outside or around, etc., and drowning them out even... I object to what is otherwise a crime on any other day being called free speech on the day they choose to do it. Redress of grievances, speech, association, etc., has uniquely applied to government. There is no endemic history of shutting others down and being called "free speech." This is a communist import of the 20th century and it is uniquely leftist today. Shutting others down is not free speech. It is civil war.

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

It is a perfect example of people exercising their Democratic right to publicly protest. The Right Wing always denies people their rights if it doesn't coincide with their political ideology. If Trump can't handle the heat he should have stayed out of the kitchen.

...and what is YOUR stance on the First Amendment "right to peaceably assemble"?

Do Trump supporters, or Hillary supporters or Bernie supporters have the right to "peaceably assemble" or not?

There's enough heat in this kitchen for more than one.

I agree with it. The protesters right to peaceably assemble and protest is protected under the Constitution. Did I miss something? Looks pretty clear cut to me.

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Left winghers, democrats, socialists etc etc are the biggest hypocrites of the human race! They believe in freedom of speech, unless they disagree with you!! cheesy.gif

Right wing folk generally say it how it is, wear their hearts on their sleeves and pull no punches, lefties don't like that. So instead they feel the need to riot at every opportunity to silence the Republican (not to mention play the race card in every argument)

Trump is coming, the lefties are worried, really worried, which is why these demonstrations are taking place.

Rothschild and Rockerfeller run the US of A anyway, if not the world. Everyone else is just a puppet

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Left winghers, democrats, socialists etc etc are the biggest hypocrites of the human race! They believe in freedom of speech, unless they disagree with you!! cheesy.gif

Right wing folk generally say it how it is, wear their hearts on their sleeves and pull no punches, lefties don't like that. So instead they feel the need to riot at every opportunity to silence the Republican (not to mention play the race card in every argument)

Trump is coming, the lefties are worried, really worried, which is why these demonstrations are taking place.

Rothschild and Rockerfeller run the US of A anyway, if not the world. Everyone else is just a puppet

There were probably Republicans protesting Trump as well. Republicans don't like him much either. They are trying their best to get rid of him too.

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

It is a perfect example of people exercising their Democratic right to publicly protest. The Right Wing always denies people their rights if it doesn't coincide with their political ideology. If Trump can't handle the heat he should have stayed out of the kitchen.

...and what is YOUR stance on the First Amendment "right to peaceably assemble"?

Do Trump supporters, or Hillary supporters or Bernie supporters have the right to "peaceably assemble" or not?

There's enough heat in this kitchen for more than one.

I agree with it. The protesters right to peaceably assemble and protest is protected under the Constitution. Did I miss something? Looks pretty clear cut to me.

I don't believe stopping highway traffic in order to disrupt a Trump talk is protected under the constitution.

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Left winghers, democrats, socialists etc etc are the biggest hypocrites of the human race! They believe in freedom of speech, unless they disagree with you!! cheesy.gif

Right wing folk generally say it how it is, wear their hearts on their sleeves and pull no punches, lefties don't like that. So instead they feel the need to riot at every opportunity to silence the Republican (not to mention play the race card in every argument)

Trump is coming, the lefties are worried, really worried, which is why these demonstrations are taking place.

Rothschild and Rockerfeller run the US of A anyway, if not the world. Everyone else is just a puppet

There were probably Republicans protesting Trump as well. Republicans don't like him much either. They are trying their best to get rid of him too.

That is a weak response.

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

That's a can of worms.

So apparently two protesters are being escorted out of the Tucson Trump rally. One with a KKK headgear on and the other giving the Heil Hitler salute. This appeared to upset the sensibilities of an African American Trump supporter, because after all this is hate speech to him, so he pummels the guy. Who's charged and why?

You're right, a can of worms indeed. Trump will bring out all types of loonies and closet-weirdos and people with agendas from all sides, and groups funded by anti-Trumpers, and everything else bad and good, including anarchists and trouble-makers.

It will be wild, and will be easy to attribute blame to anyone you side against. It could get ugly.

Trump is a bad dog. He needs to be put down.

Nonsense, Trump is the only one calling it how it is ! The pathetic left wingers, hands outstretched for freebies, have reduced america to a level of ridicule. Trump is the only hope for a comeback :)

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Left winghers, democrats, socialists etc etc are the biggest hypocrites of the human race! They believe in freedom of speech, unless they disagree with you!! cheesy.gif

Right wing folk generally say it how it is, wear their hearts on their sleeves and pull no punches, lefties don't like that. So instead they feel the need to riot at every opportunity to silence the Republican (not to mention play the race card in every argument)

Trump is coming, the lefties are worried, really worried, which is why these demonstrations are taking place.

Rothschild and Rockerfeller run the US of A anyway, if not the world. Everyone else is just a puppet

There were probably Republicans protesting Trump as well. Republicans don't like him much either. They are trying their best to get rid of him too.

Yeah, Trump supporters are proud of the fact that Democrats don't like him, establishment Republicans don't like him, and most of the world doesn't like him, especially our long-time trusted allied trade partners.

That somehow makes him the messiah in their simplistic minds.clap2.gif

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Left winghers, democrats, socialists etc etc are the biggest hypocrites of the human race! They believe in freedom of speech, unless they disagree with you!! cheesy.gif

Right wing folk generally say it how it is, wear their hearts on their sleeves and pull no punches, lefties don't like that. So instead they feel the need to riot at every opportunity to silence the Republican (not to mention play the race card in every argument)

Trump is coming, the lefties are worried, really worried, which is why these demonstrations are taking place.

Rothschild and Rockerfeller run the US of A anyway, if not the world. Everyone else is just a puppet

There were probably Republicans protesting Trump as well. Republicans don't like him much either. They are trying their best to get rid of him too.

Really? To say they don't like him much when he is winning favour in nearly every place he visits, doesn't give much weight to your statement? Neither does using the word probably? Using this word in a discussion does not really make the other person think you are stating fact, so basically, you seem to have wasted your time writing your post?

I could suggest that not many Democrats trust that yapping dog, I mean c'mon?? She's a blatant liar who has a look about her that she knows she is conning her supporters. She waves her hands about milking the applause from a bunch of idiots that think she can do no wrong!! Unreal!

I would rather put my trust into someone who tells it like it is than a blatant liar, to run a country. Trouble is, for some reason, people do not seem to like anyone who is bold enough to speak the truth and be brash and confident about it

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Nonsense, Trump is the only one calling it how it is ! The pathetic left wingers, hands outstretched for freebies, have reduced america to a level of ridicule. Trump is the only hope for a comeback smile.png

and there are some protesters telling Trump 'how it is'. Sounds fair too me.

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Left winghers, democrats, socialists etc etc are the biggest hypocrites of the human race! They believe in freedom of speech, unless they disagree with you!! cheesy.gif

Right wing folk generally say it how it is, wear their hearts on their sleeves and pull no punches, lefties don't like that. So instead they feel the need to riot at every opportunity to silence the Republican (not to mention play the race card in every argument)

Trump is coming, the lefties are worried, really worried, which is why these demonstrations are taking place.

Rothschild and Rockerfeller run the US of A anyway, if not the world. Everyone else is just a puppet

There were probably Republicans protesting Trump as well. Republicans don't like him much either. They are trying their best to get rid of him too.

That is a weak response.

Most responses from Democrats are weak

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Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

It is a perfect example of people exercising their Democratic right to publicly protest. The Right Wing always denies people their rights if it doesn't coincide with their political ideology. If Trump can't handle the heat he should have stayed out of the kitchen.

...and what is YOUR stance on the First Amendment "right to peaceably assemble"?

Do Trump supporters, or Hillary supporters or Bernie supporters have the right to "peaceably assemble" or not?

There's enough heat in this kitchen for more than one.

I agree with it. The protesters right to peaceably assemble and protest is protected under the Constitution. Did I miss something? Looks pretty clear cut to me.

Care to tell us where the protesters are assembling peaceably?

No, you haven't "missed" anything.

What you are doing is completely ignoring who scheduled the event, who paid for the venue and the real purpose of the event.

But, then, you already know all this.

Edited by chuckd
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These scenes are becoming more and more like the affairs of a third world country.

I guess that's probably appropriate when you have a candidate like Trump, who provides answers to his supporters at the 3rd grade school level when discussing complex matters of trade and state. That's what they understand.

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Great to see the decent American People standing up to this racist, incite-full blow-hard Trump and his adoring sycophants.

Love the banner 'Lets build a wall around Trump' - 'and make him pay for it' very funny.

Decent American people? Here is some of the scum that attended the New York City Trump protest. Activists with the Spartacist League – a hard line, Communist, Trotskyite group.

The Spartacist League, modeled on a Marxist group from 1910s Germany, is known for its defense of the North American Man/Boy Love Association – a pedophile group which campaigns for the abolition of sexual age of consent laws. In 2005, it published in its magazine “Worker’s Vanguard”: NAMBLA simply advocates the decriminalization of consensual sex between men and boys.


What no devil worshippers? You read too much Right Wing propaganda Pimay1

Your funny. There is no need to deny the truth my friend. That doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

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I agree with it. The protesters right to peaceably assemble and protest is protected under the Constitution. Did I miss something? Looks pretty clear cut to me.

Care to tell us where the protesters are assembling peaceably?

No, you haven't "missed" anything.

What you are doing is completely ignoring who scheduled the event, who paid for the venue and the real purpose of the event.

But, then, you already know all this.

Any where they like. The Constitution doesn't restrict a person to any place to peaceably assemble and protest does it? Outside the Supreme Court if they want to. Just all part of a healthy Democracy. If you are protesting Trump and his blow-hard racism best place to do that and send a clear message to him and his sycophants would be, let me think, oh yeah a Trump rally. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to work that out, surely.

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I agree with it. The protesters right to peaceably assemble and protest is protected under the Constitution. Did I miss something? Looks pretty clear cut to me.

Care to tell us where the protesters are assembling peaceably?

No, you haven't "missed" anything.

What you are doing is completely ignoring who scheduled the event, who paid for the venue and the real purpose of the event.

But, then, you already know all this.

Any where they like. The Constitution doesn't restrict a person to any place to peaceably assemble and protest does it? Outside the Supreme Court if they want to. Just all part of a healthy Democracy. If you are protesting Trump and his blow-hard racism best place to do that and send a clear message to him and his sycophants would be, let me think, oh yeah a Trump rally. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to work that out, surely.

This is an example of the hypocrisy of left wingers!! If the right wing were carrying on like this there would be hell to pay!

I would like to educate some left wingers that being right wing does not mean racist as many of you think.

You sir, are NOT a rocket surgeon, and you still have not worked that out

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I agree with it. The protesters right to peaceably assemble and protest is protected under the Constitution. Did I miss something? Looks pretty clear cut to me.

Care to tell us where the protesters are assembling peaceably?

No, you haven't "missed" anything.

What you are doing is completely ignoring who scheduled the event, who paid for the venue and the real purpose of the event.

But, then, you already know all this.

Any where they like. The Constitution doesn't restrict a person to any place to peaceably assemble and protest does it? Outside the Supreme Court if they want to. Just all part of a healthy Democracy. If you are protesting Trump and his blow-hard racism best place to do that and send a clear message to him and his sycophants would be, let me think, oh yeah a Trump rally. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to work that out, surely.

Congratulations, you just shot yourself in the foot in only eight words.

"Outside the Supreme Court if they want to."

Now tell us what would happen if they tried 'INSIDE the Supreme Court. cheesy.gif

Edit in: Do they have such things as "rocket surgeons" in Australia?

Edited by chuckd
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You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. The protesters have a right to speak also. He wants to stir up the hate? He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

They have a right to speak - not to blog roads, use violence and intimidation to prevent others from speaking freely.

The left love trying to deprive any they don't like or disagree with from speaking whilst pretending to be real democrats.

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About bratbart and other right wingnut sites, the lie as much as Trump and that is hard to do. Anybody that believes their lies is a fool, and a damned fool at that. I have to disagree with the US has protected free speech and the right of assembly. Might want to ask some of the union organizers that died at the hands of the company/cop goons. Might want to ask OWS. Hell might want to ask me, and no we don't have time or room on this entire forum, but a little education for the right wingnuts might help. Then again, comprehension doesn't seem to be their strong point. People like Mussolini, oops typing error, Trump needs to be shut down, Cruz needs to be shut down, in fact the entire loony bin Republican right wing wacko party needs to be shut down. They are against everything America is supposed to be for. I guarantee if it were teabaggers demonstrating at a Bernie or Hillary rally the same ones leveling charges against the demonstrators would by jumping up and down, cheering and hollering go, go, go, give it to 'em. I just "Liv" all these so-called strong independent "real" men don't even realize they are taking their marching orders from the Koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers. The level of ignorance by the right wing strongly suggests an inability to learn. And yes, the right is racist, racist to the core. Longing for the 1800's before the War Between the States.

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About bratbart and other right wingnut sites, the lie as much as Trump and that is hard to do. Anybody that believes their lies is a fool, and a damned fool at that. I have to disagree with the US has protected free speech and the right of assembly. Might want to ask some of the union organizers that died at the hands of the company/cop goons. Might want to ask OWS. Hell might want to ask me, and no we don't have time or room on this entire forum, but a little education for the right wingnuts might help. Then again, comprehension doesn't seem to be their strong point. People like Mussolini, oops typing error, Trump needs to be shut down, Cruz needs to be shut down, in fact the entire loony bin Republican right wing wacko party needs to be shut down. They are against everything America is supposed to be for. I guarantee if it were teabaggers demonstrating at a Bernie or Hillary rally the same ones leveling charges against the demonstrators would by jumping up and down, cheering and hollering go, go, go, give it to 'em. I just "Liv" all these so-called strong independent "real" men don't even realize they are taking their marching orders from the Koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers. The level of ignorance by the right wing strongly suggests an inability to learn. And yes, the right is racist, racist to the core. Longing for the 1800's before the War Between the States.

Even though your dislike for paragraph breaks often makes your stuff difficult to read, I do admire your attempt at mixing metaphors, throwing in attempts at clever word play and your sincere belief that anyone who disagrees with your position is a raging lunatic and a racist.

As far as shutting down one side or the other, if we disagree we make our choices in the voting booth, not by blocking off highways to keep those we disagree with from speaking.

And of course whether our candidate wins or loses in an election, thankfully that does not provide the opposing side the ability to shut down that other side.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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All Trump has shown is that the opposition supporters are extremist radicals that don't respect freedom of speech and believe that violence is an answer to others that have opposing views.

Uh, no, Trump has shown that saying things like "I wish we were back in the day where you could punch someone in the head" endorses violence.

Protesters have the same right to freedom of speech, and if they want to shout "Trump you're a bigot as well as racist not fit for the presidency" they have the same right to express this just the same as Trump's freedom of speech to call women "fat pigs,dogs,slobs and disgusting animals".

Uh, no, Trump has shown that saying things like "I wish we were back in the day where you could punch someone in the head" endorses violence.

But who is inciting violence? The exact people who in one breath say that 'Trump endorses violence', and then pour out on the street in order to incite violence.

This is something that is no longer lost on American 'independent' voters.

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About bratbart and other right wingnut sites, the lie as much as Trump and that is hard to do. Anybody that believes their lies is a fool, and a damned fool at that. I have to disagree with the US has protected free speech and the right of assembly. Might want to ask some of the union organizers that died at the hands of the company/cop goons. Might want to ask OWS. Hell might want to ask me, and no we don't have time or room on this entire forum, but a little education for the right wingnuts might help. Then again, comprehension doesn't seem to be their strong point. People like Mussolini, oops typing error, Trump needs to be shut down, Cruz needs to be shut down, in fact the entire loony bin Republican right wing wacko party needs to be shut down. They are against everything America is supposed to be for. I guarantee if it were teabaggers demonstrating at a Bernie or Hillary rally the same ones leveling charges against the demonstrators would by jumping up and down, cheering and hollering go, go, go, give it to 'em. I just "Liv" all these so-called strong independent "real" men don't even realize they are taking their marching orders from the Koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers. The level of ignorance by the right wing strongly suggests an inability to learn. And yes, the right is racist, racist to the core. Longing for the 1800's before the War Between the States.

cheesy.gif oh my god you talk about ignorance?

and you talk about lies that Donald tells?

This is dual ignorance on your part!

The right is racist to the core?? Oh dear!! Vote Clinton hahaha the one who tells the truth about everything whilst not duping her supporters! (that is sarcasm by the way)

Racist hahahaha oh dear

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This is a cultural war that has been going on long before Trump...Trump has exposed it for the hypocrisy...

The Left wants to bash the Right...and take away the Right's ability to engage in any meaningful dialog on any subject...

The Left-wing-nut professors at universities promote this uneven balance of power...inciting students to protest speakers who are conservative...

They have even gone to the extent to setting up "safe-areas" where students who have had their feeling hurt by free speech can come and find solace...

Such is the lack of respect for the views of all the people...in the modern liberal "progressive" country...

Grow some gonads and learn to engage in fair-play...

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

It is a perfect example of people exercising their Democratic right to publicly protest. The Right Wing always denies people their rights if it doesn't coincide with their political ideology. If Trump can't handle the heat he should have stayed out of the kitchen.

I've no problem with your statement, as long as you provide concrete examples. So, sources?

And no idiocy like, "Clinton and Sanders supporters defend themselves against Trump supporters attempting to defend themselves against the loony left who aggressively attempts to close down his rally." Make the victims the guilty. BS. It's one thing to protest, and I support anyone's right to do so; it's another all together to intimidate Trump supporters in order to shut down their rally or stop them from attending. And Independent voters can tell the difference. You're not going to sway the Right; You're not going to sway the Left. You can only sway the middle, and Trump opponents are doing the work for him.

Edited by connda
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